Thursday, January 7, 2010

~A Simply Adorable Giveaway~

I am such a fan
children books
this one I found on the shelf
the other day
and it is being sold
to celebrate
a very
special event
any guesses?
{the above illustration is of the
city of Vancouver}

the event takes place
British Columbia
open it's
doors to the world
{that's you guys!}

The 2010 Olympic Winter Games!
The 2010 Paralympic Winter Games!
{right here in my exciting is that?}
{all images taken from the book}

to celebrate I have picked up
an extra copy
{you really do not have to be a child to enjoy this book}
The illustrators and authors
Vicki Wong and Michael Murphy
have done an amazing job
the story of
the Vancouver
2010 Mascots
{these sweet little friends will melt your heart }

I also found these adorable button pins

Miga is my favourite!

~ is a

Just in time for the games
....the book
....the collection of button pins
plus some other special treats I will slip into the packet
and for all you magazine lovers...
I will throw in some

{a truly Canadian giveaway}

Just leave me a comment on this post by January 14th
If you follow me...let me know and I will enter your name again
If you post about my giveaway on your blog for you and you will get another chance....just let me know.

I hope you all will be watching and cheering your Country on

Is anyone coming to the games?
{I would love to know}
tickets are sooooooo hard to get


marĂ­a cecilia said...

Koralee, litle bit late but I do want to wish you and family a very happy and blessed 2010.
I was missing coming to visit your beautiful blog... and here I am now...
Lots of hugs to you
Maria Cecilia

Yelena R. said...

So cute! Adorable giveaway :)
p.s. I also follow your blog

icandy... said...

I love these cutie~pies and of course... I follow you, sweet!

*jean* said...

o koralee - they are just delightful!! i would love to be counted in your lovely give away!! happy new year to you may the next one be full of love & health!

Brenda said...

Oh how cute! I will have to fight over this with my 29 year old daughter if I win. She is an illustrator and collects childrens books. Oh and did I mention she is a anima freak!

10 Minute Crafter said...

What a cute book, you are so sweet to be giving one away! I'd love to enter, my little ones would love it : )
I follow your blog of course, and I will definetely blog about your giveaway this afternoon : )
Sheryn xoxo

Julie Marie said...

Hi Koralee... ooh how wonderful, please enter me in your giveaway... I am a follower since the day I found you too! We had the 2002 Winter Olympics here in Salt Lake City which is about 10 miles away from me... I started collecting the Olympic pins and went a bit wild... I love them! I worked for Salt Lake City Police at the time and we only got 2 days off for the whole month though... it was still exciting! xoxo Julie Marie

Auntie Cake said...

You are so lucky to be able to host the world right in your backyard. I am already getting excited for the winter games! Of course, I follow... Such a very sweet giveaway, thanks!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Aren't they cute! I'm so excited for you guys!

Julie Harward said...


Maria said...

Hi Koralee! Yahoo!

What an awesome give-away!
A fun way to celebrate the wonderful happenings there in Vancouver!!!

Koralee, it didn't take me long to decide to follow your blog! It's such a great place to visit :D

My niece just came back from Vancouver... she was studying 3-D animation at the Vancouver Film school! We're so proud of her.
She told us how exciting things were getting there!
You'll have memories for a lifetime with all the wonder and excitement!
Thank you, Koralee, for being a beacon of light ☼

Blondie's Journal said...


Your giveaway is so fun and generous. You sound so happy indeed. My BIL and his wife live in Vancouver (I loved my visit 2 years ago for the wedding at the No. Vancouver Yacht Club). Vanessa is a make up artist and she is up to be commissioned to do the make up for the sports commentators. How exciting is that?!

I would love to won your lovely prizes and of course, I am a follower!


Winchester Manor said...

You can't help but get a big smile on your face looking at these sweet characters! Thank you for a chance at such a sweet giveaway and of course I'm a follower!

Love and hugs,

Sue said...

I love children's books. I always go to that section of the book stores. Now, I have 2 little grandsons to buy them for, so fun! We were in Atlanta a few days before the Olympic Games there and while we didn't see any competitions, we did get to walk through exhibits etc. It was such fun.

I am a follower...of course!


o said...

what a great giveaway! i still love looking through children's books and i'm in my mid-twenties hehe:D i love that canada came out with a story book about the 2010 olympics mascots:D wish i could make it up there for the event. count me in for the giveaway:D i'm also a follower:) thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway:)

Deb said...

Gorgeous {Canadian} :-) give away Koralee!
Adorable book & buttons.

Tricia said...

What a cool giveaway Koralee. Unfortunately we won't be attending the games but we will certainly be watching. I met my hubby in Vancouver so it holds a special place in my heart! I am definitely a follower of your fantastic blog already. Please throw my name in the hat!

she dreams big! said...

How cute is this book! I love the winter games and will be glued to the TV to watch. Thanks for the chance to get a little piece of Canada.

she dreams big! said...

Oops - forgot to tell you that I already am a follower!

Laura Trevey said...

How sweet! I'm in ~~~


Martha said...

You are so right Koralee!!! I LOVE this exciting!!! Can you believe how neat that is...right in your backyard!...and the've got to be kidding me?!!! How wonderful!

Sending some powder your way:)

Oh and I'm a follower too...I'll let you know when I post again when I mention your give-a-way...

Blessings to you!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Sweet Koralee, You know I just love you and your blog, so I do follow you! I am also a lover of childrens' books. How fun this is! Have a great day my friend, Anita

Alexandra MacVean said...

I am looking forward to watching the events as well. And some day, I would LOVE to visit Vancouver. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE those little buttons you found. :) Happy Thursday.

PS I follow you! :D xo

Elyse said...

hi koralee!

i am attempting some blog catch-up and how fun to find this adorable post and giveaway! i love children's illustrations. how thrilling for you to be so close to the action, too!

your blog is so pretty
your blog is so nice
i am a follower
so please count me twice!


Julie@beingRUBY said...

HI Koralee
What sweet mascots for the Games and the books look delightful. As you know I am a follower but am happy to not enter the giveaway as I think someone with children to give the book to would be more suitable .. Just wanted to pop over and say hello!!

Well... my favourite olympics are the winter olympics.. I have watched them since I was a child....You're going to have a lot of fun!!! xx Julie

Ms. rus X said...

That is a very adorable giveaway! I love following your blog. It is a daily to-do tasks.

Blessed 2010 to you and your loved ones.

Anonymous said...

im always on the lookout for adorable childrens books (for my kids, for schools that i work with, and for me). this one looks delightful.

and yes, i do follow your lovely blog.


Anonymous said...

Greatttt giveaway! I love it, Ive never been to Canada and I love childrens books so its a good idea.Count me in please!

Unknown said...

What a great cause for a give-away and just too cute. Such a special event. I love kiddie books, always wanted to write one too...

Lisa said...

Such talent out in the world! and about Mascots! I'll be watching and looking for you at the games...LOL! Just wave so I know it's you.

Good luck to all, this is a unique giveaway!


Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Koralee,

How exciting for you! The book and buttons are adorable. :0)

Thanks so much for coming over for a visit. I always enjoy having you there. :0)

Scatter Bliss..

Rose said...

Hi Koralee
I just bought some old kiddies books today :)
The illustrations in the book look super cute, its so exciting your giving a copy away! I would love to enter.
And also as you know im a follower.


Anonymous said...

please count me in -- these are so kawaii!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh wow are you close to the Games, you should be going for sure!

That is a really gorgeous giveaway honey.

Have a sweet weekend,

Pink Feather Paradise said...

Hi Koralee, I wish the uk ever got enough snow to host the winter olympics, mind you if the current climate stays with us it might be possible in the future! lol

Mr P and I have investigated emigrating to Canada but at the moment the guilt of leaving elderly family members is too great.

Maybe one day

Please include me in your very generous giveaway (if you are willing to post to the uk) and I am one of your followers

Take care

Jenny King said...

I would love to be included in your giveaway. The characters are lovely!! And of course I follow your blog :)

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Oh wow Koralee this is divine. I love love love the illustrations and badges are really cool. I am really looking forward to the winter Olympics especially the figure skating, i am mad about it!!!!! woo hoo bring on the games,

Love Sarah x

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Happy Friday Koralee this is such a fun post and what a cute way to promote the games - I just love those illustrations Sumi looks sweet in his little green hat! My dad and his wife did a train holiday across Canada for his 60th birthday, but I think the closest I will get is practicing for the Winter Olympics in my snowy garden this weekend :-) xxx

Rizzi said...


Jennifer said...

ooooh oooooh ooooh I would love the magazine for my card making! You have to see the cards I make too - email me your address and I'll give away a card to you! My younger son is in Japan for a couple days right now - my kids get to travel and I'm so proud of their adventurous spirits! Cute post cutie pie! Jennifer

La Dolfina said...

You are the prize, Koralee...I'm so glad I found your blog! Enjoy the Games in your backyard, I'll be watching from mine.
Have a lovely day xo Terri

kathi @ traybella said...

what a fun giveaway!
would love to win, please enter me.
kathi at traybella
p.s. i'm a follower too!

FrenchBlue said...

So cute! Miga is my favorite too!! You already know I know You are someone to follow~~

Libbie said...

Oh I am soooo excited for the Olympics! They are sooo exciting! I love getting my kids caught up in them too!

& you know I love to follow you!-probably closer than you want :)

You are right---totally adorable!

Teresa said...

Well Hello There Miss Koralee!
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh!
That book!!!
The illustrations...are sooooooo unique!
Those precious characters are just my funky style!
Love it!
And I too...have long had a fascination for children's books!
How much more can we have in common??? :0)
All of my books are packed up in boxes...
just in case I decide...or have an opportunity to teach again.
What will I do with them all if I never teach?
Oh...and those still my soul!
And let me just say this...
a fashion magazine...from Canada...well now that would just be delightful!
XXOOXX Wonderful giveaway!
Just wondering...did you get my oh so long email....not rushing you on the skiing question...just wanted to make sure that you did receive. If not...I might can resend!
Happy Day My Sweet...oh so wonderful...friend!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Count this old Ozarks farm chick in. The grandkiddos are goin' to love this one!!!

Have a great day sweet girl and may God bless it!!!

Renee said...

Awesome giveaway I can't wait to park myself in front of the tv to cheer Canada on.


Magdalena said...

Hi Koralee, I just adore Vancouver and this book is the cutest!! I'm a follower and I have my finger's crossed and hope to also be a 'Winner'...I really want this sweet book :)

Jacqueline said...

Dear Koralee, i adore those wonderful pins and that book is sooo adorable!! You know i am a follower of your lovely blog. :) Thank you sooo much for this wonderful giveaway. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!


Gill said...

i'd love to say i was coming to the games but i'll have to be content watching on the tv!

Suzie Button said...

Oh, how nice! I live in Texas, but I am a realtime broadcast captioner for Canada! I am hoping the company I caption for gets the contract to caption the Olympic games. It sure would be fun to caption the different events!
P.S. I am a follower AND I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar of my blog! Thanks for the sweet giveaway! Suzie

Jeanie said...

I love the graphics in children books and these are adorable.
Thanks for the chance at such a fun giveaway!

Sue said...

I would love to win this give away. I am a preschool teacher the the kids would love to learn about your city and the games too. The mascots are a perfect way to teach them!! I am a follower and you are also listed on my sidebar.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

How totally fun, Koralee...sign me up. You know I am a follower and I will post about it tomorrow! Thanks so much.

How lucky to have the Olympics there!


adornedunicorn said...

So happy I stumbled upon your blog!

Rheea said...

Aww.. I love these illustrations! My favorite has to be Miga too. The 2nd pic of her swimming in the sea is too cute!

Yes I am your blog follower too! Yayyy!~~ I wish I could win!! :D Have a beautiful weekend, Koralee~


Karen said...

Nope, won't be at the games, but Hubby and I do adore Vancouver!! We were both there separately in fall of '95 (we didn't know each other then!) and since we enjoyed it so much, we decided to go there (and Seattle & Victoria) for our honeymoon in 2000. We cannot wait until we can go back!! British Columbia is so unbelievably beautiful!! :>

Have a fantastic weekend, Koralee! :>

Simple Home said...

What a sweet giveaway. I'm an Olympian alumni. (Well actually, my high school mascot name was "the Olympians" like some are "the Falcons", etc., but at the time we were the only school in the country that had legal permission to use that name) so I am an Olympian alumni! I'm a follower too :-)

Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee!!
What a beautiful book, sooo cute pictures!!
{xoxo alice} ♥

littlebyrd said...

This book is adorable!!! I would love to be entered. Are you going to go to the games?

Laura aka Lolo said...

Giveaways are so much fun, please count me in!

Julie said...

Please enter my in your giveaway!! I have just recently found your blog, but will begin following it immediately.

Shell said...

These mascots are adorable. One of my closest friends, who is now passed, showed me the beuty of your country.
Please enter me in your lovely giveaway..

Hopeful Homemaker said...

When the Winter Olympics came to Salt Lake in 2002, we loved it. I hope you enjoy having it close to home. We're excited to watch this year. And by the way, I love your blog. I've been following for a while, but have never commented before. Have a great day!

Sue said...

Koralee, I follow your blog--it is my favorite! Thank you for the Olympic giveaway--you are so kind to purchase a book to share.

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Koralee! Please do enter me for your giveaway! The pins are adorable, indeed, but I am most excited about the book!.. I am now a follower, and have posted your giveaway under the giveaway section of my blog. Love the olympics, and look forward to seeing them in February, even if it is only from my little 27" t.v. screen at home!!.. Nice to meet you, and I look forward to visiting again! ~tina

Luiza said...

So , here I am!
Wonderful giveaway!!! Just can´t miss it!!!

I would so love to come to see the olympics live... Too far for me, but I´ll let you know if I ever go!


Susan said...

Great giveaway! Count me in on it!

Susan said...

Oh. . .and I posted about it on my blog for another chance!

kelly said...

so sweet, i love those little button pins x

Unknown said...

how sweet! xo

LuLu said...

oh it's sooooo cute, i can't wait for the games to begin, you must be so excited,

Susan said...

Ooooh, you know this follower and lover of childrens' books and the Olympic Games would love to win your giveaway! Thanks for the chance, Koralee! Keeping my fingers crossed!
I'll post about it on my blog...wait...doesn't that lessen my chances?

Tiedupmemories said...

Oh How cute!Love those illustrations! The olympics are coming to you! That's exciting! My hudband and I went to the opening ceremonies when they were here in Atlanta!So much fun!