Sunday, January 10, 2010

~A Teaspoon of Friendship Please~

My Question to you is?
How do you take your tea?
{or coffee}
with a
I try to take mine with
{and lots of milk}
thank you
sweet jacqueline
for the lovely cake topped teaspoon
I love it!
please visit her at
its her birthday


Unknown said...

Such a cute teaspoon! x

My Passport to Style said...

Hi Koralee,you have some great friends! This teaspoon is soo sweet,I must visit this lady! Have a lovely week! Sharon xxoo

bellaboo said...

I like to take my tea in front of the fire with my darling husband sitting beside me.. a big slice of chocolate cake,and my favourite magazine....perfect!


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

My tea is perfect with a squeeze of lemon and a dab of honey....even better when shared with a dear friend! Happy day to you Koralee!

Julie Marie said...

Hello Koralee...what a darling little teaspoon and teaspoon holder! I love all tea, expecially herbal tea with a teaspoon of sugar and taking tea with a friend is the nicest... xoxo Julie Marie

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Love your blog....enjoyed reading some older posts and will be back often.

I have a fun giveaway on my blog...a $100 prize ..comments will be closed on Monday night

Andrea said...

Tea with friends is always the best.

All things nice... said...

I like lots of tea in a big mug as a tea cup is too small for me, I like it weak with lots of milk. Whenever I go on holidays abroad I really miss my tea as they seem to only drink flavoured tea with very little milk :( Then I seem to get withdrawl symptons and start longing for my proper mug of tea, so I have decided next time I go abroad I'm bringing my own teabags :) If I spent a full day at home in the cold weather I would go through about 10 mugs a day but as my family say it's basically milk as I like it weak with lots of milk :)

All things nice...

Julie Harward said...

I don't drink tea or coffee but I like lemon with my pepsi or hot chocolate with marshmallows...does that count? :D

Martha said...

How cute is that teaspoon!!! I love my tea with lemon and coffee with cream...and of course friends are the best to drink it with:) Enjoy!

Maria said...

That spoon is soooo cute Koralee! Did Jacqueline make the spoon topper herself?
I stopped at her shop... very, very sweet things there! I'll have to keep it in mind for my nieces :D
Hope your Sunday evening is calm and sweet (just like tea :)
I love honey in my tea...
I also love milk frothy teas (chai especially)
I'm now just LOVING the Christmas teas from Stash! so soothing~

When I was a young girl, I'd have tea every afternoon with my Nonna (g'ma in Italian). We would have tea with sugar and milk and munch on crackers or her homemade cookies :)
A sweet memory ~
Hope our Monday morning comes gently ~~~

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Koralee, you are so inventive and wonderful. Again, few words, great photos, a lot of PUNCH and bang for the buck. You are awesome indeed. :)

I take my tea with lots of milk and friends too!!! Bisous, Anita

Rubyred said...

Hello Koralee,such a sweet little spoon.
I take my tea with milk.It's lovely with a homemade cake and a spot of knitting too!
Have a Wonderful week, did you buy lots on your shopping trip?
Rachel x

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Koralee,
That teaspoon is brilliant.
In England, tea is traditionally taken with milk, and sugar if you wish.
I take mine like that with one teaspoon of sugar but, I also love lemon tea with honey.XXXX

Anonymous said...

How adorable is that, to cute.I will visit her right now.

I take my tea with milk also.Sometimes I sprinkle a few drops of brown sugar in mine.If im feeling for something a bit sweet.

Have a great new week!

Libbie said...

Do I have to admit that I do very high maintenece coffee :) Grande, nonfat, decaf, no whip mocha & sometimes with raspberry :) I do apologize when I order & I always tip! :) But no caffiene becaue I am nursing & nonfat, no whip for my thighs :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

I would like to sit down and have a cup of tea with you!
I take my tea and coffee, with just milk and no sugar.

Have a happy week

Rhondi said...

There is nothing more soothing than a hot cup of tea. I take mine with milk and made in a teapot. No teabag in a mug please :) The little teaspoon withthe cake on it is too cute!
Hugs, Rhondi

Tiedupmemories said...

I like it all coffee,tea...sugar,cream,honey..Yum!! Love your sweet teaspoon!Just like your post!

Unknown said...

So so cute!!! I like my coffee with friends too - its definately sweeter :-)

Two Shades of Pink said...

I'm a fanatic about both coffee and tea! Coffee is daily with C & S but tea needs to be savored for me...steeped in a tea pot, served in a tea cup and usually with a friend. C & S in my tea is a treat, honey and lemon if I am sick, and plain if it has peppermint! I can be versatile!

theUngourmet said...

Your little tsp is oh so darling! :) I like my tea with milk and honey.

Sue said...

Oh how cute! I love to take tea or coffee with friends, or sometimes quietly on my own. The coffee is black, the tea has a little sweetner, sugar or honey.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I would most assuredly be glad to take mine with friendship! I take my morning coffee with 2 Splenda packets and some half and half. Yum! (I visited your birthday friend.)

Pinecone Camp said...

Coffee or tea with friends is the best. Coffee is usually my hot drink of choice....with cream only!

The Tablescaper said...

Great spoon!

- The Tablescaper

Winchester Manor said...

I like my coffee black with a huge lump of friendship...I'd love to sit with you and have a cup of coffee with you my sweet friend

Love and hugs,

FrenchBlue said...

I take my tea with a splash of lavender and usually alone in the quiet... however, when shared with a friend it adds the sweetness like honey~~

Six divided by two..... said...

Oh I love the pic!!! I take my tea with a dab of honey and lemon. I like my tea just like my personality...sweet.

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

OOH, tea - I like it all! especially with friends.....

and perhaps a touch of milk and honey. ;)

Have a great Sunday night!

emma wallace said...

How cute! I love mine with a teaspoon of good conversation and a pinch of kitty purrs.

Crafty Misty said...

I take my tea without milk and without sugar, just pure green tea in porcelain cup :) :)

i just started my first crafty blog, I hope that you will stop by, become my first follower....

caroline joy said...

I drink my tea "straight up" -- I usually drink chamomile. My coffee -- Lots of cream. And thank you so much for your oh so nice comment on my blog. Made me smile :)

Anonymous said...

i enjoy my coffee with sugar -- lots of it!

your caked-topped teaspoon is the first thing my eyes focused on. it's adorable -- your friend is so sweet!

Simple Home said...

What a sweet gift that is. I'm a tea drinker too, with sugar, I like mine sweet. I've never drank a whole cup of coffee in my life though :)

Unknown said...

I take mine with honey and I love to use my granny's old tea spoons. They make it special. She was the best tea maker.

Rose said...

Coffee with soy milk and 2 sugars for me please :) best with my boy or mum!


sarah-jane down the lane said...

Good old straightforward Builders Tea! ( Strong english breakfast with a dash of milk!)

Have a lovely day,

Sarah x

Jacqueline said...

Dear Koralee, you are such a sweet sweet friend! I hope someday i could visit you at your cozy house and have tea with you! :) I love coffee but now i am finding myself loving tea as much! I guess it has alot to do with hanging out with you and other lovely blog friends that loves tea....such a wonderful wonderful influence. :) Thank you so much for such kind words and shout out for my little birthday! Made me soo happy. :)

I take mine with sugar or honey with a lovely teaspoon of cake topper too. So happy you are loving yours. I will want to send you a postcard soon. :)

Have a lovely merry happy start of the week and lots of LOVE to you and yours!


Helen McGinn said...

So pretty!

I tend to sit on the sofa rocking back and forth, back and forth until a cup of tea, wee drop of milk is put into my hand. Once it is drunk, I'm a happy, capable Helen once again.

My kids have learned to make tea...oh yes, even at 8; it is a well honed skill and a necessity in Scotland to be able to make your mum a wee cuppa in times of need. ;O)

I'll be having an afternoon tea next week, I'll take photos just for you. :O)

Angel.Pearls said...

I'd like my coffee together with a good friens, and a little milk..Have a great week!Love//Eva

Rheea said...

I like my coffee with friends too! And a teaspoon of milo powder would be yummy!!~ Have a yummy week my dear friend! :)


Jennifer said...

Regular tea with milk and sugar - Jasmine tea plain - always cuddled up with a good book and my dogs. I'm a 5 am coffee on the way to work gal most days. Jennifer

Rheea said...

By the way, you just received a blog award from me! Pls visit my blog to find out more. :D


Bralliz said...

soo sweeet post!
{xo alice}

Lulu and Co. said...

I like mine with a friend, sugar and cream! Sounds like the perfect up of tea to me!

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Cute post Koralee and how very British :-) My family drink so much tea. I love my tea 'British Builder' style - very strong with lots of sugar. Relaxing at home with my hubby and the cat or dressed up to the nines at a London hotel please xxx

A Perfect Peach said...

totally depends what mood i'm in but usually with milk and honey! said...

Dearest Koralee, I dont drink tea my dear. But coffee is always white with one. I have to say out of all the blogs it was yours I missed most over Christmas/ New Year. So glad to be back here seeing all your wonderful posts. Hope you had a wonderful New Year. Look forward to seeing more of your blog in 2010.

cabin + cub said...

honey and milk please, and with friends it just makes things all the sweeter. ;)

Luiza said...

Wonderful gift, Koralee! You really diserve it!

I like to have my tea, with a bit of sugar and a piece of lemon...mmmm, yummie!

Wonderful post, as usual!

And Koralee, come for a visit, and please hurry...


Teresa said...

Koralee My Friend...
This blog...
is addictive!
I could stay over here in your sweet dreamy world FOREVER!!!! and ever!!
Well now...let's talk tea!
Mostly...when I sip is spiced tea!
So no cream...but I have been known to splash a couple of RED HOTS down in it!
Makes it oh so magical!
When we go to England...I take my tea with Splenda...(usually carry some with me) and a bit of milk or cream! coffee...well it's a dessert within itself.
French Vanilla coffee...
sweetened with Splenda...
French Vanilla (no sugar) Cream
& a big squirt/swirl of Whipped Cream (not the real fattening kind)
And then on a really happy day!
I sprinkle some vanilla sugar on the top of whipped cream!
When ever I SQUIRT the whipcream...
Doogan always comes and sits...
or raises his head...
ready for his daily SQUIRT!
when I had kitties...back in Alabama...I would hollar "want a squirt?..." they would all coming RUNNNNNNNING and pop up on the washing machine where I fed them and each get their own little squirt of whipped cream!
Oh I miss my kitties!

trishie said...

oo, i like my tea with milk, sugar and definitely friends!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I like my tea steaming served up with a good friend. Lovely post as usual!

Have a greatly blessed day!

Cate said...

Okay, I'm british so tea is a way of life starting first thing with a big cuppa'splosh' as we fondly call it. In our house it is always brewed for a minimum of 3 minutes using the finest tea and a drop of milk. Unfortunately, I have cut out my 1 teaspoon of sugar in an effort to lose weight.
We always have tea to chat over, tea to comfort us when we are down, tea to get over a shock, tea to celebrate, tea to relieve stress and just cos we want a break!Any old excuse to put the kettle on really..I have one right now actually, but really wish I could put that sugar in it! Ha ha

Rizzi said...


Unknown said...

Coffee please, with 2 teaspoons of sugar and a splash of cream :)

You're a good friend to many Koralee...and I thank you for being my friend! The super sweet comment you left me this morning kept me smiling all day!! Thank you!

:) T

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Coffee for me please Koralee, a cappucino or a longish short black, depending on the time of day, and with friends if possible!

ELK said...

tea would be a splash of skim milk..your blog is what i love with a cup!