Monday, February 1, 2010

{a pretty point}

It's here
the month I wait for all year long
Sweet February
the month of
love and joy
where roses flow freely
and it is OK to
eat chocolate
where sweet indulgences are everywhere

where I look for beautiful romantic treasures
to adore my home

to my delight I found one in my daughter's closet
her sweet ballet dress
too lovely to hide away
it's needs to make a
pretty point
and be hung for
eyes to see
because after all
a time to give into
your romantic notions

to celebrate my
ultra romantic
frame of mind
I will be posting
a new heart a day
just for you
Will you be my Valentine?




Ah yes, I am so with you there.... and so much pink around in Feb too !!!

Luiza said...

That dress is just breathtaking!!!!
It looks as if it´s taken from "Romeo & Juliet", so romantic!

I´m so glad , we took a step in to a new month... Soon it´s march, and spring =).

I wish you a lovely evening , my friend!

Catie said...

What a lovely way to pass away the cold winter months! February can tend to drag by, but you seem to have found ways to make it flyyy!

Andrea said...

Blessings, andrea

Teresa said... didn't even have to ask if I'd be your know I will!
I'll be your VALENTINE all year long!
That ballet dress is scrumptious!
Oh happy happy day to you!
Looking forward to the daily "fill my heart with Koralee love" images!

Auntie Cake said...

Oh yes, for sure!!! I can't wait for your show and tell. Isn't it fun to be on the lookout for Valentine hearts? (that's what I did all last week)

Love the dress, and am so glad you are putting it out. I have an old bowling shirt from my great-uncle hanging in my front entryway. It has sweet little bowling pin buttons and I love it. In the summer, I hang my aunt's bathing suit from the 50's. For the pretty costumes, I wish my girls had been dancers. Not so much fun to hang out hockey equipment, and it doesn't smell as good either!

Helen McGinn said...

I am in love with the dress; the detail is amazing, the little ballerinas beautiful. xx

Julie Harward said...


Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Happy February Koralee, your blog makes our hearts sing! Beautiful dress, just gorgeous. Can't wait to see your other Valentines pictures x

Jennifer said...

I love it too and you've probably seen I started last week!y youngest n Matt will be 29 this week, I blinked my eyes! Everything soooo lovely on ts blog. Jennifer

Martha said...

Her ballet dress is just beautiful! I love it! Can't wait to see your pictures everyday:)

My Passport to Style said...

Hi Koralee, of course I will be your valentine! What a pretty post,so looking forward to your heart a day! Sharon (UK) xoxox

ELK said...

in a heartbeat..sweet sweet dress!

Kissed by an Angel said...

That dress is absolutely stunning!!!

Kelly said...

Ah with photos like that I'll be your Valentine!!
What a pretty dress! you are so right to leave it on display! said...

I love anything ballet. Happy Feb and yes, we will all be your valentine!

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

sigh......i looooooove valentine's day. I love february because it makes us stop and think about our loved ones.

i adore that tutu your daughter wore....!! What a perfect accent to this month of love!


Unknown said...

i'll be your valentine sweet friend! love your roses. my hubby doesn't do valentine's day so my kids are my valentines :) hope your week is off to a good start! xo

GardenOfDaisies said...

What an amazing costume!! Dance of the Flowers?
Love the picture of all the dancing girls in their finery!

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Koralee,
I'll most certainly be your Valentine, and yes I think February is a wonderful time for lots of well and March, April, May...
Marvelous costume, I bet your little balerina was a cutie!
Happy Day mon amie!

Sue said...

I can't wait to see what you post. I've never really gotten all that into Valentine's Day...but, you inspire me:)


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hello you precious person! I will be your valentine, and I love that tutu! SHow us pics of what it looks like in your house!!! Anita

Laura Trevey said...

Isn't it wonderful that an entire month is geared towards love???

xoxo Laura

Pauline said...

Koralee, it's all to cute :o)


Maria said...

I ♥ your idea to post
lots of
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥'s
It will be a LOVE♥ly month at
our Valentine Koralee's!

smiles ~ Maria

Maria said...

ps. Your daughter's ballet dress is so sweet ~ Whoever chose it has beautiful taste.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Would be happy to!
Love all your pretty and romantic photos you have shown, your daughter's ballet dress and the pretty roses are gorgeous.

Have a wonderful February.

Debbie said...

I too LOVE February...first signs of the coming Spring (in Victoria) and of course being the romantic I am....Valentines!! Roses,chocolates and romantic lace etc. Love it all!!
Your pictures are amazingly lovely...the dress is absolutely gorgeous...thank you for sharing!!Looking forward to more of your beautiful pictures.

Linnie Blooms Shop said...

Isn't it great to be a girl:D

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Of course I will! What a beautiful ballet dress. I love your photos! You make Valentine's Day sound so nice! Jennifer :)

Catherine said...

"It is OK to eat chocolate"...I like the way you think! :)

Ah the month of love! If only it was the month of warmth ~ but perhaps that is the idea ~ to have it be cold outside and snuggle with the one you love inside!

Can't wait to see your hearts!

Elyse said...

what a sweetie pie of a post!

chocolate, eh? :)


LuLu said...

Happy February! It's such a wonderful month!!
sweet just like you,

Carol said...

Love it...I will be your Valentine! Love February....wore RED today!!

Unknown said...

You're such a sweetheart Koralee! This month does seem perfect for the beautiful look of your blog and your style!! I adore that gorgeous ballet dress...definitely display that one!

Hugs ~

:) T

icandy... said...

Awww, February~ my favorite holiday month!
Valentine hugs,

Tamanna A. Shaikh said...

That dress is yum! I have to appreciate all the hard work you're putting into your blog. Shows! :)

happy February!


Debbie said...

We hope to get over to Vancouver at some point during the red mittens are all ready...not that we will need's so warm.Exciting as the torch is getting closer and the athletes are staring to arrive.
Great for you to get into the city and feel the Olympic spirit!!

Debbie said...

oh yes...I've just created a new button this can grab it if you wanna :)

Raquel said...

I love the blog..

Have a nice day :)

Rheea said...

Yes I DO!!! :D The ballet dress is soOOoO PRETTY!! Does your daughter still dance in it? :) Happy romantic February, my dear Valentine!


debra@dustjacket said...

Oh for sure my darling little bluebird. That was just the sweetest honey.

sarah-jane down the lane said...

I heart you too and send you virtual baccarat roses and forget~me~nots!

Have a lovely lovely week you sweet romantic bluebird!

Sarah x

Anonymous said...

in a heartbeat, Koralee! ;)

Kellie Collis said...

Two divine things - roses and ballerina dresses!! x

Rose said...

How beautiful! And such a gorgeous dress, so glad you took it from your daughters closet, i wish i could hang all my pretty dresses on my walls too :)


Barbara said...

Your daughter's ballet dress is so adorable, Koralee! I'd definitely hang it out to celebrate pink February!
Sending you a big hug for Valentines Day!

Angel.Pearls said...

This is so cute of you!//Eva

Duchess of Tea said...

Koralee darling, I popped in to wish you a love filled February full of blessings. This is such a sweet post and I have to say I do like the new photo, you look lovely as always.

Love & Hugs

Unknown said...

Koralee -
You are absolutely right that beautiful ballet dress need to be out of the closet and on display. What a stunner... Love the colors and great pictures.

Kate - The Garden Bell

Julie said...

What a lovely dress! That brings back memories of my daughters in ballet!

Happy Valentines or should I say Happy Groundhogs Day!

Randi Troxell said...

so beautiful.. and I love Valentine's Day too!!

Angie Muresan said...

I found myself reading this post and nodding my head in affirmation. This is the month to give in to romance! I am so thrilled that it is here! And your blog is the prettiest, most romantic thing.

paperbird said...

Beautiful photographs- I love the sweet ballerina dress. I hung Lu Lu"s on a wire dress form and set a crown on top. I can't wait to see each lovely heart you post. Have a beautiful day.

Shell said...

I love to be your Valentine. I look forward to the heart every day.