Sunday, March 14, 2010

{3 words = 1 great week}

Hope these 3 words...
will follow you
new week
{remember it is a fresh new week and anything is possible..
life is full of exciting beginnings and second chances}
to start your
week off right
I have something to share....
the sweet
chandelier & sofa
tea towel
that I made into an apron
{see above image}
is from the most
shop ever
only visit if you
are 100% sure
you want these
3 words
in your life this week...xoxo


Mo said...

Koralee, you can turn the depressing sunday evening into a wonderful cupcake !! ,-)


I agree, your post is wonderful for a Sunday.

Kissed by an Angel said...

Wishing you a Heavenly, sweet and blissful week Koralee!! I love that apron, it's so pretty.

Blondie's Journal said...

You never fail to make me smile. Love your apron!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Love it! Happy New Week!

Mise said...

I love your cake-stand and how you've decorated it!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh I adore these pictures darling, so so pretty. I love the apron, the stand and what's on it....yes, I'm dying to grab one!

Thank you my friend, you are always an inspiration.

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

How pretty is that apron. My daughter has a whole wardrobe of aprons and she thought this one that you posted would make a great bedroom apron~it matches the curtains on her closet. I want the cupcakes!Have a great Sunday!

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

How heavenly! I love that sweet apron and hope your week is blissful too! Congratulations to your daughter too! How exciting for her and hard for you. But now you have an excuse to visit the UK! Jennifer:)

Cherry Blossoms said...

Its all so adorable and how I heart that apron! Have a sweet week!

Julie Harward said...

Do cute and you made the it! Have a wonderful week! :D

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Your homemade apron is a true beauty. Great idea and oh so sweet with the black ribbon. Black and White = Stylish -> always !!
Your bakery art is beautiful, look at that size.... adorable.
Have yourself a great week too with lots of blissful, heavenly and sweet moments. Now, please excuse me, i'm off to check out your link.... xoxoxo

sharon santoni at my french country home said...

So pleased to have found your blog via Collage of Life. Love the apron, but I do have a thing about aprons. You have great pictures, yours is a good place to visit. Thank you.

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~

LOVE this post and Thank You for these blissful wishes for this week!

Those cupcakes are Amazing!!!


Lori P said...

The apron is so cute! Must check this out. :)

Unknown said...

Love the apron it's adorable. Your post is so delightful

It's me said...

I will listen to your words this start mine heavenly
sweet & blissful week !!

Enjoy your week to hugs from me

A Whimsical Girl Named Debbie said...

Your blog is such a sweet treat, my dear! My day is made brighter by your healing & beautiful words!

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Heavenly, Sweet & Blissful are the right words for your blog! The apron is beautiful and I checked out some other items in your shop. The baby onesies are sooooo cute!

Martha said...

You are so stinkin' cute in that apron!!! Love your cake stand and pictures!!!! Love those words by the way and off to pay her a visit:)

wherewomencreate said...

I love your new post!
Very nicely done - you are the best!!!

Kelly said...

Sounds like the perfect combination!!!!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Sounds like a great way to start the week to me! said...

I love your new apron, and you created it! Even better.

ELK said...

i will certainly be well on my way with your sweet encouragement friend!

DaShannon said...

oh. my. lovely. gorgeous creation... thanks for showing us the apron!

Maria Confer said...

Your apron is so very lovely Koralee!!

I hope you have a lovely week!

Lulu Letty

Catie said...

Can I have one of those cupcakes?
I sure hope my week is full of those 3 words. That would make for a great week!

NicNacManiac said...

Oh my gosh...I will have a Heavenly Sweet and Blissful week now that I have spent some time here and it has brightened my day!! Love your little flower rainy day Lolli' are amazing!! xOxO

Libbie said...

You know actually I think I will try to think of these words this week! It will be fun to see how they inspire me! I'll let ya know :) I took the week off from blogging & I found myself excited to stop by & visit your page tonight!!! SO glad I did! (as always)

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Great idea Ms K!!!!! Thank you for the positive reinforcement as well. Some of us are in dire need of it with the forces at work in the corporate world :)

Rose said...

You did a great job with the apron! It looks really lovely.

Happy Monday :)


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Love all your black and white today and what a gorgeous apron you have made.
Your photos are always so lovely.

Have a happy week

Plum Pretty Sugar said...


Tracey @ My House of Giggles said...

Are those meringue cupcakes? oh how yummy!! Love this've inspired me to look on the bright side of everything this week :) That's my goal. Blissful :) the cake stand....i think I have the same lovely with the black ribbon!

Hope you've had a great weekend,


Maria said...

Koralee, love this post! Love the photo collage, your sweet apron {I have some tea towels that would do well as aprons too} super idea! The cuppy cakes are delightful!
Thank you for starting our week with cheer.
Blessings always~ Maria

Val said...

Your a fairy for playing with words and photos and creating magic!
Have a nice week

myletterstoemily said...

who wouldn't want a heavenly, sweet, and
blissful week?

thank you for putting it in our minds.


Kellie Collis said...

That black and white is just divine. xx

bellaboo said...

Love those three little words...and your apron is gorgeous!
Happy week!

bellaboo :o)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU ARE AMAZING....and is that you in the picture? You really are slender for loving cupcakes and all!!! HHEHEHE! You are a real charmer, Koralee...Anita

Julie said...

I would love to have these three words in my life this week! And your apron is so sweet!

Unknown said...

how darling! i love your photos! i'm off to check out her shop :) have a beautiful day sweet friend! hugs, susan