Wednesday, June 30, 2010

{a date with the "Jimmies"}

{oh how I love all the Jimmies..which one do I pick?}

{I will be wearing this lovely number for my date today}

{these sweeties will be joining me as well}

today the
lucky Jimmies
will be

Mr. Fire Engine Red

{yes...these sweet little sprinkles are called Jimmies}
My Perfect Date includes
an adorable apron
pretty powder blue baking cups
my sweet Jimmies in festive colours
a deep dark luscious chocolate cake recipe
vanilla bean butter cream frosting
{really..could a date get any better ?}


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Are you making cupcakes today? YUM!

birdie blue said...

love that apron koralee!


Julie Harward said...

Sounds like a hot date to me...YUM! :D

Jill said...

what a delicious sounding date!!

Terra said...

Poor me, how did I go so many years without knowing what jimmies are? Well, now I know, and this whole date sounds fabulous from apron to cupcakes and yes, jimmies.

Anonymous said...

OH Koralee...can we double date...I love JIMMIES and those are intense colors {intense names} cupcakes...yum!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee...
I'm on a date in my kitchen too...
after seeing you ADORABLE apron...
I went to get mine to put on!
...baking more rhubarb cake to freeze {and eat one of course} SOooo much rhubarb! God bless our crop of this plant...our little wild rabbits in the backyard are eating everything else!
ENJOY your FUN in the KITCHEN!
You should make a special celebration cupcake for reaching 1,000 followers ! ! !
Happy Days! ~Maria

My Grama's Soul said...

Oh how my grandson LOVES jimmies......he doesn't even need a cake!!!

He just likes them straight up!!



FrenchBlue said...

Blue and red jimmes on white frosting maybe!?!? Yummy! This is my kind of date~~~ Have fun swooning in your kitchen today my special friend.

harmony and rosie said...

It took me a while to work out what Jimmies were but I'm back on track now! Love your apron, that should definitely get you in the baking mood I should think.

Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday.

Kate x

Elizabeth said...

Oh my! Sounds so yummy! Love that apron!

Teresa said...

Oh me!
Be still my KORALEE lovin' heart!
I am so in LOVE with you it's ridiculous!
I think I need to go to KORALEE Anonymous!
I would stand and say:
" name it Teresa....and I'm a KORALEE addict!!!!!!! ;o)"
Could you be anymore amazing!
Well I know the answer to that sweet question...and it's a big fat NO-Sir-Ree!
You must!
And I repeat!
Do I need to repeat myself!
okay I will!
Let me know WHERE you got the apron!
I am going to have to have that very same apron...asap!!!!!
And did those JIMMIES come from Trader Joes!!!!!!!!!
If you say YES I am just not going to be capable os standing it!!!!!
Those are without a doubt the cutest colors of JIMMIES ever!
I seriously think you need your own reality tv show!
I would never ever ever miss an episode!
And I could be a guest star occasionally! ;o)

Vintage Home said...

...HI Koralee....I am with Bears Mom...double date!...I can make a mean latte as you know!.
......Have a great Canada Day ......Colleen

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Happy Happy Baking in your sweet sweet world. Your apron is ADORABLE!
I made some sweet petits for the teachers today, thinking about the deep respect they deserve. Friday will be the last day before our Summer holidays.
Hugs and more hugs for a JOYful date with Mr. Fire Engine and Mr. Cool Pool, I would date these hunks in this way, first Mr. Fire Engine and Mr. Cool Pool for desert!
xxx Mrs. Fun Sun

Luiza said...

What ever you pick, make sure to have a wonderful time...


Joyti said...

Your cupcake holding papers are so pretty. I made cupcakes yesterday and suddenly realized I didn't have any!
I love the pale blue in this post, very pretty...

Privet and Holly said...

So yummy, Koralee!
A feast for the eyes,
which is low-cal!!!
What a lovely color
combination you've made.
And the JIMMIES comment
was very clever, indeed : )
xx Suzanne

Carol said...

I agree with Teresa...Need Koralee "Anonymous"....just love the apron...and all your incredible posts! Did your talented daughter make the apron??

myletterstoemily said...

your date sounds and looks adorable, but
i might prefer a bottle of champagne and
a candlelight dinner. :) one can dream.

Bring Pretty Back said...

Karolee, That is my kind of date!

Libbie said...

no....a date could not get any better! Frosting is all I would need :) I would even skip the apron & go straight to the Jimmies :)Although...I don't have an apron that adorable & that might be all the difference:)

Poppies and Sunshine said...

How cute! Such an adorable date :) Your apron is the cutest. Festive cupcakes. Hmm I think I know what I might be doing this weekend! Thanks for the inspiration!

grace said...

My dream date ;)

Rizzi said...


Unknown said...

Perfect for a nice summer day. What a treat of new colors today. So fresh, sparklie and clean

Kate xox

Randi Troxell said...

most ADORABLE looking apron evah!!!!!!

Mo said...

can i be the third wheel?

Heather Rogers said...

Sounds wonderful to me. That is such a cute apron. Can you send me some goodies when you are finishied making them? :)

Carousel Dreams said...


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

The apron is too darn adorable! You are so cute Koralee ~ I love your world!

June said...

No I don't think a date could get any sweeter. Enjoy your jimmies, I know I sure enjoyed seeing your jimmie post today, Koralee!
sweet hugs to you

Anonymous said...

I loveeeee the Apron too.Simply Mel said it so nice,I love your world too,(blog world that is.)

Happy Thursday!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Hon, you're talking my colors! Red and blue!

Ana Degenaar said...

Perfect date! I love it!

Gma Linda said...

Awesome Post today. I love your Blog, it is so pretty. How is your date with the Jimmies? A date that really gives back; love, hugs, and lots of sugar, doesn't get any better than that!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

...well only if actually it was with a cute hunk named "Jimmy"...Just Kidding!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh my dear, sweet little blue bird KORALEE! I have missed your blue sweetness during my 11 day vacation but I am back in full swing! I am sure that your date will be memorable, and how you stay so slim, I don't know...but that is your magic! Oh dearest, I am having the hardest time leaving a comment on our beloved Rosie's blog....Give her a hug for me if you see her! THANK YOU FOR THE UPLIFTING COLORS as always! Anita

Unknown said...

How lovely!!! I just bought myself some cupcake pedastels and polka dot cupcake liners, love it!!

Marilyn Miller said...

Pretty jimmies, have fun!

Elyse said...

i love that you love cupcakes. it's a sweet fun fact about sweet you.

i found adorable gingham cupcake liners at michaels crafts the other day. cute!

enjoy your date!


Dogwood said...

Oh, my gosh how I love your blog posts. You are so creative. Great photos and colorful words.


Anonymous said...

You had me at "deep dark luscious chocolate cake recipe"....xx

Debbie said...

I so love your "wise words" today so true..if only many would realize that.
Oh yes...apron = sweet and oh so pretty.
Hope you have a lovely Canada Day tomorrow.
Debbie said...

Is it possible to eat oneself to death? Yes please.

nerines said...

I love that apron. I think I would probably just wear it anyway even if I weren't baking. xo

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Your date sounds wonderful and what a feast for the eyes with all the wonderful colours.
I have never heard of sprinkles called Jimmies, so you learn something every day.
The apron is so sweet.


Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Oh so yummy, I am drooling already! Thanks for sharing these beautiful images!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Koralee, I am so glad you found me! I am the Polka Dot Closet,I love your Jimmies, what a beautiful blog! Congratulations on Romantic homes!


Becky said...

So cute! I especially love jimmies as a baker! :: They add a sprinkle of color and make everything CUTE! Have a wonderful Lovely wednesday!


theUngourmet said...

I need to find me some of these Jimmies! ;D So cute!

Anonymous said...

Merci pour votre gentil commentaire chez moi ! Your apron is beautiful! We love cupcakes :-)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dear friend....thank you for your visit. I feel so happy to be "home" again and seeing all my friends in Blogland! Thank you for the update on Rosie. I hope to try to leave a comment again today!


Unknown said...

Hi, Koralee!! Your blog is just like a bedside book: I can read a page a day! I have fun and full my eyes with beauty!! Thanks!!! hugssss!!! Bela.

Martha said...

sounds wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!

Martina said...

Hmmmm, Koralee, sounds like a wonderful date - an artist date! Enjoy your baking - i hope someone will be there to see you looking so pretty in your apron, surrounded by these colours. Such fun!

flwrjane said...

If you want a threesome I'd be happy to join you on this delicious date!

Unknown said...

All I can say is that I just wish I could be there ... to come over and see you in that adorable apron, to chat while you are "creating" and then to enjoy what sounds SO YUMMY!!!! :)

Dori Patrick said...

Okay, now you've done it. I've gotta go make some cuppy cakes for the family this weekend! YUM.

Susan Houseman said...

I'll be right over to help, sounds like fun making the cupcakes and you know I love aprons.

Cindi Moore said...

Hi Koralee,

I love every thing that you post!! Your pictures are awesome and your words are aspiring!!

I love the aqua blue backdrops, are they wallpaper or fabric? If wallpapaer, would you please mind in sharing the line info!?!?

Many Thanks,You are Truly the Best of the Best,