Friday, September 10, 2010

{Friday Pretties...taking time}

one lump or two?
it's Friday once again...
time to put up your feet
and enjoy a moment or two
{thank you Joyce for hosting Friday's Pretties}
we do not remember the days
we remember the moments


Unknown said...

I'll take two lumps, please. What a perfect way to start my day with a cup of love and a good friend. You seriously inspire me each and every morning and start my day, with grabbing my camera and taking off to snap away. My mind is already on a roll....well, it's been on a roll for a special posting all week. So,...pop back over soon... but, first I have to take some pictures of one of my muses in her honor.

OOdles of fun this Weekend,
Kate -T.G.B.

Vintage Home said...

..chai with organic option over a latte!

Tammy @ said...


So pretty, I think I will have a cup of tea!

Best wishes,

Martina said...

Dear Koralee, hope you've had a great start after the holidays - i'm so happy the weekend is here! Enjoy your cuppa - and other delights!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Koralee, you always have the prettiest pictures! I'll join you for a cup of tea, no sugar, but a slice of lemon please.

francis said...

How I enjoy your pretty picture .
Friday already ....WEEKEND.
DO WE LOVE OUR WEEKEND after working-week !
Hope yours was inspiring .
Wishing you lots of joy .

Teresa said...

It will be a SWEET~SWEET day when we can SIP our tea together!
Truly it will be!
In my tea..I like as many lumps as you'll drop in there!
And when I'm in England...I love a bit of cream/milk in my tea!
I forgot I was trying to cut out the dairy!
Oh well!
A SPLASH of CREAM never hurt a soul! ;o)
Happy Weekend my Friend!

Hearts Turned said...

Beautiful thoughts and image, always! I hope your day is just as lovely as you are, my friend...


Randi Troxell said...

and happy friday to you!!

Unknown said...

G'morn, Koralee ~

What an awesome teacup & yes, please, I'd love a cup. I so enjoy my visits with you ...

Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Unknown said...

I have one beautiful tea cup and saucer that was my great grandmother's. (I know, you're thinking, ONLY one???) I have tried to take "its" picture a few times and make it look as cute as you do - but I have not yet succeeded. You are such a great photographer. I just adore your images little miss!

Have a wonderful weekend! xoxo

Julie said...

I can't believe it is Friday already, where does the days go!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Thank you for the reminder. I think I will take a moment today, or a couple. Happy Weekend!

birdie blue said...

love the pretty teacup, koralee. I agree with you it's definitely the moments you remember, not the days.

have the loveliest of weekends girlfriend!

Kelly said...

Sooo happy it's friday :)
Have a good weekend xx

Dogwood said...

I vote for putting my feet up and relaxing but not until this afternoon!

myletterstoemily said...

well, that is just the prettiest tea cup i have
ever seen! i love the flowers inside, like a
hidden treasure.

remembering the moments,

Unknown said...

Please, come stop by the garden today.

Yes, you got my WHEELs SPINNING {b.s.t.} over in the garden.

Congrats and I love B.B.N. more than you will ever know {b.s.t.}


Gloria said...

One lump, please...:) Would love to have a little tea in that very pretty cup!
Wishes for a sweet weekend for you and your family...

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Lovely quote, pretty image! Thanks for sharing, and by the way, I love your new headshot!

Marilyn Miller said...

Love the teacup. It reminds me of one I saw on Whidby Island and didn't buy, sniff. Next time. Yes, we do remember the moments.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I get to relax tomorrow. Tonight it's Fashion's Night Out!!

Ana Degenaar said...

No lupms for me :) Love that illo!

Everlasting Blooms said...

SO PRETTY! Love all things vintage! Good find :)...and GREAT picture! Hope you have a fun relaxing weekend...take time to put your feet up and relax!

Sue said...

Oh how pretty...have a wonderful weekend!

Ingrid said...

pretty picture Koralee,I wish you a joyful weekend...


Tricia said...

I can't believe how your pictures are always so pretty. Mine never turn out like that. I love that is so true.

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend :)

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Yet another magnificent picture. Thank you for ALWAYS bringing a smile to my face. ;-)

Susan Houseman said...

I'm back, my life has gotten a little bit busier, but I had to stop and catch up with your blog. You always make me smile, and slow down the pace of my life. Have a wonderful weekend.

LuLu said...

One lump with a splash of milk please! I'm so ready for the weekend... let me get my tea pot ready for a weekend of tea drinking delight!!!
wishing you a splended weekend,

Rizzi said...


Vivre Le Jour said...

I am ready for tea, just enjoyed a cup the other morning. I joined in Friday Pretties, too. What fun!

Have a great weekend friend,

Carousel Dreams said...

Happy Friday sweet friend (although it's now Saturday here, hee hee...) Have a magical weekend x

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Beautiful!! Have a lovely weekend Koralee!! xx

Brenda Pruitt said...

Two lumps, please.

Unknown said...

Sweet, sweet Koralee. What fun I had today with you out on the deck. Our weather was perfect and we just gabbed away all day. What a fun post to create this morning. You have touched a creative spirit in me, just as my Grammy did too. Amazing how it seemed to skip a generation.

Thanks so much for the push. This whole blogland is really been great at getting me out of the comfort zone. Friends like you make it a much sweeter journey in life.

Here's the email:
Can't wait to add you to my secret Fav 5 list. Know I don't do that to all out there. Just the special friends.

Have a wonderful trip. When you get back I'll be in Vermont, slurping up the maple syrup. So,.... can you keep a secret.... I'll tell you so you know in case you miss it next week....

Pssst...come here I'm whispering....
Under those Polka Dots.....well, Scooter did absolutely perfect....

Dances of Glee.... WE GOT A NEW LENS for my friend..... Perfect for the Fall Colors of Vermont.

Friday night Pizza is gone and the dishes are now done, but I must run and get back to our movie.

T.G.B. - Kate

Maria said...

Hi Koralee! Thinking of you as you get ready for an incredible week of amazement!
Wishing a little "tea time" in the midst of it all too!
Blessings always, travel safely ♥

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Would love to join you for a cup of tea, please and no sugar for me, thanks. The teacup is so pretty.

Hope that you have a lovely weekend

Not Just a Waitress said...

I'd love a spot'o'tea, why THANK YOU, Koralee!! :) Happy Friday. Have a wonderful weekend!! :)

Susan said...

Dear Koralee,
I hope you have a chance to sleep in tomorrow and recover a bit from the busy start of a new school year! This past week I have had meetings every evening until 7:30.
Tomorrow I must be at my church to help prep rooms for Sunday School, but not until 10:00 AM...heaven!
One of my former students brought me some honey that he had helped to make with his Dad. I am looking forward to a cup of herbal tea with that special honey. (Most often I am a coffee drinker, but occasionally a cup of tea really hits the spot!)
Bless you and your family as you adjust to your school schedule and the fall season!
(((HUGS))) and Blessings!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Why not catch that plane ... wish it was that simple. Would love to drink lots of tea with you! No lumps just hot water, the hotter the better.
I read about your great week ahead. Sending happy hugs your way for an amazing time! xoxoxoxoxo

Jacqueline said...

Dearest koralee, you always have such beautiful cups and plates. I am having a cup of tea right about now. :) Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to yoU!


Kitty said...

Happy Weekend Beautiful Koralee. I hope you get some adventure time in. You deserve lots of adventures.

Fritzi Marie

Anonymous said...

very nice post happy weekend...kiss

Rose said...

If only Friday meant the weekend for me, but I had to work today :( at least I have tomorrow off, hoping for a sunshiney day :)
Such a pretty teacup! Makes me feel like having a tea party.


Poppies and Sunshine said...

This is so sweet! What a cute teacup. I enjoyed lots of tea this past weekend :)

Kellie Collis said...

So pretty! Kellie xx