Friday, September 24, 2010

{it's a beautiful day...}

take time for some pink today
guaranteed to beautify your day
{an image i took at the junk bonanza}
Happy Friday Pretties
Thank you for all your well wishes and motherly advice
about my molly...your comments touched my heart.
{my giveaway event starts Monday!}
{it's a beautiful day...don't let it get's a beautiful day}
{sending my love out to Joyce and Sherrie today..sorry to hear of your loss..this Friday Pretties is for your mom}


Pretty Zesty said...

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Cathie said...

happy weekend sweet one, hope you are having fun ♥

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Pretty image. Getting on a plane today and my outfit is all black and white, you're making me wonder how I can incorporate some pretty pink....haven't done my nails yet.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Your the one who needs all of the pink today Koralee..... hope that you read my comment on your last post. I only just left it and you've done another one !!!! You are such a good could teach me a thing or two.
Happy weekend Koralee and keep in tyhe pink !! XXXX

Anna White said...

Thanks for sharing a little bit of loveliness with us Koralee..I hope your weekend is filled with it :) x

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I loooooooove that song! Reading the title of todays gorgeous post, U2 popped in my head immediately, sweet sweet Koralee. So here you are, at the start of D-Day. Wishing you bunches of hugs and kisses and much more of it all. Sending some extra love rays your way, do you see those coming yet ;D
Have a beautiful day, sweet Koralee, but you do have to let her go away...xoxoxoxoxoxoxo lots of xoxoxooxox pour tout your beloved family

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful share today sweetie...
and since I have an early out today, I'm starting my P.I.N.K. weekend before noon...
I'm thinking happy thoughts for you and Molly.

HUGS ~victoria~

Libbie said...

Kate was at the Junk Bonanza & kept an eye out for ya :) I hope you had a great week down here! That really is a gorgeous pic!!!

Martina said...

So soft and pretty that picture - yes, pink is soothing!

Paula said...

LOVE pink! Love your blog too (beautiful image). Lovely happy thoughts sent to you from the UK xx

It's me said...

Happy weekend Ria.......

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Koralee Sweetie...
Beautiful dress and I love the way you captured it in your photo. So exquisite.

Now I am giving you a hankie to catch your tears and Ms Molly's to keep forever. You will be sharing happy tears, excited tears, sad tears and tears just because. Combined together sweetie they are love tears, and you as a Moma have done a fabulous job, and she will be fine. She will be safe Koralee she is on the wings of an angel.

Please keep us posted. I am sending strength your way sweetie, and it is not good-bye, it is see you soon sweet girl. Keep telling yourself that.

Many hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry

Jennifer said...

ruffles feathers sparkles light and pink to you too Koralee!!!! Jennifer

Randi Troxell said...

hope you have a wonderful wkend!!!

red ticking said...

dear friend...
pink pink pink for you!!!! i was talking with a friend yesterday about my college days... and how i missed my family... but it is so wonderful each time you see one another that it is complete nourishment to keep going until the next visit... and the experience will be such a blessing for molly as she will grow in the most special way... thank God every day for the love you have and trust that letting her go will be a gift...

thinking of you thru all of this... and know that we all support and love you... xoxo

myletterstoemily said...

oh sweet girl!

i know how your heart is breaking. some moms
are just ready for their chicks to leave, but some
of us never are!

my prayers will be the the Lord will comfort your
heart as He protects your precious daughter, to
renew your joy in Him, and to bring you lots of

i'm glad your daughter downloaded the cd. she
will be encouraged (so will you) by "i found a little
hope today)

Karen Valentine said...

Hi Koralee!
Sweetie, as I continue to come over and visit you and your blog I can see why everyone loves you... You inspire every day. I hope that some day I can see things through a camera lens like you do. It is a beautiful day, made all the better by my visit here. Keep smiling!

Decor To Adore said...

Love the delicate and rustic combined.

Stop by and collect your clues. The largest giveaway in Decor To Adore history will be revealed next Friday.

Ingrid said...

beautiful picture of beautiful pink!love it!!enjoy your weekend Koralee...


Rizzi said...


Marilyn Miller said...

Yes!!! A beautiful day! I must run and play now.

Unknown said...

I do love pink ... especially in that soft, subtle shade. Your photo and thought is soft and sweet today, thank you. Happy Friday to you Koralee - enjoy the weekend! xoxo

fernandflora said...

Hello there! I didn't know you were so close to Seattle! I should have waved as I flew into the city!

Also, you and your sweet girl have been on my mind since your post about her going away to college. I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way right now.

Happy Friday! xo

Unknown said...

Dear Bluebird, your Molly will be fine! We give birth and take care of the sweet little peas and, at the drop of a hat, they fly away! C'est la vie! Good faith and much love will make you better!!!
It is indeed a beautiful day today!!! It is Friday! Friday for friends. Friday for a cup of wine. Friday for us!

Kisses!!!! Love!! Bela.

Luiza said...

Sweet Koralee...
I see your heart is filled with joy, sadness, and everything in between...since your daughter is going away...
I feel for you, deeply, and hope you´re going to feel better soon!

As for todays post, it´s gorgeous!!!
I love the pink =)!

Have a wonderfuö weekend, my friend!

heather said...

It is a beautiful day! I love your 'junk bonanza photo.' Oh what they say about one person's trash :)

And your sweet family, packing, crying, laughing. I can only imagine how lucky Molly is to have you mother her.

Beautiful weekend to you! xo.

Suz said...

Thank you for bringing some pink joy into my life tonight. You always manage to inspire me! I will be thinking of you and your is such a time of mixed, sadness, pride. I remember so well.
The hard times do get easier.

birdie blue said...

thinking of you this beautiful day. so bittersweet to send a daughter off into the big world. but what a joy, to see her stretch her wings and soar!


Christine Hoffman said...

that is a good mantra...
it is a beautiful day.
every day.
pies are baking...
wish i could sit down and chat
with you over a slice:)

Sue said...

What a beautiful photo. I don't really surround myself with pink, but I love yours so much...I should!

Gloria said...

Very, VERY pretty picture!!! Love it! I hope the rest of your day is as beautiful as you are...:)
blessings to you,
Gloria @}~`}~~~

Hearts Turned said...

Your pictures are always so beautiful, Koralee! Hope your weekend is going well...


Rosie said...

oh how very luxurious! Sorry I missed your visit...Hoping your weekend is full of F*U*N On Rosie..................

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~
I always can make room for pink! Especially in this shade~ Have a perfect weekend sweetness~

Debbie said...

Beautiful pink image...your sentiment as always..absolutely lovely and so inspirational.
No matter how your day is going...there is always beauty to be found somewhere...look are such a special person to take the time to brighten and inspire us each day...thank you.
Take care

Silver Strands said...

Ahhh - love pink! Have a wonderful weekend Koralee!

June said...

What's a day without a little pink in it? I prefer mine with a lot of pink if I can get it.
Beautiful post dear one.

paperbird said...

pink-One of my very favorite colors. I am such a girl that way!

Barbara von Enger said...

It's a beautiful day indeed. Such a pretty dress and what lovely colour. Just stumbled upon your charming blog. Have a happy and fun weekend;-)

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
I love the textures in this photo ~ the rough wood, scrolling metal and the gathers of sheer pink fabric...
so pretty~

Thinking of you today ~ Sweet Sydney is still home and will have her mother to herself!

I remember when the girls left home, Jason blossomed into quite the conversationalist!
The girls took all the dinner conversation and he finally has his turn!
Enjoy a Pretty Saturday too!

francis said...

Autumn shows us the beauty of nature .
And summer sweetens all to me (g.r. lowell)
You have that special capacity ( hope I translate it right ) to look at the bright side of life . I'm blessed to know you ! Have a wonderful weekend .

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WOW WOW WOWO.........this is a magical photo, Koralee! THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS MAKING OUR DAYS SO BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL! How fortunate you and Rosie are to be in close proximity! Hugs to you all, Anita

patty said...

beautiful image!

Dogwood said...

your pink today is so beautiful. love that soft soft pink. lovely background.
enjoy your weekend.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Every day is a perfect day for pink in my opinion!!