any ideas where these images may be from?
{don't you just love Mr. Donkey's sweet face...just think what you
could hear with ears like those!}

just an update on my girl Molly....
some images she took around her English College
stay cozy and warm today my sweet friends
Hi Koralee,
Such beautiful surroundings for your darling daughter. I would be thrilled to wake up to that scenery every morning, as I'm sure she is!
Thanks for sharing!
She is as talented with a camera as her mama...
Maybe she should start a blog to keep us all updated :)
He is a handsome dude, that Mr. Donkey...
she made a new friend...
Thanks for sharing your treasures with us sweetie...
HUGS to you...and Molly
Ooh Koralee these are beautiful photos I hope your daughter is settling in - is she enjoying being over here? I too boarded for sixth form at a college in North Yorkshire (very Hogwarts!) I had a fabulous time with some of the happiest memories although it's almost 20 years ago now! Kisses Kitty xxx
...wow she is as good behind the lens (as her mama) as she is beautiful in every image of her!...love the donkey...& the architecture...but really the drain spout with the creeping jenny (?)...adorable...should be a card....and I hope it still lets the water drain from the top of the queens castle!
How beautiful....I just adore your blog, so cheery and the greatest photos! xoxoxo
So pretty there.I bet that gave you a good feeling inside.I think shes probably getting to like the place now.
I love your new banner up there, very cute.
Happy week to you Koralee!
I think donkeys are just the cutest!!! Love them!
What a breathtaking environment for a college, like a movie!
Did your daughter take these pictures??? They are great!!! She's a first class photographer! Hope she has the greatest time in school!
I would recognize my mother's homeland almost anywhere! What a fabulous editorial eye she has, really nice. Now can we talk about that donkey? Possibly the cutest I have ever seen. Those hairy ears and squinty eyes just melted my heart. I am quite smitten with the last image - seems full of excitment.
I like the donkey! Nice pics.
beautiful there!!!
Wow!! The (cozy, sweater-wearing) apple doesn't fall far from the tree!! :)
Beautiful images!!
I know you must miss her very much, but it must help to be able to share each others gifts of photography. :)
BLESSSINGS!! :) :) :)
Oh my, no wonder my girls dream to study in England one day, I specially {heart} that weed that grew out from that pipe, your daughter Molly has artist eyes like mom!
OH.MY.GOODNESS! Molly really does have an incredible eye for photography, just like her mama! What a lovely place to attend college! Wow. And I am going to assume that adorable photo of the girls in the window is of Molly and/or her roomates? SOOOOOO cutie!!! :)
(And what a darling donkey!)
Mr. Donkey is Mr. Personality Plus, from the photo. Your daughter must be enjoying herself at school there. I studied abroad one year myself, in Istanbul, Turkey, and it was a great experience.
ENGLAND! I recognized the scenery when I saw the "castle" of course:) (My mother-in-law lived there and goes back twice a year...beautiful!)
I hope Molly is doing well!
Oh I would like that donkey in my yard!!!! I never thought they were THAT cute:)
What a wonderful place to study and experience the country. Reminds me of our visits to England...I loved it and I'm sure Molly is having the time of her life!
Wouldn't we all "hear" better with ears like Mr. Donkey??
I was wondering how your sweet Molly was doing.
Love the images she has taken...looks like a beautiful place to study. :o)
Hi Koralee! I am a huge donkey fan, so any photos of them catch my eye. You have a talented family...
How adorable! She is so talented!
Such a beautiful place! I love the second pic!
Camila F.
How pretty is the first picture! haha
I love donkeys, they're so cute. (:
I'm feeling a twinge of jealousy here... in a good way. It seems as if your daughter is settling in well.. I love those ears... I think he needs a scratch!
Oh, Koralee, totaly different first image I saw today!!!rsrsrs...while typing your blog spot at my sidebar my mind started wondering some images I could see here, swear my mind did not figure a donkey!!!!rsrsrs...cute donkey, indeed!!! Love all the shots, sweet Koralee!! Love! Bela.
Beautiful England! Your sweet Molly captured it perfectly pretty.
Sending lots of happy hugs your way for the rest of the week, my friend xoxoxoxoxo
I know this sounds strange, but I do not want to hear any better than I already do. The "sounds" in this world make me hermit-like as it is. My neighbor says: Brenda could hear a mouse dropping on a cotton pad.
Lovely to see pictures from your daughter. I bet you were thrilled. It is a beautiful day here today. I hope it is beautiful there too.
Just look at all the sweet goodness, I've been missing. That apple sweater is just aDORable. I'll have to have a closer look and figure it out.
Looks like someone is having a great time in the English Countryside.
So, glad, but sad to be back home. Now, I can get back to normal. I've missed my blogging.
Off to see what else I've been missing,
Big warm hugs from me darling......for you because you miss your daughter so much.......love love love my love.........
Beautiful pictures and the donkey made me smile too, the ears are wonderful!!
I hope your daughter is having a grand time in school,
G'eve Koralee ~
What exquisite pictures of the countryside & the cute donkey ... love the girls.
Hope your daughter is having a grand time.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
That nose just needs to be scritched!! So cute.
I was thinking Molly...it all looked very English. She takes beautiful photos, just like her mother :)
Great photos...wish I was there! ♥
OH DEAR! WHAT A PLACE! Europe is so stunning; at first I thought Saskia sent you pics from France! ENGLAND, HERE I COME! What a sweet donkey! BISOUS MY FRIEND! Anita
sweet photos...the apple doesn't fall far....
thanks for sharing..i especially love the ivy growing from the pipe drain!
it is charming and romantic!
ciao bella
come by and visit with me sometime...we'll do coffee!
I love the pictures!! I hope you will be able to go for a visit sometime.
Hi Koralee,
How lovely to see the photographs Molly has taken.
What a wonderful place she is staying at.
She takes after you with her ability to take fabulous photos. Hope she enjoys her time there.
happy Thursday
That donkey is so sweet.
Your blog is so calming and warm...like hugs and talking to dear friends while sipping warm hot cocoa.
Oh, Koralee....are you so living vicariously through your daughter right now??? She is a little YOU in England....and appreciating every second of it by the beauty she beholds. I feel so fortunate that you are sharing it with US!!!
Thank you so very much....to both you and Molly...
She has her mother's photography skills and a view that amazes. I hope she is having a great time and that you are surviving without her.
Love these images. Your daughter has a fabulous eye for interesting details xox
Oh, what gorgeous peeks into beautiful England through your daughter's eyes...thanks for sharing them!
Your daughter takes beautiful pictures too! (Just like you!) It's just gorgeous there! When are you going to go visit?
aww that donkey's so cute...i've always found baby donkeys to be adorable! lovely pics darling!
Beautiful photos!! Your daughter sure has a gift with photography like you!
I love the new header you have too!
A catchup on your blog is always such a tonic Koralee. I see your daughter has your creative eye for composition and photography. The fortune cookies are amazing - and I'm sure went down a treat. And the new blog header is so sweet! xx
Hi Koralee!
I just read what Indie.Tea wrote {Darjeeling Dreams}
...so true ♥
I know your heart is right there with Molly ~ it's a wonderful 'vicarious' year in England for you, Koralee~
When my sister was in China {she adopted her dear sweet Marcy there} I don't think I slept a wink during her long flights back and forth. She and her husband, Barry, emailed me daily with news and photos. I realized that these emails were a diary, a journal of their weeks there. I started a scrapbook of their photos and emails. It was a welcome home gift and still brings tears each time I see it.
Enjoy every photo, every email, all the love coming to you from across the "pond." She is such a lucky girl ~
{hugs and love to you}
ps. the retirement party was wonderful ~ thank you for your kind wishes, Koralee ♥
Hi Koralee... The above comment was from me! Google must have kept my old yahoo account {I use for youtube} still logged in!
What a beautiful place where Molly is for school.....sweet donkey too....
enjoy your day....
Hi Koralee,
I can say.. your loved daughter must live in a good and beautiful area..
She will do fine in her study and friends.
Love to see all the pics.
Thanks for showing here.
Wish you the best, dear friend!
Koralee, what an amazing
experience for your girl!
I would have been in absolute
nirvana to go to an English
college ~ I've always adored
everything British, even at
your daughter's age!! Wonderful
xx Suzanne
Koralee these photos are beautiful they take me back to my wonderful trip to England, too long ago!
Have a beauty filled day. xxxx
Haha...I love that donkey and his fuzzy ears, just puts a smile on my face :) Thanks for stopping by our blog ~ it's always a joy to stop by yours...
~ have a good day!
My litlle girl is just 5 but I'm allready scared about how much I'm going to miss her when she'll decide to go away....so silly, I know.
These photo are beautiful, and I'm sure she is very happy to be there.
A big hug!
She has a creative eye just like her Mama! So glad to see her out and about!
That donkey is so sweet. Our neighbor used to have a donkey named Sugar Plum and she would make donkey noises all the time. I miss seeing her.
those pictures are wonderful from her college!!! Oh my! they are beautiful and hope she is doing well and you too:)
Thank you for the special mail I received(stop by my blog to see).I so love the necklace..it is lovely..as is the card (did u make it?)you are so sweet.
Your girl is so lucky to be studying in such charming surroundings...the images are beautiful...the donkey is adorable.
Thank you again Koralee !!
Looks like your daughter is enjoying herself. And that donkey is so adorable! Enjoy a lovely weekend, Kellie xx
Dear Koralee, wow, such a romantic place! I love the last picture - like something from out of a film. I hope Molly is happy over there. My niece goes to school in england for some months now and says she feels like in "Hogwarts" from harry Potter! Have a wonderful weekend dear friend :)
Hi Koralee! Oh, I luuv donkeys.. haha, they are sooo cute! And i love ur fortune cookies 2, yummie.. Happy friday, xoxo alice
These are beautiful. She has her mother's talent at seeing beauty through her lens.
Wow!!!! Amazing images..all of them!! What a beautiful eye your Dear Molly has! Like her dear momma!! :)
That donkey is so adorable!!! Love the little clover growing out of the spout too! :)
Have a happy weekend!
xoxo Gloria @}~`}~~~
Wow, beautiful photos! She's talented just like you!
My Paul is from England - spent most of his life in Derby and Oxford. I am going to show him these pics - he will appreciate them as much as I do. We hope to get back next spring...I just love England and Ireland.
Seems your daughter is settling in nicely...adore that last pic, especially : ) Feels like a (modern day) Jane Austin scene...lovely!
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