Monday, November 1, 2010

{ fall menu...}

...all done with October
serving up... November
{make sure you save room for dessert...sweet December!}



Rizzi said...


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

So so s w e e t. The seasons train goes fast, very fast this year. Cannot believe Santa Claus is polishing his sleigh already. Or perhaps I should say, Rudolph, Dunder and Bliksem ;)
Much love, my friend xxxxx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy November to you, sweet friend! I'm going to get serious about finding some sugar free desserts that I can that I can have some sweet treats! ♥

Everlasting Blooms said...

Happy November to you...I can't believe where the time goes...SO fast! Love how you serve it up..and your salt and pepper shakers...LOVE. I have been on the hunt for some of those.. :)

Foxglove said...

Happy November Koralee! I love the way you have describe the delicious months they seem to fly like the wind.

Have a glorious day. xxxx

Tricia said...

I'm saving room for dessert...December. It is a little chilly here so I am getting in the mood for Christmas :)

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hello Koralee, you amaze me, you have such clever cute little posts :-) ♥

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

I love November because I Love Thanksgiving!!!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Looking forward to your next two courses Koralee.....wishing you a wonderful November. XXXX

fernandflora said...

This post made me smile. I was talking to some girl friends about having a girls baking day in December! It's going to be sweet indeed!

Carol said...

I do love this time of year...even hearing the raindrops as I snuggle deeper into the cozy quilts! many things to look forward to! I do wish you a wonderful November, Koralee...enjoy every minute!

Unknown said...

I am so excited for November, as I can get officially excited for Christmas! Have a sweet day Koralee!

birdie blue said...

how cute are the jadeite salt & pepper in that photo, koralee? so sweet. i'm really looking forward to november and the upcoming holidays.

hope you're week is extra special!

Luiza said...

Came to vish you a lovely week, my sweet friend!!!
Don´t think I can stay away from blogging so long...
I miss you all too much!

Love you!

Not Just a Waitress said...

Aaaahhh...Sweet November that will lead to an even sweeter December!! Can't wait to see what this month has in store for you and for your blog. Looking forward to it. :) :) :) Blessings!! :)

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Only Koralee can make an empty plate looks yummy!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I ALWAYS save room for dessert!

Vintage Tea Time said...

What a sweet picture! Hello, November :)

Sewn With Grace said...

I can't believe it's November. Where has the time gone?

Anonymous said...

I love this month as well.I love December even more.Cant wait to see the snow fly and the beautiful lights of Christmas time.

Happy new week my friend!

Ana Degenaar said...

I love your new header! Thanks so much for your comment the other day, it was truly comforting!

Unknown said...

What a clever little thought today! For sure let's enjoy November in anticipation of sweet December!!! xoxo

It's me said...

Almost Christmas !!! hahahahha!! time goes so fast.............lovely new week........warm hugs from me Ria.....

Blondie's Journal said...

I love November!!


Unknown said...

This is the month for soups, stews and fresh bread!!! ---and long walks through the leaves after!

Blessed Serendipity said...

Sending you warm November wishes and hugs!


Ingrid said...

I love your picture Koralee and all the months of the year.....

Sem Nome said...

Dessert is my favorite part of all meal, dear Koralee!!! As a sugar lover I am!!
Sweet pic and wise words!!
Love! Bela.

Randi Troxell said...

and i am SO HAPPY for it to be november!!!

Susan Houseman said...'s November, how did that happen so fast??? Happy November, Koralee. xxx susan

Unknown said...

Boom..... I just exploded right here at the BlueBirds house. Licked the plate clean. Watch December, here comes the BlueBird and the Bell.

myletterstoemily said...

how do you ever come up with these clever and
adorable vignettes, day after day? i am amazed
and in awe of your creativity.

i loved october and plan to enjoy november just
as much!

Julie Harward said...

I like the way you see things! ;D

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

LOVE your new header!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Helloo precious!!!

I saw your lovely comment from my iphone this afternoon at work and attempted to come for a visit and leave a comment, but I had trouble...I am home now to find that the construction team is here and there is a big hole in the yard for our new addition!!!!! BUT I MUST SAY, this post is clever, brilliant, touching, creative and you. Your visit to just come and say hello is priceless. Koralee, you are a blessing. Thank you for asking about my fall....I didn't hurt a thing HOWEVER, Friday night I had cramps in my legs that just left me sore even to today!!! THANK YOU DEAREST, I bid you a lovely evening full of love and sparkles!!! Anita

red ticking said...

oh goodness it is going all too fast for me... the store will be set for christmas this weekend (sun mon) and i still want to enjoy the fall...
but it is a fun time of year regardless... hoping this finds you well dear friend... xx

Anonymous said...

Oh I haven't been to your blog in so long! I love your header it is darlng! I'm ready for Novewmber bring it on! Traci

Monica said...

Your posts never cease to make me smile. Thanks for the new menu -- I am looking forward to it :)

Rosie said...

Good Day Dearest,
I loved our visit on Saturday...and yes, of coarse you can share the snappies you took...I would be so honored :)
Those are the tastiest "baby Kit~Kat's" I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying...thank you my dear! Time for a bit of a nap. I think I am on the mend...hoping this is the ONLY cold I get for the season, and that I may enjoy a delicious November....cute post...Bon Appetit!
love Rosie

Libbie said...

Hey you didn't even leave me a tiny bite?! :) November..bring it on!!! :)

Carousel Dreams said...

Oh November already? Wait, Christmas is just around the corner...ahhhh!

Janean said...

i skipped dessert today so i could have some (or seconds!)

OneCraftyFox said...

Very delightful and pretty!!

Tales of Whimsy said...

I'm ready ;)
Hope it comes with a serving of cooler weather

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Aren't the months whizzing by so fast.
Love your sweet photo.
Wishing you a happy November.


Gloria said...

Hi Koralee,
Beautiful, as always!!!
Happy November to you! :) Our sweet little granddaughter (Sophie Brooklynn) arrived on October 29th!! We are enjoying her SOOO very much! :)

Hope you have a lovely day sweet friend!
xoxo Gloria @}~`}~~~ said...

I am sad to see October's my fav month. But a big welcome to November.

Marilyn Miller said...

Yes, I am beginning to think of December baking. Already have the Dundee Cakes in the freezer. I always just love your pictures. The colors are so happy and the words just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Bring it on...I am so ready!! (I hope)

Hearts Turned said...

Lovely! The colors in your photo are just tooooo yummy all together!

Happy first of November to you, dear friend! So excited for the holiday time ahead!!!


Silvia C said...

Yay! I love November (I enjoy Thanksgiving so much more than Christmas for some reason). I love your posts. They are fun and sweet! Have a great week, Koralee!

Dawn said...

This is adorable Koralee!!! Ito cannot wait for dessert:)))
Happy new week to you!

Sarah Knight said...

Ah, Novemeber...
It just occurred to me today that it's time to start getting ready for Thanksgiving, time to start stockpiling gravy, boxes of jello, and cranberry rolls.
: )

Martina said...

Happy November! Let's make it sweet and cozy too - your image sure ads a delicious note to the month of bare trees and cold winds ;)

Anonymous said...

Goodmorning Koralee!I cant seem to get your winter wonderland blog today.But I think you and I are thinking the same thing these days.Lovely snow and the Christmas season,how gorgeous.

Have a lovely day!

Marina Saclley @ Iced VoVo's said...

Your posts always cheer me up Koralee!
Have a great week my friend.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning again darling! I just love this post....Anita

chateaudelille said...

Love your new banner.Absolutely gorgeous! Fiona

Barbara said...

Honestly, Koralee, can you believe it? November already!

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

LOL I would only eat dessert if I could xox