{just a peek}
just a wee little peek at my
contributing column in the amazing
new magazine
Where Women Cook
on newstands
December 1st

Where Women Cook
is a quarterly magazine from the publishers of
Where Women Create and Somerset Studio
Jo Packham
{who is a nonstop ball of energy and inspires me to bits}
read more here

NYC on December 10th
you are invited to
attend the launch party
details here
I am blessed to be featured
the Where Women Cook Blog
please pop over and visit me
everyday this week
{thanksgiving fun }
thank you Jo and Loralee {author of Amuse-Borche}
You can order your copy of the magazine here
I will be giving a copy away December 1st....so stay tuned
Ohhh Congrats on your column!! I'll look for the magazine soon!! =)
Melanie's Randomness
How exciting! Happy Monday!
Now that is some fun and exciting news. Congratulations Koralee! Boy do I wish I was going to be in NYC for that party. Going to go pop over now and check it all out.
WOw! Congratulations!!!!
Wish I could go to the PARTY!
Thank you for your lovely photos each day...you get me through with color!
Can't wait to see it all when it comes out....
(You are welcome to come over and cross-country ski with me any day!:))
How exciting! I am so happy for you and of course, we will all want a copy! I'm looking forward to it! Hugs! ♥
Congratulations!! And thanks for introducing me to Where Women Cook. Delicious!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!
I'm afraid I'm not that lucky! I wish! NYC!
Well, off now to 'Amuse bouche'!!!
You have fun this week!!!
hello, my friend...i just heard about this new magazine yesterday...and was so excited about it..and how lovely that you are a part of it....i am so excited to get a copy !!!!
something to look forward to...for sure :-)
sending Thanksgiving love to you,
Koralee! That is so exciting!!! Congratulations my sweet friend..I am so happy for you! I will check it out...Have a great Thanksgiving :D
Congrats!!!! So exciting! xoxoxo
Oh, how lovely for you Koralee...and what a shame that I won't be in NYC on 10th December.
How great to be in a new publication. Many congratulations. XXXX
I think that is fabulous news .. How great that you were asked :-) ♥
STUFF, Koralee!
I'm popping
over to A-B, now
and see what you
are up to over
there! Hope your
week is off to
a lovely start....
xx Suzanne
How exciting for you - well done!
Wowwww...you are a famous woman now !!! great !!...and owwww you look so so so sweet darling.......and i will winnnnnn !! that magazine !!! please please !!...hahahahha!! it helps ??? hihihihihi!!! lovely day darling.......love Ria...
very exciting!!!!
Oh wow, thats pretty exciting, can't wait!
That is so exciting! Love it!
Hooray for you friend! Of course you're fabulous so no surprise there!
Also, thinking of you as you face the dreaded dentist. You're brave to share your fears with us. Praying that all goes well!
Another gorgeous feature, my friend. Now I just have to buy a copy of WWCook too, looking forward to leaving through.Your sneek peak is pure happiness!
Have a great start to the new week xxxxx I think I will start writing the Christmas cards this week. xxxxx
It's been so fabulous working with you! A huge pleasure, friend-that-has-a-very-similar-name! :) xo
How exciting, Koralee! I look forward to seeing it.
Ree has been much in the public eye lately....saw her on a Throwdown with Bobby Flay!
Koralee, How exciting! Congratulations to you! You must be very excited. Traci
That is great news, Koralee. I love Women create magazine.
I love this! Great news, dear!!!!
Another magazine!!! Yippy, that is so exciting for you! Congratulations! All these people know a GREAT thing when they see one! I am going to have to go check out Jo's shops in Ogden now ... it's only about 50 minutes from me!
Wow...sounds like you're busy! Keep it going!!
love you sneak peek. looks very interesting. you are a winner and deserve to be featured in the magazine and in fact ALL craft/cooking etc magazines, books, etc. you are a rock star and more!
How exciting for you! Congratulations!
How exciting Sweet Friend...Congratulations!
Hi Koralee,
What exciting news for you dear friend. This magazine looks fabulous and will see if I can get a copy.
Thinking of you going to the dentist, hope it goes well for you.
Happy start to the week
What wonderful accomplishments. :)
God has blessed you with so many talents and gifts. We are all blessed to tag along on this journey of yours! :)
Goody for you! So happy for you...wonderful!
Hi Koralee!
WOW... You G O girl!
I am so excited for you ~ what an opportunity!
It's an opportunity for them as well ~ you are such a gift of talent blended with kindness ♥
The universe gave a collective smile the day you were born ~
I popped over to visit the Where Women Cook blog: Amuse-Bouche ... and it's fabulous to see you there! Love your chalk board in the kitchen and that sweet vintage tablecloth! I'll pop over again to leave a comment ~
Oh what are the chances I am able to go visit Amanda that weekend and pop over to NYC's Chelsea Market ???
Enjoy the JOY, Koralee!
What a wonderful honor! I can't wait to go see, Koralee!
Big hugs,
Wonderful news Koralee! Congratulations x
So exciting!
Another excuse for me to haunt the Michaels store (not that I NEED an excuse, mind you). Congratulations - can't wait to read it!
How exciting, dear Koralee! I just popped over and visited you on the magazine site--lovely article!
I'm so thrilled you'll be contributing to what I already know will be a wonderful magazine, and can't wait to see what you do!
Wishing you a beautiful day, my friend!
Big round of applause! I'm thrilled to hear this news, i just know it's going to be wonderful!!! darling sneak peak too!!!
Wow...you are getting famous all over the place! I'm excited for you:)
OMG, sounds (and looks) like the perfect magazine! I have to check it out!
Camila F.
Now this is one magazine I hadn't heard about. Congratulations on being included in it. How exciting for you!
Way to go, girl.
Yes, I'm cheating and taking a pause in all the cooking to see what you all are up to. What a lovely posting and I adore the first picture. It's no wonder that you are in all the famous mags. I need to get serious with my camera sooner rather than later.
Ok, back to the stove......I'm almost done... yipee....
How exciting! Congrats! I can't wait to read your column. :) Hope you are having a most lovely week.
Congrats Congrats Congrats! Did I say Congrats? I can't wait to check this out! So happy for you! Oh I am going to have to spread the good news about this new fab mag! Way too cool! You go girl!
Mama Holli
Congratulations dear Koralee. I love apple butter and your recipe sounds wonderful!
darling, that is awesome...i am so proud of you!!
yippie skippie!
Congratulations to you my friend! :0)
How exciting! Congratulations xox
KORALEE! YOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO! I am so thrilled for YOU and to know that you are in this magazine! I will enter your give away and if I don't win...teehee, I know I won't, I will run to go buy it! You are my pal, my sweet, sweet friend and to see you featured is such a treat. I can't wait to see what you will serve up for us. Oh dearest, yesterday was a killer marathon!!! From 8:00am to 11:30 a teacher meeting..then from 12:30 to EIGHT FIFTEEN IN THE EVENING, NON STOP, parent conferences with 30 families! Next Monday, it is about 10 more families to go. I am bushed, and now I am off to another meeting! Good news however, is that Wed., Thurs. and Friday are OFFFFFFF!
Thank you sweet one for checking in on me; it is always nice to hear the sweet song of my favorite blue bird!
BISES, Anita
SO EXCITING, Koralee! What a great picture of you...and I love your sunny yellow kitchen!
I was looking for an idea for Thanksgiving placetags. I just may try your apple butter recipe! Looks FAB!
You go, girl! So happy for you!
How wonderful, congratulations!! You must be so delighted.
Have a wonderful start of a new and beautiful week. xxx
Koralee! How exciting!!!
I checked out your page in the magazine. So Pretty as Always and Very Yummy too! I am going to order a copy from your blog.
Oooooh...I wish, I wish, I wish I was going to be in NYC on Dec.10th. Have a wonderful time!
I hope that you have a warm and cozy Thanksgiving,
How cool is that! For sure picking up a copy!
Hope you have a Happy week and a Happy Thanksgiving!
How exciting Koralee what a fun thing to be involved with! Have a lovely Thanksgiving week with your family - xxx
That is SO so so exciting! Congratulations!! It would be so fun to be featured in such an inspiring magazine like that! LOVE "where women create" :)
Happy Thanksgiving Twinkle Toes! With Love and thankful you're so wonderful to me, Jennifer jennsthreegraces
what a joyfull post Koralee,congratulations girls have fun with it!!!
have a beautiful evening x
Oh my goodness! That is so exciting Koralee! You amazing lady, you! {PS cannot wait for tomorrow!}
Congratulations and all the best Koralee!
Congratulations, dear Koralee!!! How exciting! Couldn't have happened to a nicer lady!
Wishing you much success, and a very fun time on dec 10th in NYC...:)
xoxo Gloria
Good things happen to good (and talented!) people. Congratulations! Wish I lived closer to NY.
Also left you a comment over at Where Women Cook.
I am off to tackle that old Turkey!
ox, Mon
what a marvel you are Koralee..loved the feature on the stunning blog..you are fulled with inspiration
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