{winter laundry}

{house cleaning}

hope you all had a wonderful Christmas
ours was truly blessed
{even though we missed our molly}
thought I would share some of
my Molly's Christmas
with you....
{I do love her creativity}
{will try to visit you all soon...missed you sooooo much}
Very Creative your Molly is!! So sweet! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Thanks for sharing Molly with us, you must miss her very much. Here's to a Happy New Year! xxx susan
Koralee!! Isn't it great to take a little break and feel the excitement build of the new year??? I LOVE IT!
Miss you too :)
Anne Marie
Molly is a inspiration, very beautiful Koralee!
Happy new year lovie:D
I am glad we are feeling the same way about cleaning up the house after Christmas!
Love your photos...and I've missed looking at your blog every day!! Sooooo glad you had a wonderful holiday!
Wow, her photos are amazing. I especially love the house cleaning. Thank you for sharing. It must be so hard to have her away for the holidays...
It will be a bitter sweet moment when I see my little one take flight, independent, ready to be herself and live her own life. Yikes. Let me go give her some extra kisses right now.
Awesome pictures...Molly has your talent!
...the apple does not fall far from the tree!
The windows in her dorm are to die for, don't you think?
Oh, I bet you missed her so much, my friend! It is a hard time to have a child gone. She is wonderfully talented Koralee. I'll bet you are very proud of her.
Big hugs,
Molly's images are fantastic and fun. Wishing you all the best in these last days of 2010. Blessings of peace joy and love for the New Year. Tammt
How lovely your Molly's photographs are! There's nothing like a holiday apart from family to make you cherish their presence.
- Vanessa Elizabeth
Nice to see you, I´ve missed your posts! :-)
Their she is !!!! welcome back !!!...i missed you.......love love love love Ria....
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Having you back HOME Koralee is a gift in itself..we all missed you so much! OH DEAR, these photos of Molly's world are TREMENDOUS! That room....is that the room she shares with her mates? AND THE SHEEP!! Magic, PURE MAGIC! Did you enjoy your British Christmas my sweet Koralee? We had a FINE TIME HERE AT HOME, so quiet and serene. Oh this is our last week off from class and I am savoring every second of it!!! And I am so amazed that your little parcel has not arrived! WOW! I was told that your customs department is very strict; I do hope that it was not lost....you will keep me in the know! OH KORALEE, I WISH YOU THE HAPPIEST OF NEW YEARS HOLIDAYS! It has been a HUGE DELIGHT and blessing to get to know you. I am making it a point to get up to BC and seek you out....you are too precious of a blue jewel to never, ever see in person! I LOVE YOU KORALEE! BLESSINGS TO YOU AND YOURS, Anita
Dear Koralee, I DO enjoy Molly´s pictures!!! Just like yours!! We are on the road...type some more later!! Love! Bela
It's hard to believe that 2011 is just around the corner! I wish you and your family health and happiness Koralee!
xo Catherine
Good Morning Koralee!!!
Thank you so much for
sharing your Molly with
us. I've thought of her
over the holiday...but
little birdies must take
wing and fly from the nest
even on Christmas :)
Her pictures are wonderful.
I would love having that
window behind my head to
wake up to. JOY :)
Wishing you much happiness
in the coming year xxxx
Hello Koralee,
Your Molly has a good eye. My favorite is the 'house cleaning' photo. Reminds me of the London bedroom in the book 'Peter Pan'.
Happy New Year!!
Janet xox
What a fun look into your daughter's new world! I am sure that you missed her terribly, and she you, but how fun to experience life, for a while, in a new "world". She is as talented as her mom!
I hope that your Christmas was full of JOY!
Love, Joyce
Everything looks beautiful Koralee and may I take this opportunity to wish you and your family the very best of the New Year! May your 2011 be filled with joy and contentment!
Tina xo
Looks like a perfect christmas to me!
Hope you had a wonderful christmas season :)
Good morning dearest sweet Koralee, warm welcome back! Miss Molly does take inventive pictures, I like the housecleaning and the laundry shots a lot.
Can you believe 2011 is just around the corner? We are spending our days mostly inside, all cozy and warm. I am reorganizing my big cupboard, though I do not feel like it at all. It has been on my must-be-done lists for too long now.
I had to take a wee break for some uplifting vibes, thought I pop by in your gorgeous corner first. Well now that is done I have to get myself to the cupboard again, or shall I take a big mug of hot tea first? Okay, that's what I will do.
Lots of Love, happy you're back! xxxx
Love these pics from a child away at Christmas! She has such an eye for a great picture!
your sweet molly took some lovely pics, koralee. i'm glad you had a sweet christmas. so glad you're back.
Hope you have an awesome New Year!
I have missed you, dear friend! The blogging world is just not the same when you're away! :)
Molly's pictures are FANTASTIC! Her dorm {?} is amazing! Love the cold feet too. She really has a photographer's eye. {like her mom ! :)}
I have been enjoying the time off from school. I love this time of year. The rush is over and there's time to slow down a bit and to think about the possibilities in the new year!
The sun is shining. The air is crisp. There are diamonds shining on the surface of the snow...mmm...a lovely winter day! Peace to you, dear one...and many
Molly must take after her mom! Wonderful photos! Glad you had a wonderful holiday! Hugs, Traci
hi koralee,
wonderful photos with excellent composition. molly has talent, just like mommy.
Yes, as others say, she has your talent! Great photos. Hope you will see her soon!
It must have been weird without your Molly! I can imagine you missed her! And now you're even sharing her with us, in the great pictures she took. It will be such an unforgettable time for her, something that will define her life really and that must give you so much warmth and delight to see through her pics that she's growing and oohh, talented she is!!! The apple... you know!
Bye Koralee,
have a wonderful end of the year
and a healthy and bright start of 2011!
hello my sweet friend...so happy to see you at Farmhouse...i love all the beautiful photographs...just lovely
sending warmest wishes for a Happy New Year....
looking forward to our continued friendship....
Hi Koralee! I think we have all missed your cuteness and your happy posts! Molly definitely has your talent for style and creativity ... these are beautiful photos! How fun! Happy New Year!!! xoxo
sweeet molly... love the boots...
hoping you had a joyful christmas although molly could not be with you...
and wishing you the most wonderful new year... lots of peace and happiness to you...
we both know our meeting was so special... and will never forget that special day... ever....
relax sweet friend... xoxoxoxox
looks as though your dear Molly has inherited your creativity!
Glad you had a wonderful Christmas....we did too:)
Bonjour Karalee,
Your daughter is a very talented photographer. The shot with the girls on the ladders is fantastic. Glad you had a good Christmas!
I wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!
Molly is talented! Have a fabulous new year koralee! Xoxoxo
She is very talented, what a creative eye, just like her Mommy!
Thank you for sharing!
Merry Christmas...I know you must have missed her so much...and what beautiful pictures and images...
xo to you
and Happy New Year to your family
There you are little angel! Welcome back! You make me smile but you make me miss Molly too! Love love love you!!! Happy New Year!!!!
Hi Koralee!
I can feel the bonds of love between you and Molly wrapping around the world like a big hug.
She sent you some amazing photos. the one of the girls cleaning is great. I love the windows.
And the girls, they are almost silhouettes in the sunlight.
I feel so blessed to have come this way ~ so much sweetness, hospitality and gentle guidance ♥
May many blessings find their way to you and your family always*
Let's celebrate 2011 all year long!
Wishing you a GREAT 2011, hugs! :-)
KORALEE!!!! YIPEE! YOU FINALLY GOT YOUR TAGS!!!! I am so happy! I was beginning to wonder if they got lost! WOW...your mailing system and customs is as strict as my mail carrier said! But I am so glad that you are delighted with them! I love to take my drawings and then scan them and have them copied in bulk. I then stain them in a tea or coffee bath and make tags. I just created several little faeries for some friends, and my favorite one is a Dutch faerie, "De Hertogin" and she is wearing a sort of platinum colored little dress. I like her because I can use silver glitter on her dress! Well my dearest, IT'S BACK TO SCHOOL FOR US SOON, n'est-ce pas? Are you ready? I know you loved the holiday rest as I did....and I love my school, but woooooo, it was a fabulous celebration. I am so happy to know you Koralee, and may 2011 bring us the chance to one day meet and embrace. My love to you dearest bluebird, and blessings to all of those who are important to you, Anita
that house cleaning pic! And the boots! All of them! She is so talented..surprised? no way :) A chip off the old block! Love to see & enjoy her work! Thanks for sharing your girl with all of us!
Her photos are amazing...love the sheep in the snowy meadow.
Happy New Year my friend...sending you good wishes for the new year!
What lovely pictures, Molly clearly has your talents! And although she is surely missing you all, she is truly experiencing a very British Christmas! B x
Molly's photos are wonderful. We do miss our "little ones" when they are away. Mine left this morning for 6 months and I miss her already.
Oh my! The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!!! :) Beautiful photos from your dear daughter, Molly Marie!
We are missing our dear middle daughter, Rashelle Belle (not really her middle name, our nick middle name for her)!!! (((((Koralee)))) hugs to you!!
I hope you have a splendid New Year my sweet friend!!
XOXO Gloria
Beautiful photos from a sweet and beautiful girl! Happy New Year my friend!
I love these pictures! Your Molly obviously takes after you.
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