Monday, February 14, 2011

my heart cake......the good....the bad...and the ugly

happy heart's day
ta da
my heart cake as promised
the good....
the outside

the individual slices

the bad...
not so" heart like" when looking at it from this angle
I call it my wonky square heart

{but it does look like lips...... kiss cake?}

the UGLY......
first attempt making the white cake
{which should of been the easiest part}
I failed miserably
could not get the cake out of the
pans without it
breaking into pieces
second attempt I got it right

my favorite part....the red velvet

Happy Valentine's Day

thank you all who tried this crazy cake with me
I would love to link up with you if you have a
Valentine's Cake on your blog today
just let me know and I will add you in

please visit these sweet friends
their cakes are amazing

Maria here

Saskia here

Susan here

Marilyn here



Vintage Gal said...

The cake still looks yummy ~ Happy Valentine's Day ;-)

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Koralee ~

It's beautiful ~ and the heart is almost the shape of perfect lips ready to give some lucky recipient a kiss!

Happy Valentine's Day to you sweet friend!


Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Beautiful! Just like magic :-)
Wishing you love and chocolate this magical day.

lilybets said...

It looks a funny cake!.But done with love!.That is important!!!.Happy Valentine's day !.

It's me said...

Yes i saw the cakes by Maria and Sassie....lovely....your vake is amazing !!! good work darling....!!!Happy Valentine!! love love Ria................... ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ...... ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ... .... ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ .....

{kara} said...

Happy Valentines Day Koralee! I don't have a Valentine Cake on my blog but I have a Valentine Greeting that I would love for you to read today! Come on over. Hugs Today Koralee!

Michaja said...

AMAZING!!!! How did you manage to get the heart in the inside? So cool.
Have a happt valentine's evening.

Shelley in SC said...

I would call this a stunning success . . . good, bad and ugly all considered! I was wondering if I could actually eat a slice, as beautiful as it was, and then remembered the inside was Red Velvet, and I knew I could!

Farmgirl Gourmet said...

I would say you did a great job! Wonky hearts are still better than no heart! Very nice work Koralee! :)

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!

Farmgirl Hogs and Quiches!

Unknown said...

God Bless you... I love that you took us along for the ride. I'm guessing a few nibbles along the way. Now, here's just what I think.....

Think.... Kiss, Kiss or :-* :-*

Because your center looks like a big sweet pair of RED LIPS.

No cakes here, just Frangos and a Cute Fat Pig.

Toot Sweets, My Sweet,
Kate - The Garden Bell

i.ikeda said...

Oh My! That looks incredible! I knew you would pull it off. :)

And the wonky squares, well, each person only sees their individual slices right? Se that's all that counts. It's perfect.

I didn't make a cake, but I made chocolate candy with hearts. To be added to my blog later today if I can finish my grant work. *sigh*

jeanette from everton terrace said...

I say Bravo! I love that you showed the ugly, I have lots of those :) Obviously it is filled with love no matter how the heart looks.

Martina said...

Koralee, you are amazing! Happy, happy Valentines, you're getting the MVS baker award, i love your cake and think it came out GREAT! Hope your family enjoyed it very much!

Marilyn Miller said...

My cake is up on my blog at Delights of the Heart. It was great fun and I am loving seeing yours. Happy Valentine's to you dear Koralee.

noodleBubble said...


Wonky and Ugly Cakes are my limit...

Happy Valentines Day ♥

Pinecone said...

Not wonky at all. You did a a great job!
happy V day!

By the Bluegrass said...

Ahhhh, I love it! Your sliced piece looks fantastic. And, I think your wonky square heart is really cute too! All I have to say is "yuuuuum"! Happy Valentine's Day, sweet lady!

Susan said...

Koralee, Your cake looks wonderful! I'll admit I gave it a try, but I used a mix. They were out of red velvet at two grocery stores :(so the heart is strawberry cake. That's OK, pink suits me.:) Mine came out quite "wonky" too, but photographed at the right angle it's not so bad! I posted a quick pic this morning before I left for school.
Our third grade teacher who became a widow several years ago got engaged today...during recess! He brought flowers, got down on one knee, presented her with a beautiful diamond and asked her to marry him! What a sweet, romantic man! Love is in the air!
Hope your day is full of sweet surprises, some romance, and LOTS OF LOVE!

Blessed Serendipity said...

Your cake is beautiful! So the middle doesn't look a heart but red lips (that is a happy accident) So perfect for valentines day.


Christine Hoffman said...

I think it looks not like a wonky heart,
but like a big pair of red smoochy lips!
Perfect for valentine's day:)

Happy day friend, talk to you very soon!
xoxo c

Libbie said...

That picture of the slice is AMAZING!!!! & your ugly is nothing compared to what mine might be!!! :) So glad you made it & hope it tastes 1/2 as good as it looks!!! YUM!!! Great Job! Off to visit the other girls & see their cakes!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a baker so next year I want someone to be extra nice and bake one of these heart cakes for me. ;-)


Unknown said...

Super cool cake, I love it!!!!

Monica said...

I love your cake -- have a very happy day!!

Pamela said...

Happy Valentine's Day Koralee!
I think this cake is perfect!
It is nice to know I'm not
the only one who has failures with things :)
THis is something that would happen to me lol !
Gorgeous cake!!!!
Pamela xo

Unknown said...

Your cake look great!! I hate when cake's fall apart when trying to get them out of the pan :(
Happy V-day

Unknown said...

My oldest daughter and I had a "date" to make this cake on Saturday. We stopped by my office, printed off all of the pictures and instructions. Headed to a fancy shmancy store in Salt Lake for new cake pans and a cake slicer ... long story short, it didn't happen. We had to abandon ship before we even set sail. We ran out of time and energy before we even made it back home. :(

I think your's look pretty FaNtaStic Koralee!!!! YAY for you for following through and doing it!!! xoxoxo

Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

You did great Koralee (as I knew you would!) I love, love, love red velvet cake, looks delish! Happy Valentine's Xoxoxo

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Your cake turned out amazingly heavenly, Koralee! Oh my. I love love LOVE that second picture in particular. Enjoy every bite!
My cake was a big failure and I cannot stand it. I will manage though one fine day in the far far future.
Huge hugs for a loveliest of Valentines xoxoxoxoxo

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Girl, I'm just blown plumb off the haywagon with this one!!! Wow...I'm impressed!!!

My mom used to have one of those checkerboard cake pans that I always thought was the coolest thing ever. It truly doesn't take much to entertain me. Heeeheheh!!!

Thanks for sharin' your beautiful Valentine cake will ya please pass me a fork??? :o)

God bless and have a marvelous Valentine's Day!!!

Mo said...

I am still incredibly impressed. What a cake!!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Julie said...

Looks so good!!!! Sorry no cake baking here hubby and I are trying to loose 10 pounds!

Unknown said...

Wow! I think you did a great job with the cake! It definitly looks like a heart inside! And it looks sooo yummy :)

Melanie's Randomness said...

I love the heart cake!!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

- said...

Such a pretty cake! I just shared a slice of red velvet cream cheese cake with my daughter! So yummy! Have a wonderful day.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How cool is that?! I've never seen anything quite like that cake. I'm impressed!

francis said...

next year I'm with you lady-heart-cake-bakers .
Good idea ! Looks so yummie .... Can almost taste it overhere !
Lots of love and happy valentine greetings

fee @ chipper nelly said...

what a special cake - too good to if you can EVER say that about a cake!

I can't bake at the moment as the thermostat has gone on my oven and it only cooks in nuclear terms.
On the upside: I can cook a jacket potato in ten minutes flat!!!
Happy Valentines to you too
fee x

Bohemian said...

I was going to say that the wonky Heart still turned out fab as a pair of lucious lips instead! Even your 'mistakes' are lovely, thanks for saving me a piece. *winks* Enjoying cake this way is guilt free. *LOL*

Happy Valentine's Day... Dawn... The

Sewn With Grace said...

I think you did a fabulous job and I wish I had a piece right now!

fernandflora said...

Bravo on your beautiful cake and way to not give up! It looks gorgeous and I'm sure it tastes the same! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours! I hope you're feeling the love today dear friend.

Suz said...

You make me laugh! Your ugly is really pretty good. Now I am very hungry and want some cake really badly! I think I might even get into the chocolates I got for Jud. He won't notice one gone ;-)

Maria said...

Your cake "photo shoot" pics are soooo pretty, Koralee.
They really look like beautiful magazine photos. If a local bakery here had advertisements that look half as pretty as these photos, I'd be there!

Koralee, your cake looks wonderful... Your "wonky square heart" actually looks like pretty red lips ;o)
It looks delicious too ~
Everyone's cake came out so nice! I'm off to leave comments now ~
Happy Valentine's Day to a very dear ♥

Lynn said...

I'm impressed! A very pretty Valentine's cake! Maybe I'll try it next year...
Have a great day,

I've added you to my blog lists:
LS Art & Design

Pink Cottage Rose

Carousel Dreams said...

I love your heart cake Koralee, just the way it is x

Bralliz said...

Oh that's the cutest cake I've ever seen in my life!!!! You are the best, sending you and your family a lot of love today sweet Koralee! xoxoxo alice

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh that is just the sweetest...and the ugly was so funny!

Have a beautiful day my friend,
xxxx DJ

Unknown said...

you did great! i bet that's really hard to do! A+ happy valentine's day!! xo susan

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh my dearest Koralee, I knew I was going to miss out on something extremely special this weekend and today; we worked so hard on the rooms this weekend that today, I woke up late: 4:30am, leaving me unable to visit anyone today. YOUR CAKE IS SPLENDID, but I SO LOVE YOUR TITLE!!!! TEEEEEHEEEE! I did make it over to Saskia's and saw her AMAZING CAKE! I have to say, you are brave and wonderful to try it....but I think it is absolutely WONDERFUL, LIKE YOU!!!! I hope you get my valentine; I have a feeling you will get it in about 3 weeks!!!!!

Now off to see the previous post I missed...MUCH LOVE TO YOU ON THIS SPECIAL DAY, and thank you for coming to see my new addition!! BISES, Anita

Vintage Home said...

WOW...Koralee...beautiful job!!!!!!...I may just drive over and get me some!...Ilove the lips...and the single serve is stunning!

paperbird said...

I so wanted to do this Koralee but never found the time. I love your cake and I think you did a marvelous job!
Happy Valentines sweet Koralee!

Dogwood said...

yum, yummy, yummie!

michelle said...

Koralee I think it turned out perfectly! Good for you for doing this and hey, you just got a little extra cake, nothing wrong with that! :) It looks so yummy and I know you enjoyed every last bite! :)
Happy Valentines Day to you!!!

Merci-Notes said...


I agree, they look like lovely lips... for Valentines Day!!!

Heart and lips :)

I am off to visit more luscious cakes :)


Anonymous said...

You can be very proud of your effort, and your cake Koralee. Well done to all the lovely ladies for having a go. Have a lovely day, my friend.

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Ok Koralee just fedex me a piece of that yummy looking cake! Have a wonderful Happy Valentines day! Traci

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Koralee,

I don't have a cake but I did bake and decorate some fabulous brownies for a bake off of sorts if that qualifies to link up with you. I LOVE this heart cool is that! And the white cake...well, ya know...everything can't be perfect but I bet it tastes great!

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your husband,
Stephanie ♥

Prudence said...

that looks way good to me, I'll even eat the ugly!

Shell said...

Yipee. I'm so glad you did it a second time. Voila, it's looks perfect. Happy Valentine's Day, Koralee.

Elyse said...

looks fabulous to me! and what's better than a cake made with a lot of heart?

sweet wishes for a happy valentine's day ~


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Your cake looks divine, love the red heart, well done dear friend. I bet it tasted yummy too.
I baked a chocolate cake, with melted chocolate icing and we had whipped cream with it.
Happy Valentines day and hope that it is sprinkled with much love.
I adore the sweet Valentine card you gave me, thank you so much and I will put it on my inspiration board and think of you when I see it.


Eve said...

That is one impressive cake. I don't understand how you did it, but I dig it.

Sue said...

It does look like lips...just pretend you did that on purpose. The main thing is, did it taste as good as it looks!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm thoroughly impressed! I love making desserts but this one scared me no end. You've done a great one. Happy Valentine's day!!

E Makes Art said...

This cake is truly amazing!! And your photography is gorgeous! What a beautiful and inspiring blog! And happy Valentine's Day to you!


Not Just a Waitress said...

You totally rocked it! And the only angle that it maybe didn't look like a made it into a kissable little pair of lips!! You are a wonder!!
Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!!! :)

Rose said...

Wow, you really did a good job. I bet it was really difficult to make. As long as it tasted yummy :)
Hope you had a lovely valentines day.
Do yo think you would ever attempt this cake again?


kimbirdy said...

ah! that's so fantastic!! what an unbelievably hard project to accomplish, but you did so beautifully. i actually really love that it looks like big, kissable lips, but then a heart for the slices. so fun!

tinajo said...

It´s a lovely cake - much better than I´d manage to make! :-)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I just HAD to come by for another slice of sweetness, gentleness and love....have a happy day dear heart! Anita

Tash said...

Hooray! What a great job! Your cake, your photos, your post, all is so wonderful Koralee :)
I hope your Valentine's was full of sweet love :)

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

I would have just given up! You are sooooo patient!


Hope your day was super sweet!


Rizzi said...


Maria Medeiros said...

Sweeeet! :)

flowersandhome said...

Tried it... again and again... recipe just didn't work, no cake I'm afraid... Outside was baked, inside still fluid... :((
Glad to see yours worked out terrific but who would have doubted that ;-))

emily-kallista said...

Oh fantastic job!!! looks gorgeous and mroe importantly delicious

Angelina Raven said...

AMAZING!! And so creative. Thanks for such a wonderful blog!

Unknown said...

Andrea made the cake! Here it is:

à la parisienne said...

Your enthusiasm for cooking up beautiful desserts is contagious. I'm going to have to work on getting better at this by Amelia's 3rd birthday.
I've never seen a cake like this; it's no surprise that you are the one to introduce the idea to me!


Anonymous said...

You did WONDERFUL! I wish I could have eaten a piece of this. I would be happy forever! This has not been a cake-making kind of week for me.....just getting over the flu :(

Susan Houseman said...

Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's day!! The cake is amazing and I think the inside looks like -- lips--how cool is that. xxx susan

theUngourmet said...

So darling!
I think I'd
be a chicken to
try making this!
Love it. xo

puntoyseguido said...

Koralee, you are amazing!
i love your cake and think it came out great!
Thank you to comment:)