Saturday, February 26, 2011

life is a gift.......

those who wish to sing
always find a song
swedish proverb

just sharing some blissful images today
that were sent to me by a
sweet friend
thank you Francis


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Thank you for passing them on to lovely!

tinajo said...

Very pretty! Have a great saturday! :-)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Even though I can't sing, I have MANY SONGS in my repertoire, and one of them is about a bluebird....such happy thoughts my sweet, and a great way to spend this snowy Saturday in my neck of the woods. Peace and joy to you today, Anita

Elizabeth said...

Very pretty images!
Have a lovely day!

Heidi said...

Oh love!

♥ Mary Janes TEAROOM said...

Very pretty and I love the Swedish proverb,
Susan x

andrea creates said...

very pretty-
always a treat stopping by your blog :)

Madelief said...

Dear Koralee,

What a beautiful proverb and one I will write down! Your pictures make me smile; those lovely cups, the teapot, the washing on the line. It's al so pretty :-)!

Love from a rainy Holland,


Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Your images are always such wonderful eye candy!

Maria said...

Ahhhh I was just thinking about my clothes line yesterday... after changing the sheets... I thought that one day last week when it hit almost 50 degrees... I could have put a row of sheets out there! But the snow is so high ... maybe just pillow cases and washcloths LOL

I'm enjoying my birdies ... singing sweet songs for me today *
Lovely photos today, Koralee * love the vintage teacups {as always}

* hope you're feeling so much better now!

Have a wonderful and restful weekend dear ♥

Unknown said...

I sure hope Francis's images cheered you up and you are feeling better. I know they did for me. Just what the doc ordered. You can't go wrong with raspberries and RED balloons in your life. That proverb is right up my alley, as you can imagine. I can always find a song for the day. Stay in this weekend and continue to get better.

Your never far from my thoughts,

Little Things By Anna... said...

Love the pink balloons! Always love your pictures!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh I just want to pop that luscious raspberry into my mouth right now!!! Actually, I had a big bowl of frozen ones in my chocolate yogurt this morning, but FRESH ONES are hard to beat. I SO THOUGHT OF YOU when I composed this post dearest friend. All the bright blues in that little work space and that jar filled with the cupcake cups...ahhhh....bake away my dear and surprise us with more of your magic...I am so glad to hear you are feeling better!!! HAVE FUN DOING WHAT YOU ENJOY! Now off to finish cleaning! Anita

luckygirlgifts said...

What lovely images, thank you to your friend and to you for sharing.

Stina said...

mooi zijn je foto's weer zo heerlijk zomers.

groet Stina

It's me said...

I will sing a song for you darling.......blessings happy love love

Pinecone said...

These pictures are perfect!

Wanda Metcalf said...

I love to sing... Others may not always love that I do. ; )

I looked further down and read Fridays Pretties too. I so agree stop complaining about the weather! I think we need to enjoy the snow so pretty and white that is what makes us just love all the bright colors of Spring all the more. I think those who complain about the cold will be the one who will be complaining they are too hot when Summer gets here.
Enjoy your weekend!

Suz said...

What beautiful photography and composition!

Martina said...

Adorable pix - love that style and will look at her blog! Have a weekend with lots of sweet little moments dear friend - and thanks for your sweet comment today! xx

gillyflower said...

I love the words and the photo are pure eye candy and make my heart sing!It is so wet and grey here today, just what I needed to see! Thankyou! Hope you have a wonderful weekend
Gill x

Unknown said...

As usual your photos always make me smile :o)

Bohemian said...

Francis' images are enchanting and I love this Swedish Proverb!

Dawn... The Bohemian

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your happy photos! And I'm going to write down the proverb! I am a VERY happy person and I hum all the time! And today I've had the BEST day! I hope you have, too! ♥

todi design said...

I love your blog!
♥Have a lovely weekend♥


Ruth Yoder said...

Great pics! Have a great weekend!

Luiza said...

Hello there pretty...

Hope you´re having a wonderful weekend!!!


London Still said...

so beautiful in every way!

Marilyn Miller said...

What a sweet gift for sure. I love the photos and will now be off for a visit to her blog.

Hearts Turned said...

Such beautiful images, Koralee! Hoping you're enjoying a wonderful weekend, dear friend!


Hanlie Joubert said...

first time visiting your lovely blog! it's beautiful, so full of color.
have a wonderful weekend

oh, and i'm following along :o)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

What a beautiful proverb, have written it down and gorgeous photographs you have shown today.
Life is a gift, and thanks for sharing so much joy with us.

Have a happy weekend

Catherine said...

These pretty photos make me feel sunny and warm!!!
But for some reason my toes are still freezing...
:( !??!!
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

Gorgeous, as always! Hope you are having a great weekend:-)

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

beautiful, what a great way to celebrate Saturday, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful images. That quote is so true. My daughter and I are always singing. We make up most of the words. Puts us in happy mode for the day.

Lisa x

Shanae Branham said...

I love the bright colors and the balloons are my favorite! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to see you again sometime!

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet koralee, these are beautiful images! Oh how i adore those gorgeous tea cups! So happy i took a break from packing madnesss and came to visit you here! Miss you! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!


found and sewn said...

Beautiful pictures. love those teacups

Maaike said...

Oh so great pictures Koralee... love them!
Have a great Sunday,
love Maaike

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Such beautiful images that have certainly brightened up a grey and rainy Sunday here in the UK.
Hope you are well Koralee and that your daughter is still enjoying life over here. Much love to you. XXXX

francis said...

Oh my ..... I was looking and thinking how you always seem to make us happy with your images and than I read .......
Oh I am smiling such a big smile . Wish you lots of health sweet sweet friend .

Simply Me said...

So Pretty, I Love the pink balloons!!!

Sue said...

So very pretty. Isn't is so surprising how beautiful a stack of teacups can be? said...

Such sweet images Koralee.

lilisinha said...

Olá querida!
Amei teu blog, gostaria de saber se tu me autoriza a copiar imagens do teu blog e colocar no meu, claro que colocarei os devidos créditos.
Abraços, e Beijos Carinhosos

Aprendeconvale said...

dear Koralee your images are so positive and inspiring!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Love these images, and the china is so beautiful!

Rizzi said...


Cathie said...

absolutely beautiful images!

happy March sweet friend, hope it's filled with wonderful things.
hugs ♥

emily-kallista said...

this blog makes me sooo so very happy :) thank you !

Susan Houseman said...

The tea pot and cups are stunning:) xxx susan