Sunday, March 6, 2011

adorning a special day ~part one~

today I share just a few of my photos
from my article in
{Spring issue}

I had so much girly fun creating
and playing

it's all about adorning a special day

find me in this issue
on sale now

I thought it would be fun to give a copy of this wonderful
magazine away to one of you..... my sweet friends

just leave me a comment on this post
and I will draw a winner next week



Peggy said...

Oh, I would love to win, it is still not on the stands here in Canada

Hearts Turned said...

Good morning, Koralee! As you already know, I LOVED your article in WWC! My middle daughter especially loved your photo with everything in the muffin tin---such a great idea!

You spread such sunshine and joy in all you do, dear friend...thank-you for sharing your gifts with us.

Wishing you the most lovely, peaceful Sunday with your sweet family...

(p.s. You don't have to add me into the giveaway, as I already have a copy!)


Magpie's Mumblings said...

For sure I will be watching for a copy of this - but Canada is slower at getting them, so I will have to be patient!

Two Shades of Pink said...

What is it about your incredibly gorgeous photos that make people so ridiculously happy? I can look at marshmallows and straws and smile for hours. And a porcelain muffin pan filled with treats that is too lovely to need words. I love how God has gifted you. Such a blessing you are. :)

mkirsch said...

Oh, I would love to bring sunshine to the brown and white that is still hanging around outside!

Unknown said...

I might just get back to cooking if I won. Ok, maybe not....he-he... I do actually cook but never so sweet. Baking and the whole measuring part has eluded me for so long. As you can imagine, I'm a throw it into a pot and go, with a little of this and a little of that. I probably have as many spices as I do colors of yarn. That CANDY NECKLACE for sure in the house would have been gone. I'll be heading to the book store this afternoon, just to have a peek. I'm sure to spot your pictures a mile away. Congrats again, my sweet Koralee.

It's me said...

Like your pastels !! like you !! like that this day !! like it all !! you

It's me said...

Like nr 7 !! will it bring me luck ???? hahahhahhahah!!

Simply Bungalow said...

What beautiful photos. The pastels are simply lovely.

Linda said...

Your blog is so sweet! Thank you!

My Passport to Style said...

Dear Koralee, so excited about your article you clever lady. I love the sugar almond colours in these shots, I'm now itching to hold my own bake party with a bunch of UK Gals soon!Sharon, hugs xxx

Madelief said...

Hi Koralee,

Such an honour to have your photo's published in a magazine. Congratulations! The photo's look really great!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Rebecca said...

Count me in! I could USE a boost in the cooking department :)

Blessed Serendipity said...

Congratulations Koralee! I have to find this issue because you are in it! Love your pictures and that cupcake rose is really cute. Are those little candy necklace beads?

Sharon said...

Planned on buying this month's issue, but would love to win it instead! Congratulations on being featured :) What an honor, and one you deserve!

Blondie's Journal said...

The cookies are SO sweet! You always have that magic touch.

I follow Molly's blog, Orangette. She is always up to something fun...I have her book, too. Now I need to get the magazine. Congrats on your feature!


mama bleu said...

I can't get enough of your photos. They draw me in with sweet, sweet surprise. Congrats on having your photos published. How wonderful!!

Unknown said...

Koralee you always have such nice pictures, and cutest ideas! Congrats on the Issue, how exciting that must be!!
x tereza

Sue said... perfect. You have an aqua muffin tin? Well of course you do! I'm excited you are once again featured somewhere. I hope you don't forget all of us, the little people, as your fame continues to spread around the world!

DaShannon said...

Well now if that doesn't get us in the mood for spring nothing will!

Dogwood said...

you are so talented.
i LOVE all that you do.

Anonymous said...

Hi Koralee, Your photos inspire me like no others! Thanks for sharing all of your amazing talent with us. I have never read the Where Woman Cook magazine, it looks very interesting! Holly in OR

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

I love the sweet photos, the colours are so pretty.
Congratulations on your feature in the magazine, this must be so exciting for you.
I will see if my newsagent is able to get a copy.

Have a happy Sunday

Michaja said...

Your pictures are stunning as always!
Great your in a magazine! Would love to participate your give-away and win the magazine so I can read the article!
Have a lovely new week my friind.

Martina said...

Adorable pictures, so sweet for a spring celebration! Have a lovely start into the week!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Oh I would love to win a copy! I will be buying one but would also love to pass one on to my sister!
The premier issue is wonderful. I love your article and photos. I'm still thinking about those yummy caramel bars and chalkboard boxes.
I'm so thrilled for what you've done in two years time! I am not surprised though, it's a JOY to visit Bluebird Notes ~ I always leave better than I came.
Have a wonderful Sunday dear ♥

Alessandra said...

Ciao Koralee,

Your posts are always so sweet, If you don't mind I will put your link on my blog roll.


Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

That is so exciting Koralee!! Your photos just yell spring... I love it! Beautiful. :)

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

HERE I AM!!! But then of course, I would visit you several times a day even IF YOU were not giving something away. But to have a copy of this with your gracious and lovely photos, would be a dream. Oh dear one, your colors are outstanding. I have a better camera that I pulled out finally, after having lost it in the mess we had. I took some photos today, and clearly this camera is of better quality. Now I just need to figure out how to get rid of the yellow feel to the picture. Thank you sweet one for visiting me and wishing us well. We had so much fun this weekend! We are home now, settling in to rest up before the wild week takes over. Blessings to you, have fun, PLAY ALWAYS and I just adore you dear one!!!! BISES, Anita

Dawn said...

Your posts are always a delight!
Thank you for always brightening my day!
Dawn @ 4:53 am

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Oh me oh my, another gorgeous idea, these candy chains. The colors make my eyes sparkle! Your sneak peek makes me wanna read the entire article right away. I will have to wait until the end of April (our vacation brings us to the USA (Boston, NY and Washington, so so excited).
Anyways, I am off to tweet and fb your heavenly pictures.
Much love, enjoy the rest of your Sunday, sweet Koralee, I am almost off to bed, the clock ticks 22h, tomorrow school starts again (I am soooo looking forward to my first coffee at 9h with only little Q around, ssssh, don't tell the other monkeys) xxxxxxxxxx

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Koralee,

Oh, I can't wait to take a peek at your article..Please count me in for the giveaway!

Stephanie ♥

Unknown said...

Such beautiful photo's my favourite is the second one with the pink and blue icing and star biscuits ;-)) Your photo's would make such pretty birthday cards. Congratulations for being in the magazine, have a lovely week,dee x

Suz said...

Those are the yummiest pictures! I do not have a copy but I peeked at it at B and N and your article was beautiful. I wanted to see your article and see you. I was disappointed because your own picture was not in it but...there you are...right on the side of the blog. You look just like I imagined! Lovely, like one of your candy pictures!
Big hugs,

yardage girl said...

Beautiful pictures - perfectly you! Congrats on being in such a lovely mag. Have a great week! Nic

Rizzi said...


Angie said...

Ooh I would love a copy of this magazine! I have been having fun checking out your blog!

Shell said...

Even if I don't win the mag, Going to pick it up so I can see you and your cookery magic.

Barbara said...

What fun, Koralee! I would love to see this magazine, and you in it!

By the Bluegrass said...

I am sooo excited for you! And, if I don't win, I am going to buy it anyway. I can't wait to show my friends and family and tell them that you are my famous bloggy friend! Your photos are so lovely.

Sem Nome said...

me, me, mememmemememememe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I want this magazine!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Koralee!
have a great week!!!

Susan Houseman said...

Koralee, I would love to win!!!!!!!!!! But, even if I don't I will have to buy the magazine. xxxx susan

Kaylia Payne said...

Wonderful, congratulations!!! Looks like a great article, so colourful!!

Bohemian said...

Oh it looks like you had so much fun and I can hardly wait for this issue to come out... the premier issue was fabulous. Congrats on being profiled, I know your article will be colorful, fun and whimsical, just like this amazing Blog.

Dawn... The Bohemian

Susan said...

Your pics are overflowing with sweet charm and
delight! I can't wait to see your latest feature! That cupcake paper rose is simply divine! And I'll never look at candy necklaces in quite the same way again! Your lens must have a built in happy detector! I am totally loving the aqua muffin tin pic!
Please pop my name in the hat and then PICK ME! teehee Oh, I would love to win your magazine!...fingers crossed! :)

rosenresli said...

Dear Koralee,

congratulations for featuring in a magazine. I´m absolutely impressed.
Your pictures looks so nice and springy - I love them. And the blue canisters are adorable - have you bought them?
Today I was at a wonderful french antique market and bought some little pretties. Unfortunately I forgot the chip in my camera so I can only show the finds. But next month I will be back there again.

Have a nice week,
Tanja said...

Congrats Koralee, I dont think I have seen this publication in Australia, we never get the goods mags here!

Not Just a Waitress said...

Your photos are darling. :)
I can't wait to read the whole thing. :) If I don't win, you can count on it that I'll buy a copy. :) BLESSSINGS, Koralee.

Bring Pretty Back said...

Please enter me in the drawing Koralee!

Rose said...

How wonderful you have an article, you must be super excited! Ive never heard of this magazine before and wuld love a chance to own a copy :)


SLR said...

sweet congrats to you on your article and photos in Where Women Cook! i am always in delighted gasp mode when i look at your photographs, they are so so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

How fabulous Koralee....Love the images, I would certainly love to be invited on this lovely giveaway :) Xoxoxo

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

Wow! Congrats!! Wonderful news.

beautiful images xox

Anonymous said...

The magazine looks beautiful. Enter me!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Koralee -- you are always busy creating and crafting and spreading sunshine in whatever you do! Best wishes to you and yours. Have a great week! Tammy

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Koralee, Congradulatons! I will certainly get a copy. I am so thrilled for you!
xo Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Yes for you!! I am so happy for you but not at all surprised that they wanted to feature your beautiful photos in their magazine. Please count me in for the drawing:)

Kirsty Vittetoe said...


Aprendeconvale said...

Dear Koralee, your blog is so full of colors!! and this post today is on the top!I am also a "girly fun "creating! I send you a buch of colourful kisses!

Hanlie Joubert said...

hi, i would love to enter your giveaway! if you have a minute, stop by my blog, there's an award for you :o)
have a wonderful day

Libbie said...

Those colors are so yummy & I can't even taste the cookies! Not that I don't want to :) That does look like a fun project! I love using muffin tins for everything too! :) Oh & that little cupcake wrapper flower...way too have so many good ideas for those things! Don't enter me since I won Kara's cute cards but I couldn't resist commenting! You know I am a Bluebirds addict :)

Wanda Metcalf said...

Thanks for popping in on me yesterday. I am going to go buy the new issue right after I get my shoes on!!

Have a great day =0)

Sewn With Grace said...

Koralee!!!! I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday with my MIL and daughter and sat down with the magazine. When I opened to your article I was so thrilled to be able to tell them that this is by my dear blogging friend. So, so happy for you! It is beautiful!

Shelley in SC said...

Oh, yes, please. Add me. What fun to be featured . . . you and all your wonderful, smiling adorableness : ).

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

YOU are a Creative Wonder!!! I always enjoy your blog with all of my heart! Congratulations to you, and I would love to be a part of your give away.
Happy Monday!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dearest, YOU ARE SO KIND....I have you, and you have me, by your side. THANK YOU SO MUCH! After such a magical weekend, I hope I can maintain that HIGH in my daily routine. However, there are days when work is magical, and of course some days when it is not. I had moments this weekend that were so great, just resting in a peaceful atmosphere...LOVE TO YOU DEAR BLUEBIRD OF HAPPINESS!!! Anita

Marilyn Miller said...

I would love to win this special magazine issue. Thank you for picking me.

found and sewn said...

I would love to win too! Great photos xx

Laurie said...

Congratulations! I have not seen this magazine and can't wait to read it...

fernandflora said...

Oh wow. Those images are so bright and lovely and happy! You are incredibly talented. Congrats on being featured. xo xo!

A Casa da Vá said...

Please count me in, those photos are very cute! Congrats on being featured!

à la parisienne said...

This magazine sounds like the perfect place for a sweet little bluebird like you to land.
I look forward to reading the article. I am sure it's delicious.


Stevie said...

Gorgeous Post! I would love to be thrown in for the giveaway! I love the flower out of cupcake liners. The muffin tin and fillers is such a lovely photo! xo

Pinecone said...

You are so deserving to have an article in a magazine. Your pictures are always amazing, and always brighten my day!!
Now we just need to see more pictures of your house!!

Unknown said...

you, my friend, are 100% girlie girl and i love it! what sweet, fun colors in the photo-shoot! congrats again on another magazine feature! you are awesome! xoxo

paperbird said...

I have it and I loved it!
Congratulations dear Koralee.
I can't think of anyone more deserving.
I love your girly girl world!

Heidi said...

Oh sign me up Momma your famous!!!

Decor To Adore said...

My heartiest congratulations! Well done. Applause in Phoenix.

Tash said...

You are a ray of sunshine in my day Koralee, i'm so happy for you, congratulations!!
Natasha xo

Ruth Yoder said...

Awesome work! How exciting! Love your pictures and can't wait to see the magazine.

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Koralee, CONGRATZ sweet friend! I am so happy and excited for you. Your photos are just so beautiful and they make me happy! These are also my wedding theme im really getting alot of inspiration from you! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!


Rosie said...

Oh my Sweet, Sweet friend,
You were So quiet, and I was SNorrriNG So loudly...giggle...I didn't even hear you. How kind are you??!! My dear Husband/nurse delivered your "bundle of LOVE", this afternoon when he came spoil me :)
WOW!!!!! What a showing of incredible talent! Your article was truly amazing...those are YOUR colors. I no longer say "robin's egg blue", no, no, this pretty shade of blue, is now known as "Koralee Blue" :)
I am looking forward to perusing this beautiful magazine, while nibbling on a weee piece of strawberry chocolate tomorrow afternoon...oh my darling, friend...thank you Rosie.......

Nantucket Mermaid said...

I just saw that issue last time I went off Island. (we have to go off Island to get underwear and such!) Congratulations and whoop tee do! :)----<

Anonymous said...

Hi your beautiful pictures! They are indeed very girly :) I'd love to be entered in your contest - it seems like a great read!

Little Things By Anna... said...

Congratulations on being in the magazine! I would love to have a copy. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks! Anna

jane said...

Beautiful pictures as always, such a treat to visit :) I would love to enter the giveaway
Thankyou x x x x x

Privet and Holly said...

So excited for you
and of course, I would
love to win it!! Thank
you for the lovely b-day
wishes for my girl. It
was a wonderful weekend
full of joy!
xx Suzanne

Deborah said...

Thanks for popping by my blog really appreciate it. I just adore the colours you use in your blog they are fab, I could just live in it!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Jen Price said...

Such BEAUTIFUL photos! Have a lovely day!

Mystica said...

Such soft beautiful colors in this post! Please count me in.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I would be SO thrilled to have a copy of this incredible magazine! And it is more special with an article by you! I LOVE IT! Thanks! ♥♥♥

andrea creates said...

oh how fun!
congrats on the article, i'll be keeping my eyes open for it :)

erin's art and gardens said...

hi koralee,
thanks so much for the opportunity to win this generous gift!! i can not wait to see what treasures you have added to this issue. always such a pleasure to come by here to see your cheerful images.


Sue said...

Love, love, love these pictues. I really like the cupcake wrapper pretty!

Carrie said...

I would LOVE to get a copy! I need a new magazine addiction... "the first one is free" would be even better... hehe!

Unknown said...

i love this magazine! i have molly's book she is so talented! thanks for the chance sweet friend! xo susan

Deborah said...

I absolutely love visiting your is filled with so many lovely photos...I actually feel quite calm after...I thought I should share that with you so you know that the power of your words and creations is strong in a very positive way.
I am happy I found your blog and would love to be part of your giveaway!

Sam said...

What fun your creations are!

The Weidners said...

How exciting! I would LOVE to see the whole article!!!!!

Gloria said...

Beautiful!!! Just like you are!!

I love this magazine!! Would love to have a chance to win a copy of this edition with you in it! ":) Thanks, Koralee!!

XOXO Gloria

Elyse said...

how beautiful!!! loving the pretty sneak-peek! thank you for the giveaway ... fingers crossed!

congrats on the publication!


Wendy said...

Your blog is so darling and colorful. I always enjoy visiting. What a wonderful giveaway. ♥

Heidi said...

Looks like a fun and colorful project! I'd sure love to win the "Where Women Cook" publication; all Somerset issues are great!
Hugs, Heidi

LuLu said...

I just want to jump into the pictures and celebrate all the beauty of such happiness! Charming, colourful, adorable... the way everyday should be celebrated!!!!
i'm crossing my fingers tightly!!!

malia said...

Congrats!!! You are so creative

Beth said...

What a wonderful thing to be part of a magazine. congratulations! I'd love to win the copy to see it. Thanks!

dutch sisters said...

Whauw your own article in a magazine! congratulations!

lilybets said...

Beautiful your pictures,you are an artist!!!.

Cathie said...

wow, congratulations!! I would love to see the article.
well done Koralee ♥

rachel awes said...

congrats dear!!! xox

Unknown said...

You must feel so special....congrats!
Thanks for your giveaway!

she dreams big! said...

If these photos are just a peek at how you party, you should have a regular feature in this magazine! Congrats! Count me in please!

Holly Moore said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Your blog and photos are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

lovely magazine, lovely colours, lovely You!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Congratulations; that's a wonderful issue and love the recipes.

One Scrappy Gal said...

Your beautiful photos are a daily must for me. You brighten my day! What a great photographer you are!

Monica said...

What fun pictures. I would love to have a chance at winning a copy of the magazine. Thanks for offering the giveaway. :)

- said...

Kudos on the article. I'd love to win a copy of the magazine too.

Pearl said...

I love magazines! This would be so awesome!


Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

As always your ideas are so lovely, and the images just gorgeous. Those necklaces are just so pretty. Please count me in your giveaway draw Koralee. xx

Susan Houseman said...

I want to win!!!!!!!! xxx susan

Kelley said...

Wow. Just found your blog...after looking you up from your article in the first WWC. I was immediately drawn to your fun, festive colors. Can't wait to try your Saltine Caramel Bars. What could be better than sweet and salty. Congrats on being in the second issue too!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being in one of my fave publications! If I don't win I will still purchase a copy for you to autograph. Tee hee. You deserve all the best. (hug)

michelle said...

Koralee that is so wonderful that you are featured, your photos are absolutely gorgeous!! I love coming here and seeing all the beauty and fun and inspirations that you create! You always make me smile! Congrats and hugs to you!!

Linda said...

Ewww, maybe this is my lucky chance to win! I hope so! Congratulations, bluebird! xo

Carol said...

Always beautiful...always inspiring!!

amber heagerty said...

I'm a faithful what you do :)

Trisha said...

I definitely need to get my hands on a copy of this!!
