Tuesday, March 1, 2011

how do you spell LOVE ?

I spell it
p i e

a mother is a person
who seeing there are only 4 pieces of pie for five people
promptly announces
she never did care for pie
{tenneva jordan}
love you mom


Monica said...

That is so true -- my mother did a very similar thing. And I agree I spell love just the same way that you do :)

Dogwood said...

Mom and pie. Yep.
That is a good one.
My mom was not a very good cook.
She did not enjoy it.
But oh my granny.
She would cook up a storm for us.
Love love love.

Libbie said...

Huh...so I am suppose to be that good hearted aren't I...you are right...usually I look at my husbands piece & say, "Are you gonna eat that?" :) I better work on that :)

Take Care!!

Elyse said...

too cute!


Wanda Metcalf said...

I am usually too full. ; ) I have a friend that when the kids were small she took the last piece of chocolate cake into the bathroom just so she could eat it not have to share with anyone for ONCE! he he... I would love to have that rolling pin too cute!

Unknown said...

awww looks like your making mini pies! never thought of that, but now I like the idea :)

lilisinha said...

Mãe, é amor!!! A minha cozinhava muito bem e fazia bolos para casamentos e aniversários, Bolos artísticos lindos!!! Mas faz 5 anos que mora no Céu. Sinto muita saudades. Seu post lembrou-m e dela. Bjos Carinhosos

red ticking said...

ooohhh you are sooo nice... i would cut them smaller! he he...
have a fabulous week my dear friend... will try to bring the sun back with me...xoxo

Pamela said...

I just love pie!!
As a mom I too have learned to say i don't like something or I'm not hungry when there doesn't seem to be enough!
I love your posts!
Pamela xo

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Beautiful photo of the pies in the making and the cute rolling pin.
Hope that you are having a happy week, dear friend


Maria said...

Hi Koralee! Oh this post made me smile wide.
...and how hard it would be to pass up a piece of pie {even for a child of my heart}
But...a sacrifice ~ surely to win a jewel for a heavenly crown ;o)

Your mother must be a lovely person indeed.
If the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and the apple is lovely, so must the tree be♥

Your photo for today is GREAT! Thank you for treating our eyes and hearts with each post.
{Your sidebar photos are wonderful this week too}
I hope your week is sprinkled with miracles*
ps. My sister, Doreen is one of your newest followers! {Hi Doreen!}

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Tonight I spelled it c-r-e-p-e with nutella, bananas and homemade strawberry sauce :)

Anonymous said...

A lovely reminder, as always, Koralee! It makes me miss my mummy. But I get to see her for the first time since Christmas next weekend!

xo, Vanessa Elizabeth

Rosie said...

Oh dear one, isn't this a prerequisite to motherhood?...We get such satisfaction from sacrificing for the ones we love...even if it is cherry pie...she obviously LOVES you all.
Thank you for all your prayers..it will be good to have it behind me...xoxo...Rosie

tinajo said...

So sweet - have a great day! :-)

Unknown said...

awwww thats lovely, true love i say....have a lovely day, dee x

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Good morning my friend, I love love your sweet post today. So true.

We are off to a flower mall this morning, pick up some bunches of seeds and some plants for grandma's balcony. Then we will cycle to granny for some Spring tea. It's still early but it sure looks like Mr. Sun will follow us. Do you have Spring tea too, in Canada?

Much love xxxxx and some more xxxxx

It's me said...

L O V E !!......XXX....XXX....XXX...

Aprendeconvale said...

so sweet! Loved it! wish you a joyful Wednesday!

Tanja said...

Hello Koralee, thank you for visiting my blog and the comment you give.
I always like it to come in contact with people everywhere in the world.
Your blog has really nice colours, I going to follow you and now I am going to read some more on you blog.

See you later

fee @ chipper nelly said...

I don't care for pie but would struggle with a good cake! I'm with the lady who said 'cut smaller'. Wish I was more generous...!!!
Lovely picture (as always)
fee x

jane said...

So sweet, that is definately my MuM :)love from Jane x x x x x

B said...

Think I'd have to go with the 'smaller pieces' crowd here. When I was little, Mum used to put a Mars Bar in the fridge and when it was hard cut it up into little 'slivers' for 3 of us to share. I couldn't eat a Mars Bar any other way now! Good things, small packages. Hugs, B xxxx

Catherine said...

I've always liked that little quote ~ so true of a mother! I've never baked a pie before ~ just cookies! ;)

Happy Wednesday to you Koralee!
xo Catherine

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Precious one, I just barely missed your posting as I came over yesterday morning! What a gracious thing to do, to give up what you love....see, you tell it all in a photo, in a suggestion, in a simple way that allows you to post more frequently...I must learn to do that!!! Oh, it is the middle of another crazy week, but we are inching towards our spring break....may you have a lovely, lovely day my sweet bluebird!!! Anita

bikim said...

beautiful photos!
lovely post!
happy day!

Vintage Gal said...

Beautiful photos~ Love pie ~ have a happy day! ;-)

Susan said...

I never make just one pie so I've never had that happen! :) I'd like to think I'd say that, but it sounds more like my husband! Actually, he'd say, "I'm not hungry." Then he'd wait and finish whatever the kids didn't! :)
Love your LOVE pic! Love that font too!

Anonymous said...

i have precious memories of my mom's pie baking
i love love pies...hubby made a cherry pie over the weekend =) i copied your m&m cookie recipe from yesterday...i'm doing green m&m's for st. pat's day =)

happy, happy, joy, joy, joy ~ this is my wish for you sweetie...


Mrs. Cozy Home said...

Love it -- so true ;)

Pie to you, Mrs. Cozy Home

Nantucket Mermaid said...

Love the pic! We love pie,too. Have you seen this? http://burnedfurniture.blogspot.com/
She usually has rolling pins for sale :)----<

Julie said...

Oh that is a hard one because pie is my favorite so I just might have to cut one piece in half to share with hubby because he knows how much I love pie!

Sem Nome said...

I bet you are an amazing mom, sweet friend!!
I love your post today!

Sewn With Grace said...

Love this! Have a great day today, Koralee!

birdie blue said...

i could go for a piece of pie, koralee.

i'm sure you're a wonderful mom!


Unknown said...

Oh, so true. That's why my Mom is a Size 2. And me will, I am not....she said with glee.
You already what I think of this picture.
It needs to be on your sidebar as a standard fixture.


Silver Strands said...

Awwww ... you ALWAYS make me smile!

fernandflora said...

This is my mom for sure - the perpetual example of self sacrifice and love for her family. Something tells me that you too. Thanks for your faithful and sweet comments on my little blog. It always brings me cheer!

Melanie's Randomness said...

How sweet! I love pie too & my Mom! =)

Melanie's Randomness

Not Just a Waitress said...

L-O-V-E the picture and the quote. :)

Prudence said...

I love that quote! Besides, it saves mom a lot of calories too!

Martha said...

oh you bring such a happy to me when I read your blog...love today's as always!!

Michaja said...

Us mother are to good for this world :)
xxx from you Dutchie friend living in France

Unknown said...

oh that is just too sweet ... i love that! xoxo

Unknown said...

Aw the quote is so cute! Yay, Mums are the best persons in the world!
I'm so looking forward to seeing my Mum again this weekend :)

Bring Pretty Back said...

Have a pretty day!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Most precious friend, sister and colleague in the teaching profession! HOW DID YOU DO TODAY? Did the nose behave? Did you make it through with a smile? I bet you did....ahhhhh....we had oodles of standardized testing today, but then we did language arts for the rest of the time...pure magic for me. The kids were good, and we are gonna all make it to the home stretch...I am so glad to know you are on the mend! What bright things do you have in mind for your next post? I can't wait. You are an inspiration dearest heart...Anita

Marilyn Miller said...

My sister sent me this same quote earlier this week. That definitely would spell love in my home because I loooove pie.

Hearts Turned said...

I so agree, Koralee...Pie is definitely LOVE!

I got the sweetest surprise today when I picked up the newest "Where Women Cook" at the store...such a lovely article and the most sumptuous photos by you, my dear friend--what a treat!

Hoping you're having the most delightful day...


Lynn said...

Such a pretty post! I love the sentiment...
Have a great evening.

Vintage Home said...

...Or doesn't feel like meat on the night kids bring home a friend!
Such sweet joy being a parent...all the parts!

{oc cottage} said...


m ^..^