i make a choice everyDAY
regarding the attitude i will embrace
regarding the attitude i will embrace
for that day.
i can not change the past......
i can not change the fact that people will act in
a certain way.
i can not change the inevitable.....
the only thing i can do is play on the
on string i have
and that is my attitude
{ Dr. Charles Swindoll}
i will make it a good day today....hope you will join me
Thanks I needed that.
With a change of attitude you can actually change even how people around you will act :-)
Yes, I will join you. Part of what I do to give my attitude a pick-me-up is swing by here. The beauty I find does the trick every time ;-)
I'm with you on this, girl!
I have not read anything of Swindoll,but usually I try to read something in the same way every day,to be positive and to watch only right away and never back,but it need a big fortitude.
It is a much brighter day now that I have visited and you have brought me insight into making it my day...and a happy one at that!!
Thank you and enjoy a wonderful weekend! xOxO
Perfect and wonderful advice, Koralee! I just said the same thing to myself this morning (not in such beautiful words, however!)
Off to breakfast with my husband and the local farmers' market...it will be a very good day!
Loads of love sent your way, dear friend!
Oh, I needed this too. Especially today. I will, at this moment, slow down, smile at my girls, and love the moments I have been given. Such sweet encouragement. Thank you!
I plan on giving it a good go!!
Yes, attitude is a choice! And today I'm choosing JOY.
Yes !!! it was !! a good day today...it is not over yet........i make a lovely evening with my hubby.......eat drink...and have fun...laugh ..talk.....it is weekend for us !!...love is in the air.....hahahhahah!!...love love Ria...xxx...xxx...xxx...
What a beautiful and sweet person you are, Koralee.
Thank you for these encouraging words of
faith and inner peace
*bless you ~ always*
ps. I'm printing your owl cookie recipe :o)
Amanda's home and we're baking today!
Love all your posts! The pictures, the words, really great!
Greetings from Holland
I believe we are as happy as we want to be.
Hi Koralee,
Well, I think that the tragic events in Japan put everything in perspective for me and, any little thing that niggles me is meaningless when I think of what the Japanese people are going through. I cannot imagine what it must be like.
I will take heed of your advice and smile and have a wonderful attitude as I should.
Many thanks for your lovely comment the other day Koralee. My computer is acting very badly even though it has supposedly been mended and Blogger won't let me upload any photographs. But, I'm sure it wll all be OK soon.
Have a lovely weekend. XXXX
Oh that's a good one. Chuck Swindoll is a wise, wise man. Funny thing - his grand daughghter goes to our church! I had dinner over the winter with her and she told me about her family! I was in the presence of greatness. :)
Thank you for that good thought friend! Have a lovely weekend!
you play that string, and it is a feast for our souls.
thank you, sweetie, for sowing such precious
seed our way every day.
wat een lief viooltje heb er vandaag ook wat gehaald,staat zo gezellig.
wat een heerlijk weer vandaag echt genieten, maar ben zelf heel druk geweest, en nu even bloggen,,,
fijn weekend.
Lindo seu post, é pura verdade! ótimo final de semana. Bjos Carinhosos
Koralee~this is such a HAPPY~inspiring~encouraging place to be!
What an inspiration you are to the WORLD!
What would life be like if Koralee didn't have a blog?
I don't even want to think about it.
YOU my dear...make a difference in the souls of so many.
Always know that.
YOU are making this world a HAPPY place to be.
I love you for that.
Love that quote - and that GORGEOUS picture Koralee - well done hon, i think your attitude is just right!
i will so join you!
last night i purchased a copy of WWC! a champagne and cupcake toast to you on your BEAUTIFUL and charming post!
Oh how true....a friend and I were talking about even going to pick up the kids from school and you run into someone and they don't say hello or smile and you start wondering did I say something did I offend them and it's silly because they are probably just haveing a bad day but a smile and hello go along way....and we are a little nutty!
Ah...so true! As I preach to my girls..."there is little you can control but
your attitude"
Such a delightful picture Koralee...is spring going to be here soon?!
Thanks for the wise words from CS!
Great words, to read, remember and live to.
Have a happy weekend, sweet friend. Tomorrow we will have a little party, my home is quite yellow ;) 14 children and 8 grown ups, oh and 2 dogs. WIsh me luck, hee hee.
Much love, always xxxx
Hi honey, what a wonderful quote. Happy weekend my friend.
xxxx DJ
It's the best way to start the day. I try to say a little prayer asking for help to be an encouragement to those around me :-)
Your attitude is always a blessing Koralee.
Wishing you a sunny weekend!
well said we all need a reminder like this
Hi Koralee,
Such a beautiful post dear friend and thanks for sharing ~ I have written that in my journal.
We went to visit an elderly neighbour who is 92 and living alone, so it great to be able to cheer someone up.
Happy weekend
I agree thoroughly. Thank you for your wonderful blog. I need pretty in my life right now and it was such a pleasure to see all the prettiness.
AMEN! Koralee!
Happy St. Paddy's Day ~
Have a beautiful weekend ~
Here ~ Here .. I second that!!!
Grand advice!
I read that people who have lived to be a hundred years old, contributed their old age to being flexible and positive. I always think of that when I am being rigid and negative. Have a super positive day!
This pansy makes me happyyyyyyyy! everyone forgets pansies cause they are so cheap and just little annuals, but so sweet! x
So true!!! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful words!
Words to live by : )
Although, sometimes, when we're helpful & supportive we can change the attitudes of others :D
What a lovely positive post! And the sweetest photo, I love pansies :)
So true and such great inspiration :)
Hugs and a lovely Sunday to you!
Good morning my dearest Koralee,
Dr. Chuck Swindall, how I adored him. And yes, he is right, we have the power within to change ourselves. And when we do, the world around us changes. I will never forget when I became a believer. I tried the typical but wrong approach to "share" my faith with my parents. My father was upset for one, that I had abandoned the traditions of our cultural religious faith. But years later, he came up to me and said, "I believe now. I have changed because YOU have changed." Oh daddy, I know where you are now, and I in tears, I say, "THANK YOU, LORD." May our sincere prayers reach as one unbreakable cord to the heavens for our neighbors around THE WORLD for these days are so uncertain and few. Blessings to you beautiful friend, Anita
Printing this out
for our family
bulletin board in
the mud room. Great
words to ponder as
we walk out the door!
Hope sunshine greets
YOU as you step out
today, Koralee.
Happy Sunday,
xx Suzanne
Koralee thanks a lot...I found the legend of the pattern,Blue Willow, the story is very nice !!!.I will write a note in my blog about this.
I love your blog!!
And before I step my door to putter around some fun local shops, I come to thank YOU dear friend and to wish you one more week of STRENGTH,JOY and ANTICIPATION FOR SPRING BREAK!!! I have two to go....WE CAN DO IT! ENJOY your time in the kitchen today! Around here today, it surely is a great day to bake. But Ruben is away and it's just me, so no baking..I could eat the entire batch of whatever if there is no one else around to grab the rest of the goodies! Often times at work when we have gatherings with food, I hear others say, "QUICK, HERE SHE COMES, MADAME RIVERA! GET TO THE GRAPES BEFORE SHE DEVOURS THEM!" Teeeeheeeee.....
Yes everyday the choice is there in front of us...and I will choose joy everytime. If that makes me a Pollyanna, then so be it!!!! lol!
I love your posts koralee, and I love your attitude about life.
and I love you...
Well, we just love Pastor Swindoll in these parts {I drive by his church each day on my way to work}
and I have always taken that quote to heart...and soul.
m ^..^
I say these words to myself everyday. To learn to accept what we can't change is very difficult some days but it is necessary in order to enjoy the moments that count. :)
Have a wonderful week sweet friend. :)
I only wish I'd read this on Saturday morning...however I'm not sure I could have stuck with it with the day I had! However...I do always remember that every day is a new day!
What an inspiring and lovely reminder for all of us to choose the way we feel...
Have a wonderful week ahead ♥
I love it!!
I often spend time on my half-hour drive in to work trying to get in a mindset of positivity and success. Some days it helps to make me unflappable, and some days my 'tude just can't be saved! HaHa most of the time it does work though, if you tell yourself you are going to have a good day, YOU DO!!
Love the photo, too. :)
Have a great week. BLESSINGS. :) :) :)
Gorgeous photo and even better words of advice. How much time we waste in the land of "if only" and "why me".
reading your sweet share
monday morning 5:38 a.m.
it will be a good day =)
thank you for reminding me
and BEAR will have a good
day too...she's already
chased 3 bunnies from HER
yard =) spring is in the air
today and no rain in sight!
have a wonderful week sweetie...
Beautiful words. And yes I join you for a good day!
Great words Koralee!
Love the turquoise cup and earrings in your last post!
have a beautiul day!!
Gill xx
love this quote! thanks for sharing
have a great day!
Love the thought given in this quote. I will plan on a good day today.
Couldn't agree more with that quote. :)
It's one of the reasons I chose sunshine to be the word reflecting 2011 for me. Not that I expect everyday to be beautiful and sunny, but I will give my best effort in making some sunshine for others. I know that will also make *my* days better and warmer.
Lots of hugs to you, sweetie. Xoxo
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
I tried. Dear God, how I tried and how He knows I tried. He also knows I, probably, could have tried harder.
This week has been full of difficulties but your note helped, a lot. God bless you for your note.
Don't you just love Charles Swindoll? A perfect quote to start the day and the week by. Thanks, Koralee!
I love Chuck Swindoll and his sister Lucy too! Such wise words. I tend to have a pretty positive attitude, but there are days when I must try EXTRA hard to keep a smile on my face and press on!
I love your pretty pansy pic !
Hope your week is one that allows a positive attitude to come effortlessly! :)
Thank you for your sweet birthday wishes!
I love this! I have these words from Chuck Swindoll next to my desk at work. Love your blog! Heard about it in _Artful Blogging_.
Dear Koralee, Great advice and a very wise way to approach each and every day. I went to a conference this weekend called "No one can steal my joy" Some people seem to work hard at stealing our joy, but we can work hard to reject their actions and attitudes.
Your post is a good reminder of that!
Thank you Koralee for inspiring me creatively and thank you for posting the words from Chuck, those too were mentally inspiring. OH the inspiration I pick up over here. LOVE IT.
How true! We should not wait for someone or something to change our moods. We should start the day on a positive note. It makes a huge difference in our day and the outlook of others around us.
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