Thursday, March 17, 2011


only 2 more days until
Spring Break
~but who's counting?~
A hug is a great gift.......
one size fits all,
and it's easy to exchange.
~red velvet cupcake hugs to you all~


It's me said...

Hi darling......lovely day....warm hug from you get my mail???

Everlasting Blooms said...

Hugs to you Koralee for always brightening our day!

PS. LOVE that new bag from yesterdays post..So cute! :)

Aprendeconvale said...

I definitely need some pring break ,too! hugs!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm sending you warm hugs this bright sunny morning! Enjoy your day! Hugs! ♥♥♥

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh, this is so sweet! Hugs to you, Koralee!


tinajo said...

That sure looks yummy! :-)

Maaike said...

Oh, sweet spring hugs back to you! And thank you for your lovely comment on creJJtion and for adding me to your sidebar. Have a great day,
love Maaike

Rizzi said...


i.ikeda said...

Cupcake!!! Oh, that looks so good. I might sneak one in later, haha.

And yes, hugs are wonderful, aren't they? Sending some your way right now. xoxo

Rizzi said...


Deborah said...

These look strangly odd in red but I've lovin them!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Dawn said...

LOVE this cupcake photo!
Just yummy looking.
Love your place.
But I told you that before....

Happy Thursday, K!
D xo

Nantucket Mermaid said...

Red velvet...yum! I love the cupcake paper garlands!:)-----<

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Awwww!!! What a wonderfully sweet treat. Bite please????

God bless ya sweetie and may your day be showered with the luck of the Irish!!! :o)

- said...

Delicious and delectable!

Elyse said...

cute cute cute!

{sending virtual hugs}


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You know dearest friend, I am sitting here crying with tears of joy to know that the secret to living is HIM...LOVE. A hug, a note, a kind gesture and word...that makes us a human as we can get and the progeny of the divine to the fullest. Thank you for your sweet hug and sweet cupcake....oh my mother would have loved this red velvet cake mix!!!! HAVE A GREAT DAYYYYYYYYY!!!! Anita

Sem Nome said...

Two for me, please! And a cup of cream coffee!

Irma said...

a big hug from my, IrmaXXX

Monica said...

Thank you for the hug :) And your cupcake looks very yummy ....

jeanette from everton terrace said...

My daughter's spring break starts in two days as well and she's coming home :) A cupcake day indeed.
So glad the purse arrived safely :)

Pamela said...

Our spring break started Monday. The kids here in the Valley get two weeks! Don't know if that's good or bad!

Pamela xo

FrenchBlue said...

My Adorable One~
Yey & Yum!! Two more days!!! That cupcake is a perfect start for this special break~~

Stina said...

lekker hoor.

gr Stina

Vintage Home said...

yummy cupcake...yummy holidays!

francis said...

Almost Spring Breal for you . Hope the rain takes a break too . How is your Mollie doing ?
Still not coming home . Are you going to visit her in Europe ? That would be nice !
Wish you all the best for your last day and than YES .......

Unknown said...

Oh, my goodness. I step outside for a day and just look what you have been up too. Who doesn't love R.V. CupCakes? Hope you have something really, really fun planned for S.B.


Libbie said...

Oh do I remember countiing the days until Spring Break! The kids will never know the secret that the teachers love it WAY more than the kids :) Wayyyyy more :) Hope you have some fun plans Koralee!!!

rachel awes said...

hope your break together
is delightful!

Hearts Turned said...

Ahhh...spring break! Not for almost another month here!

Hope your day is wonderful and filled with warm, loving hugs from all you hold dear...{Here's one from me, too!}


Marilyn Miller said...

Blessings sent your way with more red velvet cupcakes. I love the little pearls on top. Happy Spring break!

Linda Carole Bloom said...

I wanted to say that I love your blog - it makes me feel like spring is finally coming! I am a new blogger, and you are invited to visit. Have a happy day! Love, Linda

Beatnheart said...

why thank you Koralee!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Your cupcakes are as pretty as a flower!
Hugs back to you!
So happy you get to rest and put your feet up for a few weeks... plan and enjoy springtime!
*Hugs back to you*

Unknown said...

...and my daughter is doing the countdown!!!!

Happy Thursday ~*~

Heidi said...

I hope you have big plans...we are having fun!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Huge hugs back to you, Koralee XOXO ~ XOXO Your cupcake looks very inviting!
Spring break around the corner, something to look out for.
Much love always xxxxx

{kara} said...

I need a Spring Break please! xoxoxo

franci e vale said...

Halo! I am Francesca I write from Italy! This is a fisrt time that I visit your blog: it's fastanstic!I quickly put one of my favorites!
Sorry for my English...I am learning....By, Franci

Unknown said...

Your almost there!!! Yay for Spring Breaks!!
Love your red velvet cupcake!

paperbird said...

lucky you, our spring break is weeks away!
This cupcake image is wonderful- I am in need of a cupcake today!

happy Friday dear Koralee!

fee @ chipper nelly said...

hey friend....loving the idea of one size fits all! I'm not very good at recognising my strengths (who is??!) but I KNOW I'M GOOD AT HUGGING!!!!!!
(it's my general squashyness mixed with a dollop of enthusiasm)
sending you hugs across the ocean
fee x
ps - gals are fine and dandy, I'll tell them you were asking about them...

Michaja said...

Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!
Your cupcake looks delicious. Enjoy your spring break!

Two Shades of Pink said...

Oh yummy cupcake hugs are the best! And Spring Break for teachers are always the best! Have a lovely one!

Ruth Yoder said...

I have yet to try red velvet cake.
I must!

LuLu said...

oh i feel your excitement for Spring break!!! i must try red velvet cake~it seems so silly that haven't!!!

fernandflora said...

That cupcake looks divine! I need to make dinner but would rather just eat that beauty!

Happy almost spring break!

xo said...

Only 7 days till my break.....but I am not counting either...

Alessandra said...

A hug is good to give and to receive :-)

Suz said...


What a difference a few sprinkles make! Those are beautiful cupcakes. I must remember that for Jud's b-day. That is his favorite cake and will fancy things up. Of course, I will appreciate it more than him ;-)

Hugs from Suz

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...


Privet and Holly said...

We are on
the same schedule
that you are...
hooray!! I bet
you are as ready
for it as I am : )
HAPPY Friday!
xx Suzanne

Not Just a Waitress said...

Ooooh! How pretty!!
Sending red velvet hugs your way, sweet Koralee. :) :) :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

How lovely for you having Spring break soon!
Have a happy time, dear friend and thanks for the cupcake and hug.

Hugs to you, from NZ

Maria Medeiros said...

sweeet! :)

lilybets said...

SWEET hugs to you, have a nice day!!!.

Wanda Metcalf said...

((((Just Awesome))))

Alessandra said...

Ciao Koralee,

just to let you know, I cannot open your new post. It comes up on my blogroll, but the link doesn't work...


Martina said...

What a delicious little mouth full - just right to get the weekend of to a nice start! Are you having holidays? Big hugs and sunshine!

Unknown said...

A hug is wonderful no matter what shape or form ;-) Enjoy your spring break dee x

bibbitybob said...

Yum! I've still not tried red velvet cupcakes, I really must to see what all the fuss is about. I've just stumbled across your blog and thought I'd stop by and say 'hello' :) x

By the Bluegrass said...

Have a great spring break! We always look so forward to ours. It's the first week in April. We are going to Atlanta this year, to look at a couple of colleges for our 17 year old. And, to see the sights, as well. How about you, what will you all do over your break?

Sue said...

There is nothing better than red velvet! Are you going somewhere for spring break or having a home break this year?

Teresa said...

One SWEET Day I know I will give you a BIG HUG!
Can't wait!