Friday, November 11, 2011



Just for today.......
stay cozied up in bed for a wee bit longer


Candylei said...

Love all of the rosie fabrics. The owl is adorable.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Cozy... Just like the princess and the pea... Enjoy your rest.
Blessings, Penny

Dagmar said...

Happy remembrance day! what a beautiful post love the way you put your photos together! have a lovely weekend!

Miles Of Style said...

all those pretty printed fabrics are making my heart sing!!! would love to cozy up in a bed like that !

Bohemian said...

What lovely cheerful bright prints, Love them all! That's the type of bed you just want to jump into and pull all those lucious covers up around yourself with! Heaven on Earth I tell you!

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I definitely stayed cozied up in bed longer than usual this morning and am thankful for this day of rest for my sprained ankle before heading back to school tomorrow. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

Alessandra said...

Very inviting cozy bed :-)


The Moerks said...

Stay there as long as you can. What a gorgeous place to be.

Unknown said...

wow, I just want to dive in......

jane said...

So very pretty, I love the patterns :)
Have a lovely weekend
x x x x x x

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

ok -- this is just toooooooooooooooooo wonderful!!!! what yummy and fabulous colors and patterns and whoooooooooooooooooooo wouldn't LOVE those precious and adorable owls!!!! thanks for the eye candy this morning -- love candy with no calories! : ) hugs... love the new look!

Martina said...

Ha ha, that's what i just did Koralee, i slept until 9.30 and it did me so much good! Love your pretty owl here - have a sweet weekend! xx

KaPaworld said...

Goodmorning!!!I love your little owl....beautiful colours

Castles Crowns and Cottages said... that is a grand idea. AND YOUR OWL DEAREST, is the sweetest of all birds. My mother painted an owl in an oil painting class that she and my dad were taking, before they were both diagnosed with cancer. It was the sweetest thing ever, and I lost the painting in my many transitions from East coast to Midwest. Shame. But a dear blogger friend, PENNY, drew an owl for me that has the same sweet quality of that of my mum's.....and the memory has come back.

Sweet day to you dearest one....Anita

All things nice... said...

How cute! :)

All things nice...

andrea creates said...

it looks so cozy! ;)

NanaDiana said...

Oh- How I wish I could! Sweet post- xoDiana

Susan said...

I do LOVE your layer cake, Koralee! But I cannot rest as I am to make a fairy princess layer cake for Olivia's birthday party today! She has been anticipating it for quite awhile. She loves dressing up in princess dresses but has wished for wings. So. today's the day the fairy princess gets her wings! So fun!
I wish you a happy, relaxing day, my friend!

Sylvia said...

I adore this colorful layer cake ; your wonderful photo reminds me of H. C. Andersen's fairy tale The Princess and the Pea , so sweet , pour delight ...Love your little owl , wise and charming ...
Thank you , Koralee, for awakening the little girl inside of me !

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Well, I am cleaning the HOUSE! THE MISTA is coming home today from being away in Baltimore for a conference. MUST KEEP A TIGHT AND CLEAN SHIP! But I am feeling, actually, quite energetic. My voice is BETTER...but the less I talk, the better! On Monday, I have 8 SPELLING TESTS but I do have one parent volunteer coming! I just may get a student to give the other round!


birdie blue said...

doesn't your bed look cozy, my friend? the perfect spot for snuggling up with a good book.


Ann said...

Love the colors and prints there,

and the owl is just so adorable ♥

magie said...

The first photo does remind me of the princess and the pea story. Those fabrics are just candy for the pretty!! That owl is just the sweetest :)

Lara Harris said...

Love all the pretties!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Your bed looks very inviting, fluffy and cozy. It is the weekend, so enjoy the extra hours xxx

Becky said...

Lovely prints.. I adore the owl too.

Blessings for a nice day dear friend.

It's me said...

Owwww so sweet we sell thode owl pillows in our shop !!...they are great !!...enjoy a happy from

Fifi Flowers said...

LOVE the patterns!!!

wendy said...

that is a lot of really really beautiful, bright,cheery pillows and fabric.
That little owl looks pretty comfy there.

June said...

And it is the yummiest cake I have ever seen my dear Koralee. Just too lovely!!!

Unknown said...

So cozy and the cutest little owl!! Have a great Saturday!

Susan Houseman said...

Love the owl and all the yummy colors. xxx susan

Debi said...

Layed cake! Very cute. It really is pink eye candy!!

Maria said...

Love this, Koralee! love your colors ~
and isn't it so nice that our husbands overlook the girl-i-ness of our decorating :o)
we love them for that ♥

Sending you positive prayers and wishes for the best outcome to Ali's car.
♥ blessings to you ♥

FrenchBlue said...

Oh you are soul food to me my darling darling darling friend! I want to be little again and I want you to be my MoM!
Sweet Hugs!!

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet koralee, such beautiful photos and i adore your gorgeous pillow cases and that owl is adorable! Have a lovely merry happy cozy sunday! Love to you!


I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Eye Candy! Those colors and fabrics just make me feel happy!

flowersandhome said...

Great idea!....

Celestial Charms said...

Beautiful owl cheerful looking!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous linens!

Sewn With Grace said...

Swooning on my end! Have a wonderful Sunday, Koralee!

Hoola Tallulah said...

Those pink linens ar eso cheerful and pretty, and the little owl is adorable, where did you find him?

Unknown said...

Ooooooooh as you might know I LOVE owls in all colours and sizes! This little cloth owl is just adorable :)

jody said...

Such a beautiful space you have Koralee. So lovely to meet you. x

Pinecone said...

I am dying over these linens...and little owl too! xoxo Ashlyn

Helen Philipps said...

Such pretty rosy prints, I love them all, and the little owl is very cute. Have a happy week ahead, Koralee!
Helen x

Unknown said...

Just checkin' to see if you have gotten up and out from under those covers yet and seen the light of day. I for one would spend the whole weekend huggin' those pillows.

Madelief said...

Hi Koralee,

Where do you find those gorgeous duvet covers? They look sooooo lovely!! You must wake up every morning with a smile on your face :-)

Wish you a happy new week!

Madelief xox

fee @ chipper nelly said...

I could dive right in!
Did you get my email with Ned info/photos?
have a happy week
fee ♥

Hearts Turned said...

Such a lovely layering of warmth, coziness & cheer--perfect with a sweet sprinkling of owl on it, Koralee!

Wishing you the most beautiful Sunday, dear friend...


Anonymous said...

Seriously love your blog look, I know I've already told you that, but I need to emphasiseeeeeee it moooooore!
The fact that your darling photos are so big now, and set against the white! Wow!

I come here when I need my dose of cheery happiness!

Ciao Bella
Creative Carmelina

Blessed Serendipity said...

I love all those pretty colors together and that owl pillow is so cute! Have a blessed Sunday.


fernandflora said...

We took your advice - unbeknownst to us! It was was lovely and lazy but then we had to race to get to church on time. The Mr. HATES being late, so I was in the dog house a little. ;-) Oh well. It was still a lazy morning!

Thanks for stopping by me 'ol blog! So nice to see you!

Marilyn Miller said...

Lovely color and an owl! Yes, today was my day to stay in pj's all day and nap by the fire.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Reminds me of the Princess and the pea story!
Love all the pretty fabrics, such gorgeous colours and patterns.

Wishing you a happy new week

Linda Carole Bloom said...

I'm on my 4th 12 hour shift - I would like to crawl into bed and stay there! Can't wait for morning! Love Linda

Lisa Graham said...

So bright and the owl!

cathleen said...

I love how you spread your sweetness through your blog everyday. Such good vibes you send out to the world. Thank you, Koralee.

Apple Blossom Barn said...

My My those eiderdowns are so pretty the colours are just dreamy I simply love it.

Gloria said...

Gorgeous!!! Very bright and pretty! The owl is so cute...:)

Joy to you for a wonderful week!


ChinkyGirLMeL said...

In my cozy bed with my fluffy pillows is where I need to be right now. The weather is so gloomy and just perfect for staying in bed.

Sue said...

Oh my goodness...where did you get all those wonderful pillows?

Anonymous said...

Well, wonderful fabrics. I will also purchase such bed sheets and covers for my bed. The colours combinations and design are very nice. They are so attractive.

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