Monday, February 6, 2012

{pink romance}

some of my pinks just for you
 for the romantic month of  February
"pink is the colour of romance
and a friend tells me
that the girl with the 
pink dress
at the party is the one who is
selected for each dance"
{alfred carl hottest}
{xox always}


Jelly Jam said...

Just found your blog. Lovely photos. I love pink with green best!

faith76 said...

Gorgeous x

Patty Marker said...

Nothing says sweet romance like pretty pinks and yours are just beautiful.

tinajo said...

Just lovely! :-)

Unknown said...

oh soooooooooo pretty ♦♦♦

Unknown said...

Pretty Pretty Pretty! Kx

It's me said...

Think pink

Anonymous said...

I wish you the pinkiest pinks of February :D
have a sweet sweet valentine month ...
Biggest BEAR HUGS xxxxx ~victoria~

fee @ chipper nelly said...

I LO♥E pink! and I love this montage.
i don't think in colours (as a few people i know do) but if i did I would think of pink when I thought of you!
fee x

Gabriela Delworth - Instructional Designer said...


What a beautiful mosaic of pink pretties!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ooooooooo.....No wonder I never got asked to dance; I was wearing the wrong color!!!!!!!

Lovely as usual my precious pink girl! Did you have a productive day today Koralee? I did. But back to the white board tomorrow for me! Good to stop by for a lift! LOVE! Anita

Unknown said...

Some of my favorites here...

Hearts Turned said...

I love your sweet pinks, dear soft & pretty...

Hope you're feeling "in the pink", as well, my friend!


Anonymous said...

Pink always makes things better!

Linda Carole Bloom said...

Hi Koralee,
I'm giving away a fancy apron to celebrate my publication in apronology! You can enter here:
Love all the pinks - I was licking my screen again! Love, Linda

Jen Beaudet said...

Beautiful Pinks Koralee! I love the pink dress, it's beautiful. I'll have to remember the fact about the pink dress next time I go out!:)
Take care!

Debi said...

I must find a pink dress!

Lynne said...

You present the most beautiful views for us to see. Each time I visit you I receive new ideas and I am amazed at your creativity! Very, very nice indeed . . .

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

What a perfect and beautiful post for Valentines month!
Love all your pretty pink and the quote.

Have a happy week

Marilyn Miller said...

Wish I had known that when I was young. I never wore pink. You are helping me to love pink, thank you so much.

Danielle Hardy said...

Gorgeous photos! The subtle pink is lovely. xo

Palomasea said...

You bring out the happy, dear Koralee!! Thank you! These are all soooo pretty...
Love and hugs,
- Irina

Dagmar said...

Pink is just the sweetest color..who can resist pinK? not I...
Another really sweet post..the photos are delightful!

debi said...

What a pretty pink post! Love your collage!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

How pretttttty!! Ok, have to confess, now I am craving cookies
after seeing that pink cream filled stack. ....and I am seriously
trying to diet......


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

I think pink these days ^.~ Have a lovely week sweet Koralee xoxoxoxoox

Anonymous said...

Well, hello there Pink Lady! Nobody does a sweet pink vignette better than you do! I love all the darling photos....Hope you have a beautiful week! xo

Angel.Pearls said...

So pink and sweet!

lilybets said...

I love pink and violet colors !

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet koralee, such beautiful images and they make me smile! Loving your pink romance series. Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!


Unknown said...

aahh so pretty an beautiful and heart warming. Love the look of the peach frock. Have a lovely week, dee xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning precious friend!

You are still assessing? Oh, whew....we sent off the report cards on Friday, and wow am I glad that is over! 52 reading and writing assessments took the wind out of my sails, ALONG with state testing!

And talk about DISTRACTIONS when you are at home....there are so many! I WISH YOU A BRIGHT and successful day today my sweet one! LOVE TO MY PINK LADY....Anita

andrea creates said...

pretty pinks!

manon 21 said...

J'aime le rose...

Belle journée


Rubyred said...

Perfectly pink and pretty! I love it Koralee!

Deborah said...

I do love a bit of pink! your pink pictures are just gorgeous, have a wonderful week sweetie :)

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

magie said...

I need to find myself a pink dress now :)
Such pretty pink photographs..just lovely!

Elyse said...

super sweet, yummy post!


Crafted by Carly said...

Mmmmm! Pink deliciousness!!! Why do sweety foods always look so much yummier when a little pink food colouring is added??? ;-)
I'd love a pink sticky-out ball gown!!!

Carrie said...

gorgeous and feminine! Love it :)

Gloria said...

Gorgeous!!! I love pink! I didn't know that about the pink dress...:) Good to find out!

Have a sweet week!!


La luz del norte said...

As always - I love your pics. :) And your theme for the month - ♥ - just love it. Have a ♥-ly week!

♥ from Solrosa

KaPaworld said...

aha...I was never a pink outside...but inside..always a pink one!!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Enjoying a sweet little moment here at Bluebird Notes before I shut down my computer for the day...

What a pretty collage, Koralee! Pink is such a cheery color! We can't help but smile at rosie colored things ~ and people dressed in rosie colors!
I love the quote and smiled more when I read the author's name :D
I think I'll gather all my pink tops together to wear during this month.
{hoping ... that the teacher who wears pink will have the most cheerful students}
Blessings to you always dear ♥

Madelief said...

Lovely pinks Koralee :-)!

Lieve groet, Madelief xox

Monica said...

Pink is one of my daughter's favorite colors. I'll have to mention to her about wearing it at her next dance. Happy Monday to you :)

jewels in the garden +: ) said...

I'm thinking pink ♥

wendy said...

Each one of those pinks are so beautiful. I'd love to wear a dress like that...well, 30 years ago maybe.

Sewn With Grace said...

I love pink. It's just the happiest color. I'm wearing it right now! Hugs to you, Koralee!

Ruth Yoder said...

Pink is my daughters fav color!

Helen Philipps said...

Love all the pink today, sooo pretty! I'm thinking pink...with a touch of blue and too! Have a happy week, Koralee.
Helen x

noofs said...

Pink is so happy and bright :-)

Pinecone said...

All the pink is so beautiful - great collage!

Tiedupmemories said...

Lovely pinks!

Ric Rac and Polka Dots said...

Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. I do love my quilt. I have to find the perfect place to show her off. I think she will be happy here! And about pink - LOVE LOVE LOVE pink. My favorite color, wear it almost always. I'm still dreaming of a vintage trailer I can paint pink, and to pull it around the country I think a vintage pink 57 chevy convertible with whitewall tires would be perfect. If only I had an extra $70,000 laying around! Sigh . . . well a girl can dream, can't she?
My new craft room which is in the works right now has pink walls, so I will be very happy down there! Have a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

adore this ... i adore pink too ... and you! happy pink romance month! xoxo

Kristin_Texas said...

You can never go wrong with pink.

Same as you can never go wrong with chocolate. :p


birdie blue said...

love all of the 'think pink' pictures, miss koralee. i don't know who mr. hottest was, but he should win an award for the most intriguing last name.


{kara} said...

love this post! and I love pink! Hope all is lovely in your world!