Friday, March 2, 2012

it's true

still time to enter my giveaway  here 
it is open to ANYONE........ANYWHERE


Poetry and Wild Roses said...

Yay! Count me in... :-)

Alessandra said...

Ciao Koralee, what lovely images !

Is the give-away open world wide?


Hearts Turned said...

Oh, I love your photos so much, dear Koralee...each one a beautiful treasure & a treat. Thank-you for all you share...

Wishing you and your family the most lovely of weekends, sweet friend...


polkadotpeticoat said...

How true....i WISH WISH WISH TO WIN......have a lovely weekend!

wendy said...


Teresa Kasner said...

Ohhh I've been craving ice cream. Yum!!!

Unknown said...

It does indeed. Have a wonderful weekend, dee xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Yes, because each day is an opportunity to CELEBRATE!!! How are you dear one? It is SATURDAY and let's make it a GIFT....OK?

Lovely images, as always!!! LOVE! Anita

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Gingham and florals combines so very pretty. HappY DaY, sweet Koralee xoxoxoxo

i.ikeda said...

Love the red tights (or are they leggings?)! What an amazing combination of color and patterns. Hope you have an amazing weekend. Xoxo

ivana said...

I do forget it sometime, but that's what I love about your blog: words find a way to make me remember

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest heart!

Oh, our spring break is at the END OF MARCH! And with that, it will only glide in April and May when we wrap things up!!! I cannot wait for quiet moments of creativity in my garden!!! AND YOU? You must be finishing up swiftly on this grand project of yours that I so look forward to seeing! YES, Ruben and I will be keeping a low profile this weekend, as today, it is SNOWING! But our plans (God willing!) are to take a trip back to our honeymoon spot in Carmel California, when school is completely done. For now, just the bliss of being together is enough.

BISOUS!!! Anita

Jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet koralee, so so true!! I am loving that gorgeous checked dress. :) Thanks so much for making me smile sweet friend.
Oh i would like to let you that i am changing my shipping address soon. :) I am in the transition of changing to a new work place...a new company. :) Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!


Palomasea said...

What beautiful images, dear the colors! Each day is a gift indeed, and within it lie so many little gems to savor...
Thank you for this beautiful thought today!
Hugs to you,
- Irina

Sandra van Doorn said...

Koralee your blog is such a wonderful place to visit... By the way I just entered your give away. And, I used my magic wand so I think I'll win!!

Have a great week end.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Beautiful photos Karalee:) I've already entered and crossing my fingers! Have a wonderful weekend!

It's me said...

So from

Helen Philipps said...

Love the colours, love the gingham...such a pretty post! Have a wonderful weekend, Koralee!
Helen x

scarlett clay said...

I just can't get over the colors in your photos..they are like...WOW! I think you could make anything look beautiful with your incredible skills in photography...lovely quote as well :)

patchworkandlace said...

Ooooh count me in please xxxx

Unknown said...

now that bed looks too cute for words! so adorable ... loving the pink, pink and more pink! have a wonderful weekend my friend! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely. Have just "liked you" on facebook. xx Pick me, pick me!

fernandflora said...

Mmm. Is that a bowl almost licked clean from ice cream? So cute. Hope you're doing well dear friend!


Unknown said...

absolutely so .........♥

Anonymous said...

Beautiful message and loving the black and white gingham dress with the red tights...coming into Autumn here so may have to source something similar xo

Sewn With Grace said...

Koralee, whenever I visit here I always leave feeling happy and inspired. You can show a picture of a cup and I am inspired. Thank you for giving me that, everyday. Blessings to you this Sunday friend!

Dagmar said...

looks like you finally got time to relax...was that ice cream?

Martina said...

red, black, white and turquoise - such a strong but happy combination! Congrats to these cooooool pix Koralee! And happy sunday! xx

gillyflower said...

wow just love your outfit!

Paula said...

Hi sweetie! I love your gorgeous photos! Your dress and stockings are so beautiful! I love the rose fabric and pink wall! So sweet! I entered your lovely giveaway. Thank you! Love, Paula xoxo

KaPaworld said...

I can almost see you!!!!