Tuesday, September 4, 2012

an oldie but a goodie.........

I thought it was about time to revisit the very first recipe I ever submitted to 
It is an oldie but a goodie
and is a family tradition in our home every Christmas
but so perfect for Fall
{salty and caramelly goodness} 

my daughter Molly submitted {in her own hand-printing}
  this recipe when she was in grade 2
{she is now 21 years old} for a class recipe book
{I still use her book every time I make these bars} 

for the recipe
go here
it is being featured on the  
.......before I had the square muffin pan
 I would make them on a cookie sheet with the crackers all lined up
then break it up like you would a candy bark   



Monica said...

Ooh, these sound wonderful -- thanks for sharing :) I hope your first day back at school was nice.

Dagmar said...

Just another wonderfully perfect post..I always look forward to what you are doing next, and I am always so pleased to read your amazing blog❤I think I will try that reciepe!

Terra said...

Looks easy and delicious.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Good evening Koralee,
Oh they look delicious! I love that you still use her book when you make these..
Take care,

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Ohh... these look so good!! :)

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

LOVE your pictures! So pretty!! :) And those sound really good! I could use a little snack right now! :) xo Holly

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Looks oh so yummy! Can't wait to try this recipe! :)

vintage grey said...

Oh, don't these looks os delicious!! Thanks for always sharing such the sweetest treats!! Have a lovely week! xo Heather

Unknown said...

Oh wow, those look soooo good!

The Blue Farmhouse said...

The comments from Dagmar...well she just took the words right out of my mouth!:) BEAUTIFUL, Koralee.

Teresa Kasner said...

Nummy looking.. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the recipe, it looks DELICIOUS!

jewels in the garden +: ) said...


noknittedknickers said...

Oh, my! Salty caramel - just delicious. C.x

Smotzy said...

Just toooo sweet!!!

tinajo said...

Such tempting pics! :-)

Unknown said...

oohh those look and sound really tasty popping over now to get the receipe ;-)) dee x

thriftwood said...

Yum yum!!! xx

Alessandra said...

They look cool! So there is a cracker at the bottom? Great idea!


andrea creates said...

sounds delicious!!

Barbara said...

That is so cute, Koralee! Love that you took a photo of her recipe! Easy to make, too!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU sparkle. YOU shine. Every post is filled with the heart of your life and that is being kind and good and giving. Koralee, aside from your beautiful photos (which are KILLER STUNNING) and your sweet recipes, YOUR heart is what brings us back every time.

You are in school and I wish you a day of bringing this HEART OF YOURS into the lives of your students. May God give you the peace and ABUNDANT energy to make each teaching moment a lifetime memory.

HUGS! Anita

Tangled Sweetpea said...

Sound delicious! Never seen a square muffin pan before, will have to look out for one!
Victoria xx

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Wonderful - both the tasty looking treats and your daughter's young handwriting - precious.
I have company coming this week and am just on the prowl for some new treats to have prepared for them, these look perfect :)

K @ Aurora Blythe said...

How absolutely decadent! Yummmmmmy!

Sherri B. said...

Yummy! So sweet to see the precious hand printed recipe by your daughter!

On my shopping list today...Where Women Cook..! xo

Pinecone said...

Loving the hand written recipe - so sweet. This post is really beautiful and the recipe look delish!

somepinkflowers said...

B right over!

{{ dear Santa,
is it toooo early to ask
Square muffin pans???
your loyal friend,
somepinkflowers }}

Helen Philipps said...

These little treats look and sound delightful! I love the square tin, what a wonderful addition to my kitchen that would be...must look for one the same! Your pictures are all so pretty too.
Hope your week is going well, Koralee :)
Helen x

It's me said...

Yammie.......looks delicious !!....love Ria...xxx...

Marilyn Miller said...

Thanks! Sounds delicious!

Crafted by Carly said...

Mmmmmm - they look very tasty! And I am LOVING the red and black and white outfit!!! :-)

birdie blue said...

looks delicious, miss koralee. love your molly's second grade hand writing. so, so, sweet.


Hearts Turned said...

I remember this one--so wonderful! I love that you use her sweet hand-written recipe when you bake this...I would do the same thing.

Wishing you the loveliest of lovely days, dear friend!


NanaDiana said...

I have not seen this recipe before. I am copying it over to try this Fall. xo Diana

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Thank you so much Koralee.. I am so happy your enjoyed viewing her.
Enjoy your evening..
I always find so many goodies here!
Love your recipe!

Palomasea said...

Yummy! Your images are so gorgeous, dear friend...I must try this recipe!
The square muffin pan is genius.
How special to see your darling daughter's writing...oh...I have saved so many things with that sweet handwriting.
And your feature in the new WWC is beautiful, Koralee!
The entire issue is fantastic...
And I agree with darling Anita...you are a beautiful soul!
Much love,
- Irina

Tracey Ayton Photography said...

Nummmmy!!! Will have to make these, lickety split!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Oh yum! you are making me feel really hungry here, these treats look so good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Neat to see Molly's handwriting back in Grade 2 and that you use her book every time. I still have my old cook book that I use from my primary school days.

Happy day

fee @ chipper nelly said...

I haven't seen this recipe either!!! (you need never blog again...just go back to the start and repeat!)
LOVELY photos...and I now NEED a squares tin.
Sending love my friend, it's been too long since I've been over here for a Koralee smile...fee x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning beautiful!

Oh Koralee, I cannot believe how fast school started for you. Our district just started this Tuesday and TODAY, I go into an orientation for new substitutes! After today, the calls will start coming in for me to sub for French!!! I will work 3 days maximum while I try to make a go at this art thing...that quite frankly, is not going as well as I had hoped for. Oh well...I will have to work hard to see how to go about making things people want and need.

HAVE A GLORIOUS DAY, and I am always thinking of YOU! OH, will you be out my way this September for the CCC??????? Anita

Riitta Sinikka said...

mmmmmmm! yam! So sweet and lovely! Happy day for you! xxxxx riitta

found and sewn said...

They look yummy!!!

Pretty Zesty said...

That looks so great. I'll have to try.


Deborah said...

So yummy! hope you are well my lovely friend :)

Bee happy x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning precious!!!!!!!

Now I love the sound of your school schedule my dear! What a great routine that will be for you as you have many other things that you want to do with your photography, I am sure!

Yes, I will be working three days a week, TOPS in order to make some sense of this transition. I am not sure how things will actually end up with my art, however. I am seeing the signs of the reality of it all and I have to weigh out things....do I want to spend my free time making things no one wants or do I spend time reading and writing, what I really love? I am a bit on the confused side but still doing what I can. But one gets weary, you know. Oh well, carry on!

You are a bright friend that always encourages through her wise and kind words....THANK YOU KORALEE! Anita

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

I love your photos here! These look so yummy and I love the square muffin pan!

The Cottage Market {Andrea} ♥ said...

oh miss koralee!!!! you just always amaze me!!!! ALWAYS...how fabulous is this!!! I have to make them they are spectacular!!!! thank you thank you thank you! sending tons of hugs with caramel of course!

malia said...

You know how much I love these? SO Much! xoxo