could there be anything more beautiful?
these blooming branches are breathtaking...
i knew if i waited very much longer i would miss my chance...
all i wanted to do was to pluck off these little pompom clusters ..take them home to fill up my house with their beauty...
look at these adorable ideas i gathered...
i have been so wanting to make these pompom twinkle lights from velvet strawberries
...they are made out of old sewing patterns or coffee filters
i also love this wall art....more coffee filters...

don't they remind you of those bloom clusters???
so this past week that is where my inspiration came from...
all the BEAUTIFUL BLOOM CLUSTERS that fill my school yard...
{wall art coffee filter photo borrowed from google images}
the blossoms are amazing... the wind just blew the last of my blossoms off my cherry tree and I was meaning to take a picture! So glad you captured your picture! love the coffee filter pompoms!!!!!! I am so glad you visited my blog it sent me to yours and I have so enjoyed it... the ice cream post was the bowls... i'LL be back
simply beautiful!
Isn't nature amazing... its all around us... and so many people don't even notice!
thank you for sharing
X Alex
WOW! What type of tree is that? I want one! My husband and I just planted 3 trees in our yard this past weekend...a pink dogwood, and red dogwood (which is really just a deeper shade of pink) and a white redbud. I saw something like your photograph that had a double blossom, but that is spectacular! Thanks for taking pictures and sharing with us!
Smiles, Nancy
The blossom ball is so soothing and pretty! This particular blog mellows my soul!
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