in our home
party hats
a milestone...
a journey which has only begun
...no more middle school for my daughter Sydney
it's off to high school
{she is a ballerina...hence the topper}
yummy refreshments....

and totally embarrassed
her when she went up to get her diploma
{that's what families are for...right?}
What did you celebrate this week?
**pretty party ruffle image found here
Love the ruffles~ party hats~ cupcakes~ and all the fun!! Congratulations Sydeny!! Have a FUN SUMMER!!
Thank you for the lovely comment. I'm glad to help! I haven't blogged about this website yet but if your looking for a project for your girls you must try it out!! Its http://readymade.com/projects.
Hope this helps! :)
Yay to your daughter!!!
I have celebrated making the most divine chocolate fondants! xx
Congrats to your daughter! Lovely ballerina,and yummy cake.Im going to celebrate Fathers Day with my family.Enjoy your day!
Oh.....that is a big day!!!! My youngest will be there next year and no more middle school! It goes fast, doesn't it???
What a beautiful post...all those colors splashing about....I love your blog.
Blessings, andrea
Yay Sydney! What a pretty way to celebrate an exciting day...LOVE the favours and the cupcakes...mmmmm.. COLOR!!!!
Congratulations Sydney! Lovin' all the party decorations...what yummy colors!
what a wonderful party! your daughter is a lucky girl. looking forward to exploring your blog some more.
What an awesome post...love it! Thank you so much for the visit, it allowed me to find you and I'm so glad I did. I'm definitely adding you to my blog roll. I celebrated the memory of my dad, my dad passed suddenly two years ago and I miss him terribly BUT I'm so thankful that I had the most awesome dad that taught me so much! I'm off now to peruse through the rest of your blog!
Adore all of these things. What a FAB mum you are. My favourite is the cupcake with the ballerina on top.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Love your pictures and your blog! Those party favors look fabulous! I am looking forward to seeing more lovely pictures on your blog in the future! Take care, Caroline
Congratulations for your daughters milestone! My daughter has just begun her middle school years. This weekend we celebrated the return of my sisters in law from a fabulous holiday in New York! Lucky girls.
What a great post - I love all the colours, especially the party favours! Your blog looks absolutely lovely, I can see we follow some of the same blogs!
Have a great week!
London, England
What a deliciously scrumptious blog, one of those that speaks to me right off, stirs the inspiration, makes me want to dash off and start doing things...
Thank you so much for taking time to stop by my blog, I will definately be back to see yours again soon!!
Love from the UK to you
Julia xxx
We had an 8th grade graduation celebration too! My youngest daughter will also become a high schooler! Alas, where did the time go....many adventures lie ahead!
Stay Cozy,
What a wonderful party you had!
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