strong and dependable

a faithful friend
Some say
if you catch the first falling leaf you see this season
you won't catch any winter colds...
Start catching
{counting the rings of some tree steps while
camping this Summer}
Don't miss the miracle of Autumn
{i know ...i know...it's not Autumn yet...I just can't wait because our maple is already changing colour}
{i know ...i know...it's not Autumn yet...I just can't wait because our maple is already changing colour}
{all photos bluebird notes}
What unbelievably cool pictures!!! Never heard that about catching the first falling leaf...we need all the help we can get around here :)
Lovely photos...gorgeous tree! I'm so looking forward to Fall and cooler weather! We don't really have many trees tha lose their leaves around here, but I'm going to keep my eye out for the first falling leaf!
Your maple is gorgeous- what a fun post! I'm sure in just a few short weeks we'll {you'll} really start to feel and see the change.
HI Koralee
Well .. we are just finishing winter and I had colds and flu the whole time!! Next year I will be out to catch that leaf. Beautiful images enjoy your wonderful tree! x Julie
Your photos are incredible! I could use your help -- you certainly know how to work a camera! Beautiful!
beautiful pictures as always. you are a true talent.
There is something about an old tree that is so attractive.
Gorgeous photographs- they are amazing and your old tree is stunning!
Your tree sounds enchanting...an old soul indeed :)
Hi Koralee, thanks for your comments, I believe the jumpsuit is here to stay,I think it will become a classic staple for our wardrobe.Your post today is a favourite of mine, I have a bit of embarassing confession, I am a bit of a tree hugger!! I loooove trees and want to have my very own tree house built for me a my family to enjoy as a retreat one day! Thank-you for indulging my passion, even us Stylish peeps can be down to earth!Hope you are having a lovely day! Sharon xox
Oh I would love to have a big ole maple in my yard, great pictures honey!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment too :)
You dont see them here! How sad . Gorgeous post!!! xxx
I have seen these amazing trees in B.C.
~ Gabriela ~
Beautiful tree, love the idea behind the first leaf that falls.I never heard that one before.
That looks like such a fantastic swing, especially for these cooler fall days!
Maple trees are so beautiful in autumn!
Your collages are great! I just started making them this summer using Picasa... (where was I when Picasa came out)???
Last year we rescued two maple saplings while weeding. I can't wait to see them color up for autumn!
also LOVE your foot 'tattoo.'
Matthew 6:10 ~
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven...
All the best, Maria
I just found your blog, and what a treat! Your photos are gorgeous.
ooo beautiful! congrats on being blogger of the week !!! really enjoyed reading your interview !!
Hi, Koralee,
I am so wishing autumn would hurry and arrive in Texas. We have had a scorcher of a summer and very little rainfall. Fall is my favorite time of the year (with spring running a close second). I bought a scarecrow recently so maybe this will hurry autumn along. Your post was beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Have a happy upcoming weekend. Vicki
That tree is gorgeous! WOW!
12grades? thats quite young to move so far !! does she know where exactly? I can't wait to "swedish up" my blog ;-)
I love big old trees that I can lay under and I've always wanted a tree swing.
Such lovely photos.
You have a beautiful blog. I love the photos and the colors and your writing. :)
Soo beautiful and very inspiring!! You have a lovely blog!!
It will be so pretty when all the leaves start changing colours!! ;)
Darling I am not done with summer yet...and now it's fall where did summer go? Koralee my love thank you for being such a carking, kind and sweeeet friend. I love your comments, they truly brighten my day. I am so glad we met!! Take care.
Love & Hugs
♥ Duchess ♥
Your pictures are stunning, you have such a great eye for capturing beauty. I just love this time of the year. We just returned home from a museum in NYC and the sky was so blue and there was that lovely breeze just letting you know fall is just around the corner. Just a glorious day with my boys, now hopefully we will catch a falling leaf and keep all those colds away!!
Have a lovely night
I plan on planting all my kiddos under the tree now that I read this! Once the leaves begin to change it is stunning.
Hi Koralee, thank you very much for visiting my home and garden and leaving a sweet comment.
Here in the south of the world spring is arriving, and there in Canada autumm is coming, both so beautiful in the garden.
Your blog is really lovely.
María Cecilia, from Chile
Beautiful photos. I like that saying. Now every Autumn I'll be trying to catch the first leaf :)
Such a delightful blog with wonderful pictures and lovely words! How have I not come across your site before? Am going to add you to my reading list right now!!
I love the pictures of your maple tree, it looks really majestic:)
Beautiful. Hope you have a blessed weekend. andrea
I'd love to catch leaves when they fall! Thanks for nice words, and I'm sa glade you're in my GiveAway-Good luck! Have a great weekend in blue//Eva
Your photos and lush words are perfect. Love your blog, Koralee. :)
Our maple too is starting it's fall show for us...I just love fall!
Wonderful photos! A majestic tree! I love your blog!
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