oF tHe YEaR agAiN
FreSh FOr thE SeASon
{just like my new deep rich ruby shoes}

OrBs of ReD
shApED LiKe hOliDAy ORnaMenTS
BurStINg witH JEwEL-liKE seeDS

tHIs FrUIt....
hOW Do yOu eNJoy tHEm?
{peanut butter popcorn recipe found here at Julie's lovely blog...thank you for sharing the yumminess Julie}
I love to break them up and sprinkle them into my salad.
Hi! How are you this Friday night? We still have rain and gray days here. I need to see the sun!
I love your pictures. I haven't had a pomegranate since the kids left. I used to put the seeds in salads around the holidays. I will have to buy one soon.
Oh my gosh, I am going to get me some of those juicy pomegranates tomorrow!! Your pictures and commentary make my mouth water!!
I just love to crack them open and eat the seed right from the fruit!!
xOxO Nerina :)
Hi, Koralee,
Your post reminds me of when I was a young girl. Pomegranates were one of my favorite treats!! I haven't had one in a long while so maybe I need to get to the grocers and enjoy one again. Hope you have a beautiful autumn weekend. Blessings to you, dear friend! Vicki
Hello Koralee... your posts are so cute, I love it when you show your shoes... you have such cute little feet! And your new shoes are beautiful! Did I tell you I got some sock monkey slippers? Yippee! I have never tasted a pomegranate that I can remember??? I must try one... I love all fruit... Bisous... Julie Marie
I should have snapped a photo... my daughter and I just happened to split one tonight!!!! How fun! We have a ball just picking out all of the seeds and popping them into our mouths! Ours was really ripe, though and juice was squirting everywhere! Finally, she gave up and I worked just filling a bowl with the "kernels". Mmmmmm. :))
You know, they kinda remind me of the hard work involved in enjoying crab legs.... a lot of time getting to the goodies, but you just don't feel like you're getting that much! Thanks for sharing these mouthwatering photos!
Ok..now you speak of MY color...not just red, but deep, rich, garnet red! To die for..I don't know why it moves me so...but it does! I love your shoes too...SO cute!
I hope everyone likes the peanut butter popcorn, it is our family fav. even the married boys want their wives to make it on Sunday nights now! Thanks :D
Love your new shoes. I havent actually tried pomegranates! I wouldnt know how to eat them...I guess you eat the seeds? It certainly is a pretty fruit isnt it.
Love your new shoes! Hope your weekend will be a beautiful one with lot of hugs and kisses!
oh yummmmmm!
I've loved pomegranates since childhood. I just eat them as they are, seeds as well !!!! I can't be doing with spitting the seeds out like some of my friends did !!!! Too much messing about !!!! The only thing that's not nice is when you mistakingly eat a bit of pith !!!!....YUK. XXXX
I dont know a thing about pomegranate season!how exciting! Here it is fruit season in terms of Apples, pears, sloes, damsons etc. but pomegranates are much more glamorous! Lucky you,
have a lovely weekend, Sarah x
how very imaginative these images are and what a"model" ...sweet and round....I may do a photo shoot too and will link you back...
I never had one.Ive seen them in the store but never bought any.Great photo though.
It's been so long, I forgot the taste of them. A quick trip to the store can cure that! Gorgeous, gorgeous pix. FAB shoes!
Memories.......of our kids eating them right off the tree in California....lovely stains on their shirts!! Still my daughter's favorite.
I love them for color and interest in my Pear Salad!! Nice for the holidays.
Hello Koralle, me fascinan las granadas!!! Have one tree that gives me plenty of them in april-may.
Muchos cariños
maria cecilia
and thanks for visiting my blog.
LOVE pomegranates! Although I usually make sure I'm wearing a bib of some sort when trying to dismantle them ;-)
They are so good for you! I need to get one immediately and eat it! xoxo
I remember having a friend in grammar school who would bring pomegranates for snack in school all the time. She'd eat them one little piece at a time. I haven't thought about that friend in so long. Thanks for the memory!! :)
~ Wendy
Now want some!
Lovely post.
Dear Koralee,
I never had these as a kid, like so many have. I love listening to the stories about eating them and the mess they make but so worth it all~ Sour, I know but what a treat!
Hi Koralee... We just saw them at a market this afternoon! I'm glad you reminded all of us here how FUN this fruit is! Next time, we'll have to get one too :o)
So glad you're enjoying the weekend!
~ Maria
Ooo honey you take the best pictures. Just wonderful!
I adore your new shoes and that last collage is just beautiful.
Thank you for all your lovely comments this week too.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE...........!!!!!!!!!
totally love the pictures!!!!
i miss this fruit. not very common here, i think. would be great in a salad. or applied on the face :)
The best antioxidant!
Have a delicious weekend with your darling family!
Oh i adore the color red and this fruit too...yummmi! :) My dad used to grow them at his little vegie garden! Hope your having a wonderful merry happy weekend and love to you!
Hi Koralee, I love the subject of todays post what a regal and truly sumptious colour choice, I can see why this fruit is a favourite with your family!Hope your having a lovely Sunday, I have installed your button on my blog, it looks so sweet! Sharon xxxoo
Hi Koralee, I love all of your sweet images, the ruby shoes are beautiful!! and I must head over to get that popcorn recipe, it sounds yummy. I try and drink pomegranate juice everyday, I mix it with the juice of one lime and top it off with a splash or so of sparkling water..I agree with Lenorenevermore it is a fabulous antioxidant.
Wishing you a beautiful Sundy
love your shoes!! i'm off to check out the popcorn recipe! hope all is well! xo
Koralee, you always have the loveliest shoes!
I'm so excited you found me. Now I've found you. Your blog is wonderful. Pomegranates are very big over here. They apparently have some magic vitamin or mineral, but I think the real reasons are because : #1 they're so beautiful and #2 they take forever to eat so slim Frenchwomen think they're eating a lot and take their sweet time savoring the little bits.
Thank you for your visit.
I'll be back.
Warm regards,
Hi Koralee,
It was so lovley to meet you and your daughter Molly today. It's so inspiring to be with creative women. Heather's jam creations were Yuuuummmmmy! Love your Blog.
Angela....what a dear you are...I am so happy to have been able to meet you too. I will be watching for your lovely blog to come out soon...I so want to follow it! xoxoxo
pomegranates are just soo gorgeous, love the pics ♥
your photographs are amazing- I wish you could come teach me a few of your tricks- I love pomegranates just by themselves but they are so great on salads. And pretty too!
Hi there! Can't remember how I found your blog, but so glad I did! Love your beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for sharing! I LOVE pomegranates! Love them on salads, especially, but also on hearty toast with soft cheese. Naked's pomegranate/cherry juice is my fave too. Cheers!
My little sis and I used to each take a half and eat the seeds straight from the fruit. Mmmmmmmm!
beautiful photos.
I eat them by cracking the fruit apart and picking each little piece out by hand. One at a time. I eat them slowly to avoid staining everything in site (except my hands).
I'm ashamed to admit that I got two pomegranates to dry for my Fall decor. I've never eaten one. Bad, bad, Karen. :-(
Red is perhaps my most favorite color of all. Your photos are spectacular!
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