today was my baking therapy day
{I needed to get my mind off of my sweet Rosie}

at my home this Thursday
where I need to have baked
and packaged
8 doz. cookies
{that is motivation enough}

so fast and easy
with a cookie press
dipped in white chocolate
sprinkled with
sapphire pearilized sugar

dipped in milk chocolate
crushed pistachios

I place them in plain white peek a boo boxes
tied with
a lovely ribbon
garnished with a
twinkle star
Many thanks
I am so deeply overwhelmed by all the love
you have showered me with
during this
sad time
every single comment has been
a blessing to me
words can not express
my gratitude
you are all truly amazing
my heart is filled to the brim
{I hope to visit each and everyone of you soon}
Hi Koralee~
The internet has given all of us a way to know that the world IS filled with good people...
God Bless you for being here to add JOY ~ CHEER ~ SINCERITY and SWEETNESS to life!
~ ~ ~
I used to participate in a cookie exchange back in our old neighborhood ...
I LOVED coming home with so many lovely cookies to share~ Your packages, I'm sure, are prized ♥
Enjoy the fun tomorrow~ you surely need a sweet evening~
Bonjour Koralee!
Your cookies are sure to be the hit of the cookie exchange! Love the crushed pistachios.
So sorry to hear about Rosie, that is indeed a very hard time. I'll keep you and your family in my thiughts.
Wishing you a wonderful week! Happy baking!
Those cookies are so incredibly yummy looking...can't say enough!!!
So sorry about your "faithful friend", Rosie!! Love...Carol
Your cookies are beautiful! And your packaging is beautiful as well. I wish I could come to your cookie exchange and meet you -- you seem like such a nice, kind, and thoughtful person. Enjoy your time with your friends. You deserve a fun day with friends. :o)
You are so talented...a cookie baker too! They look so delih it sends me straight to the kitchen! (Hope you were able to keep that sweet heart of yours comforted today) Love ya! :D
They look gorgeous!!!!!!!!! you are one talented lady. Bet they taste yum too.
Ooooh - I'd definately cookie exchange with you if I lived nearby!!! You've done a brilliant job. The smell of baking cookies will heal any hurting heart.
Happy baking :-)
Oh Koralee
Those sweet little cookies are perfection!
Packaged so sweetly in those little boxes and the glittery star just puts that sweet touch on the package.
Everything that you do is just so true to your unique spirit.
I hope the baking softened your saddness...if just for a bit.
I know far too well...that the pain will linger for quite sometime.
Just remember that Rosie is in heaven...and you and your family will be reunited!
My mom and I always dream about all of our dogs...having gone on before us...leaping towards us to greet us in heaven.
Knowing that our dear dogs are in heaven is the only way to bare the loss.
Thinking about you!
Oh, Koralee I'm so sorry for your loss. I've no doubt that Rosie was loved more than anything, lived a fabulous charmed life, and will be remembered always by all of you. She had what we all wish for in life.
OMgosh! You can bake too!!! Can I order the lovely ones with chocolate and nuts? Madre Mia! I would eat the whole container in 5 minutes.
PS I am so sorry about your loss. I am 110% sure that Rosie had the best of lives. Bring that to heart and smile when you think of her. That is what happy Rosie would want you to do.
OX, Monika
ooo I love the look of your cookies! Is there anything you cant do ;) everything you make and your photos are always just so beautiful!
I think cookie exchange is such a great idea, ive never heard of it until now. I doubt my neighbours would participate in anything like that.
So sorry to hear about Rosie, it is always heartbreaking to loose loved pets :(
I have been reading your lovely blog for some time now.
I lost my beloved golden retriever Bonnie after 16 years.It was so devastating.When I read this,it was really comforting.Hope it will help you too.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow bridge.
When an animal dies,that pet goes to Rainbow bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all our special friends where they run and play together.
There is plenty of food,water and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfy.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to good health.
Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,just as we remember them.
They are happy and content except for one small thing.They each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together,but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the darkness.
His bright eyes are intent.His body quivers.Suddenly he begins to run from the group,flying over the green grass,his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted,and when you and your special friend finally meet,you cling to each other in joyful reunion,never to be parted again.
Your hands again caress the beloved head,and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,gone from your life,but never absent from your heart...and then you cross Rainbow bridge together.
Author Unknown
Good morning dearest one...thank you for leaving such sweet comments on my post. I can't imagine the void you must feel but I believe deep down inside that our Lord has compassion for ALL and we might be seeing some wagging tails in eternity. Why not? His love is PERFECT, way beyond our understanding. YOUR COOKIES ARE SO LOVELY!!! Oh Koralee, you take blue to its perfection. I am enchanted with this shade of blue now, thanks to you! Do you share your recipe for these delightful cookies? Bisous my friend, Anita
Ooooo, Koralee. I wish that you were my neighbour. I can imagine you, ringing my doorbell and presenting me with a tray of those delicous looking biscuits. (love the glittery ones )I think that I might move !!!!
Hope that this finds you a little better but, it's early days yet. I hope that the rest of the family are bearing up too, Koralee. Take care. XXXX
Oh Lovely cookies and packaging.Most of all lovely you for being the sweetest person I have met in the blogging world.Sometimes getting to know or feel if a person is real or not over this big screen (LOL) is difficult but for you its been real and very pleasant.Thanks for the blogs,God Bless and Merry Christmas!
I think they are the prettiest cookies i have ever seen! x
Those are some gorgeous put your creative spirit to work didn't you? You are way to kind Koralee...thanks for the nice comment...cookies are very yummy...and love the blue on them:)
Those cookies look delicious!The blue sprinkles are definately your signature touch! The packaging is extra special! Love it!
Hello Koralee - sending you some cookie cheer this afternoon from the cold UK. I have two evenings at a farmers market with my cupcakes this weekend, so I too will be baking away from Friday morning! Your packaging looks beautiful x
ooo your cookies look divine!!
Bless you Karolee and your sweet lost friend... Our pets truly are tiny people in cheap fur coats. And your cookies look divine. ~Sarahlynn
Here's to loving again and you being sweeter than your cookies - don't our sweet furry friends teach us so much! Jennifer
Hi Koralee
I am sorry to hear about Rosie. The cookies look beautiful and I know your friends will love them.
Dear Koralee, these cookies look yummie and so lovely package! Love love love! I hope you and your family is feeling better. Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you and yours!
Hi Koralee!
Those all look scrumptious!!
Happy Holidays ~~
Your cookies look delicious Koralee & I love the presentation boxes. I bought a package of little silver glittery stars a few days ago and they add just the perfect sparkle ♥ We are having a Christmas Open House Saturday, but I am waiting to do the baking until tomorrow so we won't be tempted to eat most of it :-)
Baking really is wonderful therapy ♥
oh wow ! they looks so pretty & so yummy !!!
my mom, literally, is driving out to the farm as I type this to make spritz cookies! her machine and my kitchen = ho ho ho!!
thanks for GREAT ideas...........
Oh, those cookies look so tasty! My Mom used to use a cookie press - I remember it so well! I hope baking helped a bit while you are dealing with your grief. Take care.
8 dozen! 6 dozen will do me, and that leaves 2 dozen for everyone else. fair's fair.
Yum! I am sure your cookies are the first to be eaten too!
ps. also, sorry to hear of your loss.. so hard to lose a family pet.
Your cookies looks delicious. I like!
I´m sorry I mist the previous post and I´m so sorry you lost your best friend. I really don´t know what to say, to make you feel better. My thoughts are with you and your family <3.
Koralee, I love the way you decorated and photographed the heart and lavender bag, at your weekly image. I really love it, makes me happy you liked it so much.
I recieved a nice christmas card from you aswell. You made my day, I was so happy when I found it in my box.
Take care, Koralee. I hope , from the bottom of my heart, that you will feel better soon. I´m sure your friend is having a nice time in heaven.
Lots of love/
Hello Christmas Bluebird,
Wow those cookies are fabulous like you!
Sarah x
I've had many pets and our family believes they are equal members. Your loss is one that came from deep love and that's admirable.
Dog's also love sweets, so it looks like you have been paying your respects in leaps and bounds;-)
I don't quite know how you do it, but you always have the most beautiful posts! Love the cookies with the sapphire. And the boxes you packaged them in makes it over the top wonderful!
Sorry about your sweet dog, I know it is so hard to loose a faithful friend and companion.
Those cookies look wonderful!! Absolutely delish!!! Your posts are always so amazing!!
So sorry to hear about your dear dog!! Sending you kindest wishes and love!
Dear Koralee, I would like to wish you a very, very happy christmas to you and your family, and may next year brings much happiness and blessings to you all.
So sorry to hear about Rosie, I know how it feels to say goodby to a 15 years old Dolfo, our dog.
Muchos cariños
Maria Cecilia
Oh Koralee, I am so very sorry to hear about your beloved dog...your sweet family member...I know it is so hard to lose a pet!
I love cookie exchanges and I hope you have a wonderful time and it gives you the lift in your spirits that you need! I especially love the look of the cookies with the blue sprinkles on them...too pretty!!!
Sending a big hug your way!
:) T
Hello Koralee
Those cookies look worthy of being in sold in somewhere like Harrods! They look so pretty and delicious. I love the fact that a baking therapy day, what a great idea.
Warm wishes
Isabelle x
MMMmmmmm. Any leftovers sweetie? Your makin' this chick hungry you can sure send some of those delicious cookies to the Ponderosa!
Have a 'sweet' day enjoying your blessings!!!
oh Koralee, i'm so sorry about your Rosie. i hope you are doing ok.
your cookies are just beautiful i love the blue. i made these and they are a bit plain. dipped in chocolate is the perfect way to jazz them up. would you mind terribly if i use your idea the next time i make them? sending a big hug. Susan
Fabulous cookies!
Victoria xx
oh yum a cookie exchange...such fun...yours are beautiful...take care friend
Baking can be such therapy - hang in there, girl! Your cookies are gorgeous! I need to have a cookie exchange with the girls. It sounds like so much fun! ps. I love the blue sparkles.
Oh, I missed your last post and just read it. I know you are absolutely heartbroken. My pets are everything to me. I hold you and your spirit in my heart, sending warm thoughts your way and a hug from across the miles. The cookies look delightful.
Your cookies look so delicious, I'm drooling.
I'm glad our comments helped!!
Oh Koralee your cookies look divine and in true Bluebird style that is so distinctly you!
I've been thinking about you sweet friend and I'm sending another (((HUG))) your way!
Those look so pretty.
Too good to eat even ...
Thanks for stopping my my blog.
Each day will be better.
And, before long your memories will be happy ones. I've lost so many beloved dogs .. I know how this goes. Cry and your heart will mend.
And, eat a cookie or two along the way ..
Your cookies are as beautiful as your do you do that?
In my short time blogging, I have found the people here to be very thoughtful and kind. It is amazing isn't it? I hope you are feeling better...but, I would guess it is much too soon for that.
Baking therapy...I love that! I'm gonna have some this weekend!
those look really good, koralee. oh, the lucky recipients!
Delicious looking cookies Koralee. Have fun at your cookie exchange.
I just ordered a fancy snowflake cookie cutter and edible glitter from
After seeing your beautiful cookies I am psyched to get the cookie baking started!
Have a super sweet day at your exchange tomorrow!
Darling cookies, and beautiful presentation. You are filled with creativity!
oh, little koralee, my heart feels for you.
your cookies are beautiful and you know how i love good packaging! your gift recipients will adore these.
warmest xo
I love the adorable sock monkey slippers! Your blog is lovely. The blue is my favorite color and brings me joy. Merry Christmas
Hi Koralee,
What sweet and beautiful biscuits.
Such a lovely way to keep busy and don't your just love the smell wafting about the house.
My daughter has just made gingerbread men and they smell divine.
Many thanks for visiting me and I am hoping that you have found a little comfort from your blogging friends.
what a fun get together! all these cookies look so delicious:D ive always wanted to host a cookie exchange:D thx for sharing ur pictures:)
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