Monday, December 21, 2009

~Sending you ALL some BLUEBIRD Love~

Christmas is a miracle
a time to renew,
strengthen our spirit
and open ourselves up to profound Joy....
for a Savior reigns
and Peace on Earth
Goodwill towards Men
within our grasp

Wishing all of you a
Blessed Christmas
I am off today to
visit my parents for the holidays
leaving blogging behind
will be back
early next week
sending you some extra love today
bundled up with
many sweet thanks for all the
love you send my way

{thank you Carol for my sweet glass bluebird heirloom ornament}


Monica said...

A very Merry Christmas to you!! Enjoy the time with your family.

Pinecone Camp said...

Have a beautiful Christmas with your family Koralee!

Deb said...

Merry Christmas Koralee!
Thank you for stopping by and your sweet comment. Ernie does look like Rosie ♥ We only just adopted him on Saturday. He is much much smaller than our sweet black lab Ben who was 125 lbs to Ernies 52lbs & different in many ways ... but he is a Lab & they are just such beautiful dogs!

Julie Harward said...


Jen Beaudet said...

Merry Christmas Koralee! I hope you have a wonderful visit with your family.-Jennifer:)

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

Merry Merry Christmas, sweet Koralee!

I hope you have the merriest of times, and truly enjoy each moment.

Hugs ~

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Koralee,
I wish you, your family and friends, the happiest Christmas and for many happy times in the year ahead. Take care and enjoy yourselves. XXXX

Winchester Manor said...

Merry Christmas Sweet Friend!

Wishing you and your family a joyous and blessed day!

Love and hugs,

Julie Marie said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Koralee... I am so blessed to have met you through our blogs this year... love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie

megan edelman photography said...

Wow....what a gorgeous ornament! Merry, merry Christmas Koralee!

bellaboo said...

Have a very Happy Christmas with your family.I hope next year will bring you everything you could wish for, and more.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you!! enjoy your time at your parents house! much love, Tara

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Koralee. I hope the holidays are as fantastic as they can be for you.

{kara} said...

Have yourself a merry little Christmas!
love kara!

Kissed by an Angel said...

Christmas blessings and love to you!!


caroline joy said...

Have a wonderful blessed holiday! Enjoy the time with your family :)

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely visit.Merry Christmas.I love love your image for the week!So different.

Delchick42 said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year Koralee! Be safe.

Jill said...

Christmas Blessings to you!!! enjoy your sweet time with family!

Les Cotrions said...

Merry Christmas Koralee! Have a great and joyfull time with your family!!!
Warm hugs

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Happy holidays! I hope you have a beautiful time with your family!

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Have a brilliant time all the bluebirds, see you when you get back!

Sarah x

Unknown said...

Enjoy your Christmas!! :-)

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Thank you so much for the beautiful Christmas wishes here and at my blog :)
I work until Wednesday, but am keeping the Spirit~

You are such a blessing to all your readers *

This weekend the message focused on this verse:
'And a Light shall pierce the darkness...'

Koralee, you shine His light and pierce the darkness ... with JOY and BEAUTY.

Merry Christmas dear friend ♥ may the new year shower you with blessings and grace~
Enjoy your beautiful family!

BonjourRomance said...

Enjoy the time with your parents. Wishing you and your family the merriest and most blessed Christmas ever!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas filled with much love and joy as you surround yourself with blissful family and friends!

ELK said...

and to you as well ...your blog is a high light in my day

Teresa said...

Oh what a dear sweet ornament!
Perfectly suited for YOU!
Have a lovely holiday Koralee!
Still sending my tight hugs in honor of Rosie! Doogan sends you warm wet kisses!
Thank you for your dearest do have a way with them!
So delighted we found each other!

June said...

Have a blessed Christmas Koralee. What a beautiful post today friend!

Rizzi said...


Sue said...

The ornament is perfect for you!!

I hope your travels are safe and your holiday filled with love and joy.


Barbara Jacksier said...

What a sweet ornament and a thoughtful gift. Our bluebird family hasn't flown south this year. Since the snow came, I've been tossing out extra bread crumbs and other goodies because I'm afraid they can't reach the bugs and creepy crawlies they favor.

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Dear Koralee
Wishing you and your family a happy and colourful Christmas. Thanks for your comments over my way this year and for your ever delightful bursts of colour over here. xxx Julie

Kelly said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you have a lovely time with your family!

Splendid Willow said...

Beautiful Koralee,
I wish you and your family a fun, relaxing and joyous Christmas! I have not known your for very long - but I so appreciate our blog friendship and hope to meet you in person in 2010! (Yes girlie, I am so taking your for lunch in Seattle! And after that we are hitting some design stores!)

Cyber hug to you and your family!


Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Dear Koralee, Merry merry Christmas to you and yours. Have a lovely time with your family. Thanks so much for all your lovely comments and continual inspiration in the blogging world. Amanda xx

FEDERICA said...

Wish you a very merry Christmas! I'll be back online early January.
Hugs & Love

Bralliz said...

Merry Christmas Koralee!
Soo beautiful picture in your last post!
xo alice ♥

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

And I send you my love and wishes for a safe return from your visit, and a marvelous new year, Koralee! May God's love oooze out of you always! Anita

Rheea said...

Merry Merry Christmas to you, my dear friend! Here's wishing you and family lots of love, peace and joy this holiday. :)


Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Lots of love to you and your family Koralee hope you all have a wonderful time. Christmas Kisses Kitty xxx

Faded Plains said...

Hi Koralee...just wanted to wish you and your family very Merry Christmas!

Luiza said...

Yes, there is something about christmas!Some kind of magic , peace and joy. I wish everyone could feel that.

Your photos are breathtaking.

Wish you a merry christmas with a lot of joy.


Magdalena said...

Happy Holidays Koralee, I just love your blog and am thrilled to have found you/it :) Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy this amazing time of the year with your family

Fifi Flowers said...

Love that little ornament... soooo SWEET!
Merry Christmas... ENJOY!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

This is beautiful.

Merry Christmast to you and your's! said...

BIG BIG Christmas cheer to you my dear. have a great break. Thanks so much for all your stunning beautiful posts for 2009. I also wanted to thank-you for all your comments and support in 2009. Have a great Christmas and New Year. Simone xx

Unknown said...

Enjoy your time off from school (and blogging)! I truly hope you have a joyous Christmas Koralee, and I thank you for your friendship...your comments always lift my spirits and make me feel so special!

Blessings and Merry Christmas!!

:) T

Simple Home said...

Thank you for your sweet message of the true miracle of Christmas. Your little bluebird ornament is beautiful. Have a glorious Christmas.

Martha said...

Merry Christmas to you, and I hope you enjoy your time with your family!!! Lovely message you shard too!

Cristie said...

Enjoy every minute with your family, soak it all in. May of the joy of this season linger long into your year-

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas my little bluebird friend. Surround yourself with love of your family and breathe in the love of Jesus!

God bless ya'll!!!

Jaeveberry said...

Merry Christmas!

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Koralee,

Have a super merry Christmas, happy holidays and best wishes for good health and happiness in 2010.
I have so enjoyed getting to know you through the blog world.

Love & hugs to you
Carolyn xo

Samy said...

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year Koralee, I look forward to your postings in 2010 :)

Knitty, Vintage and Rosy said...

Wishing you and yours the very best!

Rubyred said...

Wishing you and your family a very Merry christmas
Rachel x

Helen McGinn said...

Stopping by to wish you a very merry Christmas. Have a wonderful day and thank you for this post, it was beautiful. x

Anonymous said...

happy holiday, koralee!


Mo said...

i hope you had a wonderful xmas !!!!!!!!!!

nevin said...

Dear Koralee,

Merry Christmas and happy happy new year..With all my love..

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas! Such gorgeous photos and lovely gifts! I hope it was bright and merry for you and yours. Love to you!


Unknown said...

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog, May the happiness of the holiday season be yours today and always x

Elyse said...

seasons greetings, koralee,

it is always a pleasure to visit your pretty, sweet and blue blog. love the little ornament!

happiest holidays & safe travels


Sierra said...

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and are doing well! I love your Christmas blue bird.

Karen said...

Hoping you had a wonderful Christmas, koralee!! Hope there were oodles of smiles to cherish in your heart all year long! :>

Vicki said...

Hi, Koralee, enjoy your winter break and holidays as you visit with family and friends! I am wishing for you the happiest of New Years in 2010! Your friendship has been a true gift for me this year. Much love and many blessings to you! Vicki p.s. Thank you for the beautiful card.

La Dolfina said...

Hi Koralee,
I just found your blog and I already love it!
Happy Holidays from you newest follower :)

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and I wish you all the very best in 2010.


French Kissed said...

Just finally got a chance to get caught up on all of your holiday posts. First, I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear Rosie. I know how very much you will miss her. On a happier note, you have such a gift of bringing light and cheerfulness to all you do. Your Christmas posts are so beautiful and creative ~ love your Christmas palette, your extraordinary cookies, the socks, and all of the Bluebird touches. I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas day and that you are continuing to enjoy all the magic of the season. Hope your New Year is filled with happiness and abundance.


Pretty Zesty said...

Happy Holidays! I hope that you and your family have a very pleasant holiday.

Renee said...

Merry Christmas dear friend, beautiful post.

Love Renee xoxo