The perfect little Love package
{Plump and Freckled Face}
{Plump and Freckled Face}
strawberries must be she-berries
just as blueberries must be he-berries
don't you agree?
strawberries must be she-berries
just as blueberries must be he-berries
don't you agree?
Such a cute strawberry :D
Hi Koralee! What a pretty & cheery picture to end a snowy day!
Oh aren't these figure skaters just incredible! It's 11pm... I'm still hanging in there to watch them!
Blessings to you, dear ♥
~ Maria
Whatever tea you are drinking...I want some. I like the way the world is a rainbow through your eyes!
Your blog is SO SO beautiful! The strawberries make my mouth water.
I'm having a giveaway at my site...come visit!
Ha! I totally agree. And I thought I was the only one who assigned male and female personas to inanimate objects. Oh and letters and numbers too! (1 is a boy, 2 is a girl, etc) Ok now I sound really crazy lol
Oh Koralee....this photo...
SCRUMPTIOUS...just like you my lovely friend!
Oh I am really cheering the Canadian Ice Skater on tonight!
Oh how I would ADORE to see her win the GOLD!!!!!
Happy Weekend my Sweet Friend!
I know how much you adore your weekends!
Is it not just wonderful to find the heart-shaped love in everything?
Happy Weekend to you Sweet Koralee!
You just keep doing it over and over, making me so happy to know and love you! Definitely she-berries!
LOL1 I think they are both she berries and a big bowl of both sure sounds good right now!
You are the Da Vinci of the blogosphere.
I totally agree...thats why strawberries wear chocolate...cause us girls need our chocolate! :D
Wow Koralee, Oh so SWEET! This picture is A ~ DO ~ RA ~ BLE !Totally agree, by the way... strawberries for us sweeties and blueberries for the boys... Have a splendid weekend!
Strawberries make everything better!
I DO agree, Koralee and, it makes me wonder what other inanimate objects I think of as male or female.
Have a lovely weekend. XXXX
Mmmmm strawberries and blueberries, my favourites.
Hugs RosieP x
Definitely! Your photography is so beautiful Koralee!
Loved reading about you on Women who Create!
Happy weekend to you!
Rachel x
Like always, you push the envelope for color, subject and message; wonderfully conceived, concise and SO INSPIRING! All this wrapped into one, beautiful soul.
Have a blast this weekend! Anita
Great photo!
You are a poppet, lol... gotta love you :o)
Hee-hee! Never really thought about it! I just framed some strawberries yesterday! ♥
Gorgeous summery photo - I may just well be inspired to do some chocolate and strawberry cakes for the ladies this weekend and blueberry and lemon for the men :-) One afternoon to go ... enjoy yours Koralee! x
YUM those strawberries look GREAT and yummy...that picture is just beautiful:)
I just cleaned strawberries for breakfast and now I will look at them a little differently. I think you must be right,Love your thoughts,Kathysue
Strawberries HAVE to be she-berries with that lovely heart shape! Leave it to you to put into words what the rest of us can't begin to say. Such charm, Koralee!
I do agree, and you are making my mouth water!
A friend and I were just saying yesterday how we can't wait for the summer berries to be here so we can just gorge on them!! Have a great weekend :)
I think there might be something to your theroy :) I like it! And that is the most perfect strawberry I ever saw! Just perfect!
I love strawberries.... as I love your posts!!! Thank you!!
Strawberries...anytime I am makig a "romantic" treat...it is always the delectable and delicious Strawberry that I choose to include....be it dipped in chocolate or covered with sweet whipped cream...and of course all by itself....it stands alone.
Beautiful photo!!
We are coming over to Vancouver yet again tomorrow to take in the Olympics one last time
and enjoy the spirit and energy of it all.Wasn't Joannie Rochette wonderful lastnight....watched with tears in our eyes.
Have a glorious weekend Koralee...who are yu hoping to see at the Closing Ceremonies...do u think perhaps David Foster and Michael Buble (I'm tinking that) I guess we will find out.
Cheers :)
haha- that's cute. i love it:).... but what does that make rasberries? ;)
Aww how special, I love stawberries too...can't wait for the good ones to come in. What an awesome blog you have hon...so happy to have found it!!!
I never quite thought of it that way. But I think you must be right!
this post made me smile.
What a perfect way to start the weekend...
Thank you, sweet Koralee!!!
i agree and am giggling at the thought that we must think alike! when i was little, before i would eat m&ms, i would first pair couple them up in little "marriages." i still miss the tan m&m. gosh, i am sounding a little goofy, aren't i? LOL :)
BEAUTIFUL photo!!!
i love strawberries.. especially those up there.. prettiest ones i think i ever saw!!
have a lovely wkend!
Your pictures are absolutely amazing!!
Lovely, just lovely!! <3
That is so cute: he-berries...
Yes Koralee, I certainly agree....
just like dogs are 'he' pets and kittens must be 'she' pets! right!!!//
I want to bite into that luscious heartshaped strawberry! It looks plump alright!
have a nice weekend
Too cute...oh...and I do agree ;O)
What a special blessing a simple picture can make to one's day. Thank you!
I absolutely agree! Thank you for making me smile today!
Best wishes,
Oh Koralee, you share pure happiness and sweetness with us daily..we are so lucky to have you!! A lovely post with a lot of heart!!
so cute! i do think a treasure hunting outing counts as a "me" activity! have fun. xo susan
I love all of the happiness and cheerfulness I always find over here Koralee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a lovely weekend ~
:) T
hello sweet friend to the north~
I actually have half of my family in Vancouver so I try to get up as much as possible. I have dual citizenship as I grew up in the states but spent 12 years in Vancouver after I graduated. I miss it some days, and love to go back to visit. This week was especially fun as there was so much energy and pride there!
have a marvelous weekend,
I DO agree with you on the male/female berry situation! You should sell your art, I'm sure you've been told this before, right?! It's so happy and beautiful! Suzie
I think I'll be having lovely strawberry dreams this evening. So cute!
Hi Koralee,
Such a beautiful photo and two of my favourites, strawberries and blueberries.
Have a very happy weekend
I noticed blossoms on one of my strawberry plants today. I love your little strawberry heart :-)
Hi, Koralee,
Yes, they are she-berries for sure, and they are looking so pretty on that rose covered dish! I hope you have a fun-filled and happy weekend, my friend! Vicki
Dearest Koralee, totally agree! This image is sooo sweet and gorgeous! Wishing you a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
What a deliciously sweet photo!! My cousin is an artist, working mostly in pastel water colors, and her all time favorite subject to paint is strawberries! She is always on the look out for THE perfect strawberry so that she can capture it on canvas. I love your thought about he-berries and she-berries, how cute is that! Will I ever be able to eat blueberries again without having that in mind. Love it!
Your profile says that your students keep you happy. It reminds me so much of my oldest sister, also a teacher and even when life gets hard on a daily basis, her students are what keep her sane and smiling. She loves teaching so much.
hugs, Debby
beautiful image- so funny, "he Berries"
Have a beautiful weekend Koralee :)
you are a breath of inspiration with each visit!!! I am so glad we met through blogging....
cute post!!!
Hi K!
Thanks for swapping buttons! I just grabbed yours to be posted asap! I love your little she berries!
I've only meet one other person that hates strawberries us much as me! But I do love blueberries! A little strange right!
So happy! You are the first page my link is on...thank you! Your page is so lovely if I didn't say it before...so nice to "meet you"!
Hi Koralee!
Beautiful picture!
Have a lovely weekend dear!
xo alice
What a great close-up! I heart strawberries!
xoxo Laura
found you from over on Where Woman Create...good for you to be featured! These strawberries make me want to stir up some yummy strawberry jam for my morning toast. :)
I love the look of the s-berry...just cannot stand the taste...I must not be e real girl...uh-oh! :0
m ^..^
Sounds good anyways. (I never really did think about the straw and blueberry thing)
Love the blueberries though.
God Bless,
Your blog never ceases to amaze me. The creativity and beauty that you bring to every post. It is always a pleasure to stop by, and I can always count on a blessing when I do so. Thank you.
oh yes! and yum!
Such a very pretty bit of LOVE...
I concur with your blueberry assessment...the mister loves anything blueberry...and I, am a strawberry girl through and through...Happy Sunday Sweet One...~R~
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