Friday, February 5, 2010

{Olympic Mittens}

the excitement is mounting
Only One More Week
until the
Opening Ceremony of the
2010 Winter Olympics
Vancouver is filled with the Olympic spirit
It is so much fun walking the streets and seeing the sights
I have watched the Russian Figure Skating team practice...what a treat!

I have my official RED Olympic mittens ready

to cheer on the Olympians

{they were soooo hard to find as the whole Country has been wanting a pair}

Watch for me.....

I will be the one waving to you with my red mittens

Oh how I LOVE the Olympics.....

especially when they are in my own backyard

Have you caught the Olympic spirit yet?

If not t ake a peek below...this will help

{takes a second to start}


Alexandra MacVean said...

I am totally looking forward to the olympics, too! Woot! LOVE the red mittens. :)

Blondie's Journal said...

Whoo hoo! Love the mittens. Love Vancouver. My BIL and SIL live there and we had a wonderful visit in 2008!! Gorgeous city!! How lucky you are, Koralee!! :-)


Unknown said...

Cute little mittens! Lucky for you its in your city!! The winter olympics will never be staged in my very hot part of the world!!!
I'll be watching on TV and will look out for you ;-)
Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

I so love the olympics. I so will be watching the skating. I so will be looking for your red mittens. You are just too cool.

Nite-Night......The Garden Bell

Auntie Cake said...

You are sooooooo lucky. I just can't wait, the best two weeks of winter are about to begin... (Now if I could only clear my schedule so all I have to do is sit and watch the games for those two weeks, all would be good!) And when I see you on tv, waving to me with your red mittens, I will be jumping up and down yelling hello right back at you! Soak it all up for the rest of us!

Maria said...

The video is extraordinary, Koralee~ Thanks so much for sharing that! It adds to the great anticipation of waiting for the Olympics to start. Yes, we'll be looking for those red mittens! They are giving me an idea for my students ~ I've got to get lots of red construction paper! Wouldn't red Olympic paper mittens make great garland?!?!
Enjoy the incredible opportunity of hosting the Olympics~
blessings & smiles to you ~ Maria

Vicki said...

Hi, Koralee,
I love the Olympic Games!! You are so lucky to be a part of it all, and I will be looking for you and your red mittens!! Have a fun filled weekend, kind friend! Vicki

Anonymous said...

what fun!

Debbie said...

I love the Red Mittens...check out my funny little story about them on my blog from a few weeks back....when I went in search of them...and lucky me...bought a pair for my grandson and a pair for hasn't been cold enough to wear them
Yes the Olympic spirit and excitement is building...tonight the torch was in Whistler...yeah!! I have friends and family who are working at the the medical field at the athletes village and in P.R...will definately be going over as well.I want to try the zip line over Robson!!Looks FUN!!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh it will be so exciting, I look out for those cute mittens missy!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Paint the town red!!!

Julie Harward said...


sarah-jane down the lane said...

Ooh that was a lovely little glimpse of your neck of the woods! I am very excited too, love the skating, LOVE IT!

As for the red mittens, wowzers trousers they are lovely, i will definately spot you in those! Did you watch the BBC animation for the Lympics (as we call them in our house!) with the Michael Buble soundtrack? LOVE IT TOO!

Happy Lympic Advent weekend!

Sarah x

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Koralee
You know I prefer the winter olympics to the summer ones.. there is just something wonderful about them... I can feel your excitement.. when the olympics were here in Sydney it was the only time I was not working in the city.. and to be honest I avoided it.. then at the last minute i relented and went to a baseball match [my first]... the excitement was incredible .. the buzzy feeling of everyone happy to be there.. it's a great feeling... enjoy your buzz!!! xx Julie

VintageVicki said...

I shall be watching on the TV and will look out for your red mittens ;)

The 2012 summer Olympics are going to be within visiting distance from me so we are hoping we get tickets to watch some of the Stadium events.

Marina Saclley @ Iced VoVo's said...

Ooooh lucky you Koralee!
Those red mittens are adorable .... and how wonderful to have the Games in your own back yard.
I love the winter olympics, especially the figure skating and the luge!
I've never experienced the games (I was living in the US when they were on in Sydney). Maybe I will get to experience them here while living in the UK in 2012!
Enjoy ... and I will keep an eye out for you!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Koralee my sweet little bluebird! Your mittens are marvelous and what fun this is going to be to watch the games so close by! ENJOY! Anita

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

I am definitely going to look out for you, Koralee. I don't think that we will miss you in those lovely red mittens.
How exciting to have the Winter Olympics on your doorstep.
It won't be long before they are here in Great Britain in 2012. Some of the events like canoeing and rowing are very near to where I live and the centre of the Olmpics will be only 20 minutes away.
Enjoy the skating. XXXX

Julie Marie said...

Hi Koralee... I had so much fun when the Winter Olympics were here in Salt Lake City in 2002 (even though I had to work the entire month at the PD!)... Roots USA berets were sooo hot then, I was fortunate enough to get everyone in my family one. Happy Olympics! xoxo Julie Marie

Sue said...

How fun for you! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it (and seeing pictures) through your up close and personal view. Love, love the mittens.


Laura Trevey said...

Can't wait!!
The mittens are Absolutely Adorable too ~~

xoxo Laura

mimi charmante said...

I would love a pair of them - I need to get myself across the border to get a pair (and of course visit my family..). As I am not one for crowds, we will be staying down here for the next few weeks and enjoying the festivities on the tele~
Enjoy that fabulous Olympic spirit my friend,

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Sweet Koralee! My tap dancin' partner! I danced tap as well as flamenco like Senor Greco here....what fun it will be for you to watch your tap mentor on stage for the big event!!!! I know you will take plenty of pictures for us! Thanks for coming by dearest! Anita

theUngourmet said...

I love those mittens! What a great video too! I loved seeing the skater on that huge frozen lake. Can't wait to see the games!

Kissed by an Angel said...

Not too keen on sport!! But I could get to like it for a pair of those mittens!!! They are lovely!! I used to tap dance too - when I was a bit younger! Got my adult tap certificates too!!!

Martha said...

Oh are watching them practice...what a delight!!! Those mittens are super fun! Enjoy those Olympics in your backyard!

Winchester Manor said...

Hello Sweet Koralee,

Love your red mittens and I'm looking forward to the Olympics. How fun that you got to watch the Russian Figure Skating team practice, figure skating is my favorite.

Have a fabulous weekend Sweet Friend!

Love and hugs,

Rizzi said...


Jill said...

I am loving those mittens, how exciting I'm sure your WG opening will be so much better that ours in London 2012.............keep us updated Koralee.

RosieP x

Anonymous said...

Love those mittens, and I like the little collage you made up to sweet.

Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said...

I will be watching for you, as I too love the Olympics!!

Oh to be a Canadian for the next few weeks - what pride and what fun you all will have!!

Cheers to you, my friend to the north!! xoxo

Catherine said...

Warm and pretty mittens will make watching the Olympics even better!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Such bright spirited mittens! I shall be watching for you in the crowd.

Randi Troxell said...

i love them!

great mittens!!!

Luiza said...

Oh, I love your Canadian mittens, they are gorgeous. No wonder everyone wanted them, not only becuase of the olympics =).

I´ll be looking after you waving in the garden, haha...

Have a really nice evening.

o said...

these mittens are adorable! i think i'm beginning to catch the olympic spirit:) can't believe it's just in a week! thx again for ur comment on my blog:) the diy projects are actually from teen vogue and this awesome site, they're amazing!

Anonymous said...

how time flies -- i can't believe it's that time again. :) have fun!

Anonymous said...

Have fun my sweet friend. Wear those mittens proudly and we will all watch for them :)

caroline joy said...

How awesome for you! Enjoy every minute!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

I love your red mittens and I will look out for you waving in the crowd.
Enjoy the games and we look forward to watching them on the TV.
I hope that you are having a fabulous weekend


Simple Home said...

You're so lucky to have these, they're beautiful. Did I tell you I'm a former Olympian? Well, in our high school we were the Olympian's, so I guess it actually makes me an Olympian alumni, lol :-)

Cristie said...

We loved having the Olympics in our city. I was a volunteer and it was a pure joy to welcome the world! Enjoy every single minute.

Julie said...

Oh how fun! I remember when they where here in Utah it was so much fun. My daughter and I got to go to the speed skating and sit right down in the front thanks to my boss! But I do enjoy watching them on the TV but I will be thinking about you being right there and I will wave back!

Barbara said...

Lucky you to have the red mittens! I bet someone tried to buy them right off your hands!
Love watching the Olympics!

Anne Marie said...

how fun! I bet you'll be handing out all your sweet treats to those eager participants.....

Twyla and Lindsey said...

We can't wait for the Olympics! We love the winter Olympics. How exciting that it is close by you! Twyla

Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee!

Oooh, soo cute mittens! I love the little leaf on the inside :-) Soooo beautiful!

have a nice day!

xo alice

Leah C said...

Oh those mittens are adorable! I love to watch the figure beautiful. Lucky you, to have the Olympics in your "backyard":) said...

Yes and only 1 week till Michael Buble ( he is hosting them) - can't wait!

me and alice said...

Hello Koralee!
Ohh they are lovely!!!
xx Susanne

Faded Plains said...

Love the mittens...and love watching the Olympics too.

Marg said...

Way to go!!! We just finished the Torch Celebration. It was so alive and to real..
It's totally an unbelievable experience.
Many wonderful events are coming my way in the next few weeks. It's so exciting.

Libbie said...

Okay those mittens are WAY cute! YES! Olymipic spirit officially caught! I am just counting the days & can't wait to watch the skating with Annie!