pursuing your joy
sharing your enthusiasm
inspiring others
How can we do this?
By creating....
whether it be
baking cupcakes
planting flowers
decorating our homes
the list is endless
{the sweetness in the above image is one of my grandma's creations}
find your bliss
you will find
your labor of love
and you will inspire
{I feel so blessed to be inspired by so many of you...man you guys are a creative bunch}

Where Women Create
a publication that
encourages and promotes the
creative spaces of the most
extraordinary women
of our time

Each issue
celebrates women
who are pursuing their bliss
nourish your soul
inspire the creative process
I am very grateful, blessed & honored to be featured on
their lovely blog today
please pop over and visit me at
Now to celebrate the inspiration you have all given me
Where Women Create
will be giving one of my sweet readers
an autographed copy of their book
"Where Women Create"
along with a beautiful book mark
as well as past issues of
their magazine
Thank you
{with a special thanks going out to Paige
visit her sweet blog Paige Hill}
All you have to do is visit
WWC and say hi
then pop back here
and leave me a comment
telling me...... what is your creative bliss?
for an additional entry
comment that you follow my blog
~easy peasy~
~easy peasy~
giveaway ends March 1st
~continue to create and inspire~
~continue to create and inspire~
How lovely, I have seen this before but don't have it! I'll pop over to say Hi! I love seeing other peoples creative space!
Congratulations on bring featured. I love that magazine. I own the original book and I love to look at the studios and be inspired. My bliss is sewing, making quilts and thrifting. I am already a follower :)
I just love oyur blog by the way.
Hugs, Rhondi
How wonderful Koralee! You have been a constant source of inspiration to me with your beautiful photography, your bright and cheery posts and your eye for seeing beauty in everything. I also love your sweet, gentle and giving soul, I truly adore you Koralee!
Have a fabulous week sweet friend and congratulations on being featured on WWC!
Big Hugs,
Oh Sweet Koralee...what a daily inspiration you are.
The images YOU CREATE twinkle my soul in the sweetest of ways.
I am so blessed to be near you each day.
Thank you for all that you create...
for the magic that you sprinkle...
in the sweet world that you live in and in your daily blogging.
Oh what a dear dear soul you are.
My creative bliss you ask...
well I just strive to sprinkle bits of HAPPY along the way in all that I do.
It may be baking cookies...fixing my coffee...or taking a stroll along the beach...whatever it is...at that moment...I just want it to sparkle and twinkle!
I do believe I see a fancy poodle in that precious piece from your grandmother up there!
Oh so sweet!
Popping over to WWC!
And of course...of course...I follow KORALEE!
Sweetheart...I would FOLLOW your cuteness anywhere!!!!
Oh...and I was THRILLED that the Canadian Ice Dancers did so well last night!!!
Don't tell anyone...but I am rooting for them for the GOLD!!! They are PERFECTION!!!!!
Finding anf following your bliss is the best advice you could give!!!! Congrats at being featured in WWC!!! I'm off over there now!!
I'm a fellow B.C. blogger too and I can't help but be inspired by your awesome photos, color and everything else on your blog. Thanks for the inspiration!
I (like all the ladies before me) am in love with your photos and the sweet simplicity of you blog.
I find my best creative outlet to be when I get the itch to organize. I turned into a tornado, and at times you would be amazed at what I can accomplish in a short amount of time.
P.S. I follow your blog! :)
Follow your blog? Are you mad? I am obsessed by it! Tee hee, I love to call in on you and see what gorgeousness you are up to today!
I am creative about everything from making the bed to laying the table to planning outfits to painting cards for beloveds or taking photos ALL THE TIME! just try stopping me :D
Sarah x
Everything about your blog is adorable. thank you sooooo much !
c o n g r a t s on being featured on the WWC blog, dearest Koralee. You made a lovely post. Love this sweetest poodle created by your gramdma. So cute!
Well, I find my creative bliss in daily things such as looking at, playing with and listening to my children, browsing through blogland and Etsy, leaving through all kinds of gorgeous magazines and newspapers. Actually, my creative bliss is always just around the corner as I really do love simple & sweet things! Those are almost everywhere, anytime ....
Have a great week! Oh and I so, sooooo follow you Koraleeeee
I visited their blog and the post about you is wonderful! They also led me to another blog that was fun to read.
I think you deserve the feature...your blog is very special...and of course, I'm a follower!
My creative bliss is a toss up between cooking and flower arranging, both make me very happy!
Just saw you were on the Where Women Create blog. Congrats! That's such an honor.
Congratulations, Koralee!
What a lovely Blog you have! Thanks so much for sharing!! I visit Where Women Create everytime I am online and I am addicted to their publications. I look forward to visiting your blog often as it is very uplifting :) ~Liz
Congratulations! It's well-deserved!
OK, I am inspired to figure out how this google friend connect, etc. works because this is just the kind of blog I want to start my morning with! Leave it to WWC to introduce me to you, Koralee : )
What is my creative bliss? Hmm...can reading be creative bliss? I am so inspired by books and music...and magazines and blogs now, as well!
As for what I personally create with bliss...
A special moment captured on film/digital
A heartfelt letter, poem, journal/blog entry
An organic essential oil blend
A new soap/scrub/lip balm/cream, etc. recipe
A colorful collage
A good habit (daily excercise/writing)
Those are a few favorites. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into this blog, and for sharing it with others!
I'm not surprised you are featured at WWC, because you are one talented lady! I love following your blog. I enjoy sewing, quilting and knitting the most, but I do love to cook and garden as well. Not enough hours in the day for sure. Have a blessed Monday!
You know how I feel about your blog. It's one of the greatest treats I give myself! I popped over to WWC and left a comment.
My creative bliss is writing novels and songs. ;-)
Goodafternoon Koralee...I will go on over to see Where Women Create!
your post is lovely as usual....
take care...and please do enter me in!!!!
Oh I love this post, it's great to see women follow their creative gifts and share them. This magazine looks fabulous and so encouraging to women.
I think at the moment blogging is taking it's fair share of my creative energy.
happy for you my friend . i enjoyed my visit over there. Creative bliss?...quiet home natural light and scissors with interesting paper to create
I am coming here from WWC and am so glad that I did. Your blog is so wonderful and inspiring. I am adding you to my bookmarks so I can visit often.
I found you through the WWC blog, and I'm so glad I did! Your photos will be so inspirational to me, thank you!
My bliss is my favorite Pandora station, a rainy day, a cup of hot tea in my favorite fiestaware cup, and of course an embroidery project!
I'm a blog follower!
Beautiful blog! I got here from WWC and my creative bliss is anything that lets me forget about the hustle bustle of everyday life.
Kralee, Congrats to the WWC-post!
It's a blessed gift to create..to get new ideas to try and archieve...it means a lot of joy and relaxation that have an interest in any craft.
It is a golden gift .. like a never-ending stream of light!
And Yes -I'm a 'follower'!
Love//Eva Sweden
I am hopping over there now Thanks for the info.
Wowzer, such descriptive words, something that is difficult for me..just started reading my current WWC issue, so I will eventually get to the article about you..such loveliness, I can't stay away!!
Congrats on being featured on WWC! I just found your blog from that site, and I'm so happy to have been introduced to your lovely site. It is beautiful and inspiring :)
I am definitely a follower. I was hooked after the first photo. Pink, blue, thread, buttons...swoon! And that's what fuels my creativity...buttons, thread, beautiful pictures...
What a beautiful blog. Congrats on being featured on WWC!
Congratulations on being featured on Women who create. I love that you still have your Grandma's embroidered linens. I love old embroidery.
You are filled with creative bliss! And so nice to see Women Who Create took notice of one of the very best - Y-O-U!
I find creative bliss in baking, cooking, knitting, blogging, discovering and sharing new artisans in my boutique, and art time with my crumb!
Happy new week to you!
Hi Koralee... congratulations on being featured on Where Women Create... I read your article, how nice! Your posts are short and sweet, but really do carry such a big inspiring message each day! What a precious treasure in your first photo today of your dear grandma's handiwork... xoxo Julie Marie
oooh...I'm so glad that Where Women Create featured you today because now I've found you and I know I'm going to love your work (just from the little bit I've seen so far). I've become a follower so I don't miss anything!
Mary Anne
Well, I will certainly be following your blog...what inspires me? Bloggers like you, with beautiful pictures and inspiring messages...oh and creating my own blog - it is wonderful to have my creative juices flowing again. I am having so much fun x
oops...forgot to say what my creative bliss is (got so excited about your pretty pictures that I forgot!). Hmmm...it would have to be having time to sit with a cat on my lap and a new craft book to read, along with a cup of something hot and my favourite music in the background. So easy to zone out!
Hi Koralee! What an honor to be featured at the WWC - and so sweetly deserved~
Your blog is the coming together of photography, creativity and sweet sentiment. It is loved by many ♥
I adore vintage needlepoint (love seeing your grandmother's pretty stitches)
I have a counted cross-stitch in progress ... (a little red-birdie ;o)
and find myself 'stealing' moments to enjoy my old loves of sewing and needlework. Full-time teaching takes much of my daytime hours and a great deal of my creative juices.
I am amazed at the beautiful handmade things people sell in their Etsy shops, the DIY projects and amazing baking that I see out here.
What a wonderful post today, Koralee~
ps. And have totally enjoyed following :)
oh and I visited WWC... What a great blog!!!
loved it and it was EASY PEESY to leave a LOVELY comment for YOU there :)
Koralee! Congratulations on being featured on the WWC blog!!! :D Your blog is so worthy!! :)
I found you through the WWC blog; your photography is gorgeous!
I find my bliss creating and giving to others. Whether its needlework, quilting or baking :)
Thank you for a great give away!
And I am a new follower!
Hi Koralee! I have only been following for about a month or so, but I check daily to get a little reminder of how enchanting life can be.
I find bliss in doing little things to make the world around me more lovely, creating things for others, and spending as much time with my family as possible.
Wonderful site; I'm going back for a longer linger....my creative bliss is baking, cooking, making dolls, badges, cards...anything that takes my fancy on that particular day and that I can make from recycled stuff around the house. I'm a follower! ;O)
Congrats to you.I posted on both places.
I would have to say that my creative bliss is just about everything.I love sketching, painting,cooking,Im trying a few new things out in crafts so I think blogger has really inspired me as far as my creativity goes.I even started collected dolls again.Its been over 15 years since Ive done that.
I've just come over here from WWC blog and am delighted by your beautiful blog! The photos are so lovely. My creative bliss is rubber stamping and making cards or home decor projects.
I just found that magazine last week-Bought it as fast as I could. There was one picture in the magazine that reminded me of you, I could so see you in that or any other magazine.
I went over and said "Hi!"
My creative bliss is cooking, baking and sewing- The baking has become a challenge due to having to take gluten out of my diet two years ago-But I am always up for a challenge.
What makes me most blissful is photography and hiking with my hubby.
Congratulations Koralee-This is so amazing!
P.S. I'm so a follower~!
Koralee - Your feature was so perfectly you! I just love that I get to have a special glimpse into your soul - watching you from the outside create your beautiful posts - with your fabulous eye behind the lens and your ever so positive words from your heart or borrowed from the hearts of others.
You completely inspire me to be a better photographer, to be completely positive and I am guaranteed a smile when I read your blog. "Smiles Guaranteed" at Bluebird Notes. ;)
It was a wonderful post tributing your beautiful blog- you are a treasure Koralee :)
My creative bliss are the kindred spirits that are so generous and are willing to share their amazing talents and lives with us.
Congrats on being featured on WWC! You definately deserve it! Your blog just makes me happy and I visit often. Of course I am a follower! Finding my bliss is a goal I strive for everyday!
Oops, didn't follow directions -- I am a follower!
Hello my sweet...again, eye-popping colors that send my mind twirling about and asking, "How does she get those colors?"
WOW...congratulations dearest, for making it into Where Women Create!!!! How does one become a part of that? Does someone nominate you?
I get my bliss from writing and illustrating, along with playing my harp. Voilà !
Fabulous cupcakes and everything about you is a delight!
That is so awesome! Congrats on being featured -- you so deserve it! My bliss is papercrafting, painting, sewing and crocheting.
How great to be featured! Your blog is so wonderful and your photos so beautiful. Congratulations ~ good for you!
Love, love, love the photos. Aren't bluebirds the best!!! Congrats on your blog and the feature at WWC.
This is all chewy and wonderful soul food for me.
Thank you for all you do!
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
I will be following your lovely blog...its a joy and pleasure!
Hi Koralee,
So glad to see that you have been featured in Where Women Create ~ you are always such an inspiration and it is such a joy and treat to come and visit you and see what lovely things you are up to. Thank you for always making our days happy.
P.S. I did post on WWC as well! It's listed under my email address, slubnd2010@sbcglobal.net
Please put my name in the hat!
What a great blog! I loved reading about you over there! Your blog always brightens my day! I always find that baking inspires me. I want to learn embroidery too!
found u thru a fb friend! love your photos and your zest for life
What an absolutely gorgeous blog! I too started my blog last year and am continually amazed at all the wonderful, talented and creative women who are out there (like you!). I will definitely be following your blog.
Congratulations Koralee...this is just utterly wonderful and fabulous!!! I am so thrilled for you:) and that picture of your grandmother's creation is beautiful
and I'm a follower too:)
I am so happy to have found you and am now a follower! Thank you for all your inspiration...I find my creativity in sharing my gifts with others...whether it is in my cards or design work or via my time and service with organizing and staging...love it all - just love making people happy.
So glad I had the introduction to you from WWC...love them and love you!
catherine s.
Dearest Koralee, thank you so much for such a wonderful inspirational post! You are my inspiration and congratz on the featured! I've poped by Paige's blog and it's gorgeous! You know i am and always have been a follower. :) Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!
Wehooooo!!!!! Koralee! Way to go, girl! (WWC is a lovely place). You have a loyal little fan here in Seattle always backing you 110%. Your blog is a safe and wonderous place for the soul & heart. Even if I don't visit every day - I always feel home here. And that is because of YOU!
I find my creative bliss in exploring and sharing the world with passionate people. Art, books, traveling and home interiors are part of my DNA and fulfill me to no end. And blogging is my wonderful outlet!
Much fondness, xx Mon
Thanks for aaaaallll the inspiration!!
Just found you via the WWC post :) Wow what a visual feast for the eyes.
I'm not sure what my creative bliss would be... maybe having enough hours in the day to create all that I want to create *g*
I am delighted to have found your gorgeous blog! Your photos are spectacular. I'll be following you from now on. Come visit us in France at www.maisonconti.com !
Your blog i so calming and serene; I've loved my visit. Congratulations on being in WWC; you add to their value.
Hi Koralee, Congratulations in being featured in Where Women Create, I really enjoyed reading the post on you :)!! I love your happy beautiful blog and of course I am a follower.
What gives me creative bliss is traveling with my family and then taking my experiences back home and turning them into creativity, whether it be cooking, baking, my party planning and design business, my boutique or my workshops I teach.
Have a great day
congratulations my sweet friend! i'm so happy for you, it's well deserved! their publication is beautiful, i only hope to have a room like that someday! have a wonderful week! thank you for making me smile! xo susan
Just found you in the WWC blog and I will have to come back and visit my fellow CDN!
My creative bliss is an open day, blue skies, hammock and a good book. I also love creating art and baking and getting inspiration from wonderful blogs.
Hi Koralee!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! You have quite a lovely one here and I enjoy are parallel blue themes :-)
I just started some sewing and craft projects of my own this week so I will be sure to share those with you on my blog.
Happy to have you in my RSS bookmarks now :-)
Congrats! I so enjoyed reading about you and how you got started blogging. I have so enjoyed reading your blog and I love, love your pictures! That's the one area I'm just not very good at. Maybe a better camera would help a little!
Lovely blog. My creative bliss is when I'm in my studio surrounded my a treasure trove of fabrics, fibers,and beads. It is some kind of vortex where I lose all track of time. Heaven.
Man Koralee! - how do you get so many comments other then being so sweet and talented girl!!!! The font you liked is the regular font choices on blogspot called Courier. Glad you enjoyed the pics and post. Hugs, J
Your photos and text are lovely, what a nice place to visit. Marcy
You inspire me Koralee...it was so nice of WWC to feature you on their blog...and that's too funny that you wrote a post about creating...I just wrote a post today about my creative space.
Love your blog, giving me an idea to start making something with all my supplies
Hello Sweetie~ Hooray for you. You go girl! Thanks for visiting me today. I wish I had time to poke around too. Maybe next week!
Loved visiting WWC. I never knew about it! And it was lovely of them to feature you! Such fun to hear how you started blogging.
Congratulations on being featured. I just read the related post at WWC and it was so inspiring. I'm a recent follower to your blog, and so happy to be doing so. My creative bliss is definitely baking and photography...not to mention the ultimate creative bliss...Blogging!
Hello, dear friend, and congratulations on being featured on Where Women Create! You certainly have a beautiful creative heart!! I hope you have a wonderful week full of everything you love! Much love to you! Vicki
My creative bliss is packing & shipping for my etsy shop.
I LOVE the process of wrapping things in old french newspaper, tying them with bakery string and adding little vintage scraps in glassine envelopes.
I have neat old fashioned boxes with metal tabs and top the box off with a vintage address label.
I went to WWC and found you via them...I am a newbie (feb 13th) and just got my first computer Jan.12th...what a journey it has been.. a whirlwind in blogger land..I am an antique dealer so finding the treasure gets me going..I design and fabricate jewelry and when I find the right combinations..oh boy!!! love this world where woman create together and share the love...Cynthia Wolff
I've always felt bad about my lack of crafting talent. My sister is a champion at it...Thanks for making me realize that my baking capabilities are a way I can contribute!
Oh dear!!!
I´m so happy for you, becuase you really deserve this!!! You really, really do! Congratulations!!!
I love your blog, your short notes, the images. Most of all, the joy you´re spreading! Eveytime I´ve popped over, I left happier. Honestly!
Thank you for being here, don´t you dare sop blogging... =).
Now, I wish you a really lovely evening and lots of love !
Congratulations...my amazing...creative...thoughtful friend!! I could go on and on. Just love your blog!
I discovered your blog via WWC blog! What a joyous blog, too.
It is easy to follow this blog with all of the lovely photos and inspiration.
Congratulations my darling Koralee on being featured on WWC, so proud of you. You delight us on daily basis with your adorable photos and sweet words, if anyone deserved this honour it was you...so happy for you darling. Have a fabulous week darling.
Love & Hugs
congrats on being featured.. you totally deserved, coming here- it's so pretty it sorta just makes my heart sing!
I just love your blog, your photographs and artwork are just so cheery, and I look forward to all your new posts! Have you been featured in the Where Women Create magazine already? It was nice reading about you on their site too! Suzie
Oh how glad I am that you are featured--else how would I have found you?? Please be my new BFF. :)
Congrats on being featured on WWC!!!!! My bliss is taking up fancies, discards, everyday items, and creating a bit here and there - painting, drawing, poems, twisting a bit of wire here, adding a bit of fluff there, imagining that each stitch, stir, dab is actually a prayer of love, gratitude, health, kindness, JOY! which silently whispers to me and fellow travelers on the road of life of it's gifts. I look forward to seeing even more sweet bluebirds faces. Viva La pájaroazul!! and THANK YOU!!
Koralee, congrats on being featured in WWC! I have a little secret...I actually work for Stampington & Co., the publishing company of this publication. I work in the sales bit, I have posted a bit about it on my blog. This is one of my favorite publications, I can't wait to see your studio inside. I am going to take a look right now. I love having creative bliss and I can't seem to get enough of it - I love to create way too much!
Hi Koralee,
How exciting to be featured in WWC. You must be very proud of yourself. It is so deserved. You are such a talented and creative woman and so kind and generous. I can never get over the way the colours look so beautiful on your blog. You put everything together so well.
My creative bliss would have to be decorating and researching ideas. I find that really stimulating and love to get inspiration from our lovely blogging community. I'm sure that you know that I'm a follower !!!! haha. XXXX
looove your blog!!please stop by and say hello again!
Your new follower and fan
my creative bliss is sewing ruffles: www.shopgussy.com
This is why I love WWC so much, they lead you to the most wonderful sites & souls =D
oh so wonderful to meet a fellow Canadian blogger!! and your blog is amazing...I just came via Where Women Create....lovely read...and I am now a new follower...
Great to meet you!!!
what a lovely feature Koralee, congratulations!
creating something which makes people smile is the best gift of all.
I love following your beautiful adventures!
HI Koralee
That is such a fabulous article of you in WWC
I had just discovered that lovely magazine in Michaels the other day and have been planning on going back and picking up a copy...now I know I need one.
My bliss...hmmm...I guess I find Bliss in all things I do...especially when creating special things for those I love...spending time in nature surrounded by all things beautiful.
Lovely give away...keeping my fingers crossed.
Cheers :)
Please come by sometime soon and enter my 2010 Olympic Red Mitten GiveAway...in fact...everyone is welcome!!
Congratulations Koralee. I'm so glad they featured you. You're blog always inspires!
oh congrats koralee. you are so super talented and you so deserve this feature! I am glad to call you a friend.
My creative bliss is when I create a design that i know if perfect, sweet and totally represents me... Also, when I break out of my note card world and create something different and just for the sake of creating.
xo koralee!
My creative bliss is a whole day with no interuptions to draw and create, something good on the radio, lots of cups of tea and then a warm bubbly bath at the end of the day to reflect on what I have created. You have a beautiful blog
Creating a beautiful look in my home with my lovely Luke and 2 puppies!!
I adore visiting your blog, your posts and pictures are so wonderful! I love spending the weekend creating groups of crafts that go together! Have a sweet day!
Your photos & use of color are truley magic! It just brightened my day to stop by here to visit. I LOVE your blog & am so glad WWC sent me over here. Jo knows a winner when she sees one. I would love to win your giveaway. My bliss... Finding beautiful old vintage items & using them in my home, jewelry or art. Have a beautiful day. Charlene
Wow! I'm so very impressed, Congratulations dear one! A magazine feature. I popped over to the lovely 'Where Women Create" blog and said, Hey! Sweetie, whenever I need a quiet calming moment I always pop over and can count on the ahhhhhhh moment!
You have a beautifully blessed day!!!
I'm so happy for you, being featured in wwc! It's no surprise at all! You are amazing :)
Thanks again for all your beautiful photos and inspirations. I hope you had a fun time around the thrift stores the other day! Wouldn't it be great if we bumped into each other one day ? :) It's quite possible! My main little shop is in Ladner. Anywhere near you?
hmm...my bliss.....I hardly know where to start. I love snuggling into bed with a little boy on either side of me, keeping me nice and warm :) I love when they giggle and laugh with each other. It's definitely my bliss. But on a whole other note, I love the excitement in the thrift shop hunt...wondering what lovely little treasure I might find :) I also love the satisfaction of creating something lovely that makes me feel like I'm still "me".
That was a really random comment post...haha
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Wow you are really are Miss Fancy Pants congratulations!! Ok others say (and I believe they really think so) that they are your biggest fan but you and I know it is me!! God has just used you to bless me, from your sweet pictures to your super cuteness in your post. My love and passion is to find fun and creative ways to bring out laughter in everyone, especially my G-Babes (all 5)We have "Today" parties! Sometimes we make cookies just because,or decorate for no reason.You know I really believe today really is the Best Day Ever! So I dance, hug, bake,and love to share God's joy and have fun!! You really learn a lot when you have cancer it is such a great training camp where you learn about Joy.Big Hugs to you my sweet friend :)
I just found your blog today and I am so happy about.
I just found your blog... now the question "what inspires me" ... you and all the other bloggers that come to me via the internet and I soak up all of your creativity and feel free to pursue my own... as humble as it may be ... thanks
I follow... love your blog... thanks
Hi Koralee
Congratulations on being featured at Where Women Create . My creative bliss is spending time in my little "sparrow studio" :-D
Congrats - that's awesome! I especially love the creation by your grandmother. My grandmother taught me to tat and other things and now I'm teaching my granddaughter to knit, crochet and sew! I'd love the magazine! Thanks, Kathy
Creative bliss for me is a quiet summer afternoon with the studio windows open, a breeze coming in, good music playing on the iPod, and a desktop messy with paint, paper, ribbon and embellies!
Vicki J. Wade
Congratulations! That is wonderful. I visited WWC and the Bright Side Project. I've been a follower for a while. Your blog is beautiful.
I'm really enjoying your blog! I found you on WWC, such a great inspiration to me. I'm a quilter. I love all things textiles. Your photos are especially pretty! I just finished a very sweet baby quilt for a friend, which I will give to her tomorrow. Today I am in bed, watching the Olympics, Facebooking all my Canadian friends, and trying to recover from a cold virus!
Hi Koralee, congratulations on that beautiful feature at WWC. It was so fun to read and know that I have been blessed with your friendship.
My creative bliss is making things grow in the garden and creating a place that my family loves to spend time in and that friends can visit and enjoy with my husband and I. Then to take pictures of that garden and share on my blog so that other's may enjoy it too. Like my mother who lives in another state and my sisters and brothers who live away as well.
i am an avid follower.
Congrats on being featured in WWC. I have not missed an issue since the first one came out. I read them cover to cover. My creative bliss is photography. I got my first camera for Christmas when I was 12. I began to take photography seriously about 8 years ago and haven't looked back since. I also get great satisfaction from mixed media artwork, rubberstamping and gardening. All these give me the creative outlet that I need to be the person I am.
I love Where Women Create...I'm happiest when I'm creating with fabric...so grateful to have been given the opportunity to sew and created...you have a wonderful blog as well...so inspiring!
Love your blog, so inspiring! I love to paper craft.
I am a follower of your blog
Hi There,
Your blog is really inspiring. Your talent and color palate is really dazzling. I have left a message at WW Create.
My creative bliss is in the planning of what I am going to do next (actually dreaming sometimes). I thrive on that. Love moving from one thing to the next. Hate to get stuck on just one thing over and over again. I believe this is so very genetic as my dear late mom possessed the same creating bug.
Keep up the good work here and God Bless,
Legacy Crafter
My creative bliss is all about the designing of a project. I love to select fabrics and colors and edit, edit, edit until I have the exact right combination - at least for my eye.
Love your blog, and love your beautiful photography. I am just across the border and a little east of you. My creative bliss (right now) is photography ...... or maybe it's sewing. It is a real toss up. But once the growing season starts here in Eastern Washington, my bliss will be my flowers and vegetables. Thanks!
PS-- just started following your blog
Your blog is absolutely gorgeous, Koralee! I am now a happy follower of your blog. How wonderful to be featured on WWC! Congratulations to you!!
My creative bliss bounces from decorating my home to participating in creative art swaps to photographing my granddaughters who are always the best models & ever changing.
All the best,
My creative bliss can start with an idea that a blogger has shared...especially if it has a tutorial! I like small, simple projects that are fun and quick. I love to sew and do all kinds of craft projects! My mind is always thinking of what to make next! I love your blog!♥
I am a new follower now! Can't wait to spend time on your blog! ♥
Congrats! What an honor to be featured at WWC! You are my first stop each morning when I get my coffee! I love your sunny outlook and talent with your camera. I'm grateful you don't think you'll run out of blog inspiration because I won't run out of interest in stopping by either! V
LilyBean sent me! Wonderful site! Wonderful inspiration!
You are marked as one of my favorite sites! I am a follower!
I must apologize, I am a blog stalker. Your blog brings a great amount of joy to my day. I guess I don't comment because I feel what I have to say doesn't mean much. My bliss is working in my studio creating cards for family and friends. Even though I don't think they are a thing of great beauty, they get rave reviews. The important thing is I have fun in the process and I am giving a part of myself. That's really what your blog is, a part of you. Thanks for sharing a part of yourself with everyone. Have a wonderful week, the start of a brand new month!
ohhhh, just discovered your blog -- I will be adding you to my blog links and visiting often. I'm a scrapbooker but love, love, love to decorate and make my home special in any way.
I don't have one "creative bliss" Koralee...sometimes I feel I need to narrow down my creativeness! Oh well....a little bit of everything!
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