my sweet memories...
a jar full of white buttons
a recipe book full of love

"what can I do today grandma?"
her sweet reply....
"go get the button jar...we will sort and count..
you can show me your favourites."

{grandma always wore a special apron }
"grandma, how much do I add?"
"oh a pinch of this and a dash of that",
my grandma would say with a twinkle
in her eye....

grandma's house
a home filled with
and enough hugs
to last a lifetime...
oh how I treasure
my button jar
sweet recipe book
Hi Koralee!
Oh does this tug at my heartstrings!
I have an old mini drawer set filled with buttons given to me by my husband's grandmother. She was fondly known as 'Gram.' Gram would collect buttons, trims and pretty 'jewels' for sewing and decorating. She knew I loved to sew and gave me her treasure of buttons.
My sister {when she was 12} made me a homemade recipe book that I treasure. I don't know what I'd do without it and my first Betty Crocker Cookbook!
You can tell my favorites, by all the stains on the pages!
Thank you for stirring such sweet memories!
Blessings to you dear ♥ Maria
Lovely nostalgic post, dear nana is no longer with us, but I have fond memories of sleep-overs at her house...thankyou for sharing x
Hello :)
I found you awhile ago, and then lost you somehow. So I was thankful when I came across you again.
I love this antidote, this family story. These little traditions we create are wonderful but how much more special they seem to become in memory :)
...Ahhh Koralee!..always so delightful visiting your blog!
....Thanks ....Colleen
Oh Koralee!
What a sweet post!
I can just hear your grandma asking you to go and get that button jar!
And I can just hear YOU telling your lucky little grandbabies one day to go and get it too!
And the recipe book...well I know that's a treasure!
Such sweet sweet memories.
How cute this is!!
Oh, Koralee!
I can almost hear you and your grandma talking... I get a bit sentimental, since my grandma was just like yours.
All the love they give you...yes , it lasts a lifetime.
You just gave me inspiration for a post!
Thank you!
Have a nice day!
O much memories...........beautiful..........i can't remember my grandmother ,i was to young when she died,and i never had a grandpa, i 'am glad you will share your memories with me/us............have a good sunny day,lots of springgreetings from !
Oh that's a lovely post.
I love buttons, I keep them in a big jar.
Em x
This is a wonderful post. I am just inspired by your creativity and ability to draw people in with few words, but of course STUNNING PHOTOS and wit, wisdom and incredibly creative style. How do you make people like you?How do you do it?I fear that I am losing followers. I used to get more, and I just can't help but wonder why people are dwindling away...Oh I am so silly!
Love every word out of your mouth! Anita
Oh Koralee ... this is such a beautiful post ...
I love this post, it's so nostalgic, and brimful of love!!! Such beautiful photos again too!!!
Thank you.
Oh lovely blog,I miss my greek grandmother as well.Wish she were here to see many many things.I collect buttons too,I dont think I have one white one though.
Happy Thursday!
Oh Koralee! This is super cute! Have a sweet day!
Dear Koralee,
I have similar memories. I used to love the button jar. I would first put my hand in and jiggle them all around and then, I would tip them all out and give them a good examination ! I don't know why, as I knew them all by heart. There were pearl ones, enamel ones, little flower ones, silver and wooden ones. Do you think that children today would get anything out of a jar of buttons ?
I have my Mum's old recipe book. It's so interesting to see how differently we cook now but there are similarities too.. XXXX
Such lovely memories Koralee! My grandma always kept a button jar as well. And now I have one. There is just something magical about beautiful buttons ~ no? Have a lovely day!
What is it with buttons? Something magical for sure. Your pictures are divine. And your writing is fabulous, as ever. Cannot wait to open the WWC magazine... Thank you so much for having me recollecting today!! Have a wonderful Thursday, hope the sunbeams will flow through your classroom windows all day long, sweet Koralee! xoxo
Beautiful post! I have some very sweet memories of my time with my Nana!
Hugs, andrea
you make the simplest everyday things in life so beautiful and sweet with your photography, what a talent with a philosophy behind we should all follow a little more in our lives.
Such a pleasure to stop by and find my button on your blog! Thanks so much!
xoxo Bardot in Blue
Such a sweet tribute grandmothers ...xv
these are my treasured things from my grandmother, too! Wonderful!
such a sweet post!
Oh! Koralee darling grandma's are so special, they are full of love and sweetness. Thank you my friend for this special post.
Love & Hugs
That is so sweet!
Hi Koralee,lovely to meet you again over on My Passport to Style,you have the sweetest customs and family.No wonder you are so special! Sharon xxooxx
Koralee, I attach these little white spoons to my spice rub packets and jams! Hugs, Jenn
I love this post!! I think our society today is missing so much by not having grandparents nearby. Love how resourceful they were in entertaining us and plying with us!!
Koralee, you have the sweetest way to say things and treasure things. This reminds me of my own grandma who passed away last summer, She was a great artist, and i still feel her close by. Your post is lovely :)
You clearly can think out of the box. You always can put two fairly unrelated things together. Take a great picture and make a special tale come to like.
Love the B/W today.
Kate - The Garden Bell
I have sweet memories like that of my Nana. My sis, Mom and I used to bake with her and it was wonderful!
I love buttons. They are so timeless yet tell so many stories whether vintage, contemporary, or even from an old baby dress of my daughters...all with a memory attached. My precious Mema always nourished us with love from the kitchen and always, always with laughter. Lovely post that calls to mind our very own memories.
so sweet, koralee.
it's no wonder why you are as cute as a button.
Koralee, I love going down memory lane with you.I have a sweet memory of buttons also.When my brother and I were little and it was a rainy day we would get out the button tin and string buttons to see who get the longest chain I was older so of course I always won. I look at those buttons today and I see my old camel coat a pretty spring dress, funny what can evoke a memory. You seem to do a very good job at memory making, Happy Thursday,Kathysue
Everytime I visit I want to say something different, but I can't..your pictures take my breath away! They always leave me feeling good.
those sound such good memories...and those items mean the most...those that create such sweet memories...I love this post and miss my grandma dearly...but thank you for the reminder of her!
My nan had a button tin and when we went to visit I would spend hours playing with the buttons!Sorting bby colour and size etc.
This post brought back happy memories!
Thanks Koralee!
Rachel x
Oh Koralee, what a sweet post. Grandmas are special people and isn't it wonderful that you have keepsakes to remember her by?
Thank you for the sunshine :)
Hello Koralee,
What a sweet memory you have of your grandma.
The button jar seems to be a favorite story that many of have. :0)
♥ I have few memories from my *grannie*. She passed away when I was 6 years old.... but I do remember the warmth of the knotty pine walls, the roaring fire in the big stone fireplace and big black forged hinges and handles on all of the doors [I suppose as a tiny girl all of that looked very large to me :0)]...the aroma coming from the kitchen and her sweet smile and her kindness....funny I don't remember many of her spoken words but I'll never forget the feeling she imprinted on my heart. ♥♥
Thanks for sharing your fond memory and for letting me tell you about mine. ♥
Stephanie ♥
What special and fabulous memories.
Koralee, You are just so sweet. I jar of buttons, recipes and a special Grandma equal a world filled with joy and love. I miss my grandmas both so much. They had wonderful buttons that I use to love to sort though. Thanks for sharing such happy memories with us all.
how this reminds me of my grandmother....thank you. what a sweet post. my grandma didn't have a button jar but we baked together and she was such a lovely woman. i hope you are well! have a nice weekend. xo suz
What wonderful sentiments, you bring out in me a treasure trove of memories of not always how life was, but how I wished it to be! Beautiful! Thanks! Suzie
Dear Koralee~
What a wonderfully sweet and dear post! It is the little things that speak the loudest to us... the things we never realized make us feel at home~ Thank you for taking me to the memory of my Grandmas~
I want to be a Gramma like yours! I've got the buttons! My grandchildren won't mind if homemade means slicing the cookies and baking them will they?!?
you do know how to bring out the nostalgic remnants in all of us! what a gift you have for slowing down the treasured and precious moments in life, and drawing out from us the bliss of everyday living!
keep on girl....i've grown acustomed to visiting your blog now, and I couldn't imagine the blog universe without it!!!!
ciao bella koralee!!!
beautiful Koralee!
enjoy your friday lovely ♥
What lovely memories. Thank you for sharing
Hey, love,love today's topic!...My grandma also had a container filled with pretty buttons. It was a mason jar with the cuff of an old, jade green pair of cords "sleaved" around it(like a tim,s cup)This was not only "PrEtTy", but also doubled as a pin cushion. My nanny "baby sat" me while mom was teaching in a little, two room school house, just down the road. Wonderful memories!! Sidebar...nan got her license at 82 years young, because my grandpa was no longer able to drive..."and she was not staying home!" We just celebrated her 94th birthday...Very special!
P.S. Come in and try that "little number" on...Rosie
Koralee, you have so many followers, so many comments and yet you still find the time to visit my blog and make a comment..I can see why you are so loved by so many..and I am sure your grandmother was a big influence in forming the lovely woman you are today..cynthia
This may be my favorite post of yours yet. I do wish we were neighbors. The sentiments were so tender and true and Grandmothers and their grandchildren. Thanks.
I too have such fabulous memories of baking with my Grandma!x
Did all our grandma's have those button jars? Mine sure did! She used to say you could never have too many and you never knew when you'd need one!
Her recipe book was small, handwritten in spidery script but I treasure it. She was the grandma who used to own a bakery. My other grandma didn't cook worth a darn, but she had an attic full of old clothes and costume jewelry we loved.
Got it in one honey, just beautiful memories.
Have a fab weekend,
Oh, Koralee... I want to be a grandmother just like yours. Sweet, sweet post. Makes my heart smile. =) Beautiful photos, as always!
Sweet memories and beautiful treasures! Have a wonderful day! :) Tammy
Buttons are some of my favourite things! I have my grandmothers and my mothers and tons of my own, plus various and assorted garage sale finds that I've found over the years. I have numerous button jars and never cease to enjoy looking through them for 'just' the right button for a project.
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