Wednesday, March 17, 2010

{four days of two}

{day two}


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

You bring Joy to my world, I so so enjoy your joy, sweetest Koralee. xoxo
Have an enjoyable stay at your parents! xo

Julie Harward said...

JOY...THATS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT.."MEN ARE, THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE JOY." Thanks for all the JOY you bring to me and blog-land! :D

Jennifer said...

happy happy joy joy - 'you bring me joy, when I'm down. Oh so much joy, when I lose my way your love comes smiling on me' Anita Baker hugs, Jennifer

Anonymous said...

if a picture really does speak 1000 words...then this one is certainly

J O Y x 1000!!!!

utterly beautiful!
ciao bella Koralee


Andrea said...

Thanks for your sweet comments on arise 2 write.
Hugs, andrea

House and Garden Boutique said...

Just beautiful!

Dawn said...

Thank you for that beautiful is JOY!
have a wonderful and joy-filled day:)

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Grape hyacinths, my favourite, mine are just pushing up as we speak! Lovely!

Have a good day lovely Koralee,

Sarah x

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Ooh I have missed some beautiful and thought provoking posts from you this past week or two ... and much needed by me so thank you Koralee. Hope you are having a wonderful trip and thank you, thank you, thank you for your lovely gifts this week :-) x

It's me said...

You bring joy in mine life................thanks !! so cute !!

Enjoy your stay there!! many lovely hugs from me !!

Kissed by an Angel said...

Another wonderful gift!! Thank you so much! I wish much joy to you too!!

Luiza said...

What a beautiful gift you left us!
I hope you´re having a good time at your parents place.


Anonymous said...

Lovely pic.Thanks so much for sharing JOY,God Bless!~~Becky

Kateyed said...

Oh, so pretty!!! Your photography is sooo lovely.

We are new to bloglandia...come visit sometime! We are not really all about jewelry!


Haleigh said...


xoxo Bardot in Blue

Maria said...

enJOYing this beautiful photo of such loveliness

Sue said...

Oh how pretty!

ELK said...

lots of blue love right there

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Koralee,
That gorgeous hand tied bunch of grape hyacynths has certainly brought me joy today. Thank you. XXXX

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

My eyes are dancing. ;-)

Tana said...

Thanks I needed joy. I have those flowers blooming in my yard. Lovely.

Terra said...

Joy is a wonderful gift, and I send you joy in return dear.
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

NicNacManiac said...

Hope and Joy...two wonderful gifts I will cherish...thank you xOxO

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I'll take it! And that Please tell us, what kind of camera do you use?

Bisous, Anita said...

Tied up with string....these are a few of my favourite things!

Unknown said...

I meant to pick my grape hyacinths today, but forgot. I started to feed the llamas and got sidetracked. thanks for the reminder!

Rosie said...

I am but a babe to this "blogger business"...I am so hooked, but have opted not to do the 12 step program...quite yet. You Koralee are both an enabler of this addiction, and a true blessing to many ladies...thanks so much. Rosie

The Tablescaper said...

Joy - what a beautiful gift.

- The Tablescaper

Magdalena said...

Koralee, Thanks for sending us all Joy and the beautiful blue hyacinths are just gorgeous. Have a lovely evening.

Carol said...

Thanks Koralee..."grape hyacinths"...a beautiful way to bring joy! Joy to you too!....Love...Carol

Simple Home said...

"Joy", my oldest daughter's middle name, and she is such a sweet gift in my life.
I love your photo.

theUngourmet said...

Those flowers are so fragrant and pretty! :)

La Dolfina said...

Oh Joy!... such a beautiful gift!
Thank you :)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Sending warm and wonderful wishes your way! May joy be your's today and always. Many blessings, Tammy

Cornflake said...

How gorgeous, I remember growing these blue flowers in the UK when I was growing up (can't grow such flora easily in Australia unfortunately!)

Just discovered your blog and I'm a fan already. Beautiful images, thanks for sharing!

Rose said...

**Simply Beautiful**

Happy Wednesday to you Koralee :)


Rose Farnsworth Davis said...

A beautiful gift shared with so many, and yet ment just for me. Thanks for the magic...

The Fairy Tale Maker said...

What a lovely blog. Glad I came across it. Very inspirational. Thanks.

Libbie said...

I'll take a little joy!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Love the joy photo and that brought happiness to me. Thank you and what a lovely posy of grape hyacinths.
It is always a delight to come and see what you have to share.
