Sunday, March 28, 2010

{tickles my fancy}

these a a few of my favourite things.....
{vintage cards}

{pretty paper soap packages}
in scents like
peaches & cream

{a lovely cherry blossom carafe}

.....just a few of my favourite things
that tickles my fancy today

what do you Y today

~blessings on this Palm Sunday~


It's me said...

Dear Karalee

Blessings for you to on this palm sunday......!

Hugs from me..........

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

How I wish I had a scent button on my laptop! The colors and flowers are lovely. Makes me crave sunshine. Hope we both will have a lot of sunshine next week, sweet friend. xoxo

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Those would all be my favorite things too!
So pretty. :)

Unknown said...

Hello! I'm back. I love everything cherryblossom. Great pics :-)

Julie said...

Yum sounds like good flavors of soap.

Claudia said...

Love the carafe!


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Blessings to you, on Palm Sunday.
Love all the pretty things that tickle your fancy.
The vintage card is pretty and the soap and scents must be beautiful.


Carousel Dreams said...

Koralee, lovely pics as always...I adore the little cherry blossom carafe, although we call it a thermos. I think it would be lovely to take on a picnic filled with hot chocolate and some marshmallows x

Giovanna said...

These are adorable!!
Thanks for sharing :)

Lisa said...

Lovely things! I think I like them too!
Happy Spring!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Love the carafe!Happy Spring!

Laura Trevey said...

I love this color combo ~~
Happy Palm Sunday to you :)

My Life And Loves said...

I love those soap packages ~ in fact I just love all the pictures :) Your pictures are always so pretty! X

Rubyred said...

Such pretty things! I bet the soaps smell gorgeous! Have a great week Koralee!
Rachel x

Cathie said...

beautiful carafe, I used to have the same & it dropped & broke :(
hope you have a happy easter week Koralee.

thea.e said...

Thank you for your sweet greeting at Notes from Polly. What a lovely blog you have.. I just love that carafe... :)
Happy easter.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I'm loving an amazing loaf of rosemary/meyer lemon bread I picked up from the Farmer's Market this morning!

Louise @ Illume Design said...

I just love those soap package patterns.. Enjoy your week..

Anonymous said...

seriously lovin' your colour scheme! what a delicious palette you have here..

I'm glad you got your buttons, koralee....thanks again!

ciao bella

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I fancy the peaceful sound of silence, kind gestures from friends and strangers, and a cup of PG Tips tea!

Very gorgeous as always, KOralee!


Sewn With Grace said...

We like so many of the same things! The product that is currently tickling my fancy is Meyer's household cleaners in lemon verbena, just heavenly! Have a wonderful Palm Sunday!

Haleigh said...

everyone in the blog world is in the cherry blossom spirit i see! I love than little thermose! And that peaches and cream soap sounds DIVINE

xoxo Bardot in Blue

Blondie's Journal said...

Everything sounds wonderful but I adore the pretty carafe!! And I love scented soaps and creams. Yum!


Terra said...

Yes, I am with you Koralee on your stacks of paper wrapped soap. I bought an organic Linden triple milled soap in a paper wrapper. This kind of soap is a great treat.
Another treat today was seeing the children carrying palm fronds and walking around the pews as we sang joyful songs. I hope everyone had a Palm Sunday of joy.

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

...sending Palm Sunday Blessings to you too, my friend

and this post was charming...just what i needed....


Kathysue said...

It is true, Some soaps are wrapped in the prettiest papers aren't they? I remember that thermos from Cost Plus a couple of seasons ago. I just did a post on Cost Plus they have the prettiest embroidered Market unbrella and shipping is free right now. Always love to come here and take a little rest, Sigh!! Kathysue

Love the Decor! said...

You have exquisite taste!! Love that carafe!!

From the Old InkWell said...

Now isn't that the cutest water bottle!

Cherry Blossoms said...

Lovely photos! I want those soaps and that cherry blossom carafe is to die for!

LuLu said...

All your fanciful items are delightful!!

Maria said...

Oh I love that cherry blossom carafe! So pretty, Koralee!
I am tickled that the 3 Swedish Tea Rings {Betty Crocker's ole recipe} I made for my husband to bring to work tomorrow all came out great! Fait Accompli!
I hope you have a wonderful week dear ♥
...and blessings for each day
~ Maria

pass said...
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Cookie Cutter said...

Such simple but pretty soap packaging!

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~

I am loving cherry blossoms today! Nothing is more beautiful than these long magic wands of cherry vanilla pompoms like scoops of icecream~~


paperbird said...

Pink tulips and I know this is weird but I am loving roasted tomato soup today- this week!!!! Hubby is out of town and I can eat whatever I want :)

June said...

What do I love today? I love that everytime I come over here, I am delighted by your sweet posts. I think that little carafe is just so pretty.

Anonymous said...

these colors make my heart sing, Koralee.

Lori said...

Some of my personal favorites too! Vintage cards, my goodness, those were when cards were cards! Thank you for visiting, a blessed and marvelous week to you and your family, Lori

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Everything goes together so beautifully! Love the colors. Right now I love my Heart Yarn from sweet Jodie. It is so much nicer to work with than the yarn I can get around here. Many blessings, Tammy said...

Love everything here Koralee...but I cant stop staring at that carafe my friend. said...

I love everything here Koralee....but I cant stop staring at that carafe.

Jill said...

HI Koralee

Lovely pictures as usual, so pretty.

Hugs RosieP x

Jacqueline said...

Dearest Karalee, these photos make me smile! I adore all your lovely lovely things and oh my dad's house a similar cherry blossom neat! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!


Kellie Collis said...

They tickle mine too! x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning dearest one! Thank you for coming to my little theatre production! I hope that you are on spring break as myself, or you already had one. You are so kind, Koralee! Thank you for your visits sweet and beautiful friend! Anita

Martha said...

Love have such great finds and they are so joyful and happy!

Tiedupmemories said...

Ooh yes, I love pretty packaging too! They tickle my fancy! I love that canteen! Is it vintage?

Kissed by an Angel said...

I love everything!! I love having my fancy tickled too!!!! Lovely!

Luiza said...

You have such a good taste! It´s all s wonderful!

Today, I love my new door =)!

Wish you a happy evening!

PaisleyJade said...

Beautiful - I love the cherry blossom carafe! Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog!!

Unknown said...

They are tickling me too.

Kate - xoxoxox

Great soaps. I bet they smell like heaven

Barbara said...

Wherever did you find the carafe??? I love it.
Happy Easter week to you, Koralee!

theUngourmet said...

So pretty! I love soap wrappers like these! :)

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Oooh lovely things!!!

Have a great week,

Victoria xx

Secondhandrose said...

I own that carafe in a different shape. It is a cutie. Happy Holy Week.


Maria Confer said...

Beautiful Koralee! I have a hard time with pretty soaps because I never want to use them.

Lulu Letty

Winchester Manor said...

Hi Koralee,

How lovely and I adore the color combinations! Catching up with my blog buddies is what I'm loving today!


The Quintessential Magpie said...


I'm late visiting you after your visit to my blog, but I haven't had computer access the last few weeks and am not going to have it again for another week or so. Hence my tardiness in visiting.

Let's see... I like that blue princess phone on your sidebar. That is so neat, and I love the pink gardening gloves I was fortunate enough to find and give as party favors to a group of bloggers who came to lunch for Claudie's birthday last week.Most of them are Pink Saturday girls, too. I don't have good pictures yet, but it was fun. I also love the little yellow chicks that she added to the favor goodies. I do have a pic of that! LOL!

Love your blog. You've got a great color eye...


Sheila :-)

Elyse said...

dearest koralee,

you have the loveliest things on your blog always.

i swoon each time i see the pink alarm clock on your header. swoon ... {see, there i go again}


Teresa said...

Where oh where did you get that cherry blossomed carafe?
Only YOU!!!!
Only YOU!!!!
Love you Sweetpea!
Happy Easter Week! xxooxx

Everlasting Blooms said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog otherwise who knows when I would have found you! Your blog is simply darling! I absolutely love it! Also love the cherry blossom carafe! :) I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Emily said...

I love these things. Do you make them or buy them. If you buy them, may I ask where you buy them from?

Libbie said...

I LOVE fruit flavored scents too! I think flowers are pretty buty I prefer the fruity scents. But to look at...cherry blossoms everytime :)