Sunday, April 11, 2010

{dreaming in colour}

{in the loop}

the colours of
summer flowers
summer fiestas
summer nails
summer skies
.......just dreaming of things to come
{happy new week}

61 comments: said...

I know I have said this every time....but boy I missed you darling! Glad I am back!

o said...

these colors make me happy:) great job! hope u had a good weekend!

starnes family said...

Looks like spring to me! I know you're create something beautiful.

NicNacManiac said...

Such Happy Colors...that bring on happy times!
Enjoy your week xOxO Nerina

Susan said...

Looking forward to your posts about all things SUMMER!!!(8 weeks?!!) the colors, polka dots, & happy daydreams! Thanks for keeping ud {in the loop!}

Susan said...

ud????! Thanks for keeping us in the loop! :)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

What beautiful happy colours and polka dot ribbons you have shared today.
I hope that you are enjoying your Spring day and have a lovely week.


Julie Harward said...

Love it all...that cute mug you have has got you dreaming in polka-dot LOL I'm dreaming too..of spring! Come say hi :D

Cookie Cutter said...

These colours are so cheerful! Perfect for Spring and for my Monday morning :)

Rosie said...

YUMMY...YUMMY...ORANGE...this is my post for Monday, as just makes me does your *sweet*little*world ... hope you had a happy day...Rosie

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Thank you for always adding color and inspiration to our lives. I'm glad to hear that your daughter is feeling like herself again. Hope you have a great week! :) Tammy PS raspberry jam on sourdough toast sounds wonderful to me! Blessings to you and yours!

debra@dustjacket said...

Color just cheers you up, so pretty.

Rosie said...

...I almost for did the dancing go...I'm sure you were the proudest "mama bird" there...let me know...Rosie

Kissed by an Angel said...

I love those colours!! I love summer too!!!Have a great Monday!!

me and alice said...

Oh Koralee!
Everytime I visit your blog it makes me so happy!!! Thank you!
Summer happy!!
Susanne xo xo

B said...

Oh, the things I could do with that ribbon!

Love orange and pink, zany and fun :O)

Wishing you a colourful week.

B x

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

How I love loooove to start my days with a visit at your beyond lovely little corner in the world! You sure brighten my days, sweet friend. Many many congrats on the dancing wins. Have a happy Monday, recollecting the wonderful weekend! Your ribbons are so so adorable and this color combinations is awesome. Thanks for making me daydream of Summer... Wishing you a great week! xoxoxox

It's me said...

Dream on babe !!!...wonderful colors.........i'am happy now!! sun is wanne be a great day !!! i feel it !! hugs from me..............xxxxxxx.......have a great day tooooooooo.......enjoy life !!

Think pink !!! thats my color !!!!

Marina Saclley @ Iced VoVo's said...

What a delightfully bright and happy post Koralee!
Happy new week ... and bring on summer!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Your dreams are the most vivid and memorable dear Koralee, calling me to sleep a little longer and continue to dream in the most brilliant and fantastic of dreams! Your comments are so kind and I am very honored that you would consider my blog such a place......this blog dearest, yours, is one of the most well-put together blogs and I have said before, HOW DO YOU DO IT!!!!

Many wishes and hopes that your dreams come true....Anita

Duchess of Tea said...

Koralee darling you always dream of beautiful things...such lovely colours. We had sunny days and blue skies if only it will continue throughout the week!! Sweetie, just curious if you received my boring email? Wishing you a dreamy day my sweet friend.

Love & Hugs

My Life And Loves said...

I'm always so excited to see there is a new post on your blog cos I always love your pictures!!

Love these summery colours ~ can't wait till summer is here :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and cheery colors this morning...brighten my day.....brighten my spring as well.

Have a great new week my friend!

Kellie Collis said...

So so beautiful. You are so clever !! xx

Rose said...

So many lovely colours in this post. Oh how I love ribbon, i usually buy it but dont use it :)


Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

Those colours are just gorgeous Koralee. I shall definitely go to bed dreaming in colour tonight. Happy Monday xx

Unknown said...

Mmmm makes me want to go out and just buy loads of ribbon. Kx

Unknown said...

Oh, summer colours!!!! just wat I need on Monday to start the week!!!!

Auntie Cake said...

I love it when you dream in color!
Happy Day!

Rebecca @ Belle Blog said...

Two of my favorite color combos are sky blue with pink and bright orange with pink. Glad to be seeing all your lovely photos. Haven't been blogging in a while.
♥ Rebecca

paperbird said...

can you imagine a world with only the colors black and white? We are so blessed to have the beauty of color- lovely images Koralee!

Anonymous said...

yes, nail, toes....even my Shop Chic bags are a pretty coral pink carnation colour...there's just something about these shades that scream sunshine, right!

gorgeous pic's....but then again, what else is new! lol

always a pleasure!
ciao bella
creative carmelina was here ... again!

Martina said...

Why does pink always look so yummy? The colours of joy and happiness - and they look so intense on your photos!

fernandflora said...

How bright and cheeful! I love ribbon and of course you always make everything look even more brilliant and lovely!

CinnamonAndSass said...

Some of my favorite colors! Great pics!

Eileen said...

Love these colors. Fabulous photos!

Unknown said...

if those pictures don't make you smile, nothing will!! hope you are well and your week is off to a good start :) xo susan

Rizzi said...


ELK said...

vibrant and joyful ..right here!! blessings koralee!

Luiza said...

Lovely.... Now I´m dreaming too.

Have a wonderful day!

PCovi said...

You make people so happy :)
Sometimes when my head hits the pillow...I really do see things like this! Maybe it is programmed in there?!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Beautiful cheery post :-) a lovely way to start the week .. thanks Koralee.

You have wonderful postcards in your header, did you make them ?

Happy week to you too.

My Passport to Style said...

Sunshine colours, to light up the day's, wonderful! Sharon xx

BardotBlue said...

we are both thinking pink today!

xoxo Bardot in Blue

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Now THIS makes me excited for Summer!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Oh I'm heading outside now... after missing the sunset last night {on phone with HP for our printer troubles}
I need to catch those rays of colorful JOY each day!

I hope you had a gentle start to your week, Koralee ~
Blessings for each day * Maria

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Your beautiful colors make me giggle! Thanks.

God bless ya and have a marvelous Monday!!!

FrenchBlue said...

Reminds me of a Cherry & Tangerine snowcone on a hot summer day and eating it until sunset! You always bring the best dreams of imagination out of my head~

LuLu said...

It's a wonderful world full of fabulous color and you show it so well!!!! Happy week full of lively color!!

Faded Plains said...

Love the pinks and oranges...and there's nothing sweeter than polka dots.

xoxo, Andrea
P.S. I also wanted to thank you so much Koralee for the darling notecards...they're just beautiful...have a beautiful week!

Anonymous said...

Really, Koralee... how DO you do it? You're the only girl I know who can take a few ribbons and eggs and make magic! I can hardly wait till next week! So glad your girl is doing well! xxx

megan edelman photography said...

I LOVE these colors....I'm so crazy about the brights these days...beautiful images Koralee :) Happy Monday...hope you have a great week :)

Yoli said...

What refreshing and delightful blog!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Gorgeous, cheerful, happy colors!!

Simple Home said...

I was born in the summer, so I've always thought of it as my time of year. I love the colors of summer.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Oh yes...those colors are all on their way..yipee!

Jacqueline said...

Dearest Koralee, these are wonderful inspiration of summer colors! It's sooo sooo cute that i'm still thinking of spring @ my little bubble space and your are dreaming of summer on yours. Gorgeous photos! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!


Helen McGinn said...

I just made a doll in these colours. Just looking at your pics makes me happy! xx

Libbie said...

So gorgeous! I always thought if I decorated a tree house or fort for Annie I would do it in pink & oranges...but then you need to HAVE a tree house or a fort :) So i will keep dreaming of how pretty it would know...if we had one :) Love it again Koralee!

Martha said...

Dreaming in color is a great way to dream:) Love your picture!

Sewn With Grace said...

Your pictures scream HAPPY!!! today! So very fun. Have a wonderful Tuesday!