oh how I love these books
{Alexandra Day.... author and illustrator..lives in Seattle}
they are filled with amazing illustrations
and very few words

"Mother knows she can trust Carl,
a large and lovable Rottweiler, to watch over
baby Madeleine"

"What she doesn't know is that the minute
she's gone,
Carl and the baby gallop off on adventures"
let me know if you are familiar with this wonderful series?
{I was at a dear friends the other day taking photos in her field...
I love how this one turned out!}
Koralee that last photo is simply brilliant! I adore it.
Oh Koralee! I love Carl!!! We used to have the book "Carl's Christmas" when we were growing up, and I would read it to my little sister (9 years younger), and make up the story (there are no words....well, maybe one sentence "Take good care of the baby, Carl"), and she only realized a couple of years ago that I was making it up the whole time :)
So adorable and heartwarming. Thanks for the reminder that I need to find a Carl book for my little boys :)
Oh yes, I know the Carl books and have given them as shower gifts to people with dogs who are expecting their first baby. :-) Very sweet.
I´m not famiiliar with the stories, but can imagine thei are wonderful. It sure sounds that way =).
I wonder what I will (if I ever get the chance)read for my children =)?
Well, I´m off to work. But wanted to come by and wish you a wonderful day.
I want that little dress! And I love the picture..out in the field...awesome! I LOVE the Carl books..my daughter had a dog just like that, he was so gentle and sweet, I gave her as many of the books as I could find! Come say hi :D
we've got Carls birthday! love it.
really like the last pic Koralee, love the field, love the pram , love the dolls
Hi Koralee! Surprisingly, I've never seen these books! The illustration you posted is great though... I love the expression on the baby girl's face... just delight! Dog just love ice cream... don't they!
Your photos are sweet and really compliment the innocence and gentleness of childhood.
This week our students are taking the NY State English exams... A big week, especially for middle school kids!
Hope your week is going well! Blessings Always * Maria
Nope, i'm not familiar with Carl...but it sounds charming!
your carriage in the field photo is terrific! I just love play photo sessions....they are so liberating....and with the digital era...experimenting is easy fun!
great work!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
I'm going to make it a point to familiarize myself with Carl! Looks so lovely!
And your photo of the wee carriage in the field ~ divine!
I have seen these at the library. They are so sweet! ;)
I don't know Carl's books but I adore these illustrations!this vintage inspiration makes me feel like a little girl!
I don't know these books!! They sound fantastic!!
I don't know these books!.......dut i love the pictures!! so cute !! sweet!!....just like you !!! hugs from me darling have a nice sunny day !!
What brilliant photos - you should create your own book, especially with that last photo!
Didn't know about the adventures of Carl. Will google it. The landscape is beautiful {last image}. Sweetness in nature! Have a happy day, a wonderful Wednesday. xxooxxoo
Oh Koralee, I just love this book and oddly enough, I only discovered it as an adult, as with most things in my life, being the "late bloomer" that I am! But what an enchanting, brilliant and almost simple concept. It only takes a brilliant mind to actually put it down on paper. AND....your last photo indeed, is a masterpiece. The way your trademark blue object just pops out...really, you should be a professional photographer, Koralee. This would be you signature trademark: ROBINS EGG BLUE!
Bisous, Anita
Never heard of them but they sound like lots of fun!!
I never knew of that book,but so many I have.I love childrens books as well.About a year ago I went to the library here just to pick up some childrens books for illustrating ideas.I love drawing illustrations from books.That photo is so cute.I would post that for your pic on the right sidebar.So sweet.
Happy Wednesday!
Koralee - your photo in the field is so lovely. Brilliant colours. xx
Dearest Koralee, i am not familer with the stories but they do sound wonderful! I simply adore that last photo taken in your friend's field! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
your picture in the field is just WONDERFUL...I love it!!!
You bet! We were just talking about them the other day. My oldest son is 20 and he loved the books. We would read and look at the pictures over and over. :)
Yes, yes. I remember these books from many moons ago. I bought a few for my mother one Christmas. I thought they were so lovely. I remember one where Carl gave the baby a bath while the momma was gone. Too fun. The illustrations were indeed lovely. Are they still being produced?
Once again...
I can only imagine what you look like out in that field taking that picture. Those who watch us must think we are nuts. But, just looking at outcomes like this.... Who cares?
Kate - TGB
yes!! my kids loved the one we had! it was sure to put a smile on their faces! love your photo in the field so sweet! thank you for stopping by, hope you have a lovely day!! xo suz
I'm not familiar with those books, but I can see that if I'm ever lucky enough to have any grandkids I will have to get them! That illustration is just so cute!! AND - I love your field picture.
OH this book brings back memories! I used to work at an animal hospital and one of our homeless rottweilers was adopted and our groomer bought the new owner this book! And surprise the rotti's name was Carl!
I love children's books...I still read to my son every night and he's ten!! Brothers Grimm series...the old classics
I used to love sitting with my little ones and making up our own stores to go with the illustrations in the Good Dog Carl books. We have always had Great Danes, so we love big dogs. I love the one where the mother leaves them in a large department store--which I loved to think was Harrods in London. Thanks for the reminder of how sweet those times were.
Oh, yes, great series! I used to have a rottweiler named Shelley. My dad named her after Frankenstein author Mary Shelley :). Such a wonderful dog! Thanks for the memories!
Honestly...those Carl books always freaked me out. What is up with leaving your baby with the dog...just saying:-)
Good morning sweet girl,
what is it about vintage toys, that make them so endearing...maybe its the pudgy little fingers that have hugging, caressed and loved each well worn friend...I don't know, but I am always drawn to these delightful pieces... hope your having a wonder~filled wednesday...smile on Rosie
How have I never heard of these?
Hi Koralee!
Beautiful post, i LOVE the last picture!
It's amazing :-)
xoxo alice
Awww, I too love the Carl books! They're all adorable - such soft and lovely illustrations.
♥ ♥ ♥
Es tan lindo tu blog!!!!!!!!!!!!q imágenes!!!!!!!!!!!
cariños desde Argentina!
That illustration is too cute!{actually quite humorous!} I love your photo! Very creative!!
i've never read these series, but they sound wonderful! wow, u did a great job with the picture in the field! love it!
be sure to stop by Creative Carmelina to enter my watercolour framed print giveaway!
ciao bella
I'm not familiar with these books Koralee but they look brilliant. Chilldren love it when exciting and wonderful things happen when the grown-up's back's are turned ! Your photograph is teriffic. I thought that it was one you had found on Google. XXXX
I have a vague memory of Carl....which means I suppose I knew it as a child myself, but haven't passed it on to my own kidlets. Such a sweet image. And speaking of sweet images, your photo is exactly that! I love that you have such a fabulous eye for whimsy, Koralee! :>
Koralee darling sadly I am not familiar with the story, will look it up now, sounds intriguing. Another fab post my friend.
Love & Hugs
Wow -gorgeous images. I am intrigued about this book I have not heard of!
i've never heard about these.. i would love these for whenever i have kids..
great pic by the way!!!
I don't know these books, but now I want to. I love how that picture turned out too...just love to see what you think of next!
I am so smitten with that dress and cute blue hanger! I don't these books but am always fascinated with old children's books.
We had/have these books!!! Where has the time gone and why have I forgotten good 'ol Carl???
These books gave me a giggle when I was bogged down with diapers and toddlers and no sleep!
I have never heard of this series..it sounds lovely. Reminds me when I was a kid, my uncle's dog Thor was my protector and my friend. I can imagine us going on adventures like Carl and Madeline.
Oh Koralee, I adore the Carl book series and have been reading them to the boys since the day they were born. We love to make up our own story along with the delightful pictures. I am off to the playroom now to pick some out to read to Oliver this evening.
I am closing up The Paris House now for special bed time reading now!
ps, I am doing a lovely little giveaway, stop by
We have all of the Carl books, my children like Carl goes to Day Care the best!
Love the photo in the field!
No I haven't heard of it, it sounds adorable and what gorgeous illustrations.
xxx DJ
That sounds like a cool book!
Love the picture with the baby and the dog eating popsicles!
I adore Carl...and my children did, too!!! :)
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