you left me concerning my daughter's migraines
have so filled my heart
I thank
each and everyone of you....
your words, advice and prayers
have deeply moved me
{even to tears...I can't believe how much you care}
I am hoping to visit each one of you
very soon to thank you
I love you all!
I am taking all your wonderful advice to heart
we are working on a plan...
back to see the Dr. on Monday with many many wise questions thanks to you all
hi koralee,
i always have a list of questions for my doctor. it's good to be aware and preventative. way to go!
i know just the feeling you describe. some comments just warm me up so much. it's all so kind.
Is your sweet girl feeling better? Hope the pain is long forgotten!
Thats the way in blog land I have found out...so much love here...most all really do act like they remember that they are daughters of God and we are to love one another...thats easy with you! Hope you get the answers that she so needs. Come say hi :D
I hadn't seen the other post but so understand the pain of migraines. I had suffered from them and cluster headaches for 8 years.
Mine were caused by hormones and miraculously stopped with menopause. Completely.
You poor daughter can't wait that long but perhaps it could be hormonal and she may get some relief with treating that perhaps with a naturopath (sp?)
I was just wondering how your daughter is fairing. Hopefully getting some relief by now. It isn't fair what some kids have to go through, is it? But glad you had kind words to lift you up. It's amazing what a kind word or two can do, isn't it?
Sweet dreams for all your girls,
There is def a lot of support out in our wonderful blog world! I will most def keep your daughter in my prayers.
Blog friends are so special (to me too) and words can lift us up so much....it's lovely to see everyone rally around.
hugs DJ
Hi Koralee*
Ask and ye shall receive...
It's good to remember this as you have ... Most people really do care for others and there is much kindness in the world.
I will keep Sydney in my prayers throughout the week and will also pray that the doctor is guided well~
Blessings to you dear ♥
Hope your little button is feeling better...continued prayers...Rosie
Dear koralee, i totally agree that words can lift us up! I hope your little one will be feeling better soon! Praying and wishing her well! Love to you and yours!
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughters migraines. I suffer from them as well and know how terrible they can be- really, life seems to just stop while you are in the middle of one. She is lucky to have a wonderful mother who is looking after her physical and mental health. I hope all goes well at the doctors, don't be afraid to ask lots of questions and insist on waiting for the answers. Medicine is such a blessing, there are so many great options out there right now. My prayers are with you both.
best wishes for the doc visit on monday...i hope she gets some relief soon...!
i would love your creative mid to stop by my blog and help me name my new girlie-sofa...
need some inspiration and a little gift for a successful namer!
Hello Koralee~I've just strolled in for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek around. Your blog is so beautifully inviting.We share similar tastes for so many of the same creative design elements.
It's wonderful how inspiring blog friends as yourself can be, that's why I love returning the gesture, by sharing cooking or DIY ideas too.
I hope relief is found for your sweet girl.
I've bookmarked you in my favs.
I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.
Sweet wishes,
Hello my friend, I haven't been checking in for a week. I'm sorry to know what your daughter is going through. This book came to mind when I was reading your post, 'You can heal your life' by Louise Hay. Sometimes the illnesses we suffer in our physical bodies could be due to stress in other areas of our lives (depending on which area of the body the pain/diseases is coming from). This book certainly changed my life and many of my friends'. Hope it'll help your daughter too. :)
Hello dear Koralee,
I tried to visit twice today and something was going on with blogger or my computer and I was not able to leave a message. You are a beautiful friend and I have been worried about your sweet daughter.
Good luck with seeing the Doctor on Monday and you and your daughter will be much in my thoughts. Do hope that you can get this sorted.
Let us know if you figure anything out. A friend in Texas was having really bad headaches and went to have all kinds of tests but they could never pinpoint a reason for them. They said she had inner ear fluid but nothing ever clears that up. They said she didn't have allergies and yet evertime the seasons change, she gets sick and headachey. She even saw a dentist who said she was grinding her teeth at nite and he gave her a mouthpiece she uses. She also got a special pillow. She's not having them as much anymore so something must be working. Oh! I also told her to try the netty pot and she has used that some too. Migraines are a tricky thing to figure out. Wishing you all the best. :) Tammy
Such lovely words!
I pray the doctor will find answers! XO
Hope all the lovely words brought a little relief to your sweet Sydney. Hopefully she will soon be able to dance dance dance again.
Cute image! xoxox
Hope she feeling better now?? sweet words...sweet flower...........so lovely ..........as usual...........ggod luck monday!
Blessings and hugs from me my sweet Koralee...
Dear, dear Koralee,
I am glad you are taking her to the doctor...it is always good to get medical advise and I hope she can get some relief REAL SOON...God bless you sweet Koralee; we love you!!!
Fondly, Anita
Koralee, my very best wishes for your girl! My husband suffered from severe Migraine for years, and it almost dissapeared by practising yoga. Hope you find the right way to go - spring always helps! xxM.
Migraines are terrible! I had them for about three months many years ago and we found out it was from mold in a temporary apt. we were living in. I am grateful not to have had them again. I assume the doctor has eliminated allergies- whether it be food or air related. I know chocolate is supposed to be a no no. I hope the doctor has some good suggestions...please keep us posted and I send you both a big hug!
Warmest thoughts and best wishes on finding something that helps your daughter with her migraines. We feel so helpless as parents when we can't take the pain away from our children.
Hoping she is better soon!
xo Catherine
I sincerely hope your darling daughter is feeling a bit better today!! Good luck with yout doctor's visit!!
Loving thoughts!
hope she's doing better..
I would be interested to hear how the dr went. When I hear about a child having migraines it breaks my heart.
simply put....
what are friends for? !!!
ciao bella
What comes around goes around and because of your kindness to others it comes right back at ya...peace...Cynthia
Hi I came over from Andrea's blog arise to write.
My son suffered from horrid migraines from the time he was a small kid around 4 or 5. After specialist and doctors and medicines I read something about water and migraines. I traded his drinks for more water. Took him off the prescrition meds. Guess what the migraines went from about 3 a month to 1 to rarely ever.
The only time he gets them is when he neglects water. He is 17 now. Hopefully your daughter is a water drinker. I pray for her healing.
I have small words like them on small "cailloux"...
My darling Koralee!
I feel so sad about your daughters migraines...
I know exactly what it means to have someone near, suffering of that awful thing!
My brother has had migraines, since he was a little boy. He doesn´t suffer from it as often now, as when he was younger. But when he does, I feel so damn sorry for him. He has to be in a dark room, and nothing helps! It almost makes me cry, thinking about it...
I feel for you, and hope you´ll find a way to make it easier for your daughter.
Your post today is wonderful. What a gorgeous idea you made with the card I sent you!
Thank you for telling me about it!
Take care, Koralee!
With much love/
I hope your visit to the doctor can help your daughter to move forward. Headaches like this are so debilitating. Thank you for following my blog. It's wonderful how much support and love travels through the internet ether via blogging. I have been overwhelmed with it too. Sending glitter and smiles, Emma. x
Of course we love you, silly girl. You give far more than we deserve.
Love is everywhere it's just up to all of us to show it.
I hope your baby girl is feeling better Koralee.
Hugs and prayers.
I just read about your daughter. I'm so sorry. My sister, now 20, has suffered from migraines since she was 13. She just found out that she had a hole in her heart and has been through surgery to put a patch over it. Since, she has been migraine free. It is something worth asking your doctor about! Best of luck!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets
ohh lovely, no need to thank us, especially those of us who suffer from migraines, we know what it's like & hope that your precious girl is feeling better.
hugs to you, hope you have a lovely Friday & an even lovelier weekend
Oh I'm so sorry your daughter suffers with dreaded migraines they are horrid! My sun gets them on occasion . I never had a headache in my life until I was bit by a tick years ago and had Lyme disease, they were worse than going through childbirth, I went to the hospital for days to get rid of them. Once they figured out what I had and treated me with antibiotics they got better. I still get them but thankfully now I can take 2 advils with a pepsi and they usually pass.
I hope she is feeling better.
Sending you and your family many hugs and prayers
Greetings girlfriend...always a pleasure when we have a bit of chit-chat. So sorry I was so long winded on your last post, but this affliction is very close to my heart. In answer to your question, no, this is strictly to break the cycle and must be taken immediately at the onset. If I'm at home, I may lay down for an hour, however, if this is not an option, "Amerge" does not make you groggy, and I feel relief in aprox 30 minutes. This medication is not addictive. The only down side is, that these meds are quite expensive...but, when your suffering, you can't put a price on relief. Happy to hear your going to see the doc...hope this was helpful...hugs to you both...Rosie
Oh my...if you could see how inept I am at this posting "thing"...this is the third time I,m writing this reply...no, on second thought it's to painful to watch...if it were not you, I would have given up...but alas, it is you Koralee...on that note if you receive this note more than once, do us both a favor,and delete...delete...delete :)
Greetings girlfriend...always a pleasure when we have a bit of chit-chat. So sorry I was so long winded on your last post,but this affliction is very close to my heart. In answer to your question, no, this is strictly to break the cycle and must be taken immediately at the onset. If I'm at home, I may lay down for an hour, however if this is not an option, Amerge does not make you groggy, and I feel relief in aprox 30 minutes. This medication is not addictive. The only down side is that these meds are quite expensive...but, when your suffering, you can't put a price on relief. Hoping the doc can give you some answers...hugs to you both...Rosie
I hope your daughter will receive brilliant and healing advice and treatment from her doctor on Monday, and I will pray for great results for her in the meantime.
Oh Koralee! I am so sorry! Those migraines are horrible!!! I'll be praying for a solution. Poor girl.... *HUGS*
I just hope your sweet girl feels better...I am glad you shared so everyone could lend their support to you
Hi Just stopping over from Saucy's and wanted to tell you my 12 year old daughter had migraines 3x a week in grade 6. It wreaked havoc with school. The doctor said the meds for migraines were only for adults. Long story short I started giving her fewerfew ( after researching holistic remedys) and the migraines stopped. She then had 1 per year and is now 20 and stlll has 1 per year if that. Read up on the natural remedies and perhaps this may work for her. Good Luck to you both!
I am happy to tell you are equally as thoughtful and loving as all all your readers :-)
xoxo Bardot in Blue
I too suffered migraines weekly as a child and now only a few a year, I never have had medication for them, but realized they were almost always brought on by nerves and fatigue and stress. I had to learn as I grew older to channel my nerves in a different way and I think that is what saved me. I feel for your daughter, believe me, I know how awful they can be and so painful. I will keep her in my thoughts....
It's a pleasure to read your posts, and see how you use words to color your thoughts. Hope you have found solutions for your daughter migraines.
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