Monday, May 10, 2010

{toes everywhere..rejoice}

helping the bright young women of Uganda
further their education
be inspired

give {opportunity}

please check out the above links...
their story touched my heart
I just had to have a pair of these adorable sandals
"Every Sandal has a story.
This story has only just begun,
but with your help,
it will be a story of hope, success and change."



Julie Harward said...

Aren't they just so beautiful! I love their cloths and those sandals too! I love the beauty of all God's children in whatever land they live...what a neat thing! Come say hi :D

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Sole sisters unite around the world ~ absolutely love the story behind these adorable (must have) sandals!

Happy Belated Mother's Day to one of the greatest Mama's on this planet!


Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Love those sandals, need to check it out! (hope they have size 3 or kids size, LOL! I have super small feet)

Teresa said...

Love the sandals!
They suit you to a tee Sweet Koralee!
You are so dear!
I'll pop sweet that each pair has it's own story.
p.s. Know what I would give for a bag of SMARTIES!!!!
OMG! I am wanting food so bad!
End of day two on detox!
I'm HUNGRY in my HEAD...if that makes sense!

Rose said...

These sandels are really nice, and so much better that they are for a great cause.

Rose said...

I really love the blue stripey ones Koralee.

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous sandals, off to check them out, Have a sweet day!

Jo @ life in lists said...

How lovely to see something to buy for a good cause that's actually pretty as well! Going to try to get a pair of those...

It's me said...

what a good initiative!!!!!!!

You are a good friend Koralee....have a nice good happy week !!!.....hugs from Ria

Amanda (Small Acorns) said...

I love stories like this Koralee. And how amazing are those photos of each 'sole sister'!

Cornflakes and Honey said...

Koralee, I love this post!

Supporting organisations such as this one is money well spent indeed!

Love your new soles sister!

Thanks for bringing Sseko Designs to my attention. xox

Privet and Holly said...

Don't these pics make you just HAVE to smile???
The look on their faces says it all. Thanks for the introduction and I cannot wait to meet these sweet sisters! xx P&H

debra@dustjacket said...

What they are doing and their stories .... amazing women.

Beautiful and strong,

Anonymous said...

Very nice Story,I will go and check that out as well.Im reminded about a pedicure soon as well.Ohhhhh where does my time go,lol

Beth Gales said...

What a great thing! Thanks for spreading the word, cute and a good cause too! Can't beat that!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

What beautiful young women, waiting to prepare and conquer all odds and the WORLD! Beautiful faces, shoes and toes!!!! I will link on from work on prep hour!!! Have a lovely day dearest Koralee! Anita

Kissed by an Angel said...

Love this post!! I'm off to check it out!!

Martha said...

they are beautiful and love those pictures too with the signs!!! Those sandals are wonderful!

Catherine said...

I will for sure go check out these stories.

I always love the looks of these types of sandals but can not for the life of me get used to anything between my toes! :( I know... it's a strange quirk indeed! ha!

Hope you have a lovely day Koralee!
xo Catherine

Randi Troxell said...

oh thank you, thank you for sharing this story!

Laura S. said...

Thanks for sharing the story! Those sandals are adorable. I've bookmarked the page for a future purchase!

DesignTies said...

What a great story!! It's so nice to see something positive and hopeful happening in a part of the world where there's so much hardship.

Good luck to all these young ladies in their future studies and their lives. With those great smiles and positive messages, I'm sure they'll achieve great things :-)

So happy you came across DesignTies and commented on my bedroom makeover :-) I'm sure Victoria will be in touch with you soon to join the BC BlogGURLS :-)


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

How wonderful, Koralee. They are fabilous and what a good cause. Those women look so happy and are making the best of their lot. We must all help them. A beautiful post, Koralee. XXXX

Rosie said...

ohhh, what gorgeous young ladies...and the sandals are so cute :)

Well, sweet one, enjoy the sun...have a lovely Tuesday...Rosie

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this with us!

And those pictures!!! You just have to smile.

myletterstoemily said...

what an inspiring beautiful post! look out 'toms!'

we love supporting missions that empower the
people to support themselves.

paperbird said...

beautiful faces- i love these images. Thank you for sharing- you are the best :)

Claire Mercado-Obias said...

They're so pretty!

Barbara said...

Really adorable shoes, Koralee! I have to renew my Pay Pal account so I can purchase some!

Sue said...

I'm off to read the story and look at the shoes...thanks!

Killara girl said...

what a great charity!

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Mercy Uganda is another wonderful organization dedicated to the women of Uganda...isn't it so uplifting to see the works of others helping others! Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

They look so beautiful! And the sandals are adorable!

fernandflora said...

What a fabulous organization - and those sandals are just adorable! Thanks for getting the word out! xo

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What a beautiful thing. Thanks so much for bringin' these to us. A girl can't have too many great sandals and these come with a fabulous cause. Sooooo cool!

God bless ya and enjoy this beautiful day!!!

Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee! I love this post, beautiful pictures! The sandals r soo cute!
Have a lovely week!
xoxo alice

Rizzi said...


Marilyn Miller said...

Those sandals are too cute.

Amy @ Varnish said...

Sandals are darling and what a great cause!

Liz said...

Thanks for helping us spread the Sseko love, Koralee. So fun to read through these comments :)