my new collection of white animal creamers

to my joy and happy surprise
these little guys arrived at my home all nestled
in pretty blue packaging to join my menagerie

I love my new duck and bunny!
{pop over and say hi to Carmelina...at Creative Carmelina
she will inspire you..her creations are amazing}
What do you love to collect these days?
Let me know......
I may just have something around my home
to add to your collection...
Hi Koralee!
oh I'm the first one to leave a comment on this post, yaay! Beautiful pics, I love the duck... Soo cute!
Happy day sweet one!
xoxox alice
Good Morning Sweet Koralee...
doesn't it just make your day when you get a lovely package like that...
you've got quite a menagerie going on there...
what have i collected {i've slowed down}
please don't let my hubby see this list :D
those are so cute! i am collecting white bowls right now. i am pretty fickle about collecting, well... about everything really!
have a good weekend!
Oh...I love the bunny! The wonderful thing about blogging is it brings your attention to things you might not have noticed before. I might have passed by a little white animal creamer, but now...I will think of you if I see any. Such a sweet little collection.
So cute! I'm loving pink depression glass these days:)
How sweet! I don't think I realized they made these in anything other than cows. I don't really collect anything in particular, but it seems I have been 'acquiring' sewing machines lately. I've often thought I would like to collect the lovely little miniature ones, but never meant that to translate into full size ones!
Speaking of collections - a number of years ago I fell in love with a little teddy bear and bought her. Once my friends noticed I had her, I was inundated with them!! I didn't WANT any more than one. I've slowly managed to find new homes for them and have cried uncle to any more.
That´s cute - both the animals and what Carmelina did! :-)
I don´t collect anything specificly; just lovely, little things that I happen to fall over when I least of all expect it. :-) There´s no read line in it, but makes me happy! :-)
Hi Koralee!
Don't you just love little creamers?!?
I have a tiny white "tea for two" kitten creamer... love to put that on a tray when Chris and I have tea ~
Your new additions are adorable!
I love Carmelina's crochet teacups! They are fabulous!
~ ~ ~
What a great weekend your daughters and husband have to enjoy!
You will love the "all you" weekend too!
I had one of these earlier in the summer when Jason and Chris went hiking in the Adirondacks... I baked and watched my fav' movies ... did some scrapbooking that took up the whole dining room table ... "all Maria" time was wonderful!
Enjoy your "all Koralee" time and may this weekend add more joy to the years of memories for your family!
~ heartfelt thanks for your sweet comments, Koralee!
* smiles * Maria
Hi Koralee : )
What a cute and different
collection....so YOU!
I collect tea cups and little
boxes; my daughter, vintage
dog figurines; my son, frogs;
Mr. Privet, kaleidescopes
for his office! I think
the joy of the hunt brings
as much pleasure as the
items, themselves. Hope you
are out, enjoying this LAST
day of July {can you believe
it? }!!
xx Suzanne
oh my I must say I love your animal creamers!! I have been collecting tea tins and perfume bottles!
Hi Koralee: those are adorable. I love white dishes so they would fit in well here. I am starting to collect child-size dishes for my new grand-daughter, Riley. I plan to keep them in a cabinet so when she visits we can play with dishes. I also collect tea-pots. Have a great day, Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
Aaaahhh...What a sweet friend! They are so cute. ENJOY!
Dear Koralee, I must say I have some porcelain cups collection. As long as I am passionate for tea, cups are my passion!!!
I simply LOVE your collection!!! They are all soooo cute!!
Kisses sweet Koralee!
That was so kind of her to do that! She is an amazing artist too...it so amazes me that people here in blog land reach out to each other like this..it is so awesome! Me...I am collecting friends..like you! :D
Good morning darling Koralee! Oh....see! You are the queen of Chimerie! Look what you can do with these sweet little creamers, some blue shredded paper...and VOILĂ€! Magic, pure joy and sweetness here at Bluebird Notes. Your visits are always enchanting and my visits to you always are a dose of love and happiness....you gals up there in Canada really know whats good! I LOVE YOU ALL! And have a fabulous weekend dearest Koralee! Anita
Love them, they're so sweet. I especially love the elephant!
I forgot to tell you what I'm collecting, or maybe the better question is what am I not collecting?! I love the old vintage kitchen gadgets and cookie cutters with the red handles, pink depression ware glass, vintage buttons, beads, lace, ricrac, etc.
So fun to share, have a wonderful weekend!
I use to have a white cow creamer, but don't know what happened to it. I love your collection.
So cute! I never saw creamers like that.So very nice of her to send 2 more to add to your collection.How sweet.
Me I collect Bird Figurines and buttons.I havent bought any buttons in a long while though.My little tin needs filled up.
Have a Happy day!
Oooh and aaah for these sweet petits. They really are adorable. I try to picture them beautifully arranged in your cozy home. Must make a cute cute view.
I'm collecting pins, aprons, magazines ;) teaspoons, snowballs {these balls of glass you can shake and make you go oooh and aaah}
Lots of hugs for a lovely last day of July, sweet Koralee. xxxxx oo xxxxx
O no !! what i collect...pastel service from petrus regout it is dutch ......and homes magazines...........i love these.....eh i haven't one out of Canada......hahahah!!.....you are so cute !! happy weekend ....love Ria...
Koralee I love your animal creamers- they are so sweet. I just purchased a set of tiny white creamers- I was so happy to find them. I collect too many things but my favorite thing to collect is vintage millinery flowers.
Oh Koralee, They are gorgeous! Have a sweet day!
These are so beautiful! And I love your question, what would we love to collect? Hmm, for me this is interesting, because I have spent my life moving moving moving and always getting rid of stuff. The only thing I have ever really collected are books (especially poetry books, but all books really).
But lately, I am in such a settling down mode. And I want to collect stuff! Problem is, we're not living anywhere close to where we would settle down. But I have been loving beach glass and bottles lately. In one day of beachcombing recently we found 16 mini bottles! I will definitely bring them back to the U.S. with us! And for some reason, my dad has been collecting rooster items for me. I have no idea why, but I love that he is doing such a random thing like that for me. Makes me feel loved.
Whew, that's my essay for the day :)
Have a spectacular weekend!
Your animal creamers are adorable...hmmm...I see a new collection in the works over here ;o)
What a lovely gift! Carmelina is so sweet isn't she? As are you sweet Koralee!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
xo Catherine
People would probably say I collect teenagers...you can send me any leftover ones you have. I'll feed them and hug them :) Otherwise I'm gonna say chalk dogs.
Your little creamers are so cute! I like to hear about collections that aren't so common :)
I do love elephants i find them so peaceful! xx
I'm always looking at those little creamers at the store, but have resisted them so far. A friend is looking for a donkey one, but I haven't seen any donkey's. I haven't seen the little duck one. They are all so very cute.
Collections, oh no, I am trying to get rid of things, but some days I do weaken on different things. Love depression glass, vintage linens,old jars, and today weakened and bought a bundle of beautiful ecru thread.
those figurines are so sweet -- lucky girl.
not collecting anything at the moment :D
Hi Koralee!
Love these adorable animals! I have always collected bunnies because my son was born in the year of the rabbit. And i love bunnies!
Happy 1st of August!
Summer is going much too fast.
Pamela xo
the white is so clean and simple..what a fun collection...
they are just adorable!!!!
Those are so cute, you must have been made up to receive them in the mail. As for me, my love is of apes (chimps and gorilla's inparticular). It doesn't look like I collect them until you start wandering around my home and you see little signs of them in random places.
You have such a fast-growing collection!! I have one. A piglet. A gift from my Mom that she found thrifting. :)
I so enjoy your blog, Koralee, and I so appreciate when you take the time to stop by mine. :)
Hi Koralee,
what a beautiful collections!!
I love the little elephant...
Thanks for showing the pictures.
Hi Koralee!
I'm late! I'm late! I'm late I'm late I'm late!
glad you like your new additions!
have fun collecting more and more as time goes on!
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
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