Saturday, July 17, 2010

{fill your JOY Bucket }

{wishing you BUCKETS FULL of JOY this weekend}
how am I filling my joy bucket this weekend? making raspberry jam
..a visit to the Saturday Morning Farmer's Market
..taking long rides on my sweet blue bike
..Sunday Brunch with my sweetie's family


Susan Houseman said...

Sounds like a perfectly joyful weekend. I think I'll stop by the farmers market:)

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I can just picture you on that blue bike riding off into the I'm getting corny.

Anonymous said...

that sounds like a great plan, woman!
enjoy your day...the sun is shinning brilliantly here on this side of Canada!

i'm decoupaging two retro double decker end tables with Jane Austen text today....

did you get my email?
it's about your collection....I have two more for you....

ciao bella
creative carmelina


Rosebud Collection said...

Thank you for visiting my blog..Enjoyed you making Rasp.Jam..that is what I will be doing too..Actually, jelly..Everyone gives me grief about the seeds, so I just use the juice from the Rasp..When I am done, I put the jars on the counter and feel so proud of myself..ha, ha..Have a great weekend.

Vanessa said...

Wonderful weekend wishes to you, Koralee!

ps - The Cross is also one of my favorite stores! I was there a few weeks ago and wondered into Chintz, where I spent many hours looking a fabrics. So fun!

It's me said...

You also a beautiful weekend.......with lots of joy !!! ...i have baked cupcakes...,are going to cook now...than we are styling our home...we buy something beautiful for the house.......a pair of lovely old their must be styling......and having a wonderful evening with my husbunny,...and tomorrow we go to friends who lived a little bit far away from lots of joy !!! and fun.............happy joyful weekend mu love....

niartist said...

mmmm - raspberry jam! YUM!

Privet and Holly said...

THOSE activities
DO sound like JOY!
Biking AND the
farmer's market,
Hope it is cooler
where you are than
it is here, today : )
Enjoy it all!!!
xx Suzanne

Rust: Vintage Inspired Design said...

Love your picture (and blog!!).
Happy day!

bellaboo said...

May your days ALWAYS be filled with joy Koralee,as you give joy to so many!

Bellaboo :0)

Anonymous said...

you make your own raspberry jam? now, that's the way to pass the time! :D


have a wonderful weekend !

Anonymous said...

Sounds nice.I love the Farmers market.Around here we are near the Amish people I dont mean real close about a 4 hour drive but they sell some awesome things.Have a great weekend.Oh and the jam yum, sounds delish.

Karen said...

That sounds like a sweet & joyful weekend!:> I'll be filling my joy bucket with laughter & friendship as friends should be arriving shortly for a BBQ! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! :>

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Sounds wonderful! I missed my farmer's market today. For sure next week...

That raspberry jam- Yummmmmmmm


Rizzi said...


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Joy Joy Joy, you are JOY. Have a happy sunny and funny weekend, sweet Koralee. I'm off to bed right now and tomorrow we will PARTY. Nanna is turning 75! We'll be brunching with toute la famile. Joy around the world! xxx

Anonymous said...

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Marilyn Miller said...

And may your bucket be overflowing with JOY. Tea with friends today brought great JOY for me. Now I will bake chocolate chip cookies for more JOY.

Prudence said...

I bought romantic homes just to see your feature! I need to fill up my joy bucket big time. I took my girlies to an antique store today and bought a 1940's grocery cart, that was pretty joyful!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you more JOY JOY JOY sweetie...

stop by and see what hubby brought to JOY my weekend...

HUGS xoxoxoxo


Shannan Martin said...

Your joys sound just right! Oh, and I just saw your little ditty in Artful Blogging. Yay you!!

Draffin Bears said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend, Koralee.
Going for a bike ride, making jam and visiting the farmers market... all fun things.

Have a beautiful weekend, dear friend
Carolyn said...

Sounds like the perfect weekend my friend. Glad your package arrived safe. Now I am off to catch up on your lovely posts this week. Sorry I have not been around much of late. I am so so super busy! Hugs. xx

Catherine said...

It is such an en-joy-able evening that hubby and I are going out for a walk in a few minutes ~ hooray for sunny days!
xo Catherine

Poppies and Sunshine said...

Raspberry jam sounds divine :) I hope you are enjoying your day and I hope you have a lovely Sunday! xo

Debbie said...

Farmers Market...Homeade Raspberry Jam...all on this wonderful sunny summers day...sounds HEAVENLY !!

cathleen said...

Sounds like the very best kind of weekend. EnJOY!!!! By the way...I find your blog posts to be quite uplifting. Thank you.

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Oh I realllly filled my joy bucket today!
Chris and I went to the King Arthur Flour bake shop today {in Vermont}
What fun we had ... and the scones!
We came home with 2 "joy baskets" full of King Arthur goodies :D
I was just talking about "Maria" the bicycle TODAY! We passed a green one on display at a bicycle shop {not sure of the brand, but it looked a lot like Maria} and I said to Chris, "that's just like Koralee's, only green."

The world is getting smaller and smaller!

Thank you for making it a sweet world ♥

~Wishing you overflowing joy buckets~

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Sounds like fun, I wish your weekends not only filled with JOY but lots and lots of love as well!

Kellie Collis said...

Oh i love cherries! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! x

Val said...

Thank you for sharing your joy!
a warm seaside week-end in south of France!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

...and a bowl full of RED CHERRIES! I must have eaten 10 pounds of red cherries, red raspberries and red grapes this weekend so far! My bucket is full of joy for JESUS and for you all....the people in my "real" and virtual all are so sweet!

BISOUS dearest one! Anita

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Hi Koralee,
Sorry for my absence, but I'm now back from my sisters. I'm busy trying to catch up with my commenting. It really takes a long while, catching up when you've been away, but I'm hoping to be back on track soon.
I hope that you are having a joyful weekend. XXXX

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Hello Beauty!

My bucket overfloweth!

Wow, I just saw that you have over a thousand followers Koralee, that's amazing! just think how many people you inspire!

so I say you probably need an enormous bluebird bucket to fir us all in!

Love Sarah x

Unknown said...

Sweet Koralee, a funny and sunny weekend for you all!!!
Kisses from Brazil!!! Bela.

Susan said...

Just can't tell you the ways you inspire me!
I bought cherries because, for some reason, I was craving them! I was also craving them dipped in chocolate and crushed pistachios...I'm sure I'll have to buy more cherries since they are disappearing and I couldn't find the nuts at the local grocery store!
I made strawberry jam at the canning class I took. {It was on my list!} Mmm Mmm good!
Thanks for all the joy you bring to my bucket, my friend! :)
Hoping you weekend is FAB!

Yvonne - Frl. Klein said...

A beautiful photo!!!!
Hugs, Yvonne

La Boheme said...

You have perfect weekend plans! Enjoy! xo

Luiza said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend!!!!

I´ve had a great time too...

Thank you, for your sweet comment on my photos...
I´ll think about the idea, of making them to postcards =), and then I´ll send you a bunch , for present =D!
How would you like that, sweetie?

Have a wonderful day!

à la parisienne said...

Hope you enjoyed your weekend! Cherries are the sweetest little fruits aren't they?

harmony and rosie said...

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, it all sounds so lovely. With thoughts of raspberry jam I'm starting to feel a little hungry!

Kate x

Connie Arnold said...

I enjoyed visiting your blog, the colorful pictures, the sharing of your bucket of joy!

Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee!
Beautiful post, and what a cute picture... My friend in Florida r on vaccation in canda for a few months, just wanted to say! :-))
happy day dear!
xoxox alice

June said...

Now this sounds like a lovely way to spend a weekend Koralee! And the jam will be a joy in itself!

Janean said...

raspberry jam? yum!!!

i just had fresh cherries for my evening snack--so funny to see one on your post!

Kateyed said...

That is sooo sweet, Koralee! I also love the picture of your daughter and her two friends. What a treasure (both the friendships and the picture)

Thank you so much for stopping by our blog. Bloglandia is so much fun.


Rosie said...

With a list as wonderful as this, no doubt your bucket is overflowing...wishes for a fabulous Rosie

me and alice said...

Hello Koralee!!!
Oh, your weekend sounded lovely!!! Wish I could have been there with you on that farmers market on my red bike...
Wish you a wonderful start of this new week!!
xo xo Susanne

Joyti said...

Hope you had a fun weekend!
I went to a Saturday farmer's market too (and a second one on Sunday)

Anonymous said...
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Sue said...

A farmer's market makes me happy...and I saw that jam:)