No calls today.....no time to chat
I am taking the whole day off
Putting up my feet....reading from dawn to dusk
stuffing my brain with loveliness
Just received a package in the mail
from my sweet friend
A few special magazines from the
{we did a magazine exchange....so so fun...
Saskia may be preoccupied for awhile too}
Don't you just love
good friends
days when you can hang that
Gone Fishing
on your front door
and pretend that no ones home
Enjoy!!! I just love days liek that, but they are wayyyy to far and few between:-) Jealous!!!
I'm loving that aqua princess phone you have!
"Stuffing my brain with lovliness..." I think I may join you! Great use of words!
Hope you day was abSOLuteLY splendor. The early bird catches the worm. But, don't scare them away with all your TEAL now my friend. What a pleasant day I hope you have.
Oh how I'd love to have a day like that, but it's not something that ever happens around here. Maybe someday it will, but not now. Enjoy your day!
...Have a great day Koralee!
I hope your "day fishing" goes swimmingly well, and is quite refreshing for you. Love your blue phone, by the way. Enjoy your day, Koralee.
Have fun with those mags Koralee, I am a big fan of magazines from other countries too even if I can't understand a word...:)
Tina xo
Wishing you a wonderful day, Koralee!
I do love these days, and please, don't answer the phone either..thats the best! :D
Enjoy..."Fishing" ....today!!
Wishing you the loveliest of days...
Oh my mom had a phone just like that in her bedroom when I was growing up!
Have a fun day "fishing"!
Well that is practically the cutest thing I have ever heard of doing!
A magazine exchange!
Do you KNOW how much I love and adore magazines from other countries!!!!!
What a fabulous idea!
Enjoy Sweet Koralee!
Kick those cute feet up!
Hi Koralee! One of my best friends in the world is from New Zealand, and she usually tucks a NZ mag in my Christmas present. What a treat! I always make a big production of preparing tea and sitting down to savor both it and the magazine!
Hope you have a lovely day of fishing and dreaming! xx Suzanne
Happy day!
My friend Mel, have me a stack of dutch magazines? are they creative?
I love them!
Sounds like a wonderful day! ENJOY!
What a wonderful idea, put your feet up and ENJOY :-)
How cute, hope you have the best time ever!
I DO love days like that ... sadly, they are too few and far between. But what fun for you! When I took a trip to Europe as a teen I brought several magazines home too - I do LOVE magazines of all sorts!
Enjoy ... ahhhhhhh. xo
i can sooooo do this!!!!! shhhhhhh, don't breathe a word though....;)
Yes, Koralee, I love those moments too.
What a great idea, to exchange magazines!!!
Have a lovely day with lots of calm!
Love & Hugs/
oh, i love magazines!! i could just look through them over and over. sounds like a perfect day my friend!! enjoy! susan
I think we should all go for this kind of fishing at least once a month, every month. Well I'm happy happy fishing right now. It's evening, the living room is all mine, your pretties are next to me and my brain is off to be stuffed with loveliness, Canadian loveliness. Sending Dutch hugs your way for a lovely fishing day. xx Thank you once again for all the FUN, always! xxxx
Hey, great idea! I need to do that.
Yes .....take your fishing time..........it always nice to get presents ......i know i know...........an Sassie is the best !! ..have fun with reading my love............happy evening......love Ria...
Enjoy it Koralee! Sounds heavenly.
Sounds perfect, have a lovely day x
THIS SOUNDS LIKE A LOAD OF FUN!!! I sat still yesterday for about 2 hours straight...it was lovely. With a magazine in one hand, a French book in the other and a décor book waiting for my attention, I just whiled away those precious 2 hours before Dr. Ruben my husband came barreling in shouting, "LET'S GO TO HOME DEPOT!, our local home improvement store!
ENJOY! Anita
Oooh...That explains the engaged signal:)
Hope you have a wonderful day! xo
Wonderful, Koralee !!!
Enjoy your time "fishing."
I guess you're "fishing for time."
I have a cross stitch project I just picked up {from over a year with no progress} and just did my stitching for 2 hours... no interruptions!
Loved it!
Enjoy your time~
Hi Koralee....
well isn't Saskia the sweetest thing! what a great idea a magazine swap is....i'm sure you'll have loads of leisurely fun browsing through them...flipping and sipping something delicious at the same time....that's what I'd do!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
Enjoy your day and I look forward to all the lovely things you'll be ready to share with us:)
A magazine swap, what a fantastic idea. I hope you enjoyed putting your feet up, you deserve it xx
m ^..^
have a great time!
love your cute phone!!!
what fun for both you and saskia, two delightful
young ladies! i was rooting for the netherlands
in the world cup!!!
Oh I love that idea...a magazine swap. HOW FUN...maybe you could share a couple of your favorite articles with old Rosie...;D...
Have F*U*N stuffing...love me
blessings and prayers,
Enjoy your time. I love that princess phone..
How fun, a magazine swap! Must be exciting to recieve something you cant buy in your own country :)
Hope you enjoy your day off :)
hope you had fun fishing. hehehe.
So cool, nice to have a little package from a sweet friend, nicer thing, magazines!!!!!
Sounds wonderful, enjoy! Have a sweet day!
What a lovely idea Koralee, I hope you had a lovely day relaxing and some me time. I love a good chill out with a couple of choccie bars and some good magazines ... bring on the weekend! xxx
Love a good Gone Fishing kind of day.... enjoy every single minute!!
I love Mags....only problem is, I can never throw them away! Piles of them everywhere....but pure enjoyment....Have a beautiful day sweet Koralee..Did you ever mention where the apron came from...i love it.
My favourite days of all. I hope you had a lovely fishin' day and were left undisturbed. x
What a great idea! Oh, I must put up the Gone Fishing sign and catch up on a few recent magazine purchases myself!
That will definitely be something I add to my new journal of things to do just for fun! :)
Hello Koralee,
I was surprised to see that Dutch magazine At Home at your picture, and I must admit I'm pretty much addicted to interior magazines from other countries too! :-) We have a shop in Amsterdam where they sell loads of them. Tempting...
Ariadne At Home is quite popular in blog land, I see it pretty often in other blogs. In the May issue was an interview with me, with lots of photos of our interior!
Thank you for your sweet comment yesterday!
Love from Amsterdam!
stuffing my brain with loveliness...
i hope you enjoyed your day!!!!
Those magazines look like such fun! And the raspberry jam is tempting me to check ours outside in the 98 degree heat, haha:)
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