{a timeless favourite in our home}

{baked fresh and ready for giving}
What is your favourite cookie recipe?
Off to visit my parents for a wee bit
{I will have some automatic posts while I am away but please
forgive me if I do not visit you for a few days..I will try}
Extra hugs while I am gone
something to think about....
Suppose neck deep in a terrible, horrible,
no good, very bad day,
you resolve to give it a chance.
Your choose not to drink or work or worry
it away but give it a fair shake.
You trust more.
Stress less.
Amplify gratitude.
Mute grumbling.
And what do you know?
Before long the day is done and
surprisingly decent.
{from Max Lucado...Every Day Deserves a Chance}
to be con't...
have a lovely time at your parents. they will
be very happy to see those pinwheels, too!
favorite cookie? "paul brothers' texas style
peanut butter/oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies!
Your cookies look delicious, and very fun :) Have a wonderful vacation.
So yummy and so pretty too! I just love cookies! Any kind!
Favorite cookie? Impossible! I love cookies. Before I was gluten-free, iced sugar cookies, oatmeal maca' nut, shortbread, mexican wedding cookies, oh I could go on. Probably everything except ginger snaps - never took to those. Have fun.
Dearest Sweet Koralee~
These pinwheels could be a favorite of mine for sure! I LOVE sugar cookies of all kinds but especially ones with sprinkles on top! Have FUN at your Mom & Dad's!!! Find something special to bring home to put those pretty cookies on! I love your thoughts today about giving a terrible gloomy day a chance...You always award me with a smile on my face:)
Those are precious and look SO DELICIOUS!!!
pretty pretty... have a fabulous time with your folks...!
Baked fresh?! I believed these lovelies are straight from a patisserie. Your parents must be on the outlook already, waiting to welcome YOU and your lovely family. Sending lots of Dutch joy and cookies your way for some fabulous days, talentedthoughtfulsurprisingsweet friend. xxxxx
Beautiful cookies, Koralee!
Have a wonderful visit!
That is a pretty and fun cookie! Have a wonderful time on your vacation, summer is starting to wind down already...so enjoy1 :D
Yummy looking and WOW! packaged up SO PRETTY!
Is everything you do beautiful? Do you ever bake a brown cookie...eat an ugly piece of candy or give someone something in tupperware? I feel so bland next to you:) Have a wonderful visit with your parents, give your mom and extra hug...there can never be too many hugs.
"There can never be too many hugs..." love this from Sue to you, Koralee!
a good thought for all of us ~
~ ~ ~
Koralee, {...about the cookies} do you flavor the pink part of the pinwheel?
They are so very pretty ♥
~ ~ ~
Enjoy your time with your parents!
Summer is for *F A M I L Y* too!
God bless you as you travel with safety and beautiful surprises along the way!
xoxo and {hugs}
have a great time visiting your family!
Love that quote from Max !
Hi Koralee!
Oh wow that looks delicious! I luuuuuv cookies, so I don't think I can pic a favourite... haha!
Have a pleasure stay at ur parents place!
xoxoxo alice
Wauwwww pink cookies...my favorites.....you don't believe this......old-fashioned shortcake with a pink stripe out!..........you can by it by the Hema here....my father love these cookies and so do i now .............happy stay by your parents......you must don't forget to look at my post tomorrow.........by darling love Ria...
My those look so gorgeous I could never eat them! I love them! We love biscotti and espresso cookies.
your pinwheel cookies are gorgeous!
it would be hard to eat one
because they look sooo good!
have a lovely time visiting with your parents!
Happy to know I inspired you to bake on your blog too, Koralee. I find it so calming....and my life these days is not ;)
These look delicious, and cute too!
those pinwheels look so delightful!
I have an eiffel tower cookie cutter that I love to use for sugar cookies.
Oh Koralee, Your cookies are adorable, hoping my kitchen will soon be finished so I can start baking again, Have a sweet day!
The spiral cookies are such a delightful treat! Hope you enjoy your vacation! I just returned from visiting my folks too. To answer your question... the mountain in the picture was Rainier.
What a wonderful little cookie!!!
Looks delicious.
Wish you a wonderful time at your parents place!
Enjoy, and don´t think of us!
We´ll be here when you come back =).
Oh my - I haven't seen those cookies for years! My mother used to make them when I was little. Enjoy your trip!
Have a wonderful visit with your parents. I'll be here eating pinwheels ;0)
hmmm. favorite recipe? I never met a cookie didn't like
Lynea :0)
Hey Sweetie...i never met a cookie i didn't like...and yours are B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.
i've had one of those days Max was referring to...and i let it ride out...makes your spirit stronger because you're never doing it alone...
have a wonderful time with your parents...
Have a lovely visit with your parents. I could see these pinwheels sitting on my kitchen counter (a perfect match with my blue and pink theme)! They look so yummy, I am sure they would not last long at all!
My fav cookie is still the good old-fashioned chocolate chip...Tollhouse with chocolate chips and walnuts..YUM! :) but, my Mom's "Cowboy cookies" come to my mind too! double YUM!
Ahhhh...so pretty...has a bit of a retro look.
I'm in love with these sweet swirls...have fun at Ma and Pa's...We'll miss you...love Rosie
Yes please! These look so yummy! It's funny, but here in Australia we don't call them cookies, but biscuits, or bikkies for short...I love my gingerbread biscuit recipe - yummy at Christmas, or anytime of year - they smell so good! Have a wonderful time at your parents x
Love those words, really something to think about. Pinwheels have always kind of made me dizzy staring into them. But they sure are pretty! I guess I like regular old chocolate chip cookies best.
ooh I love the pinwheels and the cute little pink bag to go with it ! My favourite cookie would have to be white chocolate and macadamia.
Enjoy your time with your parents :)
I do hope you have a nice time away! and I look forward to your automatic posts! hehee...
I don't know how long it might be, but there's a package on it's way for you from me!!!!
ciao bella
now I'm suddenly in the mood for a swirlly, spirally cookie!
and we have nothing in the house!!! yikes
creative carmelina
You have such a way with creating pretty photos in my favorite colors no matter what you post. I love these cookies, they are adorable, and they look delicious. My favorite recipe is for oatmeal chocolate chip.
Oh noooo! I have been gone for a week and now you are leaving ... I have missed your blog!
I had a wonderful time with my siblings and parents in New York though for the past several days and wish you the same wonderful time with yours!!! Have SO much fun! xoxo
(I need to bake some of those darling cookies.)
Those cookies are so very adorable! I love the pink and white!! I hope you have a nice trip! xo
yum! and i love mr. lucado's message... beautiful. hope you have a lovely time... i'm visiting from elk's, but i've been here before. i remember your banner and i saw it in artful blogger, right? what an honor! congrats!
{couldn't leave my main blog addy: www.findingserendipity.com}
Hi Koralee,
The pinwheel cookies look so delicious and almost too pretty to eat.
Love the words of Max Lucado, thank you dear friend.
Have a wonderful and safe trip away to your parents.
hugs to you
I'll bring the coffee (or perhaps might leaf tea if I can find some!) I DO wish I could just pop some chocolate cookies in the oven and
stop by for a goodie exchange. I'd trade you a strawbery jam for raspberry too! :)
Enjoy your time away!
Many blessings!
PS I think I will order Max Lucado's book. It looks FAB!
Koralee, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all of your kind and encouraging words! You have so many followers and I know that each one of us feels like we are special to you. That is a gift that you have!
Enjoy your visit and I will look forward to seeing your Friday Pretties!
I could eat a whole plate full of these beautiful cookies...and wash them down with a tall frosty glass of lemonade. Bet they are a good as they look. Have a wonderful visit with your parents.
Oh so yummy, lovely pictures!
Hi! =)
It is so nice to hear from you. Thank you sooo much.
Have a lovely day!
Hugs Madeleine
How did I miss this lovely recipe? FABULOUS!!!! Oh, I am having such trouble getting into blogs again! Enjoy your lovely cookies, dearest! Anita
Yummy pinwheels
and I hope, a
delicious break
for you ~
xx Suzanne
I must say that I love, love sugar cookies with lots of frosting! I know they are really bad for me but I do love them!
Your cookies are super cute... I bet they are super delicious too!
Wishing you a lovely time with your parents!
Much LOVE,
Dearest Koralee, these cookies looks yummie!! Have a wonderful merry happy time with your lovely parents! Lots of love to you!
Hi Koralee! LOVE these cookies and usually do them up for Christmas assortments in pink and in chocolate!! YUM!!.. Loved your note on "something to think about too"!.. Enjoy your visit with your parents! ~tina
~happy vacationing and visiting family~
I can't even remember my favorite, probably a shortbread though...(maybe this one http://darjeelingdreams.blogspot.com/2009/03/jeu-sur-la-luminosite.html)
Your cookies are so cute - I just love the way they look!
you are so sweet Koralee, i love your cookies. the give everyday a chance you are so wise my friend. i've been working on less grumbling and more grateful.....have a nice visit! take care, hugs, susan
The cookies look delish.So pretty too.I love cookies, probably a greek cookie that we make at Christmas time is my favorite.
Enjoy your visit!
Those cookies like like yummy little gems. YUM. And love the quote from Max....no words are truer. Have a nice trip!
Have a great trip and visit. My favorite cookie is Cherry Winks. Now you did inspire me with your raspberry jam in the previous post to make some for myself. My house today smells like raspberries. Lov'n it.
Your cookies look like something from Willy Wonka's factory. I'm loving them. I'm hosting a giveaway at my blog so please come and visit, and enter if you fancy it. Em x
Oh Koralee, I feel for you. I have the same problem. It won't be that bad, think pretty thoughts and bring some music to distract you. I will be thinking of you!
Best wishes,
P.S. those cookies look SO YUMMY!!!
Is there a recipe for this cookie? I can find the link?
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