{con't from last post}
....days are the bite-size portions of life
Eighty-four thousand heartbeats.
One thousand four hundred and forty minute.
A completer rotation of the earth.
A circle of the sundial.
Two dozen flips of the hourglass.
Both a sunrise and a sunset.
A brand-spanking -new, unsoiled, untouched, uncharted,
and unused day!
A gift of twenty-four unlived, unexplored hours.
AND if you can stack one good day on another
and another, you will link together a good life.
{Max Lucado.... Every Day Deserves a Chance}
Friday Pretties
{thought I would share my pink bucketful of pink petunias}
please take a minute to visit
Joyce over at I love pretty little things
she is hosting Friday Pretties
sending extra love for her sister Sherrie today xoxo
this is a perfect way to think of one day...an unlived.unexplored hour upon hour...summer feels more that way..pretty is the watchword here ...blessings friend
How sweet and pretty this is...the picture, and your beautiful words about time.
oh Koralee, those petunias made my heart sing!
I love Max Lucado, and your sweet photos are perfect with his words.
Koralee...your posts are always so deliciously beautiful! Thoughts and images so perfectly perfect...thanks for all you share! Love Max Lucado's thoughts on a day...just wonderful!
Hope tomorrow is another fabulous one for you!
Such pretty color palette to join these lovely thoughts. You have another perfectly pretty day amongst the orchards. I can only imagine how idyllic that must be. Till tomorrow, always amazing friend. xxxxx
Beautiful words Koralee, thanks for sharing, and thanks so much for letting City Crafter use one of your beautiful image! : )
Sweetness - in words and in picture! These colors look so delicious ;)
What a beautiful prettie friday pretties !!!.........my dear Koralee................that colors....!! your words !!!....complety and verry good...........and nice to think about Sherrie......she needs all our prayers !! to recover !!!...............wishing you a happy weekend full of joy and hapiness my darling.....
Dear Koralee,
When you put it like that, the day seems so much longer which is good. More time to fill with good things !!
So sorry that I have missed some of your posts.....I'm still trying to catch ,which doesn't bode well as we are going to Italy next month and I will have to catch up, all over again !!
Have a wonderful weekend, Koralee. XXXX
Good morning my dear, dear friend! What wise and encouraging words for a world that so needs to know that there is a bright spot in every day! Thank you for your positive and kind messages that just make me so happy, Koralee!
Lovely thought, Koralee. I think we often let little things go by. Less so, perhaps, in the summer, but we still don't take time to look around us. So much to see! Each and every day.
Good Morning, Koralee!
What a cheerful home you must have...
I love your choice of colors ~ and the way you make them ♫ sing ♫ together!
Truthful words today ~ very appreciated by this little birdie ♥
~wishing you sweet bite-size wonders all day long!
ps. wow 84,000 heartbeats {a day!!!}
...still thinking "wow"
pss my verification word is -ficulti-
is that a "fickle faculty?" LOL
oh dear :D
Had a not so great nights sleep last night and have read your post and am re-energized to start my day, thanks!
First of all Koralee, Thank yo so much for the extra love for Sherrie. That means so much to both of us!
Secondly, again, your post is so Pretty and Insightful! I love Max Lucado.
Thanks for playing along and I hope that you have a Pretty and Fun weekend,
Koralee I always enjoy your posts and the photo is just beautiful. I adore that color combination!Have a wonderful day and thanks for the heads up about Joyce and Sherrie...
Tina xo
Koralee, may your days be always full of love, friendship, generosity and sweet thoughts! Minutes will walk so slowly when you have a good heart! Shine, dear Koralee, shine! Kisses!! Bela.
As always, Koralee, a wonderful quote to start the day! Thank you, my friend, for your beautiful blog.
Perfect. Happy Friday sweets!
B x
Oh dearest...how very true, and yet...still...there are not enough hours in the day. Hope you are enjoying your time with your parents. See you when you get home.
think I have fixed the comment issue or lack there of...sorry for the annoyance...love Rosie
What a beautiful photo!
Have a nice weekend,
...delightful picture!
Friday pretties indeed!
and His mercies are new every morning!
enjoy your sweet parents!
Happy Friday sweet Koralee!
xoxoxo alice
Love this vibrant picture, and words! I love pink and turqoise, such a happy combination!
Have a great weekend, sweet Koralee!
@}~`}~~~ Gloria
TGIF. I'm definitely gonna make it a goooood Friday!
I've always loved the word "pretties." Just sounds fun!
A lovely list for Friday. Have a beautiful weekend, Koralee.
Wonderful post, sweet Korale!
Hope you´re having a wonderful time!!!
Thank you for visiting me =)! Makes me happy =D!
Take care!
Hi Koralee! How true that is! Such a beautiful post! I need to make sure I live each day to the fullest. Sometimes that's not easy! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Jennifer:)
ahhhhhhhhh the refreshingly good life is alive and well here on bluebird notes!
hope you're having a bliss filled time!
ciao bella Koralee!
creative carmelina
I love your posts and pictures so much...I really need to get a new comment to you don't I? But that is my first thought each and everytime
What a lovely post! Thank you for helping me remember what a day really brings:)
Lovely post...the colours in the pic remind me of gelati on a hot summer's day...mmm. x
pink + yellow + aqua = sigh!
Hi Koralee,
Your bucket of pink petunias make such a pretty show.
Also the words of Max Lucado do make for a good life.
Happy weekend
Oh my, what a wonderful blog that I stumbled on...what an awesome post. No doubt, I'll be back!
Bonjour Loralee,
Another positive post, I just can't leave here without a big smile. Here's to linkin gup a fabulous life my friend! Hope you are having a wonderful summer so far!
Bon week-end,
Your picture today just struck me! It is so fresh & gorgeous! I really just enjoy looking at it...that probably sounds weird...but it is true!
What a lovely post. Have a great weekend!
Oh Koralee, such pretty blooms, Have a sweet weekend!
Hi Koralee, I wanted to let you know that I'm hosting my first blog giveaway to say thank you to the people who have followed my blog and/or been insprational, over my first blogging year. It would be lovely if you wanted to enter, as I have found your blog a very inspirational place to visit. I'm going to be giving away a piece or two of silver and gemstone jewellery designed and made by me. Hope you're having a great Saturday. Sending smiles, Em x
Hi! Ooh, thank you so much, you are so sweet. Hugs madeleine =)
What a lovely color petunia. Such a happy color! Beautiful photo!
koralaee, Love your post, thank you so much for all of your thoughts and prayers. I one of my really bad days I recieved a beautiful package in the mail with my apron. I looove it . Than you for making one of my dark days so much brighter.
Love, Sherrie
beautiful picture. Can your blog get any better ? Happy weekend
Very pretty Friday Pretties. :> This post reminds me of a little bit of paper from my grandmother (from years ago) that talks about chosing what you are going to use this day of your life for. We keep it on our fridge to remind us that when the day is over, it is gone and to make the most out of the time we have. It reminds us to try to let the little things go. Sweet post, Koralee! :>
"84,000 heartbeats"...i love that tremendously!!! hope you had a beautiful weekend!!! sending loveliness
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