Monday, July 26, 2010

{Thanks Megan}

just wanted to share some amazing photos today
taken by my daughter's sweet sister-in-law
{my daughter #1 and her husband}

{ next images all of daughter #2}

please check out Megan's website here to see more
of her beautiful work
leave Megan a comment telling her what you think
..she would love to hear from she is just starting
her new adventure in photography...we all think she is
pretty amazing!
{can't wait to get our family photos taken...daughter #3 is so wanting to get in font
of Megan"s camera}


Enter my giveaway here
{25$ gift certificate to The Rusted Chain}


FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~
OMG!!! Megan has an Amazing eye!!! She is a true artist! Simple yet such statement!!

Julie Harward said...

I do love her work and will go see...I didn't know you had a married daughter..she sure is a beauty! :D

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Fantastic photos!

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Those photos are absolutely gorgeous! Wow! She is an amazing artist. You can feel the story in the picture!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Lovely work. You know, when I was studying photography, I had a wise professor. He used to say he can teach us all how to use our camera's and work the darkroom equipment but if you don't have the "eye", it was all for naught. Obviously Megan has the eye - best of luck to her! Your daughters are beautiful and I can't believe you are old enough to have one that is married - you look too darn young!

Unknown said...

How fun! Those images are truly amazing! I adore the one in the field of "green" ... so pretty! And your daughters are all so darling!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...


your girls....just adorable

off to see megans website


Terra said...

Megan has an artistic eye and soul, I can tell from these photos.

Leah Brunner said...

wow gorgeous photos!

Susan said...

Each photograph is truly lovely. But, really, how can you go wrong with such beautiful subjects?
Your girls are stunning, Koralee. They all have your smile! I'll look forward to pics of daughter #3 as well!

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous photos.I remember now your daughter getting married.She looks sweet with her hubby.

Megan sure does lovely work,thanks for sharing about her.

Koralee, thanks so much for the advice for my right sidebar.I did what you said simple enough.Then all of the other gadgets went right up to the top.Seriously thanks I appreciate it.Sometimes when we ask these questons no one ever replies,if they do its a bit complicated,lol.Wow that was simple!HUGS!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

#1 + #2 = B*E*A*U*T*Y *!*
I cannot remember having seen #1 {sweet A}. She is as pretty as her sisters and her mom. I spot that twinkle in all of your eyes!
The picture of Molly in the green green field won my heart, it's ADORABLE.
Hope your week is lovely so far, sweet Koralee. xxxxx

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

Gorgeous Daughters! And, I checked out Megan's site. She does such beautiful work!

Thanks for your sweet message on my blog. Sherrie is my sister. :) And, I will give her a hug from you. She'll Love it!

Have a wonderful week,

Ana Degenaar said...

So talented and fantastic, although it wouldn't be hard to take pretty pictures of gorgeous people. love this.

Randi Troxell said...

oh wow! just wow!!
beautiful beautiful work...
i especially love the one where she is laying in the green grass...
these are just fabulous!!!

Maria Confer said...

You have some seriously beautiful daughters Koralee!!

Lulu Letty

Vintage Home said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vintage Home said...

HI Korlaee.....had to delete the last I spelt your name wrong...
Any way!....Wonderful pictures of your beautiful girls and handsome boy!
Great venues too!
I am soo excited for Megans photography future!...yeah!
Megan is going to show me how to do this linky thing...yeah!...then I will be linking away!...
So many possibilities!

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Oh what B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L daughters you have!
and what a B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L couple your daughter and son-in-law are! Oh they are just soooo sweet...
Love the tenderness in the first photo!
I can hear your sweet bluebird songs of joy and thanksgiving for such a lovely family ~ and theirs for having such a dear mother ♥
Off now to visit Megan's website!
Hugs to you ~ Maria

Maria said...

ps. The clover picture with Molly is fabulous!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Beautiful photos! She is very talented. I love the casualness of it all. To me this makes the people stand out.

It's me said...

What a beauties !!! just like their Ria............

Pretty Zesty said...

absolutely STUNNING!!! Like you!

ps I have some earrings up for grabs on my blog. Check it out!

Jolanda said...

What beautiful daughters you have, super!
And beautiful pictures.....
Summer greetings, Jolanda

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

What beautiful photos of your gorgeous daughters and her husband. You have a wonderful family and must be so proud.
Megan is so very talented and just off to visit her website.

Have a happy week

Carousel Dreams said...

Just lovely, Koralee, as are your beautiful daughters x

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Your girls are beautiful and the photos reflect that. I especially like the one of your daughter in front of the blue doors...sweet!

Gloria said...

Beautiful photography, lovely daughters! What an amazingly talented lady your Megan is! Thanks for sharing her site...:)
The photo of: daughter #2, in the bed of clover reminds me of a modern day, Alice in Wonderland! So very magical! :)

Privet and Holly said...

Wow, she IS a
great photographer!
And the subject
matter is amazing,
too! LOVED these,
xx Suzanne

MaroDe said...

Awesome pictures, thank you for sharing with us! Your blog is just food for the soul!
Thank you, I can feel your love!

Shell said...

These pictures of your daughters are beautiful. Seriously, Koralee.. you must have been a young mom. Had no idea you had grown daughters!

Pamela said...

Beautiful photos. I honestly didn't think you were old enough to have a married daughter! I thought Molly was the oldest and the other two were elementary age!!
You'll be one young grandma :)
Pamela xo

Rosie said...

_____________oh my____________
______talent behind the camera_____
________ and beauty in front_______
_________smile on___rosie________

Silver Strands said...

Fabulous! I have to say though - it's not just the photographer that's great ... WHAT A BEAUTY!

Marilyn Miller said...

Just gorgeous! The photography, but also daughters #1 and #2.

fernandflora said...

Ooo! What a talented woman! Such lovely work!
Hope you're having a dandy week!


megan edelman photography said...

Wow! Koralee!!!! Thanks so much for your kind words. Like several readers mentioned...taking pictures of such beautiful people is not hard...such a pleasure actually! I appreciate your support and am SO excited to do your family pics too :)

Kelly said...

Gorgeous pictures!!!

debra@dustjacket said...

Oh these are just magic, I love them. How gorgeous is your daughter!!!
xoxo Dj

Martina said...

Dear Koralee, wow, these photos are beautiful! Such a talented girl. Will go and check out her profile now. Also, i'm sending the magazine out for you today. Have a lovely day, dear one!

Rubyred said...

Hello Koralee, gorgeous photos and such pretty daughters too!I can't believe you are old enough to have a married daughter!
Have a lovely day!
Rachel x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning sweet Koralee! I must go now and check out this site...I believe I know her or have used her photos in the past. Your daughters are simply STUNNING!!! Good photographer or not, your family is so beautiful!


Bralliz said...

Hi Koralee!
Such a delightful pics, beautiful!
Happy day sweet one!
xoxoxo alice

Martha said...

Oh Koralee!!! Those pictures are just beautiful!!! She definitely is talented but her subjects are just as beautiful!!!! Love seeing your beautiful family and how fun your family picture will be:)

Sarah Knight said...

Those are wonderful photos, what talent. They capture the subject, the mood, and the light very well. The sensibility of the moment shines through in each image.

Anne Marie said...

your daughters are so pretty Koralee!!

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Gorgeous girls Koralee and stunning photogaphy. So lovely to see your daughters! x

Unknown said...

what beautiful daughters you have and the photographs are just lovely! i'm going to check out her site!! hugs, susan

Libbie said...

As much as I LOVE LOVE LOVE my rascally boys I look at your family of perfect girls & wonder what it would be like :)

Your family is just beautiful, but what I like best...I know your girls have to be just as beautiful on the inside like their mama!!!

I didn't know that Megan is you SIL!!! That really surprised me! How fun to find that out!

grace said...

Her photography is great! The pictures of your daughters are just lovely :)

I can't wait to see the family portrait

Anonymous said...

Wow, i love seeing such lovely photos, the crisp colours, the beautiful setting. They are just gorgeous.

Sue said...

Your daughters are gorgeous...was I ever that young? The photos are wonderful, I think Megan will have a very successful career.

ELK said...

what a stunning group of photos ..your daughters are simply lovely!!