Saturday, August 28, 2010

{do you know what you are?}

{one of a kind...unique}
......that is what you are my sweet friend


Martina said...

And you!! Have a marvellous evening dear Koralee :)

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, so sweet! Thanks for popping over to say 'Hi' @ my little blog - I enjoy yours so very much!

Happy weekend!
~ Zuzu

Blondie's Journal said...

Happy weekend, Koralee!


Unknown said...

You are so sweet!!! Cute post, hope your weekend is going well:-)

Unknown said...

P.S. I grabbed your button dear:-)

PCovi said...

Well you are a treasure! So there! Ha ;)

Kathysue said...

Right back at YOU!! happy weekend, Kathysue

Terra said...

You are berry sweet too, blueberry sweet.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Have a sweet weekend, unique soul you. And lots of joy for the new school year! xxooxx

nancarts said...

Hi Koralee, You are soo right! we are all unique.
each one of us. You are so sweet! Love blueberries. Have a great school year. I think teachers are so special..I have a daughter who is a middle school teacher, she was born in Ketchikan,
Alaska...close to you! She writes educational articles for suite 101..if you have time, maybe you could visit. She has great ideas. Her name is Doris Keeler. Have a great week end.
Smiles and Blessings,

Regina said...

Sweet thing.
Happy weekend.

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

You are so sweet, thanks for this blog post! Have a great weekend my friend!

Lynn said...

Always a positive post! Thanks for sharing and have a fun weekend...

It's me said...

So are my example how to live your life ..........hugs Ria

Maria said...

Awwww ~ gee ~ thanks *one of a kind* kOrAlEe!

Bless your sweet, dear heart~
xoxo * xoxo

Privet and Holly said...

get enough
Loved catching
up on all of
your lovely
posts ~ It's
been a crazy
week, HERE : )
Happy happy
weekend, Koralee!
xx Suzanne
PS: What day{s}
will you be at CC?


Yo ! Too true. You too !

What a wonderful sentiment, and very well expressed.

Sherry from Alabama said...

What a sweet post. I've enjoyed my first visit to your lovely blog today.

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

Andrea said...

Ahh! I love blueberries...

Kateyed said...

What a perfect photograph to put with your quotation. I just adore it. Nothing more marvelous than something in nature, is there?

Vintage Home said...

...Ah Blueberries...sweet and tart all in one bite!.....does that make us tarty sweets...or sweet tarts!...Tee Hee.......
Thankfully we are all marvelously unique!..Thanks to you Koralee for allways making us feel special!

Brenda Pruitt said...

"Unique" is one of the most wonderful words there is.

Martha said...

Loving blueberries...I have a great blueberry syrpup recipe I need to copy down...I should e-mail you it when I do

ELK said...

blueberries all time favorites..AND YOU!!

rachel awes said...


fernandflora said...

Oh You. Always good to lift my spirits! The feeling is quite mutual. Thanks for making all of your loyal readers feel special everyday!

Happy Weekend!

Elyse said...

hi koralee,

i am playing blog catch up ... again ... and am so enjoying scrolling through all of your lovely posts 'n pics.

you're the berries!


C'est moi Claudette said...

Hey Koralee
I held you in my hands last night. I read your lovely pages in "where woman create" or was it in "artful blogging", sorry I was so excited. I was having my frap. and picked up the mag. opened it and BANG... there you were. I knew you were from B.C., but didn't know it was Abbotsford.
I lived in White Rock, I might have told you that, it must be late lol
Your pages were just stunning, just like you.
Stay sweet
Love Claudie

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Lovely to have your friendship, you are the best.
Blueberries are so delicious and so good for you.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend

Kellie Collis said...

Magical colours and delightful message! Have a gorgeous weekend! x

Glenys said...

Hello. Are you referring to me?

Little Monarch said...

oh what a lovely inspiring post. you are a marvel too Koralee.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest Koralee, not only is the blueberrie my favorite berry (oh, but this summer, I have been torn away by raspberries and cherries!), the sentiment is so kind and sweeter than all the berries put together in a luscious blueberry pie, à la mode, of course! YOU are the sweet bluebird, the sweet blueberry! LOVE TO YOU and I send you my hugs and wishes for a great school year!!! Anita

Bralliz said...

Yummie, love blueberries! Happy day sweet Koralee! xoxoxo alice

chrissy said...

so happy to have found you from lorraine lewis.s blog...
blueberries are my FAV!
you are eye candy here my dear....i.m off to take a look around.
happy day.

Susan Houseman said...

I do love my blue berries and having a new friend like you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog:)

Luiza said...

And so are You!!!
I´m so thankful to be one of your special freinds =)!
Thank you for always leaving wonderful and sweet words in your comments for me =)!
I´ve missed you too, and I´m glad you´re back!
Love u!

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing you told me, because I was spending the better part of the day wondering who I was! lol

your posts are always so sweet Koralee...short and clever and brilliant!

thanks for sharing...
see you soon

ciao bella

Kitty said...


I adore you and your sweet posts that uplift my days. When we left Washington our blueberry bush was just starting to bloom. Oh, how I love eating blueberries off the bush and having blue stained fingertips.

I hope your weekend was wonderful.
Wishing you love and lots of it,
Fritzi Marie

Rizzi said...


Not Just a Waitress said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this!! My eyes are said to be the color of I especially love this :)

Vivre Le Jour said...

You have such a beautiful spirit. Thank you for all your lovely pictures and posts.
