is a dream set to paper
80% of Americans say they don't have goals
16% do have goals but don't write them down
less than 4% write down their goals
and fewer than 1% actually review them on an ongoing basis
When you write your dreams down..
they become your goals
{from the book of 5...where will I be five years from today?}
Think Big
and always .....
"surround yourself with friends
who, instead of asking,
are quick to say,
"Why not?"
That attitude is contagious"
{oprah winfrey}
thanks Maria for the pretty pencils
Now this is an inspiring post!! Love it! :)
That is so true! I saw a T-shirt yesterday, it was a Nike shirt. It said..."You will never finish if you never start". I love it! Marcia
Yes yes always think BIG!!!
Pamela xo
I have an update on baby amden on arise 2 write.
Blessings and prayers,
very inspiring post, Koralee!!
Now I'm thinking to write down all my dreams...haha...Thanks for the valuable post!!
XX nensa
Something I need to do..and have meant to do for some time now...THANK YOU!! for inspiring me to go and write them down...and post them where I can see them every day.
Oh are such an inspiration.
Thank you xo
and those pencils are so pretty...who wouldn't want to write down anything if they had lovely writing instruments such as those to use.
Cheers to you on this wonderful Sunday :)
Debbie have a great new week Koralee!
super sage advice!
(i have those pretty pencils, too!)
I love this post. We're following our dreams, packing up the fam and moving to California. Jobs? Not yet. We'll find them and make it work.
Life is too short!
Unfortunately, I am part of that 4% that don't write my goals down! But, this post is very inspiring! I may need to write them down now...
No problem here... We are all about lists and dreams. Whether it's weekend chores or vacations. In fact, we got one big one off the list this weekend. All the windows inside and out. Then, we treated ourselves to our dream vacation lists for 2011. Planning ahead.
Now, it I could just dream up my next fun posting. Oh, yeah, I already know what that's going to be tomorrow morning. My Circle of Friends is finished. Now, to just dream up my next one.
Sweet Week Too U-
Kate - The Garden Bell
...ah ..Thats how its done!
...well right now my losts consist of all the things that will be going to my sale...Glad you think you can make it!
Love those pencils .....hmmm I could make a lot of lists & feel pencil stylin while doing it!
That is inspiring! Thanks!!
Those pencils are adorable.
The pencils are perfect for you!! I saw some aqua-blue and white polkadot plates yesterday in a gift shop and they made me think of you.
Hi Koralee!
Oh what a wonderful post! I love the photo :D
It's fun to have "little pretties" on our desk to send us sweetly into writing.
In the past, writing was such an art... tangible letters so cherished by the one who held them.
Luckily, Chris and I wrote out some dreams and goals... they are coming in handy this weekend ~ will explain more in my post Monday
... Hope your weekend road trip was awesome!
Love your message ~ it's so important to do!
Love those pretty pencils, Koralee!
Congratulations on the wonderful article in Artful Blogging! Also--the beautiful page in Where Women Create--you're everywhere! Was so fun to open them up and see a familiar "face"!
Well deserved, as well--your posts are always so lovely and inspiring, my friend!!
Everyone else probably noticed these forever ago, but camping and roadtrips can really get you out of the loop!
Hope you're enjoing a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for sharing your articles in the magazines...teatime was so fun....your dreams are becoming reality...I'm so inspired by you...and so proud of your accomplishments.! And yes...I must write down my dreams...I have several!! Have a super week. Carol
Hi Koralee,
Great post and yes, to write down your goals and dreams is such a good thing to do.
We always do this at least once a year and things have worked out and come true.
the pencils are very pretty.
Have a happy week
Koralee~At my age most of my dreams and goals have been fulfilled. Now I'm waiting with bated breath for my husbands retirement. He's got a few years before he reaches 55, but I'm really looking forward to the day!
Sweet wishes,
Thanks!!! Time to write mine down :-)
Mmmm. I like this. I NEED to think about this more than I do - especially the part about "why not" instead of "why". Another good word from Bluebird Notes! Thank you friend!
Yup - I've always believed all of that ... but you make it LOOK so pretty :)
Many thanks, I love being inspired to follow my dreams so I shall follow your advice!
Yes !! think biggg.....great post lovely words....of a lovely person........wishing you a happy week full of joy !.......
Your beautiful and inspiring post , those words you send to all of us but also to me !
Saskia ( join my joy ) gave me a very beautifull book , empty , and today , reading your words I suddenly knew .....
I'll use the book to write down inspiring words and ideas and tips I read in the blogs .
I started today . You're in it !
It touches my soul to meet some very special ladies ..... more than I can put into words .
Thank you for being you .
Have a wonderful week
GOOD MORNING DEAREST KORALEE! Oh, how lovely to see you this morning! What a beautiful post and how true....I am so grateful that I am a goal-oriented person....I have to attribute that to having been raised in a poor home where I was forced to work hard if I wanted to pursue something or have something special. Now, there is no other way to attain anything other than by hard work! And...yes, like you, the last week of August is teacher week and then on 9/7, the troops come back! I am going to relish the next 3 weeks like I know you are....with lots of JOY and FUN!!!!
It is so good to see you back dearest....I hope your road trip was special and that we will see some pictures! God bless you dearest, Anita
i loooove dreams & the bigger the better & the more honest & YOU & true, the bestier! write them down...YES! ...write them on paper & in your heart & on your hand & into your life!
i send love to YOURS. xoxox
you are my I.N.S.P.I.R.A.T.I.O.N. sweet KORALEE...
i've been arriving at a few crossroads in my life lately...maybe writing dreams and goals will help me choose the right direction ...
and i LOVE all the Dr. Seuss quotes :D
thanks for the inspirational post. Comes at the perfect time!
Good Monday morning Koralee and thanks for the great post. Those words should be repeated daily until they become part of our nature. It is too easy to get discouraged. Having our dreams and goals written down and perhaps displayed in a prominent place where we can see it often makes it easier to ignore the negativity we are faced with.
Thanks for a great Monday morning boost!
Tina xo
: )
I am part of the 80% and yet part of the 1%.
Life is full of contradictions though. I am a firm believer in not being too set in ways or ideas, and hoping to have the whimsy to follow the moment. Because, usually, it's the mundane things you remember; you know like the old adage about the journey vs. the destination...
My goal is to try to attain some level of contentment, and to get a reasonable amount of sleep, as I seem to be running on a deficit of the latter the vast majority of the time. Oh those mattress commercials promising a restful sleep are such a tease...
; )
That is so true , we all have dreams, why not make them our goals! You have! I love the article about you in artful blogging, I picked it up the other day because I saw you were featured in it. You are such an inspiration to me. How wonderful to have such an amazing grandmother. Hey that is one of my newest goals. To be a grandmother like yours some day:)
I agree with this post. Love it. Hugs, Deb =^..^=
Such sensible advice, so prettily written.
And when we fight our dreams, that's when life becomes so difficult. To live against your nature is so unsettling.
Dearest sweet Koralee, this is true so inspiring and beautiful! Thank you so much for such a beautiful advice and it's so well written. You are truely an inspiration to me. :)
Thank you kindly for your kind words on my little purse over at my bubble space. I have yet to whip some up for my shop but i am planning to ~ it's just gonna take a little while more to get them done for a shop update. :) Will notify you when i do but i welcome an advance order on this lovely purse. Feel free to contact me if you are interested. :) Have a lovely merry happy week and lots of love to you sweet friend!
I am crazy passionate about making lists...and a goals list is one of my top priorities!
I set them for specific categories....
Physical, Financial, Spiritual, etc....
love, love this post!
and btw...I bought all three shades of those pencils from Michaels...I love them so much!
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
aka: MIA as of lately!
Everything seems clearer when you write it down - makes it easier to focus. :-)
Love the photo - have a great day!
Dearest Koralee, this is such a great post - soooo important to have goals and vision, and i really believe in writing them down. Somehow, this really appeals to me today because i have the feeling, this is a time to open up to something new. Very exiting! have a great day :)
writing down your dreams turns them into goals - love this. We are living our home based dream. There are very hard days where I know if I just sat down to write my goals and my list of thankfulness all would feel better.
Thanks for this great post.
Warm wishes Tonya
Koralee, you are amazing! I love the photo, the pencils and the quote... I am always dreaming the impossible and who would have thought, the impossible comes true!
'You gotta have a dream,
If you don't have a dream,
How you gonna make a dream come true'
(from the film South Pacific)
Lovely quote Koralee.
Bellaboo :o)
"why not" indeed! i love that quote ... and your PENCILS in the polka dot pitcher! too cute! i love your artisitic eye! xo
You know I'm sort of in a phase where I don't have a dream exactly. For so many years there were things I wanted to do, hoped to do...not sure what would go on that list anymore. Hmm...not sure what that means.
I think I need to have that amazing book of five. Will make a wish list, write it down, my dream will come true. A greatest quote!
Maria send you some adorable pencils. A while ago I received these funny happy colored smiling faces on pencils from an ever inspiring sweet and thoughtful friend ... As a pen and pencil lover I bought pastel colored German pencils the day before yesterday. We can never have enough of these lovelies, can we? My little ones and I use them daily.
Sending German hugs your way and lots of Dutch too xxxxx
I love your pastel pencils Koralee,verry lovely post with colors I love!!
This is so true! And that's what I love about blogging: you always have your thought right in front of you on the screen :)
Perfect Wisdom! Perfectly true, too. xo Lidy
Wonderful words, tied to wonderful thoughts, make for wonderful ways to make it come true.
You are so right! I like writing down my goals, but rarely go back and check on them. Now I think all I need are some cute pencils, store them in a cute little blue pitcher, and I will no doubt complete every single one of them. :-)
I love reading your posts!
Another inspiring post from Koralee.....
Have a great week! :)
These little pretty pencils would go so sweet in my kitchen!!! :) How nice of Maria to send these to you!!
Love the words here, and I know I need to be a little bit more brave in trying to live out my goals (that have been shared with just a few), mostly been penned in a journal, and been prayed about to God.
God knows them! God wants to teach us while we are on this road of life...on the way to our goals. The journey is so important to Him! :)
Have a wonderful evening! Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my blog. I appreciate them!
@}~`}~~~ Gloria
i love the beautiful pencils from maria. she is just
the sweetest thing.
one of my goals is to learn how to assemble a post
as beautiful as one of yours!!!!
Great image and beautiful thought! Thanks Koralee for letting City Crafter Challenge Blog ( your beautiful image for our challenge this week (it is coming on live tuesday midnight).
I always astounds me when I ask someone what their goals are and they look at me blankly. I guess I am in the 1% group. I always have my lists and check them twice. Love the post.
you are truly amazing... love love love this... when are you coming to visit dear friend...???????? xo
this is such a wonderful post Koralee and so very true. I love the quote too!
Have a lovely week cute girl!
I'm writing mine down! Lovin' those cute pencils!
Think Big! love it! :]
this is so inspiring and provides for a much needed dose of optimism in the cynical times that we live in. thank you for sharing sweetie!
oh how I love this in a big that about friends saying why not for you....that is so important and so true!!!
love the pencils
well, i guess im in the right track..
thought im doing silly habit
hopefully it will come true :D
thanks for sharing ..
regards from east java
I was just thinking about goals, and that I needed to set some. Yesterday I found a jounal that I had started in Jan., and of course haven't written in since March- oops, there goes that goal...But, I had written down some goals. I am pleased, and surprised to say, that I have accomplished most of them. Who knew?
But, there is always room for more.
Have a Pretty Day Koralee,
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