Sunday, August 22, 2010

{hi ho...Hi's off to camp we go}

{our camping dishes are packed}

{our ocean beach front is waiting for us}

{our favourite place in the world to camp is calling our name}
yes we husband would not have it any other way
now if it was up to me I would be in at least a five star trailer
oh well I'm a good sport about it all...seeing he does all the camp cooking

off to DeceptionPass on Whidbey Island for a few days
....see you soon


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

You go and have fun, tents of FUN! I'm not a camping-kind-of girl either .^_^.
Go and enjoy every glimpse of Nature's Beauty! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Enjoy your trip - hope the weather cooperates! I'm so not a camper but admire those hardy souls who do.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hello Koralee .. If I my hubby did all the cooking I would go camping to. But to be honest, we hardly see each other in the year, with him travelling for his job and staying in good hotels ,, I think staying in good apartments is my treat... :-)

Enjoy and have a fabulous time. It looks wonderful .. :-)

Celestial Charms said...

Wow, camping in a tent sounds like a great idea. Mind you, I wouldn't want to do it for more than a weekend ;). I don't think I would survive past that. However, I'm sure it will create wonderful memories to cherish. Have fun!

birdie blue said...

oh, the places you go! I hope you have a wonderful time, and I hope the weather is perfect for you.

love the polka dotted enamel in that first pic!


Pamela said...

Have lots of fun Koralee!!!
Pamela xo

Kathysue said...

Koralee, Have fun tenting,it is wonderful to be in the wide open air!!! Thank you so much for commenting on my Whats in a Name post and telling us about how you came up with your blog name. I so appreciate you taking the time. It has been fun reading all the coments and stories of how others came up with their blog names. Kathysue

Dawn said...

OH How FUn! I love tenting and do it every year...but for some reason we never made it this year.
Have a ton of fun (and I will pretend I am there:)
Love the dishes...mine are not quite so pretty:)

bellaboo said...

Your hubby does all the cooking? I'm very impressed! Have a GREAT time Koralee.Last time I went camping it rained for a week!

Bellaboo :o)

Monica said...

Have a wonderful time!! You have picked a beautiful spot to camp. And I love the polka dot camp dishes ..... where oh where did you find those? My husband does the camp cooking as well -- isn't that a treat!! I just love it. See you when you get back :-)

Unknown said...

Enjoy dear Koralee!!!! Nature may smile so bright to you and your family!!! Have fun, relax!! Hope to see you back soon!!
Hugs!!! Bela.

laurie -magpie ethel said...

Have a great time. I love Whidbey Island - haven't been in a few years, but fond camping memories there.

Vintage Home said...

Have a great time...we where just there ...soo beautiful..go to the oyster farm!...See you when you get back!

Brenda Pruitt said...

You know you are speaking my language with those polka dots!

tinajo said...

Lovely pictures! :-)

Yes - you remember correctly, I did buy the coolest wallpaper! :-D Since I´m going to the States in september we´re gonna wait with putting it up until I return home, because I hope to find something cool to decorate his walls with while I´m there. :-)

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

hope you have a fun time! i'm not much of a camper myself :) nice that your husband does the cooking!! see you soon! xo susan

Martina said...

Hi Koralee, wow, have a great time! I know what you mean about camping. I love parts of it, but then can't really sleep in a tent. Yet it's so important, to reconnect to nature once in a while. And it's fun to cook outside and feel wild and free. Enjoy your trip and take some pix!

Anne Marie said...

oh please document the trip!! we ONLY tent camp - and to be on the seashore? would be lovely!!

have a great time!!!!
Anne Marie

Jolanda said...

What a lovely place to go to, I just googled it. It looks super...and you husband does the cooking:) That's great! Have fun...summergreetings and hugs from Jolanda

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

have a wonderful time....

can't wait to hear all about it...

kary and teddy

Farm Girl said...

Thank you for coming by and your beautiful pictures but your camping dishes are the cutest thing ever. It looks so beautiful to the place you are going.
Have fun!!

Simple Home said...

Have a wonderful time, and when you get back, come by and enter my giveaway my friend :-)

Anonymous said...

I love camping,enjoy yourself have a lovely time!

Claudia said...

Have a wonderful time!


red ticking said...

have a WONDERFUL time.... it is so pretty there..
this is truly what life is all about. xx

Sue said...

Oh, it sounds beautiful (except for the tent part) and I can't wait to see what magic you do with your camera.

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Sending you ooodles of wishes for a fabulous week of camping, sunshine, togetherness and beautiful moments that you'll always remember ♥

God bless your travels and adventures ~
Enjoy * Enjoy * Enjoy
ps... your camping dishes are darling!
There must be a little civilization and sweet comforts while in the wilderness ♥

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

That all sounds so wonderful, except for the tent! I am definitely a 5 star camper-type too, but sometimes we sacrifice for the good of all. :) Hee hee

Have a wonderful and fun-filled vacation with your family. Such precious and special memories!!!

Love, Joyce

patty said...

hope you are having a lovely time! i saw you featured in artfulblogger and wanted to congratulate you! :)

my site (can't leave in the link?):

All things nice... said...

Oh hope you have a lovely time. Love the bridge. My weekend is drawing to a close here in Ireland, and back to work tomorrow.

All things nice...

Carol said...

Have a great time...relaxing...reading...just being together!!

June said...

Hi Koralee,
Now this sounds fun!!! (except the tent part) I like to have a little metal between me and the lions and tigers and bears.hehe! But I love going into the woods and smell all the smells and see all the beauty. Beaches are hours and hours away from here, so you are blessed. have a lovely time dear one. It sounds like a blast.

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful!!! Have fun!

Gloria said...

Very beautiful camp!!! :) I just posted some camping pics as well. And..yes, we camped in a tent (even though the wind picked up overnight and we thought we were going to fly off to the Land of Oz!!).
Have a fun-filled time!
blessings to you,

Laura S. said...

I love those camping dishes!

I'm a camping girl, too! My family and I have camped all over the U.S. When I was really little, we always had a tent, but then when we got older we got a pop-up camper. Still tent-like, but a bit more comfortable during rain!

Have a wonderful time!!!

heather said...

Ooh, Deception Pass! That sounds like a wonderful place to start a camping habit! Hope you all have a lovely time! xox

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE your blog! What an inspiration you are! Enjoy your vacation!


Andrea said...

So fun! I didn't know you lived in wa...I am loving those camping dishes...

It's me said...

Enjoy your trip darling......i shall miss you.....have fun !!! love Ria....

Nina said...

What a lovely husband :) Enjoy your holidays!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YOU ARE SOAKING UP ALL THE FUN YOU CAN, AREN'T YOU? SO AM I!!! A great walk today along the St. Croix River....HAVE A LOVELY TIME DEAR ONE! Anita

myletterstoemily said...

well, if he's cooking, and your eating off those
darling plates, it can't be that bad!

have lots of fun!!!!!

Two Shades of Pink said...

Are those REALLY your camping dishes? You even camp in style. Love it!

rachel awes said...

have an awesome time!
say hi to the nighttime
shining stars for me!

Unknown said...

I am so with you... I absolutely love that area!!! One of these days... I would like to be "Lisa of Whidbey Island"!!!

theUngourmet said...

I could picture you camping in one of those darling restored trailers with pink and white gingham curtains! Have a fun time. I love your camping dishes! ;)

Dogwood said...

well, well...wishing you a happy and fun vacation. enjoy!

Stephanie said...

I m more of a 5 star hotel girl but if that is the location....well I would have toi give tents a try! Looks fab:) Have a great time.

nerines said...

Oh, you are a good sport! We haven't been camping for a while...It get's raised now and then...I've tried to suggest it be an all boy's trip but it's met with protests of "But you love it!" I love being with them, that's true, But I would really love to hear all about it when they got back too;) xo

Laura Trevey said...

Have fun... love those polka dots!

Rosie said...

Oh dearest what a lovely surprise to see you at Colleen's fabulous sale...for some reason,I thought you were across the line on Saturday.
There was sooo much great stuff it was truly difficult to visit with anyone...I didn't even notice.
You my dear, have the very best time at Deception Pass...savor each and every moment...see you when you Rosie

FrenchBlue said...

Have Fun sweetest one! Roast your marshmallows and find lots of sweet treasures on your walks. Enjoy every little moment with your special family... Thank you for my sweet post card. You make me SMILE MOST beautiful one of all~~

Anonymous said...

i hope you have the B.E.S.T.E.S.T. time in the world...
love those camping hub cooks too...but us old people stay in a 21' trailer :D
lovely pictures {{{as usual}}}



Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Oh so cool, the camp and the dishes! Have a fun time!

Julie Harward said...

Have fun...our family is going this next weekend too ;D

Elizabeth said...

Hope you have lots of fun!!!! Love camping in the great outdoors. We do tent camping too!
My boys say that's the only way to camp. :]
Love those red polka dot dishes you have!

Luiza said...

What a breathtaking place!!!!
It´s really gorgeous!

I hope you´ll have the most wondeful time!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Your camping dishes rock the house!

Unknown said...

Wishing you a wonderful holiday Koralee, x

Carmel's Closet said...

I might pop in for a cuppa from one of your dotty cups.
Have fun.

shopgirl said...

I'd love to hear more about your camping experience! Have a great time! Off I go to read more of your posts.

Rambles with Reese

Anonymous said...

That sounds really good! I've never went camping, maybe I should try it one day.

I hope you're having lots of fun, and nice weather, too!

Happy camping, Koralee!


Ingrid said...

Hello Koralee,I wish you and your family a beautiful time together!enjoy it girl!!beautiful your camping dishes!!

with love....

traci said...

hello, hello. i hope you have a wonderful camping trip. i see your name all over blogland, so i thought i would stop in and say hi. your blog is so cute and colorful. i am off to browse around some more. :)

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Wishing you safety. Peace and laughter all mixed up. I went to Deception Pass when we moved my daughter up to Seattle - it was awesome. I would love to go back!

Randi Troxell said...

wow.. are those polka dots really your camping dishes.. cause i am IN LOVE with them.. lol

have a fun camping trip!!

fernandflora said...

Oh what fun! Bravo to you for braving the tent. I would go with the five star camper too... Have a wonderful time! xo

Unknown said...

I am SOOOOO needing sun and sand right now, I can't even tell you! So I'm a little bit envious. I do LoVe a man who camps and cooks - as long as he also sets up and cleans up! :)

Could your polka dot "tin" be any cuter! ENJOY! xoxo

C'est moi Claudette said...

Oh I used to pass there all the time when we drove the Chuckanuk Drive
I think that's how you spell it. My hubby and I would leave all 3 kids with our fav babysitter, and head to Port Townsend. We LOVED crossing that pretty bridge and beach. I walked the trail once, but never camped out.
Have a wonderful time Koralee. Hang on to as much summer as you can.
Love Claudie

Marilyn Miller said...

I thought the bridge looked familiar. I just photographed it a couple weeks ago. Isn't it beautiful there? Have a wonderful vacation.

Susan Houseman said...

Have a wonderful time camping with your family. Love the polka dot cups. I haven't seen the ocean in years:(

Little Monarch said...

have a beautiful time Koralee. I havent visited your blog in such a loopng time and I've been missing out on your wonderfulness. see you when you get back!

Rizzi said...


Fete et Fleur said...

Those dishes would make me want to camp! Hope you have a great time!


Jacqueline said...

Dearest Koralee, i love your camping dishes lots! Have a lovely merry happy trip and lots of fun!! Love to you!


Winchester Manor said...

Your camping dishes are adorale! Have a fabulous time with your family!!


Martha said...

Have a will surely be your camping dishes...

Bralliz said...

Wow that's soo cute! Hope u have a great trip, it looooooks wonderful! xoxoxo alice

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Wow! Those are the cutest camping dishes ever!

PJMCNeal said...

Hope you have an amazing fun family memory time! I love love your camp dishes, you would not believe it but the plate with the rose/flower on it is just like ones I can buy in the Kehancha market in kenya!!! Small world, big blessings! love Aunt P. said...

Oh my goodness, this looks amazing.Have fun honey.

kayce hughes said...

I am so jealous! sounds like fun and I am in love with your tin mugs etc.