Friday, August 13, 2010

{my dishes are in bloom}

I have been filling my home
with all things rosie
{fabrics and accessories}

velvety hues
that I can not get enough of...
perfect for
Friday Pretties

{visit Joyce at I love pretty little things for more pretties}

Happy Friday

{hugs to you all}


somepinkflowers said...


be still
my racing heart!

~~♥ ~~~~~♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~♥

The Tablescaper said...

Love all the rosyness!

- The Tablescaper

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

You and only you, dearest, can combine other colors with your signature blue and still make the blue the most prominent and effective color...I wouldn't know how to incorporate red into my décor, but YOU KNOW HOW! UN COUP DE GÉNIE!!!!!

Have a lovely, lovely Friday! The countdown is on, isn't it....we are going to relish every second of summer, aren't we? :) Anita

Anonymous said...


now you'll have them inside when the weather changes and the lovelies outside go away...

i truly love roses...God's Gift to a Garden!



Blondie's Journal said...

Just gorgeous, Koralee. Velvety, as you say!


Anonymous said...

So pretty.Im feeling like I love red this fall.But my kitchen has to be totally done over,its Tuscany.So red doesnt really fit with that.

Have a beautiful weekend!

stefanie said...

sooooo pretty!

{oc cottage} said...

Perfectly pretty in every way!

m ^..^

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

I Love Rosie Things! I am always drawn to anything that has pink and red roses on it. Dishes, towels, scarves...I could go on and on.
Those dishes and the tablecloth are extra, extra Pretty!!!
Thanks for sharing. You are always a Friday Pretty Highlght for me.

Enjoy Your Weekend,

Pamela said...

Happy Friday Koralee!

I love those dishes they made my morning!!
Pamela xo

Tammy @ said...


I am coveting your dishes right now, they are perfect for my girls' room! Sorry to have been MIA the past few weeks, I have lots of catching up to do... Hugs to you!

Best wishes,

birdie blue said...

love your rose covered dishes...super sweet!
perfect for friday pretties.

have a lovely day

Decor To Adore said...

Oh your plates make me SO happy! I can only imagine the delight of viewing them in person.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Roses always remind me of my mother - her favorite flower. I swear, your cupboards must be bursting at the seems!

Unknown said...

aaaw I saw similar dishes in a catalogue the other day and whished I had the money to immediately purchase them. well, I'll have to save up... anyway, have a lovely weekend :)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Another friday's favorite :-)

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

These are 'blooming' lovely Koralee - I soooo needed a cheerful picture for the end of this week! Kisses Kitty xxx

Ingrid said...

Oh!!!Koralee so beautiful this roses,take care with it!!!

have a beautiful weekend

Sue Jack said...

Your dishes are lovely! I collected many like that once, but then.....and don't hate me here, :)....I broke them all to use as mosaic tiles! We used only the flat, center designs, but my mother and I decorated the top of an old round table with them for her gazebo. We put each of the designs back together like a puzzle and placed them in groups on the table top. It turned out fabulously! And how much fun it was spending that time with my best friend!

myletterstoemily said...

i would give my eye teeth for that tablecloth!
it would be such fun to visit her shoppe!

your china on top are delectable, too.

now i'm going to steal your peach pie recipe!

have a wonderful weekend. sorry it's getting
so hot. we actually have been promised
some lower temps. on sunday.


bellaboo said...

I love rosey things too,and always seem to go for floral china,towels,bedding etc.
I suppose that's why I love Cath Kidston so much!
Happy weekend to you and your family!

Bellaboo :o)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I absolutely LOVE dishes with a rose pattern! These are exquisite! Very pretty! ♥

June said...

You are definitely my kindda gal Koralee. I say the more blooms the better!!! Your pretty little dishes bring a big smile to my face.
Have a beautiful day sweetie...
hugs to you from here

Teresa said...

Oh Koralee!
I do fantasize about coming to your home!
Walking in...and spending hours just gazing at all the LOVELYness!
Of course YOU would have these BLOOMING dishes!
I would just love to nibble on some of your yummy sweet treats from these BLOOMING plates!
Just lovely!
Like you!
Can't wait to HUG your LOVELY self one day!

Pretty Zesty said...

WOW so unbelievably beautiful.

Abz said...

Fill ur home with all the things u love! ;)

cathleen said...

Beautiful! Roses anywhere and everywhere make for a very happy day! Have a good one!

Debbie said...

so so Pretty...I love roses and all things that they adorn....roses = romantic!!
Have a beautiful's going to be a HOT one.

Randi Troxell said...

such beauty.. hope you have a fabulous wkend!!

tinajo said...

So sweet!

Have a great weekend! :-)

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

I love those beautiful dishes! I have a few that look very similar to your. I totally understand the obsession! Have a great weekend! Jennifer:)

FrenchBlue said...

Dear Koralee~
I thought of you yesterday. I saw roses. I saw cherry blossoms. I saw a blue sky. I saw sunshine. I saw your smile~
Have a beautiful weekend my beautiful friend!!

Gloria said...

So,,SOOOO, so PRETTY! I have a soft spot in my heart for anything with roses too!

Have a beautiful weekend dear sweet, Koralee!!!
@}~`}~~~ Gloria

Unknown said...

"my dishes are in bloom" ... you are so adorable! and i just noticed the picture of that pink flowered alarm clock - sooooooo cutie!

have a great weekend! xo

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Velvet and roses, so so romantic. Your sweet petit pretty dishes are too cute, love this size dishes. Using these for all kinds of SWEETness! Your house must be sooooooo lovely and stylish. If I was a little bluebird I would fly across the blue blue ocean and sit down at your doorstep!
Lots of hugs for a sugar sweet weekend, Koralee. xxxxx

Love the Decor! said...

so so beautiful!!
Stop over and enter the giveaway!

Ana Degenaar said...

Super cute! I hope you have a great weekend!

Terra said...

Your dishes are rosey posey pretty.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Have a pretty, rosey and blooming wonderful weekend, Koralee!! XXXX

The Patchwork Heart said...

what a pretty post ... pretty fantastic blogging!
Heather x

Cristie said...

Lovely dishes, my favorite flowers are roses. Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Between you and me, I sure wish my mind would keep thing as BLOOMn' simple and sweet as you.

It's me said...

Love your roses......happy friday pretties Ria....

Luiza said...

Your dishes are beautiful, and the fabrics too!
I couldn´t come up with a better way to discribe the dishes. You are amazing!!!!

I hope you´ll have a wonderful weekend, sweet Koralee!

Unknown said...

Love the gorgeous saucers, Koralee! I can never get enough roses, muchless pink, either. Anxious to see the home decor ...

TTFN ~ have a wonderful summer weekend ~
Hugs, Marydon

Pinecone Camp said...

Pretty and very ladylike.
Have a lovely weekend, Koralee.

Tricia said...

Perfectly pretty :)

Lynn said...

Your dishes are lovely and that photo is great! It would make a nice book cover....

thea.e said...

Lovely dishes. Happy weekend to you:)

Elyse said...

oh, your dishes are so bright & pretty! just like you, sweetie!


angela said...

Those are pretty plates :)
Your comments are always so encouraging, thank you! I have a job interview on Monday!
I'm so jealous that your daughter is studying in the UK. Are you going to go visit? Last year I studied in Spain, and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

Shell said...

Happy Friday. I adore roses too. Rose love!!! I finished today making myself rose bath powder. In the process of making rose oil to use as well.

Maria said...

Hi Koralee!
Those dishes are so very pretty... A few months ago, I purchased a vintage tablecloth with deep red blooming roses all around... the leaves are a light green...
I keep using it in different rooms. Can't get enough of it!

roses are such an 'eternal' flower... so beloved.

While out today getting home safety things for Dad, I stopped in Barnes and Noble for a few minutes of Maria-time...
...the aroma of coffee lead me right to the magazine section...
Of course, I reached for "Artful Blogging" to read all about our little Bluebird!
What a wonderfully written article and such lovely photos... it was exciting to see one of our dearest blog friends recognized for her talent and caring thoughts.
What an honor and what a keepsake for your family {and friends}.
I am sure your grandmother is smiling ♥
*happy weekend to you*

me and alice said...

Hello dearest Koralee!
Wow those rosiedishes are so cute!!!
Have a wonderful Saturday!!!!
xo xo Susanne

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Love your ever so pretty rose plates, they are so beautiful and would make me happy too.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend.

Sending hugs to you

Vintage Home said...

...oh! delightful!...wait till you see some of my newest pieces!....
......roses everywhere!

Privet and Holly said...

Absolutely enchanting
plates, Koralee! How
wonderful to have such
an exquisite collection
of lovely things that
all seem to go together
so well. I bet you've
been collecting for a
long time.....and have
always bought what you
love! Happy weekend, sweetie!
xx Suzanne

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Thank you Koralee for coming to share a Creamsicle with me! This is your color, I just know it! ENJOY THE WEEKEND DEAR ONE! Anita

april said...

Love your dishes! I love dishes with roses on them too. Another reminder of my mom, who loved pink.

Anonymous said...

I love these Beautiful dish collection and the photography is awesome!

Jacqueline said...

Dearest Koralee, i am a huge fan of all things rosie too! These are soo yummieee and i would also love to get my hands on some of these loveliness! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to yoU!


Unknown said...

Hi Canadian Friend!!

Roses!! So nice to know you like them! In fabric especially!! I do love when I find fabric in this pattern. My sweet Aila's nursery was all in roses and polka!
I do wish you have a blessed weekend, Koralee!

Carousel Dreams said...

Hey Koralee...just loving all your rosey goodness over here! Hope you are having a most lovely weekend.

Sue said...

I love how you stage things for your simple and yet so beautiful. Hope your weekend is going well!

Witch of Stitches said...

The saucer on the left, by itself - I have that cup and saucer!! It is my favorite of my many teacups. I've had it for years. How wonderful to see it here!

Rizzi said...