Wednesday, August 25, 2010

{Our Port Townsend Day}

home we are
{just a wee peek of one of our days away}

hope to visit you all soon


jeanette from everton terrace said...

Welcome home! Love that bubble gum pink color.

nerines said...

Looks lovely! And you've made Coke look pretty too. Clever!:)xo

Julie Harward said...

Can't wait to hear about it all! ;D

the southern hostess said...

That coke picture is my favorite! Welcome back!

Susan said...

Looks like you had blue skies and sunny weather! :) Hope you had a WONDERFUL time!
My husband would like your top pic. He works for Coca-Cola! :)
It's been raining for the last few days, but we haven't complained because we really need the rain. Still, we're hoping for sunny skies for this coming week-end. My youngest daughter's in-laws rented a beach house and we've been invited to spend the week-end with them! Just a little more sunshine for the week-end, please! :)
I've been at school all day today prepping for the new year. And back again tomorrow!
Looking forward to a little more summertime over the week-end!
I missed you, sweet friend!

Hearts Turned said...

Welcome home, Koralee! Thanks for the pretty peek into what looks like a lovely getaway for you & your family!


Love the Decor! said...

Oh just love it here!! Hubby and I have had a few weekends away in bed and breakfasts there. It is soo beautiful!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Welcome home!
Looks like a beautiful place to getaway and thank you for showing us your lovely photos.


red ticking said...

you are completely adorable... so glad you had a wonderful time...
and i LOVE s'mores... will be dining on them allllll weekend at hood canal... cannot wait! xoxo

tinajo said...

That glass of Coke made me thirsty! :-)

Great to have you back!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

LoVInG those darling shoes of yours in the sidebar!!!!
I bet you just dreamed the sweetest dreams in your own bed under your fluffy fluffy covers ;)
Welcome back, sweet Koralee xxxx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WELCOME HOME KORALEE! That first photo...oh dear, the PINK is so luscious! And the rest of the journey.....SMASHING! Well sweet, the school bells rings soon....soak in all you can...I know you will! I am going into my classroom TOMORROW by way of a required district rule. AHhhhh! I am not ready, but I will be as soon as I step into that room.

LOVELY, LOVELY, LOVELY. I cannot wait to see how you will showcase the Christmas are dynamic! Anita

Ingrid said...

Hello Koralee,I love your boatpicture,enjoy your comeback.....


It's me said...

Welcome back darling..i missed you..........glad you are bach home safe...........lovely day...........hugs Ria.....

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to our world Koralee...
you've been missed :D
Only you could make a COKE look so inviting.
Looks like you had an awesome day...
and I love the shoes in the sidebar :D

HUGS ~victoria~

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

I hope that you had a wonderful and restful time!
You make everything look so pretty!

Glad that you are back and, I will see you tomorrow for Friday Pretties!!!

Sue said...

Well of course you found a pink straw (or did you carry that with you)! I hope you had a great time!

Barbara said...

Hope you had a wonderful time, Koralee!
Where on earth did you find the straw?

Catherine said...

Looks like you had a fun day ~ my holidays start in one more day ~ 3 weeks off ~ I hope to go somewhere fun too! :)

Hope you are having a terrific week Koralee!
xo Catherine

Anonymous said...

My first time to your blog and am in awe of your pretty pictures. I so wish I had a creative gene in my body.
I have just purchased "Where Women Create" and "Artful Blogging".
Can't wait to check it out.


paperbird said...

oh how i miss the beautiful northwest, thank you for sharing your beautiful images with us.

Rizzi said...


Maria said...

Good Morning Koralee!
The top photo is FUN, FUN, FUN!
I love the way that it just popped right out at me this morning... and it's singing "summertime, summertime, sum-sum-summertime!"

The collage is priceless...
You look FABULOUS in sunglasses, Koralee!
I didn't know Audrey Hepburn has a sister that lives in Vancouver ;o)

What a dreamy time it must have been...
The day in Port Townsend looked sunny and sweet. Are you planning a 'next time' already?

Glad to see you back, dear ♥
and so very happy you two enjoyed yourselves!
~ God bless always ~

Dogwood said...

Very nice and welcome home. Love your pictures. Home Sweet Home to you!

Unknown said...

Coca-Cola Pink ... I am in love with that picture! Truly delightful. As are you! xo

Randi Troxell said...

beautiful images!!!!
glad ya'll had fun...

C'est moi Claudette said...

Welcome home...but Port Townsend is one our Randy and I''s FAVOURITE places to go. When we lived in Vancouver, we would would head out on the Chuckanuk Drive, like I told you before you left, and take the ferry to Port Townsend. We always stayed at the "James Place" a lovely B&B that is not longer a B&B... I was devastated. We ate at the Thai rest in town at least 3 times while there, and the famous Italian rest. also. Oh the wonderful memories of one of my fav places to rest my head. My BFF and I were there while I was visiting her 2 years ago. SO COOL. THey have the best little vintage shops and consignment shops ever.
Glad your back Koralee.
Take care
Love Claudie

Unknown said...

Back to your daily world!!! Feel comfortable, sweet! Sometimes it is so good and refreshing to drop by different places and routines!!! We come back with new eyes!!!

Kisses!!! Bela.

{kara} said...

Hello Koralee! What a bunch of great photos! Looks llike you had an amazing time. So glad you got the package and that you liked everything? I wrapped it just for you!

francis said...

always bring your own sunshine ..... hihi
overhere it's rain rain more rain .
Today only there was somuch rain as in the whole month of august in other years .
I'll try to say it in a mantra tomorrow morning when I ride on my bike in the rain ....
always bring your own sunshine .
Thanx Koralee . You enjoy your sun !

Lynn said...

You were in my neck of the woods! Glad you had a great time and got home before the rain started today....
Have a good weekend!

Gloria said...

It looks like a very sweet getaway!!! Love your coca-cola photo,,,,that pink adds the perfect touch!!!
Blessings to you sweet Koralee,
Gloria @}~`}~~

Celestial Charms said...

Welcome back home. Bet you have lots to tell us about...looking forward to hearing!

Teresa said...

Hey Sweet Girl!
I love Port Townsend!
Such a FUN little funky town!
And I do love those BOOTS!
Are those your CAMPING boots!
You are WAY too adorable!
Snuggles to you!

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Looks like you are having a great time!
Who would not like to be by the seaside at summer's end? Ahh the great memories to sustain you through the winter months....
Tina xo

Anonymous said...


Libbie said...

Does that look heavenly or what! Love the Coke pic too! said...

Welcome home Koralee, it may take a few days to come back to earth. Looks like a wonderful place you were at!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Pink + Coca Cola, hmmm.... Yummy...... I am going to have one now even my "next time to have a soda time" is next tuesday, I don't care!

Lulu and Co. said...

oh it looks lovely.... welcome hoMe!!!

Elaine said...

looking forward to seeing travel pictures.

Anne Marie said...

Hi Koralee!! You look all serious and chic behind the wheel on vaca!!

thanks for you sweet wishes today on my blog - you are such a friend!

Anne Marie

Poppies and Sunshine said...

So lovely. I love all that pink in the first shot!! I hope you are having a wonderful week!

Susan Houseman said...

Welcome home....but OMG have you seen how many followers you have now!!!!!!!! How will you visit us all:( But, I'm so happy for you and glad you had a wonderful vacation.

Unknown said...

i love your little collage, looks lovely! have a wonderful weekend! xo susan

PJMCNeal said...

We've been in Port Townsend a few times and just loved it! Great photos, especial the Coke, almost makes me want to drink on! Or a least learn to take such a great photo! Thanks again, glad you share your talent!!!! Aunty P

Monica said...

I love Port Townsend ... it is such a fun place. Welcome back!!

Martha said...

Oh my goodness beautiful pictures...I cannot wait to see more!!! Love them:)

bichonpawz said...

Hi there! I popped over from Teresa's Blog...on Bainbridge. LOVE your blog...I recognize it from Artful Blogging!! Your trip to Port Townsend sounds terrific...I really need to go there for a visit!!

Marilyn Miller said...

Lovely! I go to Port Townsend several times a year. It is so beautiful there.