Saturday, October 23, 2010

{baking day.....}

..... today is the day I attempt to make these babies!
{hope it will be a success story I can share with you}


Blondie's Journal said...

Believe it or not, I have never had one of these before! They look especially good, though!


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Oh have fun fun fun baking, I'm sure Miss Syd will give you the perfect hand, you two are a dream team, isn't it? EnJOY sweet friend xxxx

Everlasting Blooms said...

mmm...they look delish! I also have to admit that I have never had one either! What a shame, I must go out and buy or make one today me thinks :)

~ Have a nice weekend xoxo

birdie blue said...

if anyone can do it, you can. can't wait to see the results!


Claudia said...

Can't wait to see your fabulous results!


flowersandhome said...

Oh, I'm so anxious to read all about your baking macarons!!!
I'm feeling a bit not so into shape at the moment so not up to baking this weekend!
My sister is in Paris this weekend, I told her about the macarons, she had never heard of it. Wonder if she'll be able to taste some or even maybe take some home???
Bye and have a great baking time!
PS I read that the eggwhites should be set apart already the day before, did you do that? I can't find eggwhitepowder but other recipes don't use it, did you?
Sorry for my curiosity!!!

Foxglove said...

These look divine, I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Enjoy your wonderful baking day. xxx

Tricia said...

Good luck...they look so yummy :)

Anonymous said...

So lovely! Have fun and good luck :) xoxoxo

Simple Home said...

Have fun my friend...and enjoy your weekend too. I'm sure they're going to turn out yummy!

Pamela said...

OH I am most certain Koralee they will be perfect like you!! I've never had one !!! I must do something about this!
Pamela xo

francis said...

Baking day .... Saskia would like to join you I guess ..... She went all the way to Paris for these yammies !
Your weekend will be sweet sweet sweet .
Thanks for coming on my surprise-blog .
Have a good time

Sewn With Grace said...

You can do it! I believe in you!

Julie Harward said...

Good luck and have lots of fun! These look so delish! ;D

Bralliz said...

Yummmmie, that looks absolutely delicious! Love ur friday-pretties as well. Happy Saturday sweet Koralee, xoxoxo alice

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Yum-a-yum yum!!! Oh please, I hope they come out as delicious as they look, but then again, I have a sneaking suspicion that you are a master baker!! KORALEE, THANK YOU FOR COMING PRECIOUS GIRLFRIEND! YIPEEEE! TOday is baking day. Hmmmmm, I think I am going to make something too.

LOVE YA! Anita

Terra said...

Oh baking day will be fun, and these are pretty in the photo.

Shannan Martin said...

Too pretty to eat!

Work it, girl. :)

Stina said...

Hihi dan ben ik niet de enigste die aan het bakken is geweest. Heb een appel cake gebakken.
Kan je dit wel lezen ik kan absoluut niet in het Engels typen.Sorry...

Lieve groet Stina

Hearts Turned said...

Ooooh, those look so yummily wonderful, Koralee! I'm sure your baking efforts will be very successful...can't wait to see!

Hope your weekend is just lovely!


Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Ok, I will save room for dessert! Wish you a successful baking day!

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

I love macaroons! I tasted this variety for the first time at Laduree in Paris (not sure if I spelled that correctly}. Anyway, they could become addicting!

vintagesue said...

the real deal!! good luck. i can't think of attempting anything that delicious and beautiful because i'd eat the entire batch!!!!
hope they melt in your mouth!

found and sewn said...

love the colours, bet they taste nice too

It's me said...

I hope it tooo.......good luck !!...go for it can do that........hahahahh!!! Ria.....

Shell in your Pocket said...

Oh..that looks fun! I love the did it turn out?
sandy toe

Carmel's Closet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carmel's Closet said...

Watching and waiting with interest. I've collected a bundle of recipes over the last year, but have not built up the nerve to attempt a baking session yet.
Go well!
Carmel x
PS. Had to delete last comment. It's early in the morning here - I'm half asleep and noticed just too many typos.

Suz said...

I can't wait to see your results! In fact, I was ready to compliment you on your beautiful macaroons from seeing the picture above ;-) I have wanted to taste some of these yummies for several years. I just can't wait until the opportunity arises (and can't understand why I have never seen any in the Twin Cities!!!). I will be watching and waiting with great interest to hear if they sound "doable!"
Big hugs,

Sarah B said...

How did they go? I have baked them twice and they turned out quite well. Hopefully you will post a photo :)

The Moerks said...

They look so pretty. I hope they taste as good.

High Street Cottage said...

I have seen these pretty French Macaroons everywhere online yet not found a bakery in my area which sells them. Can't wait to see how they turn out for you. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, it's much appreciated! tami from the high street cottage

Unknown said...

Get out here.....

Seriously, you are taking on a Macaroonie baking challenge..... You go girl. More power to ya.

Whip On and Peace Out,
Kate - T.G.B.

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

Mmmm they look so yummy.

Suzanne MacCrone Rogers • Italian Girl in Georgia™ said... you really back all these goodies you photograph or just tease us!?

By the way, I have been meaning to tell you how much I enjoyed your feature in Somerset's Artful Blogging. Fabulous! Nice cover shot too!

Ciao bella,

Unknown said...

Seriously, you are making these today. WOW.
Just popped back to have another look....

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

What fun... you making your own macarons. Much luck and I look forward to seeing them.

Happy weekend, dear friend

Poppies and Sunshine said...

I am sure they will turn out wonderfully! I have always wanted to make some!

Ingrid said...

Hello Koralee,goodmorning here in Belgium,I wish you a succesfull bakingweekend and I think you can do it!

have a beautiful sunday....

debra@dustjacket said...

Oooo I hope it was a success too.

Too yummy,
xoxo Dj

heather said...

love your new header, and those delicious looking macarons! so... was it a success? i'm sure they were yummers!

Martina said...

Koralee, can't wait to hear about your baking adventure - and the colors you used! Have a lovely evening!

Rizzi said...


Susan said...

I hope this means your back is feeling better!
Cheering you on as you bake those beauties!
Many blessings!

Anonymous said...

hi koralee! those look so pretty and yummy! i cant wait to see how they turned out! i am sure you did a wonderful job! thank you so much for your sweet comment! it really made my day! and i am so glad you found me because now i found you and i cant wait to look around your sweet blog! hope you visit again soon! said...

Oh good luck, keep us posted!

B said...

Oh wow, little parcels of gorgeousness! They look adorable and yummy at the same time - you clever lady! xoxoxox