Saturday, October 30, 2010

{happy treating......}

...we don't do a lot of Halloween in our home but
be do like to celebrate the
TREAT part....
{and we can sure carve some pretty happy
looking jack-o-lanterns}
be safe...have fun....and brush those teeth


Hearts Turned said...

Oh, Koralee...I so love your beautiful photos! My middle daughter is in love with photography and I was just showing her some of your latest beauties, and she was loving them!

Thank-you for all the aqua/pink (and other!) beauty you share with us...

I hope your day is filled with all sorts of treats!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

KORALEE! Oh, YOU amaze me because all the lovely photos that you feature are YOURS!!!! I have to hunt very well to find that which communicates what is in my mind and heart! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRECIOUS FRIENDSHIP AND WORDS; I am very much honored by your visits. They mean a lot to me. AND HAVE A BLAST CHEZ ROSIE! Oh how I wish we could all meet. It would be spectacular. I hope you are better dearest; your back, oh dear. I FELL YESTERDAY IN MY COLLEAGUE'S CLASSROOM! A child pulled out her legs and accidently tripped me! I WENT DOWN, but for being 52, I just bounced back up again, thank heavens with no sprains! YIKES! Stay well precious, and give Rosie a big hug for me....and here is one for you (((((()))))))))!

Bises, Anita

myletterstoemily said...

you are too cute! how pretty are those candy corn
colors and your gorgeous photography.

thanks for reminding me to brush my teeth. :)

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Hi Koralee,
Happy Halloween to you too! Love your yummy photos! Take care, Laura

Blondie's Journal said...

Happy Halloween, Koralee. The candy looks scrumptious!!


Maria said...

Hi Koralee!

Halloween isn't my favorite "holiday," but we do enjoy the wee little ones that parade around the neighborhood in their cute costumes... We pass out Tootsie Pops!
I have also become the candy corn fairy that magically refills the dish on the dining room table!

I do enjoy this time of autumn... our apple tree harvest {now in refrigerator drawers & freezer} the simple garden harvest and those precious, quiet moments to thank God for it all~

Do enjoy this weekend,
I hope you're back is so much better too!
Bless you and your family always dear ♥

ps. I stopped and visited your last post as well as the pink Christmasy post... I must open up my new Better Homes and Gardens magazine that came this week!
I am also so excited to see Holiday magazine in my mailbox soon! I ordered one for my sister too!

Free Pretty Things For You said...

yummm!! i will DEFINITELY take the trat part my dear!!!
I LOVE your creativity!!
lots of xoxo's to you!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

We never get trick or treaters in our neighborhood and with no children left in the house, it's hard to get in the Halloween spirit here as well. THANK YOU for becoming my 100th follower. I was so tickled, we toasted you at breakfast this morning!

It's me said...

Nice colored sweeties..........happy halloween weekend Ria....

Foxglove said...

Such beautifully coloured delights Koralee.
Enjoy all the treats that fill your day
sweet friend. xxxx

Carousel Dreams said...

Happy Halloween Dear Koralee - although I don't think you need any more sweets, for you are already sweet enough, tee hee...

Life love, clutter and other beautiful things. said...

Hehe I love a treat too!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Thanks for the treat of the day!

Cathie said...

enjoy the treats!!
many hugs to you ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Very sweet treat! We don't do much for Halloween either but I'm hoping everyone has fun! ♥

LuLu said...

We're all about the treats too... and with them came fresh toothbrushes and Act mouthwash with extra flouride!!!
Visiting you is always a treat!!

Sue said... pretty! I like Halloween and all the cute things that go with it, I just don't do the scary, creepy things. Have a wonderful day tomorrow...enjoy a few extra sweets!

June said...

Koralee, how is it that you always bring a smile with your posts. I love the treating part too. In fact right now I am handing out treats to the cutest little children in the world. Each one that comes to my door makes me happy to live among these wonderful people. We are celebrating the treat night tonight here so as to eliminate the pre-school night interference. You know my husband is a police officer, so he will be busy tonight with those who would rather be tricking...I'm glad he is he and me is me.LOL!

Rosie said...

Oh my dear friend, you are sooo S*W*E*E*T...and so are the treats you dropped off at the shop for me. I didn't even have to dress up and ring your spoil me! Have a happy week Rosie

Dogwood said...

love that halloween corn candy!!! once a year it tasts wonderful. i love white yellow and orange..

have a fun weekend.

Marilyn Miller said...

Happy Treating to you! I will brush my teeth.

Catherine said...

Halloween is not my favorite. I would prefer to skip it and move right on to the Christmas decorating! :)

Have a lovely Halloween Sunday Koralee!
xo Catherine

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

We are the same in our house when it comes to Halloween. Not much of that scary stuff, but a lot of Treats.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Koralee,

Happy Treats to you and your family, dear friend.
I love the sweet photo you have shared.
Oh yes, remembering to brush the teeth, after all the sweeties, is a must.

Happy Sunday

Monica said...

I'm with you -- we only do the "treat" side of the celebrating. Cute pumpkins and the little candies are the best!

Teresa said...

Only YOU...SWEET wonderful YOU would have candy corn with PINK on it!!!!!!
Where oh where did you ever find it!
You find all the cute and lovely things in this world!
Blowing you lots of SWEET kisses!

Angela said...

Ditto here! I found some carmel apple candy corn and have yet to try it!

Not Just a Waitress said...

No tricking at all??
HaHa...not big into Halloween either.
My idea of Halloween goes no scarier than a jack-o-lantern!! :)
I hope you have a great weekend bursting with TREATS!! :)

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Such s w e e t EYE candy! Happy sweet-y eat-y, my friend xxxxx We do not celebrate Halloween either. But we do celebrate treats, do so every day a bit ;)

tinajo said...

Lovely - and sweet - photo! Halloween isn´t that big in Sweden but I think it has been growing the last years. :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Sweet Friend...

I'm still drooling over the picture on the sidebar of the apple covered in white sprinkles (the blue one looks divine too)...

my house is a {{{no candy zone}}} with the BEAR roaming around ~ but I do have a tiny basket filled with M&Ms high on my work table :D

HUGS xxxx ~victoria~

Ingrid said...

thanks for the sweet halloween candys Koralee and enjoy this BOO sunday.....x

somepinkflowers said...


i am thinking
those candy corns

Expressly For YOU!


{{ if not,
then i am surprised }}

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

Hi Koralee

Happy Halloween! I am yet to try out one of those halloween candies!
Take care
Isabelle x

Ingrid said...

Hey Koralee!!I see my blog in your sidebar....big hug...

Unknown said...

you too have a fun night treating! i'm not a huge halloween fan but the kids enjoy it :) hope all is well! susan

Martina said...

Happy treats Koralee! I'm making baked pumpkin (god, they are hard to cut, these little orange ones!!!), anf bought sweets for the kids, but here in Germany, it's just the children celebrating. Love your picture here!

Unknown said...

Once again a cute photo! Have a Happy Haloween!

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot to ask you...I was wondering do you design your own blog banner? I really like the one you have!

Rizzi said...


fernandflora said...

I'm with you friend - we're not a huge halloween family either. We will be staying in tonight watching movies with mugs of cider. I did pick up some gummies and chocolate in case we have an little ghouls at the door! xo said...

Happy Halloween darl. Have fun but make sure you double brush your teeth!

My Passport to Style said...

Dear Koralee, my sweet treat fix is coming here! Hope your Molly has settled in well and you will see each other soon!! England is at it's best in Autumn, I hope she is enjoying it with her new friend's. Been catching up on your lovely post's that I missed and my favourite one are the word's you wrote, that accompany the white pumpkin pic your talented friend took! I aways knew you were poet as well as a capturer of pretty moment's! Hugs. Sharon xxxx

Jeanne said...

I like treats better than tricks! Hope you're having a Halloween full of treats Koralee!

Unknown said...

Shhhhh... dont' tell, but I'm with you on the whole Halloween thing. Sort of over the pumpkins and orange. Let's just move on...
he-he.. But, about the candy...well, that's another story. Off to brush.

Julie Harward said...

Good advise about brushing! ;D

Carmel's Closet said...

We love the treats too. Your photo is divine. We had a wonderful Halloween - all over here.
Have a great week Koralee!

Cookie Cutter said...

Really yummy looking candy! Love the bright colours!

Merci-Notes said...

Hi Koralee,
Thank You so for stopping by! I do love your place also!! Mmm that pink door and porch in your previous post is exceptional. I have a yellow door and that is the closest to Pink I may be able to get away with!

Shall we dunk a gingersnap into a nice cup of tea to celebrate a new friendship!?

Oh, I am sorry you found my shop empty! Christmas will be coming this week to the shop! I hope that you can make it back.

With Kindness,

Marcie said...

Thank you so much for finding my blog so I could find yours! It is amazing! I can tell we are going to be great blogger friends.

xo M

The Red Umbrella said...

We love a treat!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for reading my little blog! Much appreciated...

Anonymous said...

Seems like you had a lovely weekend! My weekend was busy, but oh so good! We don't really celebrate Halloween in The Netherlands, but we definitely LOVE the carved pumpkins too, to celebrate this wonderful season!

Have a great day!


Unknown said...

Loving the colours of your candy corn! x

camille said...

You have such a lovely blog and these images are the perfect inspiration for a rainy Monday here in Paris. Will be back to visit again soon :) Paris in Pink